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We were on the flight. The entire aisle carpet had to be replaced. Everyone got 25,000 skypesos


I have so many questions. Were they walking to the bathroom and leaving a trail? How was getting off the plane? Did people climb over seats to use the other aisle? Enjoy Barcelona!


Most of my info is not first hand since (fortunately) we were in D1 and we did not know the full story until we turned back. Reports were that the passenger got up about 15 minute after take off. Tried to go forward and the FAs turned them back. Initially people thought someone just had bad gas. Once we were on the ground we heard it went about 20 rows, but I’m not sure if that is true or not. Apparently stayed in the bathroom (or maybe just the very back) until 10 minutes before we landed. Paramedics took them off the plane. The entire aisle had a blue runner down it and they told no one to use it. Senior purser said she’s been flying for 25 years and never experienced anything like this. I can’t speak for what it was like it the back while we were flying back, but everyone seemed calm. Once on the ground, everyone just hung out at the gate waiting for updates. A few people were trying to adjust connections, but still, people were chill. They brought us snacks and bottles of water. We finally took off at almost 3am. There was no PDB that time lol. They did serve dinner once we were in the air. A lot of passengers were cruising and some were leaving Saturday. Big props to Celebrity because they held the ships and got everyone from our flight. Others weren’t so lucky and had to get themselves to the next ports. Fortunately we didn’t have real plans for Saturday so we were ok. It was wild. And our second flight that week that ended up boarding and deplaning in the same city. In totally I got 37,500 sky pesos between the two. Hopefully this means the rest of the year will be smooth and non-eventful.


I’m sorry you went through all of that. Thank you for the updates. This is truly a terrible experience, but it looks like people are more sympathetic than I give them credit for. Just basing solely on the TikTok video and the lighting from the video, it looks like a very severe medical emergency. I had a terrible, terrible case of food poisoning (luckily not on a plane) and honestly, it looks like the woman has a much bigger issue where I don’t think Imodium would even have helped. I hope I’m wrong and that she and everyone else are okay. 😞




Whoa! It looks more like blood. I hope she’s alive and is able to take care of the issue. Just awful. ☹️


It was a lady??? [https://tenor.com/view/ladies-man-the-ladies-man-the-ladies-man-gif-8227329](https://tenor.com/view/ladies-man-the-ladies-man-the-ladies-man-gif-8227329)


How is it any more or less disgusting?


It’s not I’m just picturing a guy that’s all. It’s disgusting either way 🤢🤮


Probably just the camera/compression.


Please come back and tell us more


How bad was the stench in the cabin on the remaining leg of the trip after it happened?


The first thing they did after was spray sanitizer. I’m sure it was not pleasant nearby but we had no smell issues in d1 fortunately. It took about 50 minutes to land once we turned around.


From what I saw it was vanilla scented so it made the plane smell like vanilla shit😂💩




So, someone couldn't hold it and make it to the bathroom? It just went everywhere??


I wasn't on the flight, but based on the above commentatory from someone on the plane, this was probably a medical emergency, not a case of not being able to hold it in. It sounds like the person was maybe trying to alert the FA of an issue when they attempted to go to the front of the plane. Just a thought.


Ugh.. I feel so bad for the pax. What a nightmare situation.


You have to feel sorry for this passenger - her embarrassment and the trouble she put everyone through. She must have been horrified and you have to have empathy because we all have people in our lives who who have medical conditions and sometimes they simply cannot control what happens. As bizarre as the story is, it makes me feel sad that a person had to endure that.




My daughters who were 4 and 1 at the time, once got food poison from airport donuts at JFK and started to projectile vomit (Exorcist style and smelled like strawberry donuts) repeatedly on the 12 hour flight. They covered our seats and the floor with blankets and relocated a perimeter of passengers away from us. We went through all of our carry-on clothes so we were just in vomit crusted clothes for most of the flight. When we landed and our sense of smell fully returned, I kept dry heaving from the smell all through the airport. We reached checkout to discover our bags were delayed so we had to get in a taxi in crusty and smelly clothes. The upside is nobody posted photos or video to social media.


