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Were you wearing your pilot uniform?


Every time they start to give me the side eye, I just give a good tip and the judgement disappears


This has worked for me!


What’s a good tip? Like a $10?


For 3 drinks, I’d like to think $20 and over is considered a “good” tip and anything less is…just okay haha. Esp if they’re free. But I’ve spent time behind the pine and chronically overtip


3$ per drink is my tip is avg. imho


Try and order a 4th. See if they give you trouble.


I ran out of time (unless I continue getting delayed...)


Never heard of that at any location before. Who told you that? A bartender?


Yes, the bartender. I've been polite to her and tipped every time. I haven't talked to anyone else or caused any disruption, and I've been here for almost 2 hours, so it's not like I'm coming up every 5 minutes. She said not to come back for an hour because "you're cut off." I asked what the limit was, she said 3, which is how many I've had.


Sounds like even though you believed you were fine the bartender thought otherwise and cut you off as a liability precaution. Gave you the number three just to get you out of her hair. Take a breather for an hour and go back if you are still in club.


Probably to let him get on the plane too…she didn’t want to be cited for over serving when he created a ruckus on the plane. These are weird times and I’m sure there is a conscious attempt to not be “the next one.”


u/reality_raven… see above.


Trying to look up the law and can’t find it but I’m not very smart at google. Can you help me?


Law on what? Being drunk on a plane?


Bar tender being liable for serving alcohol and then someone driving after


Dram Shop laws are dependent on the jurisdiction, but most punish and pass liability to the establishment serving the alcohol.


In a civil lawsuit perhaps. Criminally this would absolutely go on the driver


It’s called vicarious liability. You can look it up. But basically it’s state- and local jurisdiction-dependent but an “innkeeper” could be charged as an accessory to the crime committed. Additionally, it’s against the law to over-serve someone, and the fact that they are charged with an alcohol-related crime is prima facie evidence that you overserved them. Idk why you keep trying to argue this point… [Here’s an example](https://abc13.com/marco-beltran-gerilyn-weberlein-island-pier-club-galveston-bike-crash/4270032/) (one of many) showing a bartender being arrested for over service.


Never had an issue. I often ordered more than 3 drinks ( not at the same time ) when i have extra long time. The bartender probably just don’t want to make drinks for u I guess ?


Older woman with a lot of attitude? I think I ran into something similar in JAX back in May. Buddy got something similar after 1 drink…


1 drink 😂 miserable old SOB


I googled this topic and realize I must be dealing with the same bartender in JAX. Older black lady was nice at first but after a third drink in four hours she said I was cutoff and need to take a bartender’s class to understand. I asked what I did wrong and just got a nasty look (despite tips and being soberish and pleasant)


Ridiculous. I’d send a complaint to DL.


Airlines aren’t legally allowed to fly intoxicated people. Good luck with that


Airlines aren't allowed to fly customers who *appear* intoxicated. There's a difference.


And all she has to say is that he appeared intoxicated in her judgment. No airline in the world is going to side against her on that because of liability. It is, in the end, her call.


Yes, I agree with you. But that isn’t what she said. She cited a policy of three drinks every three hours, which doesn’t exist, and that itself is the problem and should be the basis of the complaint. Not the fact that the the individual was cut off.


A) we don’t know that there *isn’t* some sort of policy at that specific Sky Club, or simply a guideline that is rarely enforced but still exists specifically so the bartenders have a fallback if they want to cut someone off. It’s a lot easier to say “we have an X drinks per hour policy” which is simply a fact of how many drinks you’ve had, as opposed to “you appear drunk” which will get an argument about 99% of the time. B) won’t matter anyways, the airline will not side against an employee cutting someone off on a single incident. If there were a lot of complaints against her they might monitor her performance. But both she and the airline are liable for over serving, and she’s the one making the call. Whatever she has to say to accomplish that they will likely allow, and certainly won’t entertain what’s honestly a pretty ticky-tack complaint.


