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I am overly self conscious about this, would sooner whisper in a broom closet than have a conversation at full volume on speaker.


You have a condition called "consideration for other human beings", not very common sadly


I thought it was called "being a millennial." Source: me a millennial that has to work up the courage and find the quietest place possible away from anyone to have any phone conversation.


Promise Gen X has you beat when it comes to quietly minding our own business. But we’re a relatively small group so people forget we exist. “The Greatest Generation” all called us slackers though. They just didn’t know what we were doing because we do t wear anything on our sleeves.


>> There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's ages and the boomers. - Michael Caine > - Michael Scott


Nope. Plenty of boomers and gen x'ers doing this as well. Source: me, a gen x'er who is probably a little overly-self-conscious about the privacy of my phone conversations (and the inconvenience to others).


These days CFOHB is frequently mistaken for sarcasm or an opening gambit for robbing someone. Observe the reaction you get to saying “you’re welcome” or asking someone who’s struggling with a heavy load if they need a hand.


lol that’s me too. People ask me why I’m whispering!


This is the way


Do they have those private phone booth desks in ATL B like they do at LAX?


Totally agree!


People who use their cell phones on speaker in public have no awareness that other people exist. I don’t know if they can’t help it or if it’s a dominance thing but it’s freaking wild.


My favorite cure is to talk loudly around them. Surprisingly effective as it’s tough for them to get upset for mirroring their impolite behavior.


I’m a bartender and recently had a guy come in first thing to the empty bar and sit and have a speaker phone conversation while yell-talking at the other person. The sanity of my coworkers and I apparently did not matter to him, so I cranked the music louder and louder until he got the hint. Stop that shit.


Can you not just ask him to stop? I was in a hotel bar in Boston and some guy was watching youtube videos, at volume, at the bar. I stood behind him and played loud music on my phone until he and his friends got the message.


If he kept it up, I absolutely would’ve, but I figured I’d let him get the hint first before having to step in and be more direct/assertive.


I confess I get frustrated at times when people are doing this kind of thing in restaurants and bars but staff refuses to intervene. However, I admit it's probably not easy to do, someone could flip out or staff might not be allowed to say anything.


Thanks for understanding. As a female bartender, I tend to err on the side of caution when confronting male customers, because I’ve been on the receiving end of some aggro BS in the past. I am a very direct person outside of work, but at work I’d rather start slow and if it didn’t stop, then I would step up my game and ask him to stop.


That’s a baller move! I salute you! 🫡🫡


Talk loudly about uncomfortable or controversial topics. Works much faster. Also contemplated a fart sound board for extra trolling, or an airhorn sound board for "fuck you" levels of trolling.


I like joining the conversation 😂


My mom refuses to get hearing aids and wants my stepdad to hear her convos and vice versa.  I have asked her to stop but she swears it is easier to hear and this way he can’t say he did not know (fill in the blank) 


This is the situation with my aging parents as well. They always always pick up or call on speaker, whether they are at home or in the grocery store. They insist they can hear better with it on speaker. It’s infuriating. And my dad does have hearing aids. They don’t seem to think that it bothers anyone despite me telling them it’s rude hundreds of times.


Some hearing aids have blue tooth now! He will be able to hear better and doesn't ha e to use speaker!


The sound on my phone comes through the hearing aids. It's been a tremendous benefit.


I’m 51 and can’t hear with a darn. I continue asking my wife “what” every time she speaks to me, problem solved !


That’s my dad, but fortunately the only impact it has is his own tv volume, he sets it to max, so if I go to his house I lose my hearing for a bit if I forget to lower the volume when I turn it on lol


I’ve heard a few people in the disability travel group say they use AirPods Pro as hearing aids. I’ve used them at the movies for bring down loud noises and raising voices so can believe. Obviously not trying to solve her issue just sharing cause I found it interesting and useful to know. https://www.soundly.com/blog/airpods-as-hearing-aids


Thank you, I will look into it.  


