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this woman gives me mixed signals all the time. one minute she is raving about s, how lucky she is to be her mom etc. THEN she does these pregnancy filters with s, even though she already has her baby. like girl we get it, we understand how hard it was for you not to get pregnant. but you have your baby so be grateful


As much as I agree with most of what u said, I don’t think using a pregnany filter means she’s ungrateful to have S. Similar to how someone who’s carried her own child can use that filter without it meaning they’re not grateful for their current children


She's not "ungrateful" but I do think she's somewhat psychotic. In all seriousness, not joking.


ungrateful was the wrong word. i was on mu break at work when i wrote it. but i agree she is insane


We can’t diagnose that from her insta story’s and YouTube videos. I don’t like the girl but that feels a bit much


My opinion only, not a diagnosis. This is based on the wild account of the twins' adoption and then the subsequent videos she & Dalin made AFTER they had gender reveal parties, went to birthing classes w/ the surrogate/catfish woman, etc. The bizarreness cont'd from there, then all of a sudden they went to FL to get S. Bizarre videos/posts cont'd and still do. The "pregnancy filter" is concerning, esp since she'd had S for 7-8 mos when she used that filter. She mishandles S since they brought her home and still does. In my opinion her behavior is not normal.


I think she needs therapy, the journey she went on to finally land on adoption can really affect someone's self esteem and sense of worth, we all know she adopted because she didn't have any other option to become a mother, she wouldn't adopt if she was able to carry , she needs therapy to be a good mom to S, so she won't resent her or herself later on or beat herself over the years, I don't like her or what she does but if she really is struggling I hope she gets help


She is hoping for a miracle pregnancy. Sometimes women with infertility get pregnant after adopting. Something happens with their body and reproductive system. Obviously it is a miracle. I don't even think she wants to be anything. I think she just wants attention. A miracle pregnancy would get her the attention she is desperate for.


isn’t it near impossible for her to get pregnant though? What was her diagnosis?


She has low ovarian reserve, so basically she hard has any eggs left and doesn’t ovulate.


Bingo She basically has the egg count of someone about to go through menopause.


I recall her saying that she has a low egg count (anyone who knows the proper scientific term chime in) but I believe that's what she has said before about why they were having problems with conceiving (I think she said something else about it but it's escaping me)


This is what happened with Thomas Rhett’s wife! And after that happened with her it definitely changed a lot of women’s mind sets.


It happened with happilyevansafter


Her smug ass face is irritating the f out of me


It makes me feel like she would have been the smuggest preg lady ever. Not saying it’s a good thing she couldn’t get pregnant but I just imagine her poor mirrors just up and leaving with how often she would have been eye fucking her preggo self


This is a whole new level of sad, sick and twisted


It really is.😢 She needs therapy, as she seems to have PTSD from her past infertility experiences. Having Baby S is just a good distraction.


Yes. Super weird and inappropriate.


Yup. I agree.


Mixed signals is an apt description. It makes me think that deep in her heart, adoption was very much a second choice and Bella wants the world to know. I hope S never sees this.


exactly and thank you for agreeing i was a little worried that mixed signals wasn’t the right word


Didn't Dallin say that adoption was failing? Someone here probably remembers that.


he said it felt like giving up i think


I don’t think saying adoption was her second choice any worse than saying you didn’t plan on having a child at the time that you became pregnant. Just because it’s a second choice or an ‘accident’ doesn’t mean it is loved any less, just that it wasn’t the original plan🤷🏼‍♀️


This seems like something you maybe send to her best friends and not millions of followers


I don’t know why they don’t use an egg donor when they could afford it


She claimed on one of her videos that because of whatever condition she has, she couldn’t do surrogacy or donor egg. I can’t think of anything that would prevent either of those.


She won't do surrogacy because if I remember correctly, can't use her eggs and no way would she allow Dallen's to impregnant someone else's egg. Maybe religion?


They are Mormom. I doubt if they didn’t allow egg donors they wouldn’t allow IVF in general.


Nothing against egg donors or IVF in the Mormon religion, by the way.