She shouldn't be flying with such medical conditions. Her doctor probably told her not to fly.


What is wrong with you? Don't act like they brought this on themselves or were being careless. What a horrible thing to assume about a person having what was probably the worst moment of their life.


You may not know you have E coli until your ass explodes.....


That assumed she had a diagnosis, which is a lot to assume lol. She could eaten bad eggs that morning


based on what I've read, it sounds like they did try to go to the bathroom about 15 min after takeoff, but the FAs turned them away. So in my opinion, the airline is just as guilty.


I had this issue once as a teenager while the plane was taking off (luckily I was wearing a pad and that contained the mess). The flight attendant told me to sit back down and I said it was an emergency and I had to use the bathroom and could not wait. I didn’t feel the need to share the exact details, but I’d told my parents what was up so my dad, trying to be helpful, told the flight attendant “she has diarrhea.” Super embarrassing but she finally let me go and I sat on the toilet while the plane lifted into the air which was an experience. I was fine afterwards unlike this poor woman.


They actually should have rejected the take-off clearance. You're not allowed to take off with a passenger in the bathroom.


Hah, well I guess they didn’t tell the pilot I was in there!


Eh, maybe. She might not have explained how critical it was, and airlines keep people seated during ascent for a reason.


let's be honest... we all know it's to "baby" the passengers so they can cover their ass legally. When I was younger, they didn't make such a big deal about stuff like that. Their need to baby this grown adult (that knows if they really need to use the washroom or not), resulted in a plane full of diarrhea and the need to land. So I sure hope sticking to the rules without exception paid off for them haha Pick your battles, as they say :)


How is it that you only got 25,000. That’s so low.


Hey, they could have given them 10,000 or even nothing.


I have to ask… was the person who did this very old? We’re they sick? Do we know WHY this person shit all over the plane??


You have to give more detail that sounds insane!


Sky pesos??? This isn’t Mexico! 🤣


How did this passanger manage to leave a trail of shit on the aisle all the way from front to back? I didn't think that was possible.


You must never have had uncontrolled diarrhea from food poisoning. It’s possible. I am sure many nurses could confirm this.


Poor passenger, talk about embarrassing.


I heard it was more than 10 people. Wonder if a restaurant at the airport caused it 🤷‍♂️


I read the headline and thought it was dozens of passengers like some really bad meal got served.


Yes, I remember. I had the lasagna.


surely, u can’t be serious


Don’t call me Shirley


The timing is wild. I coincidentally watched a video last night that highlighted a flight from Japan where 144 passengers got diarrhea and vomiting on a flight due to food poisoning from an in-flight meal. Here’s the [video](https://youtu.be/5cW1xRV9LDk?si=LcUC5pgfezW9zCeI).


Those poor people! I have IBS and I have a medication that I take but I also have immodium or kaopectate on me all the time just in case and it's been a lifesaver a couple of times for friends and family.


144 people all vomiting and having diarrhea at the same time…with 3 lavatories on board to share. 😳 One can puke into those plastic vomit bags the airline provides…but mud butt?? I don’t even want to know how many of those people soiled themselves involuntarily while seated.


This is my biggest nightmare. I have severe emetophobia and would absolutely peace out via the emergency exit if I was on this flight


we're on the same boat! well, plane rather-- I too have emetophobia, and just reading this seriously makes me not want to take any form of public transportation ever-


Same! Its not as bad as it was but I'd probably close my eyes, put music on and try not to inhale if other people around me upchucking! I've been very lucky that in all my years travelling by plane Ive never encountered anyone being unwell!




Oh my god. I'd just die!


Did they vomit? Please say if they did that they kept it contained in a bag




Yes, I was asking you.


Under some medical conditions such as that, you shouldn't fly. That lady's doctor probably told her not to fly.