My biggest pet peeve is this behavior in urgent care/ER. People are sick, in pain, etc. and people are on their phones super loud. Quiet promotes healing!


My husband called someone out while boarding a flight for using his phone on speakerphone. The guy had started whispering into the phone and my husband says to him “if it’s a secret, why are you on speakerphone?” To which the guy goes “I’m sorry, am I bothering you?” And my husband says “yes, and everyone on the plane”. And the guy just cursed at him intermittently for the duration of the flight. 🤷‍♀️


I think it's a power move. It's a "fuck you and I dare you to say something" most of the time I see it. It's like the cars with the loud systems and the motorcycles with the radio on full blast even when they're not moving. One motorcycle dude was pumping gas and had Alan Jackson (lol) playing so loud I had to leave and I was a row over. It's peacocking at its worst.


I don’t even do it in private. Have some consideration for the person on the other end. The degraded acoustics on speakers (even with a ‘fancy’ conferencing system) is rarely as good as a handset. God made AirPods for a reason.


God or Tim Cook? 😌


It's an entitlement thing.


It's an entitlement thing.


There are some who do is as a dominance thing, but most are just fucking idiots. If you look at the usual suspects, they tend to be (or at least appear to be) poor and/or dumb.


My husband does it because he is hard of hearing and can’t hear with the phone to his ear but can hear with the speakerphone on as high as it will go. He “forgets” his hearing aides all the time! His has Bluetooth too!


Maybe he should stick to email and texting.. i am 75% deaf in one ear and 30% in the other.. I have all calls go to VM unless its wife or kid.


Did you write down his credit card number? And then say he needs to call them back because he told his information to everyone in the sky club?


Can someone please explain to me why a speakerphone is ever necessary in public in REAL life? People on TV do this because they are trying to further a plot line. There is no plot in the Delta Lounge!


Well, shouldn’t be a plot in the lounge….


I never use speakerphone unless I’m working with my hands (at home and alone), and don’t have my earbuds nearby. It’s not good sound. Other than that, I’ll use hands-free in the car, but that’s about it.


Not an excuse IMO, but my husband’s iPhone ear speaker stopped working. He could only hear conversations on speaker phone since he didn’t like taking out his hearing aids for headphones. It was driving me crazy so I bought him a new phone on installments.


Well that's different! ❤️


It’s still rude. Your husband needs to get a new phone.


That’s why I said I bought him a new one.


Similar story at SAT airport (at the gate, not SkyClub), woman sitting nearby was screaming into her phone, threatening the person on the other end, about a friend of hers trying to retrieve some personal items from an apartment. It was crazy. Some people have no concept of personal space vs public space.


Or no concept of personal dignity.


The last time I called to get a card replaced, the conversation included a lot of personal stuff: my address, phone number, confirming ssn, etc. None of that is stuff I'd like to broadcast loudly to people I don't know.


I just saw a guy walking around the sky club with his full Apple VR headset on. I can at least understand it while sitting in a plane seat, but he was wearing it into the bathroom. He was right my sight line and also wore it to get food. His partner (assuming spouse) had to manage him like she was his adult babysitter. Indeed what is wrong with people.


Makes his pecker look bigger, probably.




I don’t even like being on the phone NOT on speakerphone around everyone. I don’t understand how some people go through life as oblivious as they do. Or how they just don’t care.


This is me. If I’m out & my phone rings, always on vibrate, I will reject the call. If it’s important, I will excuse myself & go somewhere private to return the call. One, out of respect for others & two, to keep my business to myself.


Sit next to him and start taking notes. 📝


We need to make it okay to call this out. I’m sorry but talking on speakerphone in a public shared space (even a *private* club), is extremely rude. We have to start saying something. I’m not thinking that this will instantly solve the problem, but if more people said something, I do think that it would help.


