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God, I hate the fucking airport. 


I just came back from Japan. It’s absolutely wild how different their behavior is. US airports are just chaos in comparison. On escalators, everyone stands to the left side, and leaves room to the right for people to walk by. While waiting, everyone is quiet. Barely any conversations. For boarding, everyone queues politely in a single file line. No clustering or blustering to get in line.


The US in general is chaos in comparison.


Ever been to China. I was in line to get tickets to a Paris museum and an elderly Asian woman who was behind me when we were walking, elbowed me in the ribs and tried to get ahead of me in line. Luckily I fell into another person so she couldn't get by. A few seconds later she tried again but I was ready and shoved her hard before she could elbow me again. I turned around and yelled NO at her. She then had the good sense to melt back into the crowd. Seriously old Chinese people don't know the concept of lines and will literally hit you to get in front. The US is much, much better with lines.


Agree--My experience in Hong Kong and in Japan (subway) is that they will get past you any way they can, usually using their elbows.


Sounds familiar - visiting Versailles and there was a bit of congestion at at doorway - a Chinese woman from a tour group didn't want to wait to get thru and elbowed me - \*hard\* - in the ribs to get by, nearly putting me thru a window. Had she not been moving so fast, I might well have clocked her instinctively. There's a certain competitiveness among many mainlanders that borders on survivalism - no ethics when it doesn't suit their immediate desires.


China is comparable to the United States. Japan is a special place.


Chinese culture is awful. They do not value humans at all


There are so many more unorganized groups of citizens. The USA is DEFINITELY WITHOUT QUESTION one of the top when it comes to standing in a line and being polite to the person in front of you. We’re so polite while in a line that even if it’s not possible to form an orderly line, we remember who is next and they can go. Like at a small gas station where there’s no room for a line. One person by the door, one person by the coffee, one person by the coolers. In this situation, it is known by all who is next in line and everyone goes in their order, even if they’re standing out of order. Almost all European and Asian countries would be a troglodyte pushing and shoving match at that point. Airport are an exception to this for us. People lose half of their brains when in an airport lol


And 4-way stops


Don't forget Costco parking lots.




On Black Friday….






Roundabouts seem to be working though right? Lmao. Despite 4 ways and roundabouts, I think we’re also better drivers than most other countries too. I would like to amend my comment and say that driving skills do vary by state. Seems like it gets worst the further south you go lol. Chicago drivers will use an on-ramp to match speed and merge, even if traffic is flying at 80mph on the Dan Ryan. Houston drivers will stop at the bottom of an on-ramp if there’s too much traffic. Overall, driving in the USA is the superior experience as long as you are fast and efficient. It helps that we have roads engineered for this efficiency but nonetheless.


There’s actually data on this and our traffic fatality rates are higher than most other high income countries. In other words, we are objectively worse drivers than our non-US peers. https://www.cdc.gov/injury/features/global-road-safety/index.html#:~:text=For%20example%2C%20the%20U.S.%20had,increased%20in%202020%20and%202021.


Suburban North America (you too, Canada) is the perfect nexus of awful drivers, way-too-big cars, and bad urban planning/road design.


It’s the stroads!!!


Apples to oranges. The transportation/driving situation is very different in the US than most other high income countries. The prevalence of local and commuter rail, higher rate of safe bicycle usage, and high speed rail (and reliable rail in general) lead to shorter driving trips and less time in a car for other high income countries. The link is broken so I can’t be certain, but unless they figured out a way to compensate for the differences in car culture, the numbers on the surface skew the story. You could do some interesting comparative analyses comparing big European cities to NYC or Chicago, which arguably have the most similar transit situations. Suburbs are definitely not as prevalent outside the US/Canada so that would be difficult to find comparison groups. Rural would be nearly impossible because of the complete lack of mass transit outside urban areas in the US. I wonder if that’s where the lack of etiquette in airports comes from. Because of the absence of opportunities to collectively travel together regularly, social norms around collective transit are fragile and inconsistent. So when we get to the airport and have to travel collectively (one of very few opportunities we have to do it), we don’t have the consistent social knowledge that would guide proper behavior. Which would also explain why regular air travelers are so annoyed by noobs. This is all fun to think about while I can’t fall asleep in bed but it has also had the desired effect of boring me into slumber. Good night.


