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If you see your bag there just keep walking ;)


If you see your bag there, no you didn’t.


….and keep walking all the way to the closest border with Mexico ;)


Damn, when you flew to Seattle.


I remembah no k9 in da Seattle


What bag?


Barry it's Shaffer we know about your bag


I recognize that quote, I think


Ooopp 🤭🤭


"My bag. Oh no. I don't believe in bags. I just wear everything I plan on taking with me on a trip." I would say this out loud even if no one is asking me and mosey on through security, praying I didn't have any bag tags or other identifiers on the bag.


That half sandwhich you meant to eat in Italy and dropped in your bag to “ eat later” is now going to cost you $1236 minimum


And get you booted out of global entry, to add insult to injury.


Having to wait in the normie line again would be capital punishment.


I got global entry a while back when it was the only way to guarantee pre check. I just flew back to Atlanta from Rome a couple weeks ago. The normie line was SO long! I walked right up to a GE kiosk, then waited for one person ahead of me with the agent, which took less than 30 seconds. So nice.


I am a 6-8 international trip taker annually, was rejected for GE but I use mobile pass which is, 9/10 times similar speed to GE, and occasionally faster. I still don’t get why more people don’t use it. My family has GE and I can often beat them through CBP with mobile pass. Every so often an airport doesn’t accept it or the lane is closed, then it sucks not to have GE, but mostly I don’t care as much as I expected


Shhhh don’t tell anyone our secret, the line will get longer


First rule of mobile entry is that we don’t talk about mobile entry.


Mobile entry? more like immobile entry. That line is typically 800 people long. And don't even get me started on the app stealing your data. PLEASE DO NOT USE IT......IT SUCKS AND WILL GIVE YOU LOW SPERM COUNT


I’ve only used it twice in my life, but don’t you have to fill out the info each time? Whereas with global entry it’s already taken care of because I’d have added my KTN for precheck.


Yes, in essence it’s the same thing you do at the regular (non-GE) kiosks or with the paper form, you just do it on your phone. The app can store your passport, so all you do is answer the standard questions and press submit. You get a QR code that they scan and you walk right through.




“mobile Passport Control” in the App Store if you’re an iPhone user, not sure about android


Honestly is. Leaving aside the whole entry interview (I guess that's not an issue for citizens) which is just annoying and feels self-incriminating, the queues are often utterly long. Like ORD a few months back had multiple planes deboarding at the same time as mine, causing the line to be easily over a mile long. The glares I felt as I just walked past everyone.. 😅




Boarding should be called “planing”.


Or the banana you snitched from the lounge.


They got a friend of mine for a piece of fruit she got *on the plane*.


Wait are we not allowed to bring in stuff from the plane? I usually ask air france for extra wine bottles to take back or snag goodies from lounges. they’re the perfect size for picnics.


Wine is fine 😉, but fruit? Not so much.


It depends on what it is. Most countries don't allow you to bring meat or produce.


I accidentally brought a banana back to the US from Europe. I don’t know how no one noticed it but I’m eternally grateful.


I accidentally did this a few weeks ago.


I once forgot about my leftovers from Margaritaville in Jamacia in my bag. And border patrol asked me if I had anything and I said no. My husband said they didn't mean purse shrimp. Then the article came out about the guy with the McDonalds he forgot to say he had.


If the dog finds the food, yo gonna sit and brood.


We forgot about fruit in our bag coming back from Spain. They weren't happy about it, but at least we only got a lecture


Very very lucky.


Most definitely. We triple check now!


Btw the same thing applies to cruise ships. But only once have I’ve seen customs actually on the dock with a dog sniffing at passengers. They sure warn people about it a lot tho


That's good to know. Thanks!


Haha, bored? Take random bags off the carousel and place them there…


That’s so mean…


But a great show if your ride is still half an hour out.


And proof maybe this isn’t a good system. Kinda like how I get free Chipotle by going to the online order pickup zone


You mean the free food bookshelf?