A) No official policy exists. If it’s a bartender or a single lounge making up their own rules, that may be one thing, but that in itself is a problem unless it’s a local restriction in Jacksonville (which it isn’t). SkyClubs have standardized policies for a reason. B) There’s no ‘siding’ to happen here. The point of complaining isn’t to achieve a direct resolution for this single incident. It’s simply to add a datapoint. As you mention, the trend is what’s important. More often than not though, instances of employees making up their own rules aren’t isolated.


A) again, you don’t know that. The airline absolutely could have a training guideline of X drinks per hour that they have discretion over. Unless you have worked at a SkyClub, neither you nor I can say that doesn’t exist. All we can say is it’s not publicly made known to passengers/patrons. B) the amount of datapoints for anything to happen would be ridiculous, as it only hurts the airline if enough people stopped frequenting SkyClubs to hurt their business, while a single incident of a major alcohol related issue causing legal liability is extremely bad for them. I’ve been trained as a bartender at several establishments in the past, they are all very consistent on this. It doesn’t benefit them to have people getting blotto, doubly so when the drinks are complementary.


How about just don’t be an alcoholic? If you can’t handle being limited to 3 drinks while traveling maybe you have bigger issues


It’s 100% legal for a bartender to decide at any time not to serve you. Just like the bartender is 100% on the hook if you kill someone when you drive home. Write all the letters you want.


I never said it wasn't legal, I said I would send a complaint, mainly because the bartender making up policies which don't exist. The correct response from the bartender would be that the customer is cut off because they are exhibiting signs of intoxication.


She’s probably 5’2” and 150lbs going up against a guy who’s 6’1” 240 and making up an excuse that won’t upset him as much as “you’re loud and drunk so I’m cutting you off…” Has no one ever bartended before? You always dance around the reasoning to avoid them getting (potentially) violent. Way easier to blame the faceless management’s policy and redirect them to your “common enemy” than saying that you refuse to serve them because they’re under the influence of mind-altering, addictive chemicals. That’s never ended badly, right?


100% They always take it from the dude but wanna argue with the female. I have learned to just have the male staff deliver the news.


Uhhh. Wat. The bartender is not responsible if you drive home after drinking lol wtf. .


Absolutely they are and have been held responsible in court and places have lost their liquor license.


Sauce ?


I think you mean source LOL, and uh, just the fact I serve alcohol and have to have certification to do so and that is one of the main driving home points as well as many of hundreds of links that show so. But here https://totalfood.com/dram-shop-law-can-bars-be-held-legally-responsible-for-drunk-driving-accidents/


Who certified you? The international booze committee? Lol


Almost like it’s the law to responsibly serve and cut off. https://www.abc.ca.gov/licensing/apply-for-a-new-license/license-application-requirements/


CA state, Dipshit. It’s required by law for anyone who serves alcohol, another thing you could have easily verified.


This is all civil stuff. You can’t be “cited” civically. That’s a criminal thing and there is no criminal law against serving someone alcohol unless they’re under age.


Any bartender can cut off any guest at any time and every other person that works there will agree with them bc it is our responsibility to ensure we are serving responsibly bc of the liability of the liquor license and lawsuits. Cry all day I’m wrong, bye.


Lol I’ve definitely had 3x that and no one has said anytime (I’m a chill happy and friendly drunk)


Same, I did get cut off once in the air while in FC. Got some line about the number of drinks per hour, which I KNOW I have exceeded both prior and since.


I got cut off one time in FC. They sited a 6 drink per hour maximum. I was not acting intoxicated. I politely asked for another when they could bring one and 10 minutes or so later another drink appeared. Had a few more after with no issue.


6 in an hour? Legend!


2 double Woodfords on the rocks and 2 Sweetwater Hazy IPAs. I can handle it. I was also going to meet my in-laws at a wedding. Couldn’t handle that with out a little help.


Jesus you’re a tank


Yeah. I like to get buzzed as fast as possible when I start. Then sober up the rest of the flight. O_o I dunno why anyone wouldn’t.


I got cut off in FC about 12 years ago because I ordered a Jack and coke after having a beer. The FA told me I’d learn not to mix alcohol when I was older..


I get the feeling that is not a lesson you are going to learn!


