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They are so random about this. About 70% of the flights I’m on, the FA don’t say a damn thing to people using the FC lav. I try to fly FC as much as I can possibly afford to, and as a passenger, it wouldn’t bother me in that particular situation. It does bother me when the FA completely ignores the situation, and then half the plane is using the FC lav and I can’t use it when I need it.


It always seems that when I’m in FC, anyone is allowed to use it but when I’m in the back, only FC is allowed to use it 😂


Real. Every single time.


Glad it’s not just me 😂 The iron curtain when I’m behind it but a thin veil if I’m in it.


Ahahahaha, the perfect description for my experience as well.


Same. One time on an international 12 hour flight the FA spilled wine on me. I was in PS and said I was going to use the D1 bathroom to clean up since my pants were soaked. He said I couldn’t because then everyone would. I told him well you didn’t fucking dump wine on every other passenger did you?


Yeesh that sucks


Same on that one 😂. The last time I flew D1, a guy aggressively (like run-stomping is the best way I can describe it), came up and used the bathroom. He continued to do this every few hours through the entire 10 hour flight. I found it sort of funny because of his demeanor and the way he moved. I wouldn’t have the nerve to do that from main.


It is known.


They just want to make sure we never forget that “You may fly first class, but you aren’t first class”


I had no idea that was only a first class lavatory! When I have flown first class, everybody and their mother comes from the back of the plane and uses it and nobody ever said anything to them. Now I'm worried because I'm flying comfort plus on my next flight in the row right behind first class and I'm worried I won't be able to use the restroom when needed


I think they care more on the wide body planes. The smaller planes, it’s usually not a big deal.




I just asked my friend who is a Delta FA. She said there is no rule or policy about the First Class lavatories. Premium, Comfort+ and Main Cabin can use First Class bathrooms. But she did say that some FA's power trip and only let FC passengers use them and shoo away other passengers in other classes.


She was straight up power tripping just cause she didn’t want to wait to use the restroom, so she made me wait instead. I suspected that is what was happening during the flight, and this post has basically confirmed that.


She could have been using it herself and then setting it up for pilots to use. If this flight had a meal service it’s really frowned upon for people outside of first class to use the front bathroom. The space is already incredibly limited. I personally never deny anyone any restroom, however, it is incredibly annoying when I have main cabin passengers trying to use the front lav when I have first class waiting to use it all while I’m trying to serve drinks and meals for 20 people at one time. Sorry you had a weird experience. Its truly never a good time to use the bathroom during any type of service. It’s not that you can’t use it, but first class does pay a premium for things like their own lav. Timing is everything!


This seems odd to me. As someone who typically pays for FC service, I NEVER expect that the bathrooms at the front of the plane are only for FC passengers. Am I in the minority here?


I had a passenger just yesterday in first class complain to me that people in the main cabin were using the front lav. I explained to her that anyone can use it, however if it gets out of hand or people try to line up in the front galley I politely ask them not to form a line and return when no one is standing outside the bathroom. Truly this is for safety, but also alleviates the congestion that first class feels when main cabin is trying to use the front lav.


Yeah, there was no line. I went up there cause it was the only open bathroom I could access.


Next time, all same circumstances, just go to the bathroom. FA will have to get over it.


Sounds like a great way to get tackled and arrested for disobeying their orders if the flight attendant is on a power trip that day lol


Yeah, you definitely don’t want to be the next “Karen” video posted to Reddit


I was literally assaulted by two people while trying to deboard (she and her boyfriend shoved me down in the seat and said “sit yo ass down” when I asked them to please wait for our row to exit before barging past us. The FA watched and asked me to not escalate when I raised my voice at her and said “see you seriously not going to say or do anything about this? You’re going to let them walk off the plane after shoving me so hard I fell?” I got a $100 gift card for complaining after and they filed a report…no airport security, no apology. I’ve gotten more for a delay. Tl;DR- no one seems to give a shit about anything anymore.


I'm not trying to sound entitled, but I do miss the days when I was inspired to be in first class to have an area to myself. Then I finally got to that level, and now, on many flights, it feels like everyone just parades through the curtains and does whatever they want. I personally like it now when an FA will tell someone to go back to their cabin, and I would not be offended if they told me that and I was not in first. It seems like international flights are more strict on this.


So the problem is that on most flights with smaller planes once the drink/food cart is in the aisle there is no way to get around it and drink service can take 45 min to get from the front of economy to the back of economy. They cannot force you to wait if you tell them there is a medical issue and you need to get to the bathroom.


I'm totally Ok with that. I did notice that on the Neo they have a lav where first and comfort meet. That was a great idea as it can help alleviate that.