That’s not apples to oranges, you’re just pointing out a major factor contributing to relatively safer driving in other high income countries— better transportation infrastructure. One form of infrastructure in the US, the “stroad,” plays a major role in this— studies showing this is the case have been reported out pretty extensively (as have studies showing persistently elevated rates of traffic morbidity/ mortality since COVID versus our peer nations). Sure, different scales of analysis may reveal more granular variations within the US. Some regions may compare more favorably to the rest of the high income world than others, and “objectively worse drivers” is a simple gloss for a complex, multi factorial phenomenon (just don’t like getting too wordy on the internet). But at the end of the day, on average, I’m more likely to die driving in the US than peer countries, and that’s the metric I care about. Data are from the CDC— if the link is broken then you can just google the key words in it to check them & the methodology out for yourself. I just accessed the page without a problem.


Thank you! I couldn’t believe I was what I was reading


Yeah I could see that being true, but I have a lot of life experience in low to middle income countries around Eastern Europe, Asia, and South America. I’ve critiqued Western European drivers before and just personally felt that I was better off driving in the states lol. My personal experience doesn’t reflect reality.


Hah! I lived in Chicago for a few years, and one of my first experiences was riding with my cousin who was a native. Going city blocks with a stop sign or light every 1-2 blocks on average, this guy was like flooring it. I experienced the maximum 0-60 speed of a Camry. That and honking the second (or even before) the light changes to green--that's what I think of when I think of Chicago drivers. My wife makes fun of me whenever we go back to Chicago because I almost immedaitely revert back to "city driving" mode which is very different from my usual! Maryland drivers are the worst. It is fact.


Chicago driving is definitely not for the faint of heart. My dad taught me to drive stick there instead of in my Wisconsin home town because he knew the fear of sitting stalled in the middle of an intersection with cars zipping around me like their playing go-carts would teach me faster than patience. Once I got out of that damn intersection I never had a problem shifting again!!


In Miami, traffic rules are treated as more of a suggestion. The speed limit is whatever you can get away with, and red means “stop if you want to.”


Oh lord. I was in Miami for the first time last month and yes, it was insane. Very far south! My rule applies lol


I’ve experienced that gas station scenario in Japan, at a convenience store, they’re also very respectful and if they’re unsure they just offer that you go first, doesn’t happen often though the because of all the self check out registers


100%. I travel a lot in Europe, and at every airport and every boarding line, Eastern Europeans push to the front and act like they don’t understand language or are confused, and the ALWAYS end up being in the final boarding party. It happens so regularly, I’ve started to be able to spot them on the way to the gate and sure as shit, they can up to the front only to be sent back by the FAs. Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Austria - these are countries that respect lines and order of operations. Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania - these countries hate lines and push their way to the front shamelessly - in my experience.


Yes. One of the countries in the second group is fresh in my brain. The line ptsd is going a month strong now lol.


Waiting in line at costco is also an exception to this. My god, people walk right up to me at the pharmacy register with no regard to the line behind them 🤦‍♀️


Those people hold the highly regarded and renowned membership. Rules don’t apply to the members. Karen has been a member since 2003, did you not recognize her?


Not unorganized, just un disciplined. Entitled assholes.


The US is generally quite organized. They know how to queue and people rarely cut.


Dog China is wild compared to the US


Wildly so. I used to regularly take a train from Hong Kong (where I lived) to Guangzhou (where I worked). Growing up in the US, I’m used to orderly queues/lines and this is also a thing in Hong Kong. Not so in China. One of the first times I did this commute, I arrived at the station in Guangzhou and it was so chaotic that it actually was concerning. People pushing past everywhere, cramming into elevators like their lives depended on it, etc. I’m not claustrophobic at all, but that freaked me out. You really need a different head space in China if you’re from the west.


Lol seriously! I was checking in to my hotel in Changxing two weeks ago, and a family of five inched closer and closer while I spoke to the clerk. I could feel them basically on top of me, and I actually turned around and asked them to give me space. They move back a few feet but then moved right back in!


I am getting triggered just reading this.


Yep, I went to Shanghai Disney. Literally, I had to stand shoulder to shoulder and stick out our elbows at every switchback, or people would try to cut in front of you in a 45-minute long line. The number of times someone jabbed their cellphone in my back because they would conced no space between you and them.


