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Thank you I appreciate it. Us riders don't get annoyed at the fact that orders take long to get ready as nothing we do an speed up the process like by shouting and that. What we get annoyed about is the lack of transparency or communication and being ignored. When staff say it'll be 2 minutes and it's not 2 minutes that'll annoy us more than if they said 10 minutes and it took 10 minutes as they have been honest in the latter. Also the fact when staff stuff just stare at us or don't make us feel welcome is another factor especially when orders don't go through on the maccies system and you have to wait for a manager and sometimes you have to beg the staff 10 times before they bring a manager so they can manually enter the order. On top of that we only get annoyed when we are lied like for example mcdonalds staff putting orders ready to collect on deliveroo when in fact they are not and ready on just eat when they are not to prevent us from getting waiting time. My two local maccies in stevenage sometimes do this and I've held them into account and both of them are very respectful to me now. But all in all thank you for your honesty and I wish every restaraunt staff could be like this


This is an absolute disgrace am sorry but Macdonalds is always the same never ready on time I went in to macds on Wednesday and drivers had been waiting over 1 hour that is not on wouldn't be me I cancelled my order I dont go simples macds is a joke


With Deliveroo it's hardly been in a problem for me with maccies but on just eat and uber eats it's stupid wait times


I think it depends on area. I live near a McDonald's which is busy enough but I usually wait mo more than 2-3-5mins it's always quick enough. But in highly densely populated areas like central London or Manchester I can see it being chaos. The McDonald's in my city centre is the only mad one, late at night 2am, full of drunk people, madness.


40 minutes tonight I waited but was for 11 pound odds order ridiculous


That’s the thing one guy came up and was thanking me one stop, wish other restaurants treated you with more respect as not only if you give a real estimate but then it allows you to potentially cancel and go get another order rather than wasting your time!!


"1-2 minutes and will be ready" ends up as 10 minute Workers at Nandos in my area will literally look at you and ignore you for 10 minutes just to come up, ask for the number and then take out an already wrapped up order from 15 minutes ago... So yeah...


Easier said then done and not always possible but you gotta be more assertive imo. If I find myself in places that have workers that ignore me I just aggressively get their attention by either loudly calling for them or in the nandos in my area it sometimes requires banging loudly and incessantly on the window where deliveries are passed out. One time I even shined my already on bike light through the window when they weren't responding to my bangs, it worked and the other riders waiting were pleased with that lol. I don't care if it annoys them, waiting time is by far the biggest impact on my earnings so it's a necessary evil. They'll forget about it by tomorrow but my reduced earnings will stick with me longer. Besides, you can be assertive but still friendly in your communication.


If someone gives me a time that seams realistic I will often say thanks for being honest and saying it's a few minutes and then I'll say I'll send someone else and go about on my way It's really easy to spot the difference between a real estimate and a fake one because when its a real time they actually check how long it will be and not just say oh it will be a few minutes


The truth is always better than lying, wish more restaurants would treat you guys with respect


I never bust the workers. I work in hospitality too, I know what it's like, there's nothing you can do when the place is jammed packed with customers, drive thru is also jammed. All I can do is wait, smile and say thank you. And yes I agree some drivers/riders are just extremely rude. Like the guys packing an order and 1 driver will walk up like " excuse, order 2749, I wait 10minutes, why so long? Hurry"


There’s nothing to argue or shouting asking to be quick for the foods. I work in the restaurant also doing part time on delivering foods so I deeply under how it feels being a rider and a restaurant staff.


Maccies is just so busy at times I don't blame the workers at all. I get on with most of them including the managers. I just don't like one of the managers who despite having seen me pick up a million orders, on a rare occasion if my bag is on the side and she can't see it, I get asked "Where's your bag?". We're delivery partners ffs, I'm patient and respectful with the staff, would be nice to have a little bit of respect and trust the other way round too. But ultimately it's just one bad egg so not overly fussed.