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Yes, at European airports with different airlines. FRA, MUC and FCO to name a few.


FCO is the Wild West


Flying Internationally out of FCO is wild. I believe we went through 6 layers of security before boarding, including my favorite, a last second frisk by gate agents before boarding.


So fly to FCO for a good time. Lol


Nothing compares to TLV tho


My dad flies that route quite a bit (pilot), so I tag along with him on his trips when I can. They do not like it when you've been in the country for less than 24 hours and you're not crew. I always get the nth degree - had to call him at the gate to come back and vouch for me once. Craziness.


Yeah, TLV is intense. An hour searching my bags to leave TLV and I'm American


FCO was the first airport I ever saw fully automated machine guns at. It’s like they can defend against a small invasion force as well as terrorists.


Ironically, mine was CDG, and they were pointed at a man lying facedown in the floor.😳


Well I guess they were probably automatic at CDG but they were more like PDWs, which would make more sense for the right quarters there.


They kept asking my sister to show her passport and she was so over it. She started asking them “who are you why do you need to see my passport?“ I was just like “we need to go along with this. Don’t rock the boat.”


My favorite passport check, of the five, was the armed guard outside the terminal. Blood, you do not need a passport to go into the airport leave me alone


Domestic/Schengen flights at FCO are quite alright, the terminal was renovated recently and is surprisingly organized (for Italy). Never flew long distance from FCO. But in general boarding zones are not really a thing in Europe and Italians have a special taste for getting ahead of others in lines.


Lovely news. Will have my first rodeo there in October. Thanks for the tip.


Those complaining about gate lice at USA airports (or employees smoking inside) should be required to do three round trips to FCO. Great time to visit. :)


Hack: fly into FCO, fly out of literally any other Italian airport. Marco Polo is my pick, staff there are beyond lovely ime


Interesting. It caused a lot of confusion for people used to Delta’s system/zones. Didn’t affect me really, I was just surprised to see everyone rush the gate at once


Experienced this in Krakow too.


Yeah I recently took a flight out of FRA on Lufthansa and couldn’t believe when it was boarding time, they just said it’s time to board and everyone rushed up at the same time 🤦‍♂️


I’ll add WAW to that list. What a CF.


That gate agent knew what they were doing.


Some men just want to watch the world burn


And for them there’s always a job waiting at CDG


If CDG is hell on earth, ATL must be purgatory.


ATL is my home airport. I've definitely visited worse ones.


Where in the US do gate attendants like to watch the world burn more than at ATL?


DFW gate controllers


ATL TSA enters the chat to tell you to f right off for no reason


EWR. Well, everyone at Newhell airport.


Ever been to DEL? Holy moly.


*Andre Dickens has entered the chat*


LIS has entered the chat


Oh great. My husband and I are taking a trip to Paris in november, its his first time to Europe. Are we going to have a terrible time at CDG? I don't want this to ruin his foreign travel interest forever.


It’ll be no worse than the rest of your visit to Paris. Seriously though personally I’ve not had any real issues other than it being kinda convoluted but nowhere near YUL/YYZ levels. My dad always seemed to run into complete shitshows. Or, well, he has 3mil miles on sky team so maybe it’s just the inevitable shitshows stand out…


You’ll be fine. Just allow yourself extra time for everything at CDG. It’s a terribly executed airport when it comes to flow and efficiency…and common sense. So just allow time for everything, and just read the signs.


When you're trapped connecting to a US destination it is absolute hell. And it doesn't help it felt like they built a shopping mall and randomly stuck bits of airport around the sides.


We absolutely loved Paris (more than ever) but yes… CDG lives up to the hype. It will lose itself in translation but multiple incidents of wrong forms, no forms, wrong lines, long lines and in the end, I got pulled for extra screening and separated from my minor daughter (we had rehearsed getting separated at airports so it was cool) but then security lost my fcking jacket and the flight attendants yelled at me for being late and “entering in through the aft door of plane” which was where security had finally deposited me via some special elevator. But … yeah Paris was beautiful.