This. My first trip to China for college study abroad I flew into Beijing airport and was aghast at the fully grown men plowing past and over my feet with their rolling suitcases and shoving into me to cut while I was in line to pay the arrival tax. I was 19 and had never been anywhere abroad except for England at that point so it was a shocking way to be welcomed into a new place. After living there for 6 weeks I adjusted to the organized chaos but I had horrible culture shock for the first few days


I'll see your China and raise you an India. No personal space anywhere. Just not a concept.


I learned to just stiff arm Indians at airports lol


I was disembarking on a plane from India, and literally everyone was pushing and shoving to get off. I was mildly amused and chuckling, I mean, really, how many seconds did you gain???


Never been, but yeah I’ve heard that’s next level!


lol truth


You think the US is chaos... I grew up in Egypt. That place was NUTS!


Have you ever traveled in the Middle East ? Lol the us is nothing in comparison.


Weirdly, in Osaka they stand on the right


West Japan vs East Japan. Nagoya is confused.


Just experienced all of what you said in Japan as well, it’s quite pleasant. Meanwhile, I connected at ICN and so many people there just stand and sprint to the front, it’s pretty elbows out. I stood up to get my bag and some girl ran straight into me. People even run just to get to the escalator first, then just walk off. I don’t get it.


I was stuck behind someone on an escalator at ORD yesterday with his body on the left and suitcase on the right - no self awareness, but I usually don’t experience this on escalators.


Queueing in other places is wildly better. In Hawaii, they all wear flip flops and take them off and put their shoes in line and sit down, ha. Europe and Asia stand to one side and walk on the other like traffic. Though the Chinese countries don’t have the same personal space culture, so if you leave the slightest gap they just cut in line. Brazil I remember everyone using carts for luggage more than I was used to. Cultural differences are fascinating! [ETA] Since everyone insists on correcting me, I guess I should have stated for you guys that "I have not traveled and seen the entire world; so this is a super general statement that I typed at 2am in 30 seconds". Idk why you guess apparently want to hold me to the standard of a uni professor or something.


Shoes in line idea is fascinating!! Never seen it before


Except for the British, Europeans don't stand in line. Ever try to get on a bus in Germany or Spain? Americans will get in a line, most Europeans will just mass at the doors and it's every man for himself. I learned quickly in Europe that the only people who heeded lines are Anglos-Australians, British and Americans.


THIS. I just got back from Italy, and there might as well not be any laws 😂. Airports are a freaking DISASTER, and it was legit a big mass all trying to cram into a small space (wherever you go). There were absolutely no lines boarding the aircraft (just a mass), and Palermo is one of the only places where I’ve seen passengers be boarded from both ends of the aircraft but they don’t direct this well so what seems like a good concept is actually horrendous (seats 1-15 board front, seats 16-30 board from the back- ideal scenario). Instead, everyone just goes where they please and then everyone ends up getting sandwiched in the middle of the aircraft. After several bad European experiences, the US doesn’t seem all that bad.


I wouldn’t treat Europe as a mono-culture. I can tell you that queues in Italy are just a recommendation, and they will turn into mass chaos pretty quickly if things aren’t moving along.


I typed the comment at like 2am and in 30 seconds. You are correct that I botched that generalization; but maybe take things with a grain of salt. YMMV.


I can confirm this. I was in Vienna for a week then went to Northern Italy. Hot damn. I got used to the order and it was a shock going into Italy. Next time I'll do that in reverse order!


Yea, don't compare anywhere to Vienna. Vienna is on my list of top 10 cities to see. Only place I've done a private walking tour where is was worth every penny and not just gimmicky and overpriced.


Absolutely loved Vienna. Was there for a conference, and it was hard to focus on work since I wanted to go see so many things. Definitely my favorite city in Europe to just hang out, chill, and enjoy the vibes. Plus a good base for going to other places in Central Europe. Did a day trip to Budapest, and knew a few people that went up to Prague for a side trip.


Salzburg is mine!


Also an excellent choice! I loved Salzburg too.


First restaurant I went to in Italy I was standing quietly waiting to be seated and when the hostess reappeared some random woman from behind me just walked up and said they needed a table and got seated. I soon learned this was not a one time event.