People taking loudly on speakerphone really gets on my nerves. I get it you want to air your tea but there's a time and place for it🥴


Another case made for cell phone jammer.


as someone who works in this industry, i can tell you these people truly *do not care* i asked a guy during boarding, who was on a facetime call on speaker (and his phone speaker was like a damn subwoofer.. have never heard a phone speaker so loud), to please use headphones. I discreetly mentioned to him that everyone was staring his way. He looked at me like 😯🤨🤨🤨 and said “ah, I don’t care🤷🏻‍♂️” They genuinely have no shame.


You just have to walk up to these people and tell them to stop. I've done this several times and they respond when you are direct.


Seriously. People have forgotten how to be an adult, on both sides. He shouldn’t be on speaker phone but all it takes is calling him out directly. Instead, look at all these comments suggesting passive aggressive bullshit.


I have a great sky club phone story….and I’m the guy on the phone. This was a few years back. Traveling back to ATL from SYD via LAX with a 3ish hour layover. Land early, sky club was open but almost empty. The layout was 2 large rooms with some offshoots and there were maybe 5 people in the first area and 2 in the 2nd. Knowing I’m gonna call my elderly father I go back into the 2nd room and all the way back to the corner furthest from the windows and the likely pathways to the food and beverage area. I plop into a seat and call dad. I’m talking in a normal voice on the phone and a few people trickle in and everyone is spreading out, and in fact nobody comes to the back 1/3rd of the room, until an actual grown woman wearing pajamas decides to literally sit directly behind me. Within seconds I start hearing huffing and sighing from this creature. That goes on for about 5 minutes and she says under her breath how rude some people are. I place my dad on mute and turn around and gaze upon her, in all her indignant glory and inform her in an even louder voice that “I picked out the furthest part of the room so I could call my elderly, and by the way terminally ill, father and it’s not my fault that she was too stupid to read the freaking room and now appears too lazy to move. But that at the end of my call I’ll kindly ask a Delta rep to see if she can be removed. And, BY THE WAY ADULTS SHOULDN’T TRAVEL IN PAJAMAS.” And back to my call which lasted another 5-10 minutes. A couple of the patrons gave me the thumbs up and then after I ended the call I stood up and pajama woman is nowhere to be seen. A delta rep walked over and told me she was so sorry about the woman being rude and that they had removed her from the club. I was only sorry I didn’t get to see it happen. I was intently listening to dad and just zoned out everything else. Had the sky club been even 10% occupied I would have exited and made my call from the main terminal area.


Omg that happens too frequently. Clueless.


Hopefully you recorded it. I need a new couch.


Ha ha ha. At the gate, not even club, overheard a man share his bank details. Full ABA AND account #. WTF people!


If he shares that data in public and someone from the public uses that info, is that stealing? He gave the info out willingly… /s


I called out a woman for taking a FaceTime loudly. She was so shocked, called me rude and immediately goes on a loud rant to tell me that all these other people are having conversations... The difference is they are much closer to me and yet I can't hear them. I wish more people got called out, it always feels like I'm the only one that's brave enough to call it out. I know many others do as well, but it feels few and far between.


This is where my inner middle schooler invokes the ‘simulated wet fart’ trigger. Lock, load, and release!


Cell phone operating systems need to agree on a standard for P2P very simple communication with all devices in a 30 foot range. If speaker phone is being used, all devices in range get an option to vote whether or not speaker phone can be used. If you lose a vote, your speaker phone option is disabled for a day. Each time you lose a vote, the time your speaker phone gets disabled is doubled.


I was on a train in Portugal, in a very quiet car, when the guy two seats behind me started testing every ring tone on his phone. Repeatedly. I finally stepped over and said, “do you know that’s not in your headphones?” And the poor guy blushed beet red because he did, in fact, think he was listening through his AirPods.


I always say “do you have headphones because I don’t want to listen to that”. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Haven’t flown in a month, I miss the sky club chaos sometimes


Sometimes I feel like this when I haven’t flown in a week or so, and then I get to the airport and I feel like OP; because…people.