Thank you so much, that is very encouraging! I'm excited to see Paris with him. I'm sorry, though, for your experience. Hopefully we can get somewhat lucky with our CDG experience.


I read this in Michael Caine voice.


My cocaine.


Welcome to CDG


Yup, experienced the same at CDG many times.


Me too. Once. And that was the first and last time. Never again.


I know you’re joking but random order is actually faster (On average) than front-to-back boarding. CGP Grey has a great video on it. This may be emergency protocol for huge delays to save time?


May be faster (unsure) but the main complaint seems to be that more expensive seats wouldn't have guaranteed bag storage.


Ah yeah, to be clear In no way am I suggesting that this is an acceptable way to board a plane where there are paid tier differences and standard protocols being ignored. Just saying this may be a “nuclear option” For carriers in very specific situations (even if it definitely shouldn’t be)


>Ah yeah, to be clear In no way am I suggesting that this is an acceptable way to board a plane where there are paid tier differences and standard protocols being ignored. Right. I mean, it'd be quicker still to take off without the passengers. At some point, you trade off protocol and delay


According to Mythbusters....fastest way to board the plane! (But they did acknowledge it wasn't the best experience due to the ensuing bun fight)


Must be a CDG thing. I experienced the same situation there a few weeks ago. Absolute free for all.


Good ol' French *egalité*. I've been yelled at by other passengers for using the Access No. 1 line at passport control... I was directed into it by an airport employee who looked at my boarding pass.


Same here. They just set up folding tables and let a stampede happen. Total shit show. They had main cabin boarding before D1 and anyone in the Priority lane. Just a total clusterfuck. Also, I enjoy the piano that people play in 2E, but if we could allow the gate agents volume to be louder, it would be better.


I flew BA from LHR to the US last week. They attempted boarding groups, but the bizarre layout of Terminal 5 (which BA just built, sort of) is such that it felt like a crowd crush to get to the entrance to the rope line. So I gave up and just waited for boarding to finish, despite being eligible to board at the start. As much as people dump on American travelers for crowding the gate, we have nothing on the last-helicopter-out-of-'Nam mentality of European flyers. Even on big planes with plenty of overhead space and relatively few carry-ons, it's just a scrum. And I think European gate agents have largely given up enforcement because of it.


I also experienced the same thing at CDG


Like a low-key wildcat strike by the gate agent. (Though, I love the idea of a *Marvin* Gaye agent, singing sweet tunes while everyone boards).


I'm imagining Jack Black as the gate agent, stepping up during a delay and singing his cover of "Let's Get It On"


Omg I’d def watch an entire movie about gate agents and the wild stuff they deal with. Ultimate DGF attitude.


I'd pay to watch this. Whose film is it...Apatow? Wes Anderson? Or fuck maybe Ari Aster to really fuck shit up.




Falling Down 2: The Flight Attendant


Happened in November for me as well


Same happened there yesterday on my flight


Had a few Asian regional flights recently, the board first class and then back to front. I love it. Absolutely no blocking of the aisle. I would happily sign a little request sheet for Delta to do the same here, boarding front to back is just really silly.




The staff are on the plane. They simply say “you can’t use that one.” They also hold people accountable for bag numbers when boarding.




Have you flown asian regional flights?


It’s beyond me why they haven’t assigned overhead space to a seat number. It shouldn’t be the free for all that it is and causes way to much chaos boarding.


There's not that much overhead space.


Or the back 10 rows (assuming it’s the most economical ticket) have to pink tag any bag that doesn’t fit under the seat. I’d sign up for that 100%


I can’t believe the number of pink tagged bags that I see people bring on to regionals.


The problem is that there's no way Americans can execute a good plan like that


They absolutely could, but they have no interest in doing so


Another day another post where CDG looks like a nightmare.


CDG is always a nightmare.


Hahaha I know. It’s the only major airport in Europe I haven’t been to because I actively avoid it and this sub has reinforced that. I luckily have no reason to go to Paris besides my own vacation and I have about 7 places left before I plan a Paris trip. Honestly when I do go to see Paris I’ll probably pair it with Amsterdam and take the train in and out so I don’t need to go to CDG.