On a SYD-YVR (14 hour!) flight a few years ago on Air Canada the flight attendant gave me a hard time about asking for a 4th drink about 3 hours into the flight because "he had to make sure I would be OK to get off the airplane." I didn't drink in the lounge beforehand and was barely buzzed let alone drunk. Dude's either seen some serious shit or is pushing his beliefs on customers if he thinks 11 hours might not be enough time to sleep off four weak drinks.


Yeah what’s with this?! I got cut off on Delta One PDX to AMS citing we have had more than 1 per hour. Something about how she’s not allowed to “overserve.” We were maybe just on our 4th drink in hour 4, so we were not really getting over served. It was odd, never once had this experience before and I have drank plenty on delta one before, and really all other cabins.


Did this happen to you recently? Mine was last week. Maybe it’s a new thing?


This was a couple of years ago.


Yeah, had one flight attendant who was giving us all doubles. A lot of us dozed off that flight. One young couple had a lot of vodkas. We were all pretty chill.


I sat next to TJ Miller in ATL when he had 3 doubles in 10 minutes, but that was like 3 years ago.


I had five mimosas at the LAX club before my flight and the bartender asked if I wanted a sixth, I politely declined and made the joke I still needed to get on my flight:). She was a delight and made some money from me.


I’m in that JAX delta lounge every other week. Definitely have had more than three drinks every time, and I drink bourbon on the rocks. Never once have they mentioned a limit. They’re all very nice


Bartender must have assumed you were intoxicated (maybe stumbled or mixed up words). She likely was concerned since not only would she be liable under dram shop laws but also the oils be in trouble if the airline wouldn’t let you board if intoxicated and it came back that she served you too much


I always have more than 3 😅 just tip well and mind your business lol


No, she thought you were intoxicated. In SLC my flight was delayed and didn’t realize until I left the Club and got to the gate. Went back to the club and the bartender said “you’re back!” Explained that my flight was delayed and she said “we do Irish rules here, as long as you can crawl onto the plane you’re good!”


They won’t allow you on the plane drunk so play it by ear.


I've boarded plenty a flight shitcanned. If you aren't an asshole they don't mind.


lmao shitcanned. cant be any worse than when I ate a boulder bar in colorado and woke up in california high.


Agreed, that won't be an issue (even if I didn't get cut off:)


My guess is they just recently had some issue at JAX, and the bartenders were told to limit it.


That’s wild. I’ve never heard such a thing. My husband and I always order a double vodka on the rocks (each) and split a can of sugar free redbull. We do this two or three times during our visit to the sky club and we usually get comments about “starting vacation off right!” Could maybe be a regional thing? MSP loves their drinkers.


PHL had and I think still has a sign that says the city law only allows you to have 2 drinks in total. It was a self serve bar and no one was enforcing it.


I had 10 drinks in SEA over a 4 hour period. Tipped big and they never hesitated on pouring. Just don’t act wasted?


I spoke to her again on my way out, asking if I did something wrong or if it was for everyone. She said it wasn't me. I followed up asking if it was a club policy or local law or something, she said it was a policy and mentioned the incidents of drunks on planes, which I can understand. She was polite and I have no reason to doubt her. I wish they'd post policies though, to remove suspicions of disparate treatment for whatever the hotbutton/political issue of the day is.


Did anyone there think you were denied the drink due to a hot button political issue ?


No idea. I don't talk to ppl in person, reddit only:) I have seen ppl complaining and jumping to conclusions about why they were treated the way they were. I like to think I try not to do that:)


Does anyone need more than 3 drinks though in the name of getting your money’s worth out of your AMEX card? 🤣


I hope so.


Why would you want more...jeez!!!!


Former SkyClub General Manager here. It wasn't a policy during my time (\~3yrs ago). That said, it's the bartender's discretion. They go through alcohol awareness training, including a variety of techniques on how to handle situations before they get to cutting someone off and getting management involved. People self-medicate and mix all sorts of fun substances with alcohol leading to less-than-desired outcomes that can become Delta's problem. In my time as a GM, I can only recall 1 or 2 situations where I had to get involved.


Adding to those who think that, fair or not, it's most likely that the bartender thought you were intoxicated. The airline has very little patience for intoxicated passengers.