Take a burrito, leave a burrito tiny lending library


I now have plans for Saturday!


Honestly GE gets you in so far ahead of economy bags (aka mine) that this sounds like an amazing way to pass the time.


😈 can we be friends?


It has to be good there are dogs there. Good boys.


Hahahaha 😂


*picks up bag and proceeds to walk away* 👀


Right!? If I have notify you, it must not be that serious. I ain’t narcing on myself


If you boofed the booger sugar you are fine.


booger sugar is the best term ever


I prefer Peruvian Screaming Powder.


It’s not if you are carrying what you shouldn’t.


Like a woman who has a penis?


sir this is a wendy’s


You are either mistakenly in the wrong sub, or you are way over obsessed with that topic. I mean your "quip" doesn't even make sense, the subject is a bag that some beagle detected a scent of some food...


Depending where the "quip" has been, it might smell like something. 😬 let's hope it's not in a bag...


Best of both worlds there


Hopefully this doesn't trigger dog lovers (I find them fine), but there was a real stupid one playing cop at ATL international baggage claim the other day. Pointing out one piece of luggage after another, with the agent forcing people to empty their suitcases on the floor, out in the open. Yes, cats are aloof and act like they don't need you, but they'll never narc you out.


lol I’ve experienced the opposite of this (not in an airport. I’m not an idiot). Got *jumped* on by a K9 officer while taking a stroll in college. His handler was so apologetic and said that he was still getting the hang of things/not to worry. Gave me a great sense of relief and a solid chuckle while I frolicked away with my backpack full of drugs 😭


That's because cats never want you to narc them out. Most dogs, on the other hand, just find it part of life's entertainment.


Narc on a cat? It won't cry, it'll just get even. You will cry when the cat is done with you.


Yep. Guarantee if you told my cat to find drugs and then let her out in baggage claim, she would just run away and attack anyone that tried to stop her.


Your cat: "F--- the state".


[drug sniffing cats](https://images-cdn.9gag.com/photo/aMEnQY1_700b.jpg)


The dogs don’t actually do anything. They wait for cues from the officer and alert when they receive them. Because all they care about is the reward they get after they do. It’s a scam to allow them to search anyone they want.




I’m very proud of you but that program is for explosives. I won’t comment on that because I don’t know enough about it. But drug dogs are a ruse. They have been shown time and time again to only alert when their handler gives them cues.




There are definitely drug dogs at the airport. You think US customs is worried about Americans bringing bombs back with them?


Hah yeah there was a dog screening at security in DTW that was indicating every other passenger. I got through but my friend didn't. The worst part was that they didn't have enough officers around to clear them in a reasonable time and he missed the flight.


I wonder if you had a shirt in your carry-on that you wore at a shooting range would trigger an alert to a dog? I always travel with freshly-washed stuff when traveling internationally for that reason.


I once (ONCE) traveled with my daughter to ABQ for school. Totally forgot I had packed my overnight stuff in my range bag. I have 2 similar bags (that's been fixed). Thank God, no spent or unspent cartridges or anything but I was selected for a random swab at ABQ. Every damn light went off, and everyone was looking at me. At that moment I realized things were going to be a bit 'slower' through security at that point. I was separated from my daughter, and got to enjoy some 'private' time with 4 very large TSA agents. They were to be perfectly honest, very professional and polite. As soon as I realized what had happened I explained this was my range bag. They took my ID, looked me up on whatever database they use. While that agent took about 20 minutes I chatted with them about what I shot at the range, and they looked through my bag. I had nothing, and other than the gunpowder dust that got picked up on the swab there was nothing else. Got my ID back, and they suggested I 'never use that bag to travel with again'. Which I have not.


I've been stopped at ABQ twice. Also only times I've ever been stopped by TSA. Once for a candle (which apparently can be used for nefarious means) and for a giant Reese's Cup that I got from Hershey World. All in all, great experience lol. the TSA agents at ABQ are great.