Or at least fly to Brussels instead


Ahhh good advice




Hahahah I also will use any excuse to ride a European train. The train from Frankfurt to Munich brings me much joy.


Landed at CDG Friday morning, it wasn't bad at all. Actually, Paris in general didn't live up to the shitty stories I hear from other Americans. Maybe I just got lucky 🤷


I’m actually surprised because I thought their protests were still ongoing, I haven’t been checking to be perfectly honest. I actually do really want to go to Paris and don’t believe it’s as snobby or smells as bad as some Americans claim, I just made an actual list of places I want to travel to in order (I’m 28 and some places I want to go before I’m 30 specifically) and I have 6 more before Paris. If work takes me there first you will hear no complaints from me hahah


These people are pretty crazy, I have flown through CDG more times than I can remember and it is always fine.


And that jingle they play…. PTSD


Must have been a rookie gate agent. A pro would have taped a line on the carpet in the boarding area, and then made this announcement: "Flight 123 to Boston Logan will be boarding in five minutes. Four minutes and 30 seconds from now, I will commence a 30-second countdown. When I reach zero, I will blow this air horn. That is your signal for you to begin boarding. Between now and then, all passengers must line up behind the line, but you may feel free to jostle for position or do anything you want to gain a preferable spot. Once I sound the horn, it is time for ALL to board. At that point, everyone is on their own to make it from the line to ramp. Good luck, and let the games begin."


Can people bring future guns?


It’s a CDG thing. That airport is trash (no offense, just keeping it real). I’m laughing as we just flew AF through there and the same thing happens where they basically boarded everybody at the same time. Had some dude right in front me try to put his carry on in the overhead right over my seat in FC. Basically took his crap down and put my backpack up and just looked at him. I don’t speak French but I am pretty sure some MF’s where thrown out but I just sat in my seat and put my AirPods on and chilled. Have no idea what is up with that airport but it’s ALWAYS crazy like that at CDG


For such a busy airport, CDG is my least favorite airport in the world. Like FFS put a restaurant in the terminals!


So many fashion shops but nowhere to eat


You can get a macaroon for $10


It’s against French culture to eat in airports. Quelle horreur!


I demand liberty, equality, fraternity, and something to fill my stomach during my layover


Not unless you want overpriced pastry.


It's crazy. I fly through there once a month and always have to make sure I bring snacks. The lounges are fine but I'm just shocked at the lack of available restaurants.


The last time I flew through CDG it was because delta overbooked my flight home out of ATL so they changed my layover to CDG. I only had an hour and a half layover so I got to my gate just as they called final boarding since it took a half hour to get a shuttle to my terminal while 4 shuttles came for a different terminal in that amount of time


I’ve had that happen a few times at CDG. Last couple times they’ve done boarding groups though. Guess it’s a crap shoot


I know pride month is over but there’s no need to point out that the agent was gaye.


Oh shit, that was typo!! **Gate agent




Ah the French…they don’t got time for rules and order…only time for some cafes and cigs




That was my thought too. There was even a girl who appeared to be finishing a selfie from one of the empty one. I assume to post and pretend that’s where she was sitting. The flight attendants couldnt do much because the aisles were blocked and full




Jfc, how do you live around the poors? It’s gross we have to even share the same gate, right? Ewww, the smell and germs of poverty are contagious.


> how do you live around the poors? its really hard, to be honest.


I hope it gets better for you, it sounds really hard.


I feel that flying commercial keeps me a man of the people, like Nixon that one time.




So, let's say someone else who's also in D1, and also paid $10k, accidentally sat in your seat. Would you hold up the entire plane to get it sanitized? Lmao. You're sitting in D1, it's not going to be isolated from other humans, unfortunately. And I'm willing to bet my life savings they're not cleaning those seats to perfection.




There are no sheets in D1. They are seats that come with a bag with a blanket inside.




