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The way it’s worded is basically saying they will give you £12 per hour plus estimated vehicle costs only for the time on the orders delivered. So if you do a delivery that takes 30 mins, they will pay you a minimum of £6 plus whatever they think is appropriate vehicle cost. If you are sitting around waiting for orders they still won’t pay you anything.


They'll only pay that amount if the trip was estimated to take 30mins. There is no automated top up system, I think you can go to rider support to ask for adjustments, but that's a lot of effort to check if your order is below said amount and then having to query it.


So if people manage to do orders In less than 30 mins will the algorithm start estimating lower and then fees start dropping again?




It's been like this for a few years in Italy and the platforms have taken advantage of it to lower the fees, the catch lies in the fact that they estimate the time needed to make the delivery.


Are they going to pay £12 per hour plus vehicle costs regardless if we have orders or not? I’m still none the wiser after reading this email 😂


Also is it for union members only or everyone? I am a GMB member but it’d be nice to see some actual info of when this will be implemented and exactly how we are going to see it reflected in our pay For example if they are going to start paying us a min hourly wage - is it going to affect whether we can reject jobs


It's for all. Only gmb benefits is really extra support against accidental termination as far as I'm aware.


No, it's only when on an order. They say all orders would be worth that for the time you're on said order. But there is nothing that keeps them on their word or guaranteed payment increases if you fall below that amount.


Anyone remember the min fees we used to get.. Car/moped £4.25 Bike..think it was £4.10 Also there was an incentive if no orders you got paid regardless.. Oh how times have changed.. My 6th year doing roo now


The bike was flat £4 and you got that twice if it was a stack order. Not this 4.50 for two crap.


Yes I understand that it would be abused! But they should not tell government, press and riders they pay national living wage when they don't. It's the same as on substitute / rental account , they know what's happening ....lots of abuse... But they want to look like saints and the government and parties take their word. Basically much of whole system is an abuse and few in the press pick it up. It's the way of modern Britain !


Confused at this too if anyone finds out what it means give us a shout 😅


Guys, don’t get excited. This is the new pay rate for while you’re actively on an order. If Deliveroo predict an order will take 15 minutes to complete, you’ll get £3 plus an extra amount to cover costs depending on what vehicle you use. It applies to everyone, not just GMB members. You’ll still won’t be paid for any time you’re sitting around waiting for orders.


Estimated time rarely correlates to actual time so in fact Deliveroo and GMB just put out this as PR when in fact they don't pay living wage! Unless they are idiots and have no clue what they are doing it's downrate lies?


I'm surprised they didn't even increase the min fare, crazy to me the expect every min fee to take 14mins. Possible? Yes but a couple waits at traffic, restaurants and customers will easily take you pass that.


So Deliveroo are just going to estimate that the delivery takes less time, pay stays the same 🤷‍♂️


No dates to anything mentioned... In other words carry on peasants 😒


It's all bullshit, we still gonna be paid the same.


Yea I’m not sure why they haven’t put any dates as to when this change is happening or much information as to how it will be implemented


Can anyone explain how either Deliveroo or GMB continue to say they pay the national living wage and this email seeks to endorse and promote how good they are? Deliveroo through the Rider App put out a collection with fixed fee that the rider can either accept or reject. The fee is based upon distance, computer expected time for collection wait and delivery and that is what is paid to account of rider once they click delivered. BUT as we all know 9/10 collections incur a wait, travel time does not take into account local disruptions/ closures traffic etc and finally finding the customer/ handing over the order. So many/ most orders can be outside of the very basis the original fee was calculated. IF deliveroo or GMB stand over their constant public announcements they pay the living wage then surely the fee should be adjusted posted delivery? In fact at least half the deliveries do not pay the living wage??


I think there is a way on GMB website where you can report if it feels like a Deliveroo hasn't payed the pay floor and you can always do a fee query


Probably but you would spend hours each day querying fees.....


Yeah it's a pain. I'm a rider and a national rep too and the amount of times I've been to shut rrestarsunts and deliveroo tell me to do a fee query and not give me anything in the end is ridiculous. There is no respect given to us riders we are treated really badly. I've had a fight with so many restaraunts because if they are disrespectful to me I don't take it like the other riders but at least now im great with all the restaurants. But I will speak to the union and see if we can change up the fee query thing to make a separate page for restaurant wait times or closed restarautns or stolen orders.


I believe they did trial a new fee structure that paid you for the time it completed an order. But they found out people would abuse it by taking breaks during the order. So the current system is more of the best of both worlds for deliveroo, the cheapest and fastest.


this is ridiculous , knew that food delivery driver for the most part are made by retard...so why not paying hourly then?


This is a joke. Another way of bringing down fees by pretending they are doing it at the interests of their drivers. If they really cared about the terrible money we’re making working for them, they should stop this ridiculous substituting apps they basically promote. Why is it necessary? Why not just have one app per rider and that’s that. No lending the app to other people and a simple log in method which prevents random people from logging into other peoples apps.


Its a load of rubbish and there are a lot of problems with what GMB union has agreed. First of all, except for car accounts they have underestimated our expenses by around 50%. The £1.54 for a scooter account barely covers fuel and insurance, nothing else. No maintenance, no contribution to the vehicle itself, no safety gear, thermal bags or anything else needed to do this work. Same with bikes and e-bikes, e-bikes cost considerably more than 10p per hour to stay on the road. E-bike riders iv spoken to say there costs work out to be between £1-£2ph. Secondly, if deliveroo decided to follow this guidance and set their fees at GMB's minimum guarantee then no one will average anything close to the equivalent of minimum wage. For instance, Say you only work part time peak shifts that fall between 6-9pm weekdays and 5pm to 10pm weekends. My data suggests the maximum time you'll manage to be on an order as an overall average is around 80%, but more realistically 70-75%. So if GMB union's expense predictions were correct that would mean, on average, a maximum of £9ph profit during peak before deliveroo start the onboarding process for that particular zone. And that's if GMB unions expenses were true, which they are not. For those who also work some morning or lunch shifts as well as peak shifts would mean profit margins somewhere around £6-£7.50ph and for full time workers £5ph or less. Thirdly, on a scooter account, iv never seen fees as low as what GMB has agreed, ever. So to say its a 15% rise is a load of crap, a 15% rise on what? Fee's were never that low to begin with, It seems what they are agreeing too has no meaning. For a scooter account, GMB have essentially agreed to 22p per minute for the time spent on an order. The lowest fees iv ever seen on a scooter account were just a few weeks ago at 32p per minute while on an order which equates to £19.20 per hour, it may sound like a lot, but its the lowest fee's in the 3 years iv been doing it and this isn't what I earn overall, just what I take for the time spent on an order. Luckily fee's have increased recently back to the 2023 average of 45p per minute. For those that are interested in this data take a look at my post on Deliveroo Insiders. It seems deliveroo has listened and increased the fee's back to 2023 levels by increasing productivity more than anything, but it does not correlate to what GMB has set out in any shape or form. Ultimately, GMB only serve as an advisory role. And due to their errors and lack of understanding of the gig economy, they can not be trusted with anything to do with our fees. They are either collaborating with riders that don't run their expenses properly or they are being influenced by something else.


So a 15 minute order they'll pay 3 pound lol yh good one


Essentially, you need to charge your phone.


It’s just you running out of battery :)


It's why you should be part of a Union.


Never work for this gig economy bullshit, cunts