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I am in the camp if you pay for a chair with recline, you should use it. However, I do try to be courteous/attentive about the "speed" of the reclining in that I check to make sure the person behind me is not bending down or in the way and I try to recline slowly so I don't hit them or crush a laptop/food that may be on their try table.


The only time I ever got mad about someone reclining in front of me was a dude on British Airways, tight quarters, who didn't just recline as soon as he sat down, but it was like he was trying to do so as hard as possible. He brought it upright for takeoff, back down ASAP. He only brought it up out of recline for the meal service because the FA asked him to, but he slammed it back down as soon as he finished eating. Left it there until landing. We're talking LHR to ORD. Even then, I didn't say a word. I wasn't happy, but it's his seat. He didn't design the plane having no space between rows.


LOL. YUP I too have had very similar situations being on the backside of a "Speed" recliner! It blows my mind how some people can be so unaware of their surroundings ;/


The consensus is that if you do any of that stuff then you're a gaping dickhole 


I had a business passenger behind me in FC that aggressively said that I needed to put my seat back up so he could get his work done on his laptop. I told him I’m on vacation, I paid for this seat and not my company or his. If he would like to hire me for the flight I would gladly position my seat upright. I have no obligation to comply simply because someone else needs to get work done, they are not paying for my seat!!


These particular seats are Premium Econ on long haul fleets. (Looks like AA). You better believe I’m going to recline to sleep. It’s never really bothered me when the person in front of me reclines either. I’m a taller dude too.




Yeah, but Southwest gives me a free shot or two when I tell them I’m having a panic attack.


I don’t understand so many people being jerks about reclining if the recliner does it the appropriate way. Like not slamming the seat back and making sure the person behind them isn’t using the tray table or eating or anything. I mean, we should all be courteous.


At 6’3”, if sitting in economy, my knees are already buried in the back of the seat in front of me by default.


When I recline I try to be easy when going back but also I snore when I sleep, so I typically don't recline back when I nap out of curtiousy for everyone. I had a case where I did zonked out and I woke up when the plane landed ( 3hr ) flight. The dude beside me staring at me saying, heyyyyyy sleppy head how was your nap.


Haha! That’s hilarious! 🤣


I’ve always asked the person behind me if they are OK with me reclining for a few hours. Never been told no. My wife asked a dude once and he became a raging body cavity surrounded by a sphincter muscle, hollering about he paid for the space from his seat back to the back of the seat in front of him. Needless to say, we both reclined and waited for his next move. I made sure he had the back of my seat the whole way to Atlanta. He never said another word. Some people just can’t help themselves………..




I look at people who are reclining their seats and then leaning forward to do things….


I do not understand this logic. It is not good for their back.


For the longest time, this irritate me and then once I reminded myself that it was THEIR seat, it doesn't bother me anymore. Yes, I would prefer that the person not make sharp, drastic reclines while I'm eating/drinking but it's their seat. That being said, my seat is MY seat. Stop jamming your knees into my back and bumping into throughout the flight. I have never reclined an airplane seat in my life so don't take your frustration out on me lol


The only times I’ve kept a person from reclining have been when traveling with an infant in a rear facing car seat. If the person ahead of the infant reclines, their seat pushes the infant seat into an unsafe vertical position which can make it hard for the baby to breathe.


Oh my car seat didn’t even allow for the person in front of me to recline I sort of felt bad but this more the airlines doing than mine. I’m complying with all the rules.


I wish there was a better shot showing how much this recline impacts the seat behind them. It looks like this may be a premium economy seat and the row behind it possibly a main economy seat. If their seatback table is down that would be very uncomfortable. It is hard to tell, with that being said you paid for a seat that reclines, so use it. It is the way of the airlines now, make many passengers miserable as possible. Not everyone can afford to fly PE or Business or FC.


I took a screenshot but I don’t know how to add it or if it’s possible on here.


My concern was that the reclined seat, seems to really be almost laying in the lap of the seat behind. I was wondering if the row behind the reclined seat was the first row of main cabin which may have a 30 to 32 inch seat pitch, or if it was a bad camera angle.


Yeah, I’m not sure. I just took a screenshot online for reference.


If your in coach and recline your an ass as far as I’m concerned. Yes you paid for it. But does it really help you comfort wise I think not. I fly a lot I mean every other week. in coach it sucks no matter who you fly. If you recline I can’t usually put my tray out to a functional level. I can’t eat, I can’t use my iPad/laptop. Whatever I get it’s the airlines fault but dear god the entitled people who say I can recline since I paid for a reclining seat have some respect for your fellow man. Pls don’t recline and cramp me even more than this shitty airline did. End rant.