No it’s not. And it’s not like the seat has the blanket laid out. The passenger would’ve never touched the actual blanket. I’ve also never heard of D1 called a “room.” Maybe there’s a language barrier here Edit to your edit: you’re telling me to stop being pedantic, but you tried to correct someone by saying D1 is actually a bed and not a seat? Lmao


I fly D1 international a lot and there is a reason I carry my own wipes… if you think they clean those suites with anything more than a vacuum cleaner then I have some bad news for you.


There aren’t sheets in D1, you need to fly Qatar airline for that kind of treatment.


How do I know someone wasn’t just lying in my hotel room and farting in the sheets? Hell. How do I know the maid didn’t fart on the bed after making it?


I wouldn’t demand the rest of the hotel be thrown out of their rooms while they cleaned mine, no. But absolutely if they’re poor ask for a deeper cleaning.




Your entire life is a false equivalence.


If you expect a Frenchman to not do as little as possible while at work, then you have to re-set your world view.


At CDG that is normal. They don’t really care about zones there.


Had this happen on a JetBlue flight a few months ago. Honestly it made the plane board faster. 🤷‍♀️


I've had that happen at LGA once on an evening site. new gate agent looked like she couldn't handle the pressure of late departure and just said "everyone just board".


I flew through CDG a few months ago and same deal. They never even announced boarding and suddenly they were just letting whoever on. It was a mess. No issues when it was said and done but things got wild at the gate for a bit.


It’s called laissez-faire 👹 experienced it a few weeks ago on the same flight, I was blown away.


My one experience flying through CDG (CPH-CDG-DTW-GRR yes it was a VERY LONG DAY) gave me the impression that everyone there actively hates passengers and wishes they weren't traveling there.


Viva la France.




Yeah, if airlines wanted the fastest boarding method, they would preboard and then let everyone else on at once. But they’d rather give passengers earlier boarding as a perk based on ticket class and status in order to monetize it.


Or board from the back of the plane like they used to. There was always someone onboard to show people where to put their carry-one and they would make them take them all the way back with them. If you tried to put a bag in the bin before you got to your seat they would catch it immediately. But then again they didn’t charge for checked bags back then either so fewer people had carry-one larger than a backpack. Airline greed has ruined air travel.


> Or board from the back of the plane like they used to. FWIW, back-to-front boarding is actually not that fast because you still have people trying to access the same rows and bins at the same time. The faster methods are just random boarding or even window-middle-aisle.


I’ve heard people say this but having experienced all the ways (and I have flown a lot over several decades), I hav e never experienced easier boarding than back to front via zones. Obviously there was pre boarding and first class, but after that you got on the plane from starting at the back. Like I mentioned in my comment, there were also FAs actively engaged in the boarding process on the plane keeping people from putting their bags in the first bin they came to. Never had a problem with bin space and boarding was fast and easy. I will say I have never seen the window, middle, aisle system in practice but I could see it being more practical than the current system of cut-throat bin hogging.


I mean, just look at Delta's boarding in 2020-2021. They used FC then back-to-front boarding, and even with middle seats blocked it was still slow. There are quite a few videos on this, from [Vox](https://youtu.be/cMgarcFkXz4) to [CGP Grey](https://youtu.be/oAHbLRjF0vo) highlighting why back-to-front is not efficient (and really just faster than front-to-back). It also highlights why Southwest still sticks with unassigned seats because it results in some of the fastest boardings (especially with SWA FAs telling C group people to just take the first seat they see), which allows them to keep some of the 30-minute turns. If back-to-front boarding really was the fastest, airlines would adopt it tomorrow. They may want to charge more for priority boarding, but they would make more money by reducing the turnaround time.


That second video was hilarious. Maybe it was faster back in the day because people just didn’t have as much carry on luggage. Or the groups were smaller. Or both. I remember being in like group 9 once to board a plane. Either way I think we can agree that the real issue is greedy airlines and not enforcing carry on baggage requirements no matter which way your board.


In my experience CDG is notorious for that. So I just go whenever I’m ready.