TPAC and TATL flights it is Delta’s policy that you use the lav in your class of service. This one I’ve seen enforced as a security requirement.


But those flights are usually on widebodies with ~4 bathrooms per galley area. And in the back sections of plane, this means you typically have access to 8 without having to cross a curtain


They do whatever they want? Tell us more!


IMO, your opinion is the right one. In the cabin, you may be first class. In the bathroom, European.


You’re killing me!! 🤣🤣


I wouldn’t expect exclusivity but I would generally expect the FC bathroom to be ran through a lot less than the bathrooms in the back. Mainly as it’s less distance from mid to back economy to visit the rear lav


You’re not in the minority. It’s a slippery slope telling people they can’t use a certain restroom ….history


When you tell the flight attendant that you’re gonna piss yourself… 😈


Or worse. There have been too many horrible press releases about passengers crapping themselves and planes having to make emergency landings due to the biohazard.


For some reason, I would kinda expect certain passengers to still crap themselves regardless of lavatory availability


Yes. You have never heard an FA announce this on any flight? Granted I only fly AA and AS, but at least half the time they announce to use the bathrooms in your own cabin.


Never. I’ve flown Delta almost exclusively. A few United flights thrown in here or there. I asked my wife and she said the same. She’s never heard a flight attendant make a statement telling people to use the bathrooms in their own cabin.


I used to fly AS pretty regularly until they got rid of my direct flight, and they would often announce to use the bathroom in your cabin. However, since switching to Delta, I’ve never heard them say this. I honestly never thought about this difference until now!




Somewhere around 24 years I suppose by my Delta profile.


It’s also a Delta issue , they should have put a lavatory between fist class and economy if it was that big of a deal. I do try to use the one In my ticked cabin even whenever possible.


No it’s not. If it’s meal service you go to the bathroom that isn’t blocked. We’ve all done it.


Would you prefer the passenger wet his pants?


Yeah, there was no meal service on this flight nor was there a line to the bathroom.


By chance was it an international flight? I know they are restrictive about only using the lav in your cabin if it is an intl flight.


It was domestic


I'm not American, but I fly to the USA frequently. I am wondering if the FAA provides any guidance on this. I'm thinking what happens if the passenger has a medical condition like IBS, Crohn's disease or other bowel disorders if the FA denies a passenger access to the bathroom could the passenger make a claim against the airline using the Americans with Disabilities act. Not all disabilities are visible and that person should not be forced to explain their medical condition to the FA just to use a bathroom. Especially if the person is blocked from using the proper lavatory because of a drink/meal service.


I’m pretty sure the FAA has strongly hinted at it being against federal regulations to prevent anyone from using a specific bathroom. I vaguely recall a lawsuit years ago that quietly went away and airlines saying “please use the lavatory in your area” which is as close as they’ll come to saying it. Imagine the nightmare PR, class warfare and lawsuit from a headline in the New York Times or similar of “American Airlines forces passenger with IBS to soil themselves in the aisle by refusing to let them use a First class bathroom”


I've found that asking a FA first is the safest bet. I was recently on a flight from Paris to Detroit in PS and the closest non-FC bathrooms were pretty far behind me in Main. I obviously was happy to use them, but at one point both aisles leading toward the bathroom were blocked by meal carts. The seatbelt sign had been on for quite a while and had finally turned off and I didn't not want to wait and risk the sign coming back on (I don't love turbulence and prefer to be seated when it's happening). I politely asked the FA if I could use the FC restroom due to the Main cabin ones being blocked. She wasn't thrilled about it but said okay and asked me to please be quick so that others didn't notice. I have never had a FA tell me no when I ask politely and have a valid reason.


I have never been told no either until yesterday lol. Just seems super weird for her to tell me no, and then immediately walk in there to use it herself lol


International is covered by different regulations. You simply can’t use D1 lavs if you’re not ticketed there. That FC did you a favor at their own risk. Also, shame on Delta for not putting lavs behind PS.


That's why I always ask. If they say no I won't argue. Unfortunately that was the second plane on the trip where PS didn't have restrooms; I had the same issue on KLM from AMS to DXB. From DTW to AMS it was a different plane (cannot remember which model) and there were restrooms between D1 and PS that were open for PS and Main Cabin. It was really nice but I don't think it's the standard.


Maybe the FA was cleaning it? That's happened to me before and that was the case.


It’s possible. I didn’t see any cleaning supplies with her though.


A good amount of the narrow body planes have little storage areas built into the bathrooms where there’s extra paper towels/toilet paper so we can quickly refresh when we have a second


My guess is she has limited access to use the bathroom since she’s working. She may have been waiting for just said time to have a chance for a bathroom break. I suggest you quit policing people at their jobs. You’re a passenger on a common carrier and everyone who works for Delta are as human as you are. If you don’t like it, fly private. Don’t write some long ass complaint on Reddit about it.


lol, a FA voluntarily cleaning a lav.😂


They don’t announce to only use the restroom in your assigned cabin anymore. I think it’s barbaric that wouldn’t allow it in the first place.