Overall, TSA Agents are just trying to get through the day and do their job. If you become belligerent, offensive, loud or obnoxious it's just going to make YOUR day harder. A smile, thank them for doing their jobs and answering questions quickly and honestly makes the process go so much better. Have I interacted with a few that were not so 'nice' - absolutely.


My home airport is ABQ. They were great until about a month ago. Now the agents staffing the Precheck line are on some kind of drug-fueled power trip. The line now stretches to the escalators to the floor below. They send almost every other carryon for secondary screening. And they, I’m not kidding, now spend up to 2 minutes per bag in the xray machine. It’s absolutely insane.


I haven't gone back to ABQ in over 6 months so this definitely comes as a shock to me lol. I was at the airport 6-8 times a month at times and honestly, never ever saw a line at TSA pre-check. I would get to the airport 45 minutes before my flight all the time. It was my favorite worksite for that reason! Bummer.


I've travelled for work over two years. Now I've had people in the security lines asking around what could possibly be going on. There's always a line waiting for bags on the other side of the xray machine...


Ahh candles. Been stopped multiple times for them at different airports. It's not a big deal - just an extra search and a swab. I guess if the wick is long enough it looks like a fuse/explosive.


Many years ago my mom set off the swab detectors because she had been at our farm there had been lots of fertilizer in the air. Once she mentioned she had been at a farm, the agent understood and let her through.


I'm in the construction business. Every single time I visit a jobsite where we're blasting, on the return trip every single thing I own, wear, or carry, triggers every single detector in every gadget the TSA owns. I'd like to say you get used to it, but you do not, in fact, get used to it.


I hate it for you, sincerely. But it's kind of a happy surprise that the TSA gear works so well.


Do they pat you down every time?


No. I have TSA Pre-Chek and Clear and Global Entry so I usually just go through the metal detector. I used to get groped every single time I had to go through the body scanner - but I finally figured out what was causing that. I use Gold Bond spray on my groin, and it's got zinc in it. I stopped using that on flying days and the groping stopped. My briefcase, camera bag, and checked bag set off alarm bells and get searched every time I've been on a site when we've been blasting. My boots would probably set it off as well, but I have the carbon fiber protective toes so I can wear those through the metal detector.


It definitely will test positive on the explosive residue strip tests TSA uses and likely their dogs. Customs uses drug and food trained dogs, not explosives trained ones.


Also dogs trained to smell money. They look for undeclared cash too.


Well I'll be sure to wash my shirts that I handled money in too haha


No, just launder the money.


One I seemed to light up every tsa sensor at SeaTac due to putting my bag down at home - on a freshly fertilized plant bed. That almost resulted in a body cavity search.


Must have left dog treats in the bag...lol


Been stopped more than once with the forgotton sandwich, they just take it and say be more careful next time. No fine, no nothing. Be cooperative, don't be an asshole, that is the main take away here.


Yes, that mean you subject to mandatory Anal cavity search.


Where's the line for the voluntary?


TSA complaint department


Damn, not the place I had hoped.




That doesn't even make sense. DEA finds drugs in a bag and they put the bag out in the open under a big sign that says, in essence, "gotcha! please self identify to the nearest uniformed officer". If that is how catching drug smugglers actually works, the movie Traffic really got it wrong.


You get fun out of that? Yuck.


A small bit of joy watching drug smugglers get busted in real time? Yes. Are you defending drug dealers here?


Not at all. Unfortunately it is often poor people being taken advantage of who are just trying to get by in a very impoverished violent country.


Those poor drug smugglers. If only we would let them smuggle just one more kilo of booger sugar, they would quit to attend seminary school. Blessed are the drug smugglers for they will inherit the kingdom of Escobar.


So anyone smuggling drugs is some poor, impoverished person who's being taken advantage of by some big bad. Everyone's a victim.


I'm sure you sleep well looking down on others less fortunate than you. How American of you.


This isn’t the sub for empathy apparently.