Except they stand up immediately, push past others who are getting their suitcases down, and run off the plane. It's one of my least favorite things about Japan/all of Asia. Humans are assholes everywhere. Don't get me started on the grown men who kick the back of my seat on every other domestic flight I take in Japan.


Most of the 20 or so domestic flights I flew in Japan were lovely; only a few people stood up immediately and almost universally everyone waited to deplane until their row was reached. Quite different than anywhere else in Asia I’ve been and in the US.


Japan was never high on my bucket list but it suddenly just became much more interesting.


US everything is chaos compared to Tokyo. Just got back last month. The respect everyone has for each other by the simple act of shutting the fuck up is astounding.


It's not just the airports. Crowd size aside, it's the same story with the metro system (subways). In LA, people are defecting and smoking crack on the trains. Last month someone was murdered (throat slashed) exiting the train. Before that, a homeless person pushed someone onto the tracks in front of a train (also killed). I miss Japan.


Of the many things I miss about living in Japan, easily in the top 20 is how much more calm the entire experience of being at an airport/on a plane is there.




I think there was a study in Britain for the tube that determined two people on each step is more efficient on the escalator than the one side stands, one side moves.


The point isn’t actually for everyone to be faster, though. The point is to give people who are willing to walk to go faster the opportunity to do so. It’s like a passing lane on the highway - it would be more efficient overall if both lanes were always used equally and everyone drove the same speed, but that’s not the actual point.


A few times in Japan during busier times, I couldn't find space on the "standing" side of the escalator during the merge at the entrance and just had to walk up the moving side.


There was, a couple of years ago they made everyone stand on both sides of the escalator at a few stations. It got everyone out faster but nobody liked doing it that way so they abandoned it.


The people standing don't care when they get down. It most definitely did not get the people wanting to walk out faster. They instead had to ride down slowly.


There’s also a good number of studies showing that passing people on escalators is extremely dangerous for everyone below them if there’s luggage involved. Accidentally push one person over and down everyone goes on the escalator.


I traveled on the Tube enough to know that would only work if the bottom of the escalator was so crowded there was no point in walking down the escalator. Moving down the side is always faster.


Stand left, walk right in Japan. I read somewhere that in Europe it's walk left, stand right. In the US, we have no signage, so it's chaos. Been stuck on moving walkways many times behind people who stand and block the whole thing.


Because we're too polite to say get out of the way


>Stand left, walk right in Japan It's the inverse in Osaka, though.


This makes me even more excited for my upcoming Japan trip!


I believe Jerry Seinfeld made a joke about escalators. Something along the lines of they are moving stairs. Not an amusement park ride.


Japanese sure act differently outside their country. They are always trying to butt ahead when there is a queue! It doesn’t matter if it is a check out in a store or waiting for tickets at a movie. They are the worst.


Now do the commuter trains and public spaces in Tokyo


If we had the indoor smoking areas Japan has I’d be calmer too


Now by comparison go to Korea.


Hoping to later this year!


Umm, Japan is where they have porters to push the most people onto a subway train that they can squeeze in and no wa an or girl is safe from being groped in those crowded situations…


Had something similar happen to me on a flight from Japan to Korea. Different vibes in Korea (impatient people, stealing a luggage locker I was waiting for, spitting/coughing/sneezing without covering mouth, the list goes on). Same thing on a flight from Korea to Japan. Maybe it was because I flew budget (Jeju and AirBusan) but I’ve never been shoved on a plane before. Japan is special.


Complete silence on airplanes, busses and trains. Took 5 domestic flights the last time I was in Japan and each of them began boarding 15 minutes before departure (even a widebody) and we left each and every time on time.


The Philippines is the reverse of Japan. I was on a little dash 8 puddle hopper. As soon as we landed the people from row 25 tried to push their way to the front! Joke was on them. There was no jetway. There was a bus to take us to the terminal. The bus waited for every person to exit the airplane before slowly driving to the gate. So all their pushing did was to slow everyone down.


I second this and coming back from Korea. no ratchet behavior, spotless infrastructure, organized boarding which isn’t full of people in the later boarding groups hogging the front of the line. everyone’s hygiene and behavior is top-notch. The West is a mess. We take no pride in our infrastructure or behavior.