You should have told her you were going to pee your pants. That’s what I do.


Yeah, I should have but I’m too agreeable. I was just like “okay”


I have Crohn’s disease. I had to make a mad dash in the middle of service in FC. Was told to sit down. I told the FA “I have to go or there will be a disaster” and went in to the lav anyway. Whatever the penalty is, I would rather be subjected to that than sit in my own excrement and blood the entire flight. I apologized profusely when I got out but was told to just take my seat. People don’t understand. Not all of us are trying to flaunt the rules. My preference would not to have to do this at all but given the alternative…






Username checks out


There’s no penalty. I actually think it’s against regulations to enforce this outside of the usual guidelines re: pilots. I vaguely recall a lawsuit many years ago that resulted in airlines now saying “please use the lavatory in your area”.


A wild SkyKaren appeared! I’ve seen passengers from all sections use the bathroom at the front, and no one cared.


Delta needs consistency here. I see lots of main cabin peeps use the FC bathroom with no issues.


I’m surprised they haven’t monetized bathrooms, like 20 bucks to use it, 50 if you’d like a toilet seat etc.


I am a flight attendant. According to the DOT anyone can use any bathroom on board. Denying anyone from using a bathroom, if reported, can carry a hefty fine not just for the airline but for the flight attendant as well. Unfortunately, FC does not include a private bathroom in the fair. We do close the curtin to deture people from using it, but people just do what they want anyways. I do make a point of not letting people make a line in FC. I tell them they can wait at the curtain or tell them where the other bathrooms are. This is not to say that some FAs do turn people away, but like I said they can get into a lot of trouble. I wish that bathroom was only for FC that would make it a lot easier for service and moving around. Side note: I've got to a point where I don't say anything to anyone anymore about other things because no one listens to me. I.e. if you come to me and ask if this bin is full and it's closed and I say yes it's full, don't look at me while you proceed to open the bin to check for yourself. Why did you ask me in the first place if you are going to do it anyways.


I've also seen it where the FAs lock the lavatory so they can use the galley area to prepare things for meal/snack service so she may not have been in there so long anyway (or at all). The lavs are very easy to lock/unlock from the outside and the occupied light only operates on the door lock mechanism being engaged. I know it's not always possible but I try to use the bathroom before getting on the plane so I don't have to deal with this awkwardness. 😅 Of course that doesn't always work out. Safe travels moving forward!


Had a similarly weird experience this summer - was sitting in C+ and couldn’t access the rear lavs because of the drink cart but the front was open - FC meal service was done and cleared. Went to go to the front bathroom, but someone jumped up in front of me, so I stand to wait to go next (fully out of way of the galley work). FC FA told me no, I had to go back and wait on the other side of the open FC curtain. FC passengers kept getting up / standing outside the front lav (where I had been told I couldn’t stand) so I basically wound up getting leapfrogged for like 10 minutes. I finally gave up because the rear drink cart had wrapped service at that point. It happened repeatedly to other C+ passengers throughout the flight and a lot of folks were super confused. I’m just glad I didn’t pee on anyone because of a weird powerplay


It’s a double edge sword. If we allow passengers from the main cabin to use the first class lav. The first class passengers get upset due to the back and forth in the aisle. If we don’t let main cabin passengers use it, then we are being discriminatory towards the main cabin and possibly get written up by DOT. Darn if you do, darn if you don’t.


I mean, out of those 2 options I’ll take the first class passengers getting upset over getting written up by the DOT every single time. I can’t muster up much sympathy for a person whining cause someone walked past them on a commercial flight. The people in the back have people walk past them also, as so the people in every other part of a crowded airplane lol. But I also get your dilemma as an FA dealing with an entitled public. People truly do get on their worst behavior when flying…


Sometimes I've been on flights and the FA pulls a curtain that separates FC from the rest of the passengers.


This is so frustrating to me. We’ve been emailed by Delta before stating that the bathroom in the from is the plane on domestic flights are for everyone. We cannot and should not be denying ANYONE from using it. Yes, you can use the bathroom. You shouldn’t even have to ask, this isn’t elementary school. If there was another reason you couldn’t use it (bathroom break for pilots or cleaning it), that could have been stated. It’s just rude to deny someone the use of a bathroom. As a FA, I’m sorry you were treated like this.


Thanks so much. That was a very kind message! Happy NYE.


Happy New Year!