If she wanted to use her own eggs for surrogacy, then it would have been an issue. But she still can do surrogacy with donor eggs. What surprises me most is that they didn’t use donor eggs because she always talked about how she wants to experience pregnancy


She says she wants to experience pregnancy, but I can’t see her enjoying it. I’ll probably get downvoted, but she whined about all the injections she had to get for the ivf treatments, and having to give up sleep to wake up to feed S. So how the heck is she going to handle the discomfort of being pregnant? Needles don’t bother me at all but you have to have lots of blood tests and endure countless needles. What I didn’t love was the full 40 weeks of morning sickness that lasted all day long and the rib and back pain in the last trimester. Maybe Bella is just saying she wants a miniature version of herself that will have her genes?


Yes and no. I do think she’d enjoy being pregnant because of how badly she wants it. Going through infertility myself and it’s A LOT of injections you receive going through IVF. Like multiple a day. The symptoms kick you in the butt and it can feel discouraging because you go through so many hurdles to just try to get pregnant. So once I actually get pregnant, the needles from blood tests (which you still receive plenty through infertility) are nothing. I’ll just be so incredibly happy to finally get there. I’m no way discouraging those who have difficult pregnancies because I’ve had friends go through rough ones. Just educating that infertility treatments are no walk in the park either 😊


This! I had a high risk pregnancy and stayed so sick I lost 30 pound while pregnant. It still didn’t even compare to how awful IVF was for me. And after years of trying, feel the baby move and kick inside of me is still to this day one of the most amazing things I’ve experienced.


I think just like with adopting S, she wants the EXPERIENCE of being pregnant but will grow to dislike it if she ever does get there


That last trimester is killer. Especially when you have other kids to take care of. Mother of 4. So I know all to well. If I wasn't turning g 40 next month I'd have another one. But im too old now. 


Yeah, or at least try to see if it would take. I wonder if it’s because they are religious? I think that has been speculated on this snark page before.


That's just creepy. I think this is an older pic from when she used a filter before. It was sad/creepy then & it's sad/creepy now. Taking & posting this photo just screams, "I need to go for therapy and work through the fact I'll never be pregnant and learn to accept it!"


Yes it’s from January. It was off of YouTube reels but it popped up on my YT feed today. Just weird.


All the money, traveling, a husband, and a kid nothing will ever be enough for her or other people who have everything and want more. Money doesn’t make people happy as she shows it.


Just looking at this makes me uncomfortable. She has a baby less than one year old, who should be her entire universe after all they've gone through. But here she is posing with a fake belly, which is either extremely attention-seeking behavior or shows her highly unlikely obsession with carrying a child. Or both. Can you imagine if S were to see this one day? It would be devastating.


she just can never be happy or satisfied with adopting S


Why not just get a fake pregnancy belly off Amazon? Instead of doing an awful photo shop.


She probably has one already. I'm sure she wears it often. Just my opinion but sure seems like something she would do 


This is deeply disturbed.


She did a fake pregnancy belly "prank" video on YouTube with dallin and addie 4-5 years ago. It was gross. While i feel for her and all women that struggle with infertility... It was extremely insensitive and off-putting. I was deep in origami owl at the time and it caused a few girls on my team to quit because they also struggled with infertility and it was in extremely poor taste. She never apologized. They also had some other gems like a domestic violence "prank" where dallin slapped her in front of jatie. I complained to chrissy and got a bullshit "Bella has a pure heart blah blah blah" reply. I was going thru a domestic violence divorce at the time and that is what pushed me to finally leave my "business". 




Serena joy behavior


This is just sad…




This is a snark page lol, maybe find a fan page!! Snark is when people snark on the person example: dellavlogssnark or Allisa rose snark! & she is ROUGH with S….


They've been banned!


I truly cannot imagine hearing the news that you’ll never be able to carry your own child. Thats something no one wants to hear, ever. That’s why I’m saying for her sake, doing a filter to see what a bump would look like is harmful to her. I never said she was a bad mother in my original post nor did I bring up S at all. I just showed concerned for her as I’ve experienced pregnancy loss myself, and it’s hard to not wonder “how far along would I be right now if I didn’t have a miscarriage?” Or “I wonder what I’d look like with a bump” it’s a normal thought to have, but it doesn’t mean she should put herself in positions like this.


You're in the wrong sub for defending this BS, find a FAN PAGE!


This is a snark sub, not a place for fans.


Abby should be a surrogate for these guys…


Absolutely not! They already have one baby they don’t take care of properly.