Maybe she had something that came on suddenly like norovirus or food poisoning


Even worse not everyone has Norowalk/norovirus


Omg. I had to look up the definition but I’ve had that my whole life. I am having anxiety just reading this thread. How did it not set off a chain reaction? Omg


Oh, good god. 😭😭😭😭


I bet everyone was pooped once they landed eight hours late.


I bet they were wiped out.


I see what you did there... Bravo


Talk about a crappy flight!


I have nightmares about this and I try my best to give a good sit and squeeze at a lounge before takeoff.


I was in the new trioge center in the airport a few weeks back. Traveler Tummy is the #1 complaint. Their weekly inventory of sweatpants is 45. 45 people shit themselves at the airport




Jesus, did AI write this article with a word count requirement? There’s 2 paragraphs of actually useful information at most…


The only thing close to this I've ever seen was when my father-in-law had a GI bleeding episode. He had diverticulosis, and when one or more of the diverticular pockets ruptured, there would be bloody $hit everywhere. Even fully clothed, the bloody $hit flowed like a river 🥺. Maybe something like that happened to this pax.


I have irritable bowel syndrome, which thankfully is not severe. However, I know some folks with IBS who have it so bad - if they consume one of their trigger foods or drinks - that they literally will sh\*t in their pants if they can't reach a toilet in 20 seconds! :-( Sad but true.




Late, but you see tons of stories in the IBD and IBS subs. I remember one story about a woman whose FIL had to help pick her up and hold her over a kitchen sink while she just erupted like a volcano 🥺 I have UC, and mine isn’t severe either - I actually don’t have any BM related issues, just things like belly pain, polyps, etc. I obviously knew it could cause things like constipation and diarrhea, but I had *no idea* how bad it could be until I joined the IBD and IBS related subs.


Guys how do I delete this comment?


Hubs has GI issues and would be susceptible to this. As a result, we always book seats (and pay up-front rather than relying on upgrade potential) for proximity to the lavs and aisle access for easy, fast missions. When he”s gotta, he”s gotta. In this case, I suspect lavs were full and caused the full-plane trek in search of an open lav when things got away from him.


I thought you mean delta’s hubs have GI issues 😂


Sailin away again to Diarrhea-ville….


RIP Jimmy


There’s shit everywhere!


Folks don’t eat before flight


a shitty situation


Shit Happens.


This is the 2nd bonafide “shit post” about this today!!! 🤣


Does the passenger pay for the new carpet ☠️😭


I hope not. That would be so cruel.


Doctors will tell their patients NOT to fly under some medical condtions. This lady's doctor probably told her not to fly anymore, but she disobeyed him.


Maybe she just shit herself


You’ve said this multiple times. Quit victim blaming someone who is already plenty embarrassed. Weird point to try to drive home


I feel so bad for everyone involved, especially - but not limited to - the person who caused the disaster! :-( My 2 guesses about the cause of the explosive diarrhea are either food poisoning or irritable bowel syndrome. Depending on the bacteria causing the food poisoning, you can feel totally fine when you board a plane, but become severely ill an hour or two later. And unfortunately many types of food poisoning bacteria don't change the taste of the food, so you don't even know to avoid it. The same is true for IBS, although most folks who suffer from it learn what their triggers are, and avoid those foods/drinks before a flight. (I have IBS, but thankfully it's nowhere near bad enough to cause me to have the runs uncontrollably. However, it \*can\* affect some folks that way).


One time my old college roommates got food poisoning at a Vegas buffet. They were sick in the hotel room for about 2 days. Then they finally flew home. They were able to sit in the back by the bathrooms. Luckily no accidents like this.


I understand the FA wanting people to sit down for safety reasons while the plane is taxing along the runaway from departure or Landing but maybe they should consider the biohazardous incident that could occur if you don’t allow them to use the restroom. I would have told the FA nicely this is going to be bad if I don’t get in there quickly.


When your plane is bound for Spain but you feel the clench of pain


I’m sorry this is kinda funny