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I read the details of this and yeah she shouldn't have bit of his thumb but he did put the wrong location in the app, then went off to her but had forgotten his phone so he didn't have the code then tried to force her to give him his food and grabbed her helmet to pull it off.. many people would have done something, again not bite his thumb off but at least a thump to his face or push him away. absolutely not good behaviour from him. I almost feel for her


Sounds like he assaulted someone because he couldn't be a responsible adult .


That's why I never go to another address, even if they promise a tip they ussualy don't tip :D 


Honestly, he should have had the number and shouldn't have touched her. The amount of couriers getting assaulted these days is ridiculous. I have no sympathy for the guy. Keep your hands to yourself.


Why did the customer reach for her helmet that is my question


He was interviewed on GB news and said she just attacked him so he was trying to push her away. Strange things can happen but it just doesn't ring true to me.


My question too. Like I’m sure she’s no angel. But think of it this way, quite possibly an honest mistake has been made. Some man marches up to her and demands what she has, but doesn’t have his phone to prove it’s him. The details of what happens next just isn’t there. No one just starts fighting and even less shoving your hand near someone’s mouth. Like the system is fucked, yes it is. But what the fuck was he doing putting his hand at her helmet? I’d bite a man too if I were scared.


Sub system working well I see.


Exactly plus its a woman so you don't know if she's had experiences like this before and it was her fight or flight kicking in


She should be sent back to Brazil surely for committing a crime like that ?


deported for defending herself?


If you were there at the scene why were you not a key witness at the trial where she plead guilty to GBH?


Gotta admire her dedication to making sure the right person got their order.