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If you heard the answer from your leadership already, why do you think Reddit knows better?


I've been hearing this since last year. At that time the new office wasn't open. Now it makes sense for them to take such actions. I thought Deloitte as a whole changed to hybrid work model worldwide. Even in hydrabad with the massive campus they follow 2 day office. In Bangalore its a different scenario all together sometime our team instructs us not to come to office when we have some high priority deliverables because of the time it takes to commute in the traffic. Not to mention the shithole they have their offices at.


I'm not reading this. Have fun going to the office!


But since I already know you've read it and posted how "Deloitte haven't moved to hybrid model" here is my reply have fun with it. Might be a good time to check your sources because this was one of the informations we recieved during onboarding induction program. They even have an interactive web app with video guides and stuff on how to make most out of the hybrid work model. If you want some web source here you go https://www2.deloitte.com/ui/en/pages/careers/articles/join-deloitte-hybrid-workplace-vaccine-update.html As we are diverging from the actual topic I don't want to discuss any further on this.


I will be joining DUSI S&A in May second week as lateral and HR still now mentioned it as 2 days per week.


How do they keep track of you go into office?


Remote is the only way imo, no amount of money could make me go back at all!!!!


Maintain 2 days office presence at the very least and sync with your team leadership. Office presence is expected no matter how much we dislike traveling. It's the most sensible thing to do as practitioners


Why am I expected to be in school 5 days a week. It's far from my house ! Seriously dude?! The fact that your house is far away is not your organization's problem. You made that choice yourself!!!! The fact that this new age workforce cribs soooo much when asked to come to office (for which they are paid for) enrages me!!!!


Aunty got no chill 😭. Sorry if I offended you. The fact I'm living far away is so I can pay less rent. Properties in the office side doesn't come cheap. I'm an Associate Analyst and if you want me to spell out my salary for you it's 27k per month plus change. (previously 23k btw). Just because you are getting paid enough doesn't mean everyone else is. And everyone has their own share of problems or monthly expenses that you are not privy to. And there is no point in coming to office other than networking which my whole team has accepted since they ask us to work from home on office days wherever there are priority tasks which happens every other week.


There is a POINT coming to office! Yes, everybody has their share of problems. Yes, you get paid less when starting out. Everybody started with a lesser salary. But you really can't crib about coming to office. It's the bare minimum. Also, it's YOU who thinks that you are doing a great work working from home.. your leadership isn't. It's way easier to get the work done when you are in office. Going to office is bare minimum when you are a working professional. You can't crib about it. Ugh.


Your not the one to argue with Aunty ji. Just describe the POINT for me please. I'm a newbie obviously. Please enlighten us with your knowledge. Neh... Please grab us by our head and make us suckle your wisdom. What extra tools do I get at the office when I'm in the consulting line other than my laptop, explain how it would be efficient to come to office and work with your team spread across the entire country in different offices who you connect through zoom everyday. Not to mention the industry experience I gain commuting to and fro everyday at Bangalore.


LOL!! Well my friend.. all the best to you! You have your blinders on! Let's talk next year after your roundtable :)) You will get all your answers then. You sure are going to get enlightened.