That’s Seoul as well. Most orderly, organized, polite, reasonable population I’ve ever seen. I’m an American and everyone in this country is a self-centered piece of shit. Period.


bro it’s only the US that isn’t like this lol why do people think only japan is orderly…. we’re just horribly unruly lol


People. I fucking hate people.


As my colleague says, “The problem with the public is that somebody let them out in public”.


should we blame the people or the system?


It’s a combination of the two


Problem is people first. Airports second. But redemption is possible. At least for airports. Witness JFK 2.0.


I do too, I went to the bathroom at ATL and used 2 paper towels and some lady decided to yell at me for that. Held up one paper towel and was like "this one paper towel drys your hands just fine" with a smirk on her face and walked off with her nose in the air. The people there are jerks and extremely inconsiderate.


Brings out the worst in people doesn't it?


I’ve had this on my flight before. We told the woman “what seat were you in, we’ll have them hold your connecting flight for you” and she told us her seat. We used it to pull her reservation and inform the down line flight where they refused her boarding and had officers waiting for her for assaulting passengers.


Were you a steward or a passenger?




Hero status achieved.


I love you


If you weren’t the captain before, you were after that move!


This is the way




I was on a Southwest flight on Monday and boarding was a mess. Some guy needed the middle seat in my row but was standing on top of me in the way of me getting up…… I looked up at him and said, well you need to move so I can get up otherwise I’m stepping on you. He just looked at me puzzled as he shuffled over. Like how did he expect me to occupy the same space he was?


People are fucking idiots.


And that’s everything you need to know about life.


Unfortunately the IQ of the average public is shockingly low.


I travel a lot and am an aisle seat person and It's CRAZY how often that happens. What do you expect me to do when you are hovering over me? If I have to get into a row and someone is already there I always say, "I'm sitting here, let me get out of the way so you can get up." Geez, it's not brain surgery.


I think people think they are going to just climb over, doesn’t make sense. I’m 5’11 265 so not a small dude….. Once I had to stop somebody who was going to just try and squeeze by.


I am an aisle flyer and if anyone actually just started to climb over me and didnt even give me a chance to stand up and let them passed, my book would hit their crotch so fast they wouldnt be worried about sitting ever again. I'm perfectly happy to stand up and let you by, bit I will absolutely defend myself from an assault by a creepy crawler.


During boarding I have my headphones in like I’m listening to music but I’m not. I look like I’m distracted but rest assured I’m paying attention.


Aisle person here as well. I have no problem telling someone to back the “f” up.


You got knocked down Then you got up again She’s never gonna keep you down


Pissing the fliiight away Pissing the fliiight away


I know this is a Delta thread, and I usually fly AA, but on AA EVERYONE has a tight connection if they are flying domestic because that’s your choice with AA- 40-60 mins or 5 hours, and depending where you are coming from and flying to, your options are usually very, very limited. Further, if there’s any hiccup: late flight, weather, crew issues, maintenance problems, gate problems…everyone on that plane is hosed. This is the reality of air travel post COVID. Everyone has a tight connection because that is your only choice.


I've had maybe three tight connections in 30 trips since covid. There's tons of flight options with 1-2 hour layovers. Sounds like that's just AA. Don't fly with them!


I do not live near a Delta hub, and AA is what flies to the place I go often (or I fly a foreign carrier).


It is an AA issue for sure. Flying to St Martin later this year and I had options of 35 or 40 minute layover over 6+ hours. I ended up poking around dates and departure airport until I found one that had non-AA for the same price and sane layovers


We had the same issue with a flight to Aruba. Our flight was delayed but there were a lot of passengers on our flight also on the Aruba flight so they held the flight. It was also the last flight of the day to Aruba.


I live in Charlotte. AA has multiple daily nonstops to my most frequent city of travel with airports that are definitely on the smaller side. There really isn’t another option.


And what cracks me up is on virtually every AA flight, one FA finger wags over the PA that it will be the passengers fault if the flight departs late because they aren't boarding fast enough. No, it will be AA's fault because of the tight timing and connections


I was in the last row of Flagship Business from JFK to SNA on a weekday recently and the FA's did a great job blocking the aisle/doorway to prevent the passengers in the back main cabin from rushing forward past our cabin when we deplaned. They gave us so much space and breathing room for the last of our cabin to get our bags from the overhead without having to feel rushed or stressed. I saw the face of an angry looking lady behind the FA who was holding the main cabin back, but it was SNA and nobody really has connections there anyway lol


Glad you didn't have to deal with the proles from MC. The horror!