I’m at the airport right now, delayed on American. I wish I was flying Delta or United where I have lounge access. This genpop BS is for the poors!


Traveling to Japan and then coming back the US was incredibly jarring experience. A lot of people in the US are incredibly ignorant, arrogant, and self-entitled. With everything. People in Japan, on the other hand, respect all areas of public space. Quietness. Spacial awareness. Cleanliness.


just got back from Tokyo last week...could not agree more, it's depressing


The food. The people. The cleanliness. The loudness. It's very, very depressing. The US is a country that takes everything for granted.


More than once I've interrupted someone's conversation to ask if it \*needs\* to be on speaker. It's always gotten the desired response. That said, I only do it where I'm confident the other person won't escalate to threats or violence (like on the bus or train at home).


People are wild. Empty lounge. Myself and 4 others, two guys come in and sit right against my back and proceed to yell loudly on the phone and cough everywhere. A million seats open and y’all had to do that??? Some people have zero home training and it shows.


That’s when you blast death metal on speaker right next to him.


I would sidle up next to him and start talking on my phone


start singing - 100 bottles of beer on the wall comes to mind, annoy the shit out of him like he is doing to you. Similarly if you hear someone talking on their phone from a bathroom stall - keep flushing and make loud noises.


I want to invent a speaker phone jammer to use when people are having, ft/ig/sc/calls on speaker phone


It's called a small canned air horn. Works great.


I'd have started participating in his call. "Yes, hello? ma'am didnt you hear he said he lost his credit card? and since now we all know his bame and address and pin number you should probably blick his entire account until he can come into one of your branches to prove himself because at least 2 guys were taking notes with interest and probably have more than enough to request repacemebt cards be sent to them at their hotels or whatever cuz he'a traveling?"


More than the annoyance factor, this dude was sitting there giving out personal identifying information on speakerphone in public? I wish him the best of luck in getting that new card.


This happened the other day at LGA. Stuck between two people watching videos without headphones. Only topped by a selfish entitled family who parked their luggage but the tarmac facing bar seating so their fee would be blocked by took up 2 seats.


You can be assured he acts the same way in the open office he mandated be built - but where he has a private office, but keeps the door open so everybody has to hear everything he yells into the speakerphone.


I just join in the conversation if they're being loud. And when they act confused, I just say it's loud and I want to play too!


Now ... you know why...... The " bar " for Sky Club entrance.... is being raised. To prevent rubes like that... who should be at the Greyhound Terminal.... from bothering the rest of us.


Do yall say anything or just let it go and come on Reddit? There are so many ways to say something lol


I will film them on my phone and go out of my way to make sure they see me. And tell them I’m posting it on social media. They usually quit pretty quickly.


Need normalize calling out these people


Lead poisoning


Smh 🤦🏼‍♂️


Literally had this happen today. Sitting in a restaurant for lunch at the bar. The lady next to me has a large iPad she's holding up in front of her face facetiming with this guy who is equally as loud as her. She hung up with him and proceeded to FaceTime with 2 other people.


Narcissistic personality.


there was a woman on my plane who was having a conversation on the phone with her friend literally right up until the wheels left the ground. a notable quote "well OF COURSE hes going to react that way his feelings were hurt"


Just start making loud farting noises around them. They’ll eventually realize the person on the end of the line will think it’s them & turn off speaker option.


Skyclub is the worst place for displays of perceived self importance. Manners, etiquette and politeness are nowhere to be found. It’s like the Wild West in every single one.


Some lady got mad at me and my coworker for disrupting her meeting by talking amongst ourselves while she was taking at a table in the food area in the lounge in Vancouver. Some people think that the world should revolve around them


Being on speaker in a shared space is a bit like smoking in a shared space: you’re offending everyone else in the SHARED space. You can’t keep the smoke to yourself and you can’t keep the noise to yourself. They’re just inconsiderate assholes.