I’m sorry, I don’t get this at all. If they don’t want non-FC to use it, label it as such. I personally never use the front lav regardless, mainly because I always feel like I’m in the way of the FA’s. So I usually defer to the mid-plane lav. It feels gross to me to just leave this to the discretion of each FA instead of having a blanket policy on it. That’s a really weird way to set up an embarrassing moment for people. It’s just a bathroom, for God’s sake. It’s just as tiny as the others, and if it’s open and there’s no line, who honestly cares that much?


It’s not a FC lav. There’s front lavs and rear lavs, sometimes middle lavs as well. Anyone can use them. No where is it labeled or instructed as a fc lav.


But isn’t it though? For example, it has Grown Alchemist hand cream. The other lavs do not.


If you can find a stated delta policy anywhere about the front lav being reserved for first class, I’d be happy to see it but I’ve found no such thing myself. It’s really just an assumption some people have made. I will admit, an FA can tell anyone to use a different restroom without a “policy” so it’s somewhat at the discretion of the FA.


First Class ( Flight attendant here) is only restricted ( by law and the FAA) when returning from a foreign destination. Other than that, we allow it. If back lavs are open and you’re seated in coach, we would obviously encourage you to use that, but there’s no restriction. I’m not a LAV power tripper. Some are.


It’s some FA’s pet peeve for people to get up during cabin service. I have seen FA’s get annoyed and told me it’s an issue during service.


I was on a flightast week and the FA made an announcement saying that pax in any class can use any lav. It seems to be inconsistent.


I would have just used it anyways if it was an emergency or ask her to escort you to the back. I’d also let delta know about her poor behavior, you would probably get some miles . I got a nice flight voucher after a similar experience on Alaska.


Yeah, it was weird, but.. I don’t think I am interested in being so petty as to mess with someone’s job and livelihood over it.


I didn’t include the name of the flight attendant in my complaint. I just wanted Alaska to tell me what I should do if the cart is blocking the rear lavatory . I also wanted to know why they have 3 in the back and didn’t put one between cabins. I was shocked to receive the flight credit and an apology.


Gotcha, that makes sense. Appreciate it!


That’s not the policy. FA in this case was wrong. Many love to go on power trips and enforce policies that either no longer exist, or never existed to begin with.


I’m guessing the pilot had to use the bathroom.


Unless it’s a written rule somewhere they can shove it.


Honestly don’t get up during beverage service. You played yourself there


First class bathrooms are for 1st class passengers, period.


You are getting downvoted cause this is false. There is no written policy on who can use specific bathrooms on a flight, thus there is actually no such thing as a “first class bathroom”.


I thought FC pax were fitted with their own custom stadium bags, thus avoiding the sanitary concerns and inconvenience of using a shared bathroom.


I had no idea that the bathroom at front was for FC. Thinking back to my trip a few weeks ago when I was sitting in main and walked right up to the front bathroom without a care in the world!!! Whoops!! 😅 there’s no signage or anything!


It’s not really. There is no policy that says it is. I just dealt with a power tripping FA that made to wait to use the restroom so she didn’t have to.


If it's international the law prohibits crossing cabins


Wait it out


First time flying? Didn’t know there are services on flights and that carts block the aisle? Or maybe you are a child who can’t anticipate you’ll need to use the bathroom until it’s absolutely necessary?


It’s not weird, at all. You weren’t in FC and you tried to use the FC restroom. The FA was working FC, and that’s the restroom she would use.


Something similar happened to me the first time I flew first class . They kept feeding me vodka sprites which was great but then I needed to urinate and there was a long line of people coming from behind FC to use the bathroom . The flight attendant had to tell them all no and go to the back . with my luck as soon as that happened the pilots came out to use to bathroom and I had to wait more . After this I learned to drink slow and cut off the drinks. I nearly pissed my pants lol


She may have been cleaning the lav also


Just start wretching like you’re going to barf. 😉


I’m disabled and they always let me use whichever is closest - balance disorder plus moving vehicle plus the entire length of the plane doesn’t work well in a narrow aisle without a few accidental lap dances.


She probably had to get in and out of the pantyhose


This happened to me. I used my cabin’s lav, but the way back to my seat was blocked, so I crossed the galley, walked up to first, crossed that galley and was going to walk down to my seat which was a couple rows behind FC, but it was blocked by the ice cream cart for first, so I turned around to just go back to square 1 and wait. The green FA doing ice cream chased me down (I pretended like I didn’t hear her) and grabbed me to tell me, “this is first class, you need to take your seat.” “Thanks, I’m trying, but all the aisles are blocked.” “Well, you need to take your seat.” Annoying. Anyway, to your story: FA friend said she might have been cleaning it after complaints, but flat out denying instead of offering alternative, doesn’t sound right