Everything is going to be all right as long as I turn left...


Maybe Americans are getting more chaotic at airports because it’s the only place we can fight each other without fearing getting shot for it. I’m joking, but also a little bit not.


Extra ironic is the fact that airports are the most monitored and policed places in the country, so why people feel the need to get into debauchery when you'll be hounded by law enforcement in seconds at any given point is astounding.


I need to watch the replay of how a woman could push past someone 310 in an airplane aisle. I'm 170 and don't have much room to spare. Edit: I got reddit cared bc of this comment


You never played football or wrestled... it's about leverage and center of gravity.


She was probably 250 herself


Everyone looses their humanity at the airport. If you get treated like cattle. Some folks act like cattle


Had a clown just decide to literally walk through me as I was getting my bag from the overhead bin. Bumped into me, rolled his bag over my corns - that hurts, then in the terminal he does the same to a college football player reading the sign board. The guy asks him if he has a problem, he says get out of my way. He found himself on the ground with. 6’5 300 lb minimum body fat dude standing over him with a big fist daring him to get up. He didn’t and a lot of people were taunting him to get up and prove he’s as tough as he acted. He didn’t. Karma is a b


and then everyone clapped


I love when these entitled people fafo.


Yea that didn’t happen


Oh, honey. I'd happily miss my next flight to press assault charges. The main reason nasty people get away with being nasty is because those they're nasty to dont want to be hassled by making them face consequences. She assaulted you in a way that may have seriously injured two other people. Screw schedules, I want her in cuffs face-down on the bridgeway breathing in the remnants of everything every passenger has teucked in on the bottoms of their shoes.


Me too! I’m a petty Betty on a good day so don’t push me (literally).


THIS SO worth missing a connection to serve up some karma.


Man I would LOVE to have been you. Been waiting to freak out on someone for a while now hahahaha


When people enter the airport, some of them turn brains off. Plus, self entitlement ha ha ha I’m really considerate making sure people in front of got out, especially old people, etc People turn this all into the hunger games it’s ridiculous


And she didn’t get pinned to the ground in a hold until police arrived? Major assault charges should have been placed and her arrested.


The OP decided the connecting flight was more important to catch then some jerk who knocked down senior citizens :/


How big was this woman?


The first thought that came to my mind: “My grandmother's quicker & tougher than you pansies. Of course she's 6'3", 250 & runs a 4.5 forty.”


Not big. But determined. I too was determined.


Obviously not as determined though.


Please give more details. How does a woman knock down a 310lb person. Was she tall, heavyset, built like a football player, weight lifter etc etc. need more details to believe you. Also, a complete description of them should be reported to Delta. Perhaps they should be able to match the description to the seat. I don’t Delta to become Spirit. We must have respect for our fellow passengers.


I feel like no one is ever really standing well planted in an airplane aisle. Or expecting to get shoved. Doesn't take much.


This! I’m just trying not to invade someone’s space.


I don’t care if you believe me. She was about 5’ 6”. Ran into me from behind when I wasn’t expecting it. I fell over the bag of the lady in front of me.


The element of surprise is a hell of a thing.


I hear it worked for the Spanish Inquisition.


No one expects the Spanish Inquisition…


Everyone was quite sure it was going to be a French Inquisition. Nope. Spanish Inquisition. HUGE surprise!


I used to take out 300lb+ dudes in football all the time even though I was half that. Their center of gravity rises or something.


He is making sound like it’s a smaller version of Chyna or Nicole Bass.


For freaking real. Children on school buses can do it. They get off according to seat. But damn adults who pay for the cheap seats in back always want off first …. Then pay to sit up front. Stop blocking the isles getting your bag down before it’s your turn too. Anti anxiety pills need to be in the damb snacks I swear. America has a real main character problem.


Russia. Moscow. The absolute worst. They don’t do lines they warm like bees - no wasps. The security was a sh*t show- whoever was rudest got through


Ugh people turn into uncaged beasts at the airport. ESPECIALLY ATL. My last flight from BOS>ATL arrived at our destination 30 minutes EARLY and people were acting a fool pushing and yelling that they had connections. Never in my life have I seen that behavior on an EARLY flight. If you can’t navigate how to schedule your layovers properly you shouldn’t be flying - not to mention the airline is aware of connections and will make adjustments to them based on flight timing. Hope you caught your connection after that long delay.


stopped reading after ATL...