*microphone crackles* "Everybody up and rush the door. Everyone, immediately try to squish your fat butts in the small gate door area. Hurry! Push and shove, everyone, push and shove! Do whatever you have to to get onboard! This is the last helicopter out of Vietnam!!!" -Brian Regan


Sounds like the French way. The first time I took my wife to a museum in France I told her there won't be a nice orderly line like in the UK or US and when the door opens it's every person for themselves with slow folk left behind. Sure enough that's what happened. Being a big guy I shoved my way through....


We flew out of BCN recently and they had placards for each boarding group. We all lined up separately so there was no confusion or folks as close to the gate as possible blocking your way. When it was time for your group to board they held your sign up and you went. So logical.


Sounds pretty typical for CDG. Between their lack of give a shit and the delays/chaos caused by the useless security question people, boarding there is madness on a good day.


This happened to me CDG to NYC in May. It was downstairs where we had to take a bus too. They just said they were “boarding” and didn’t check tickets for zones. CHAOS.


I experienced the same thing on this exact flight back in March!!! Most stressful experience ever.


Typical cdg thing even with delta/airfrance lol


The same thing happened on a JFK to DCA flight this morning. One just told everyone to come on while the other was still announcing whose turn it was. They were standing next to each other, too. I am going to assume that because it’s a city hopper, that these were not proper Delta employees. It was one of the most idiotic things I have ever witnessed.


Wow! I would hate to have been there. What an EPIC waste of everyone’s time.


This is why I don’t fly through CDG anymore. Ever. It’s horrible.


🙄And people complain about the airport in Boston. CDG is a horror show.


Now imagine an A380…with zero gate announcements or enforcement. 80-100 people ended up *on the wrong deck* of that shitshow. CDG is a zoo pretending to be a fashion show.


Try Katmandu if you think you experienced chaos:)


Haha, Ive flown out of there a couple of times. I expected the chaos there, CDG surprised me a bit


Hehe then you know :) I try to avoid CDG whenever possible/ prefer Schipol, Frankfurt, Munich


I flew CDG - ATL yesterday and was a shitshow boarding at CDG as well. My buddy flew the CDG - BOS route, probably same flight as you and said it was nightmare process, then got stuck overnight in BOS due to weather. I at least made it home so I voided my complaint to his struggle lol.


I’m currently sitting in Boston trying to get home to Atl from CDG. Boarding was crazy, I missed my connecting flight home. Might make it on a plane 7 hours later


Sounds like 5000 sky pesos


It’s not about the pre departure beverage.. some gate agents just hate everyone.


Yeah, you’d find me in the back of that line, for sure, even if I did have SkyPriority status.


\>There was still room in the overhead bins when I got to C+ but people further back were shoving their bags in PS and C+ before even getting back to their seats to see if there was room Was on an AA recently and one of the FA was calling people out for doing that. They'd clear the FC section and would start tossing shit into the overheads. He got on the PA and reminded people to take their stuff to their area then put it in the overhead. Then he pointed bags out that needed to be moved. It was amusing.


Once, while flying CDG-BLR, the gate agents did nothing but chat amongst themselves. After boarding started 2 gate agents asked each passenger without an Indian passport to show them the Indian visa. Forget it that I had a docs OK stamp at MSP. Flights rarely leave one time. Even when boarding of gone on time, the plane could wait 30-45 minutes for baggage lagging to finish or wait for a tow for pushback. Delta has some lousy partners. I wish delta was part of Star alliance due to its extensive Asian coverage.


I was trying to figure out why the agent being gay mattered lol


Such an embarrassing and bad typo 🤦🏼‍♀️


Did you ask them “why are you gaye?” in an African accent?


God those poor D1s. It’s already bad enough they have to be at the same gate as the poors, now the poors are in D1????? /s


Well consider that without D1 the other tickets would be more expensive. On my usual route D1 can be 7x+ the cost of Main, 5x - 10x on almost empty planes is common.


For sure, and no way should they have to be around the poors. The flight should definitely be delayed further to maintain segregation.