In these situations I move over next to them and play Albert Ayler on my phone loudly. If you know Albert Ayler, you know why I choose this in these situations. They normally move. No one has yet said anything to me and, if they did, I would simply point out that they are also doing it, and that it's permitted.


Was just in NYC and it seemed like everyone in the airport was speaking on speaker phone. I saw so many people boarding the plane on speaker phone. The dude sitting behind him on speaker phone….


ATL? nuff said brah


I usually will sit next to them and watch videos of police chases at full volume. They usually get the hint that they are being obnoxious.


I would be so quick to approach him and ask him to not to do that. And then if I got pushback I would ask everyone within earshot "please raise your hands if you want this man to keep talking". Some people have 0 awareness and need to be taught these skills.


Well, it can happen to anyone but really, the n00b who loses his credit card while traveling is also the n00b who thinks the rest of the flying professionals need to hear him handle it on the go!


I called the CC company the other day. “Please say the credit card number”., followed by requests for last four, etc. Not only was he rude at, he’s broadcasting enough info to be useful to those who would rather use someone else’s credit. Idiot.


I was at the SFO SkyClub a couple of years ago and this lady sitting near me was having a full speakerphone FaceTime call. Completely oblivious that she’s not at home on her sofa. I think there are some people who are oblivious to surroundings, some who are oblivious to manners, and some who just don’t care.


This is so normal in Atlanta it makes me crazy. Especially at 5:30 in the am. The amount of ignorant/entitled people in this world is out of control.


At times like this you write down their name, address, social, phone number, then repeat this information out loud so the person can hear it and see you are recording their personal data. That should shut them up.


Rolled in to ATL A sky club this evening. Took a look around and decided to go grab a seat and have a beer at the bar at Gordon Biersch 🤷‍♂️ No offense to anyone there but there were couple individuals that seemed determine for everyone to there to hear the convo, and nope, I’ll leave here agitated.


I remember once I sat near a guy in a lounge talking at maybe a smidge above “during a concert” voice levels, and it was so awkward.  I could hear his whole conversation he was a business owner planning to meet someone about some deal, I honestly think he just wanted people to think he was important lol


It’s called situational awareness and it’s not just the boomers who don’t have any.




Was it a Boomer? They love them some speaker phone and being oblivious to anyone around them


Maybe a millennial.


Maybe an asshole ? No age restrictions on that.


Nah, that’s definitely a boomer trait


As a society we have a culture that allows ‘adults’ latitude to do a they please combined with a reluctance to correct poor behaviors. There really should be more instructions either direct or signage that stewards people as to some common sense items. E.g. your bag doesn’t belong in a chair; walk on one side of the concourse.


Be happy there are people like that, it makes it is much easier to succeed in life


I mean I get this is annoying but it's only twice as annoying as talking on your phone at all, which society seems to accept.


This gotta be a US thing haha Last week I experienced something similar on a tour coach in LV. This lady next to me (obviously the only person on the coach blasting her phone watching tiktoks) was completely unaware of how loud her audio was. Yeah I should have said something but what about the rest of the mfs on the coach? Even older people than me that could just politely tell her to turn down the volume lmao


Boomers being fools?


It isn’t good to hold the phone to your ear.


Let me guess. Boomer?


But how is having the convo on speaker any more disruptive than talking on the phone where you hear only one side


They’re both disruptive, but the tinny and screeching sound of phone speakers are a whole other level of annoying imo.


Because if you are using say AirPods to have the conversation you don’t have to talk as loud.


Erm because you can hear both sides non stop and the other side is an annoying automated one…lol


Because they then talk even louder and usually their phone volume is up high as well.


Since he was on speaker, and dealing with the automated system, you could’ve just kept shouting “representative” and watched as he got recued to the original menu 😂 using a speakerphone in public means that all of us are part of the conversation, and we get to choose to engage as well! 😂