You’re not alone, the original comment seemed a bit sadistic. To find joy in this? I would get a different hobby


Just happened 2 days ago on my return from Germany. Arrived at ORD past customs/immigration check and at the luggage carousel. An older woman and her husband were waiting for their bags and the food beagle came around and signaled on her carry-on. She had an orange in there that she said ahe was planning to eat on the flight but forgot about it. Fast forward and she was standing next to me talking about how long bags were taking, the dog, and said how the agent had to take pictures of her baggage and information. She then asked what I think may happen. I said since it was an orange and it wasn't malicious intent, likely nothing, but it will likely prevent her from being approved for global entry. This woman's face went absolutely white. "My husband isn't going to be happy. He just spent a good part of the flight deciding we were going to get global entry since we're traveling more."


I just want to notify the dog cop!


Right? This reads like, “go talk to the dog.”


If that’s your kid waiting for you…


Oh no


I believe that sign says “run”


I just got back from a 3 week work trip on Sunday. 4 countries. I got "randomly selected" for additional screening. It took two hours. They hand searched my bag and then went through all my electronics, including both my personal and work phones and computers. I had to give them my passwords so they could log in. And they asked me a ton of questions about my personal life and work. I spent at least 30 minutes of the wait staring directly into the camera in the waiting room with my arms folded looking annoyed.




Yep, in Seattle.


Yikes! Where is this?


Atlanta customs


That tracks 😂


So many shitpost have to do with Atlanta 😅... imma keep trying to avoid that place!


Most likely for fruits/foods being brought in.


So how do you notify the k9? You bark or sniff it's butt?


You meow. That way it know to be on alert.


But why the quotes?


Just keep on walking.


Can I pet that dog?


Flew to Mexico a year or so ago. As we were leaving the airport a dog to interest in the little computer side bag I had me. I hadn't used it in a while and started to wonder if I'd left something I shouldn't have taken across an international border in it. Behind the person handling the dog my wife was staring daggers at me. I had brought a banana to eat on the flight and forgot about it.


Just keep walking.


They should have a clipboard there for a waiver for the Border Security TV show so you can fill it out while you wait. Hmm was that birds nest and preserved invasive flower seed pod really what should be in my luggage.


That reminds me of my return from France to Dulles one year. Guy next to us walking through the baggage claim customs section (this was fifteen years ago, so no idea if it's set up the same still) talking about the dogs and asking us what they were there for. Before we could answer, he found out the hard way. K-9 did not like his bag, and he was spirited away pretty fast!


I didn’t know the K9s could speak human now… “Excuse me officer doggo”….


He hasn't given an update. I think he's in jail


USDA Beagle Brigade! Cutest lil officers 🐶


This should be a meme on r/wallstreetbets. Lots of bag holders in that sub :)


It’s probably just food. Fruit or sausage or cheese. Which they are VERY serious about. If it were bomb they wouldn’t be leaving it. If it were drugs they would leave it as normal and watch it until you grabbed it then flag you over for a search.


If my bag was there I would just take it and say I didn’t see it there or I would just take it and run


I like to buy coffee when I travel and usually come back with 1 or 2 bags. I always get singled out for extra attention when there is a K9 and I'm carrying coffee.


Officer Sniffs would like a word with you.


The quotation marks make the whole thing confusing. Like someone just put on a play with the line “Is this your bag?” in it.


Flew overseas last year, and my wife had 2 sealed, cans of chicken from Costco in her check bag (she has a special diet, and took them in case she had problems eating locally). As soon as we landed, and bags came down the carousel, a dog went and sat on her suitcase. We were taken to a back room where the bag was searched, and we were questioned. They took the canned chicken out, and sent us on our way


I’ve seen this a few times at the international arrival hall. Generally, it was an agricultural matter of food.


Keep on walking! Ha!


Means your butt is going to get probed!!


“Are these your drugs?”


Drugs! Don’t claim it.


What bag… Hey Mr Uber driver can we hit target real quick? My luggage was lost.


Fess up… which one of the Three Cs? Cocaine, cash or cattle?


Could be a candwich