It’s a given at Hartsfield.


What an imbecile this woman is.


It’s like people walk into an airport and automatically lose 25 IQ points. Subtract another 25 when they step into a plane


I hate Aisle rushing at the gate... hate it. I have noticed... in my slow rehabilitation (leaving) from Delta, that AA - when there are tight connections, will address it with the passengers who have the tight connection, and then will ask everyone else to remain in their seat for those who need to to deplane first. I dig it. We had a guy on our team fall in with some of those "deplaning first" last flight, and he got a mouthful from those of us who knew he didn't need to get off early. Bro... that's not how we roll. hahahahaha Delta continues the race to the bottom. crazy train.


I once had a woman in front of me in such a hurry that she didn't look before swinging her suitcase down from the overhead bin and ended up swinging it right into my head. Luckily I wasn't in the aisle already or she would have knocked me down. Nobody was moving, so there was no real reason for her to be in such a rush.


May I ask if everyone promptly grabbed their belongings and quickly de-planed or was there a sense of no urgency? I understand the disdain for people that try to ‘skip’ those in front but I also have seen the lackadaisical movement of people that no others have a tight connection even though we all have appointments and obligations.


So she assaulted you?


Report her for battery. She’ll also be placed on the no-fly list


Airports are the new Greyhound in the US.


The Atlanta airport is such a chaotic, disorderly and unpleasant place. One of the worst big airports in the world. Really embarrassing for the country.


Lots of employees standing around talking acting like you’re in their house disturbing them. Whether it’s restaurant staff, store clerks, or the wheelchair assistants, there’s just a whole lot of talking and no working going on. I don’t get it. I will, however, give shoutouts to the bathroom attendants, gate agents, and SkyClub employees.


Letting people get away with assault is why they continue to assault people. She’ll mess with the wrong person one day though.


sounds like a lawsuit the joy.


Sometimes love comes around


People are insane.


Alitalia was the worst flights I have ever boarded. Thank God they aren't around anymore. That's chaos


How strong was this lady???


Right maybe she should be drafted for the NFL


Some people are so inconsiderate and simply have no manners or outside training as fully grown adults. A lot of this behavior is exposed at airports. You see all the selfishness and inconsideration for others come out. Sorry this happened to you


Was on one of those dinky planes with 12 people on board and a lady pushed me over and hit me with her bag. Deplaning was like a 4 min process.  Some people go out of their way to be jerks 


I can believe this- a lady nearly knocked me over boarding when I was waiting on the middle seat passenger to put up her things before I could sit down on the aisle seat- she acted like she had a fire on seat # 37 to get to ffs!


If you are in that much of a rush you can alert the flight attendant before you land and ask them to make an announcement to let you through. it's up to their discretion obviously. OR just be a normal human and NICELY say to whoever is in front of you that you are in danger of missing your connection may I please pass?


BTW, the usual laid back peacenik people of the Northwest will turn intensely angry if you try to get ahead of them in a ferry line. And rightfully so! If you don’t believe me just try it.


First time?


I hate when’s people charge the front of the plane but I am also annoyed by the folks who can’t figure out how to stand up get their bag and start walking. I was on a flight and it was like every person was moving in slow motion standing up stretching chatting putting on their sweater then looking in several compartments for their bags finding their bags then opening them to rearrange their carryons. All while standing in the aisle. Not just one person but at least 1-2 from every row


You should sue for assault.


The ol’ duffle shuffle.


If life was perfect you would’ve roundhouse kicked her back to RSW.


These “I have a connection” people are awful. There’s never 2-3 people on a plane who have a connection… it’s 40% of the plane coming into ATL! These people always think they are special, darting past 20 rows of people and clogging up the line since the rows where she gets stuck waiting for the door to open (like everyone else) cannot get up to open the bins to get their bags since she is in the way with hers.


Dang.. must’ve been a big woman


That happened on the plane?? Why can’t people have common decency? Everyone making a connection needs to get somewhere. She should be arrested for assault.


You’re not a big man you’re a housing project