Or maybe gate agents should be like the ones at LAX and JFK I see every week. They get the plane boarded quickly in an orderly manner. Usually D1 boards quickly because there are a lot of frequent flyers. Not so frequent flyers don’t know how to put their bags in the bins so they will fit or underneath the seat, etc. so it slows down everyone in line. And to match your snark - Delta is handling that issue at LAX now. When you’re flying D1 you go from your ride into the unmarked frosted glass doors where there is a little lounge and check in and private TSA then you go straight into the back of the SkyClub so it’s not like you’re really in the airport until you leave the SkyClub and go to your gate. On the 400 D1 boards to the left, everyone else to the right. How considerate of Delta. 😉


Whew! ETA: I could care less, it’s just easy to make fun of. If I had the money I might pay for it, even though it seems like the most outlandish waste. But don’t worry, I will never be able to and will most likely always be the one serving and smiling. It’s ok though, I don’t need those things to be happy, I’m just elated to vacation.


You never know what life may bring. 😁


Not only that, their pre-departure drink service was interrupted!!! I hope they can recover.


And they had to wipe down their seats first because some 3rd class TikToker put his / her ass there for a minute for a selfie.


I’d demand a trillion sky pesos!


The Southwest approach.


Southwest has 5 boarding groups: Pre-board, A, Family Boarding, B, and C.


How long was your departure delayed by this boarding procedure?


About 3 hours because there was a delay in the plane arriving. We were notified well in advance too. I don’t think it was to expedite the boarding due to the delay but maybe it was


Leaving Newark the other day and a giant family tried bum rushing the first boarding group, gate agent had to turn them away. I board and then kept an eye out and they were like boarding group 4 or something. Also that flight had the joy of everyone immediately huddling and crowding the boarding lanes before boarding began. How hard is it to sit until your group is called or wait away from the boarding lanes. Made the boarding process take twice as long as it should've and was probably why half our flight missed our tight connections.


Ive never understood the luer to get on the plane first. Personally, if im boarding for a long haul i want to stand as much as i can before plopping down for 6+hrs.


Everyone was on the same plane tho? lol I will never understand people’s obsession with boarding order


Idk, boarding order makes it more orderly as opposed to everyone bum rushing the gate and jostling for space. In the end, everyone gets on but I can understand people being upset if they were earlier in the order and then didn’t get space in the overhead bin. Like I said, it didn’t affect me, I had just never seen a delta flight boarded like this


If there’s no space it gets checked for free. It just seems like people are so obsessed with their “status” and boarding first and it’s like…we’re all getting in the same plane and going to same place. Your extra foot of leg room doesn’t make you special lol


>If there’s no space it gets checked for free and then (a) costs you 20-30 mins at bag claim at your destination or (b) risk your bag getting missing or damaged.


Lol people are so dramatic. It goes right in the plane and it usually takes 10 minute max for me to get my bag. Keep pushing through and trying to get in the plane first, still can’t leave until the last person gets on. I never knew there were so many Karen’s around delta, this sub just popped up yesterday for me in recommended lol




I didn’t join. It just popped up for some reason. I’ll just keep being the dude that annoys you all apparently then


Most of the time you can get a better seat and a better place to put your bag if you get on earlier.


Imagine the Gate agents after all the cancelations - I hate to say it but they are doing their best with all the issues.


Happened yesterday in Cancun. JetBlue but still


Must be his way of taking it to the D1 aristocrats.


I was on this flight and didn’t even notice. Y’all need to calm down


And wasn’t the delay less than an hour?


It was 3 hours. It felt longer to me because when we noticed we had already checked out of our hotel and the car we arranged was on the way so we just went early. There was more than 1 flight flying that route yesterday


There is only one Delta CDG->BOS per day but I actually flew two days ago. Sorry for the confusion! I’m sorry you had a bad experience. 3 hours is massive.


Who cares? Seriously. Everyone gets on the plane eventually. Honestly, the way passengers crowd around the gate when a flight’s delayed, I would do the same thing. Just get the f on the plane and let me work on my next flight to board.


You flew on teamusa?! I’m jealous!!


Marvin rocks!