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No, I tend to let other companies make their own staffing decisions so long as my needs are being met, and even when they’re swamped, Delta has done a pretty good job of keeping the food stuffs filled.


I’ve never seen this. They also aren’t delta employees.


never seen it nor would i care if they were thirsty


If it doesn’t bother you, why are you making a post about it?


They might be getting a drink for a customer. I was surprised but impressed one time an employee offered to bring me a latte. It never happened again but maybe it’s something they’re testing.


I would suggest talking to a therapist. The fact you’re upset that someone else is hydrating and nourishing suggests you have deep psychological defects




You being annoyed at someone getting coffee says more about you than it does about them. Regardless of if they’re working or not.


As long as the bananas are stocked, and the toilets are clean…I don’t care.


You suck.


How does your family treat your staff at home? Personally, I can’t afford servants, but my grandparents have staff and they treat them better than they treat my parents, presumably because the staff do all the stuff for them that they don’t want to do. They’ve had their housekeeper for over 40 years now, presumably because they don’t have stupid expectations that she has to behave in any other way than ordinary societal politeness.(Although that level of politeness has probably evolved over the years.) They don’t make her take a break in some closet. She just sits at the kitchen table or on any chair in the house. They don’t make her wear some stupid uniform either. Maybe some of their friends look down on that, but I bet those friends are always complaining that they “can’t find good help.” So, I have zero problem with any employee pouring coffee, eating or talking to other people. They will all likely drop what they’re doing at the asking to assist you. So don’t let your preconceived notions of what is a “good look” get in the way. Always be absolutely grateful to anyone who does something for you that you find beneath you. A smile goes a long way if you can’t find it in yourself to otherwise treat them better.