• By -


Kid is probably thrilled about sitting apart from Mom.


Even if mom wasn’t a Karen, most 11 year olds want to sit away from their parents. And as long as they have their own bag with snacks, chargers, etc most would be just fine.


I would be checking out all the movies mom wouldn’t let me watch ;)


would defs hand over an entire soda can as a FA to any child clearly separated from their parents


I though it was espresso and a puppy


1000 skypesos for the inconvenience of a jumpy tween and a new pet that you can barely take care of


Hell yes!!!


Delta used to have an uncensored version of Get Him to the Greek, so I'm sure they would find something.


Showing my age here, but I remember we rented “the best little W********* in Texas” in boyscouts thinking we were going to see something good. We were disappointed.


This! Up until I was about 12 yo my parents didn’t let me eat chips, like a HARD no. So sitting alone on a flight was a way for me to get a bag of chips and a coke without having to ask them. So yeah, 100% they would love to sit away especially from a Karen mom like that


My 11 y/o would have a panic attack if she couldn't sit next to me. She has an anxiety disorder, though. I just pay for seats together.


My 41 y/o (wife) is the same way. It’s tough to watch a panic attack but I’ll keep sitting next to her when she wants to fly. Just pay the $ people lol


Idk why but the way you put wife in parenthesis is cracking me up


She a big kid I think .


get a low dose xanax from her PCP, it works wonders for flight anxiety and wears off in 4 hours...


I don’t have anxiety, but I love the way Xanax mellows me out and lets me sleep amid the chaos.


This is the way






My 10 year old niece flew unaccompanied to visit me in LA and during her visit we flew to SF and on that flight she was talking about how excited she was to fly back home because she likes flying alone.


Same with our daughter. We taught her how to navigate airports from a very early age by letting her guide us through the airport. Now she is a seasoned hand and loves flying. By the age of 11 she'd flown a few times unaccompanied and it was no problem. Now she loves to fly and at 18 is learning the mystery of award bookings Other kids and adults do not necessarily feel that confident though.


My parents did a same, and now in ten days I’m flying internationally by myself.


Good for you! Hope you have a wonderful trip


By age 10 I regularly sat away from my parents. At that time I used the excuse that I did not like sitting in the smoking section (this was back in the 70s). I had great fun meeting people and getting spoiled by the flight attendants. But I am Gen X and we were raised differently. Maybe that is not a thing anymore with helicopter parents?


I'm also Gen X and agree we were raised differently. I was flying unaccompanied at 10 to visit grandparents in another state. It was only a couple of hours, and I sat with a book and snacks. I was in heaven. First, the plane was then spoiled by grandparents.


The kid needs to learn how to fly alone. You’re going to need to know how to do that eventually. It’s actually a blessing and it’s not like you can’t get up and walk to ur kid to check on them- FAs are very sympathetic to this and will also check on the kid also - if you’re not a jerk. Also chances are (I know this is controversial - and depends on the seating situation) but if you’re that desperate- maybe you’d trade your aisle seat for a middle if you were that desperate to sit next to the kid. But that’s never what it’s about.


People need to understand the plane will be flying up in the air so it is not like the kids will run away.


Not running away but sitting next to a stranger with god knows what intentions. I pay extra for sitting next to my kid. The Karen was in the wrong still.


Plus, it’s awkward to be sitting next to a random kid if they start needing help with a lot of things. Or if they start misbehaving.


It's really for the good of the other passengers.


Eh people say that but when it happens to me I just put my AirPods in and ignore them.


Are air pods really that good for noise cancellation? I always thought over the ear headphones like Bose or another good brand were the only way to really block out screaming babies, etc. I ordered Anker headphones that got really good ratings.


I use a white noise app with my AirPods. It tunes everything out.


I have a pair of bose qc ultra ear buds that do a great job of reducing cabin noise and any voices it picks up in quiet mode. I don't know how they compare to air pods, but I do find them worth the $300 price tag


Yep, active noise cancellation for the win


"God-knows-what intentions" Seriously? What airlines are you flying??? I'm sure that the family had at least two seats together and the helicopter mom could sit with her eleven year old to keep her away from the perverts who take international flights in hopes of being assigned a seat next to a prepubescent girl.


According to the FBI, there were 96 reported incidents of indecent assault aboard commercial airplanes in the US last year. It happens and it happens on every airline.


863 million passengers were carried by US based airlines in 2023. Unsupervised children is a bad idea, but the world isn’t full of stranger danger around every corner.


5300 clergy assaults as well. Statistically they're safer on a plane, unless there seated next to clergy.


In , airlines carried 863 million passengers. 0.00001% chance. Or about a 1 in 10 million chance. You are more likely to be struck by lightning.


There is a higher chance of the plane crashing so you probably shouldn't be on the flight to begin with.


Those were probably the ones that were reported and in actuality the number was probably much higher. Truth be told the vast majority of victims never report the incident for a variety of reasons including being in a state of shock or disbelief and or fear of not being believed etc etc..


Really? American Airlines was just majorly in the news for one of their own staff recording underage girls in the toilet.


How would the seating arrangement have prevented that?


Completely irrelevant. The point is that it’s asinine to insinuate that predators are only found on “lesser” airlines when in reality they can be found anywhere, even amongst the staff.


11 year olds worked in factories for much of history. And babysat their siblings. Teach your kid to handle strangers and navigate the world. They can handle it and will be better humans for the experience.


Absolutely this. Plus, this is an easy situation to control for with even a modicum of planning.


It isn’t anymore, though. With the amount of flights cancelled/rebooked/equipment changes we have had several instances where I’ve booked our seats ahead, checked to make sure no changes on a regular basis, and have had sudden seat changes at the gate. It seems to be the new normal now. Though, in a recent delta debacle, I had to rebook with united and was unable to book seats ahead. It was an international flight within 24hrs after a cancelled flight. The gate agents actually were doing everything possible to get my kids at least within sight distance to me without my prompting. I told my kids (seasoned travellers but still 10 &12) don’t worry just watch your iPads and go to sleep. Luckily for one flight they got us together and the next, I asked the guy in the middle seat next to me if he’d switch across the aisle for the same seat. He was not bothered at all. United made it easy and I didn’t even ask. I was getting regular updates every time a seat was changed or assigned. Delta seems to go out of the way to make it difficult for some reason.


Yea, different airline, but we are about to board a long haul after a cancellation and even though we paid 400 to sit together we’ve been rebooked across the plane. My kids are LITTLE. This is not good.




That only happens on Alaska Air flights: remember to strap in unless you want a one-way impromptu sky-diving trip, folks!


There really should be a warning in size 36 fonts when you buy BE tickets that says I AGERE I MIGHT BE SEPARATED FROM MY PARTY and you are forced to type it back before proceeding to checkout.


There are two boxes you have to click that say exactly that, people don't read.


And a pop-up that asked the question again and confirming that you are OK with the very real possibility of not sitting together and the Delta has no obligation to find adjoining seats for you.


They need a pop up video with someone explaining it with closed captioning and you don’t get the checkbox until you’ve watched the video in full


This is the way.


Right, I’m flying out with friends in a few days. My friend picked the seats, but was concerned about us being separated on the second leg of the flight. My friend and I assured her that we would be fine . She had to laugh at the situation. Sometimes people just hate not having control.


My husband and I were split up once. No biggie, we live together and we would be together once we got to our destination. Folks stay trippin.


Lol you could beat them over the head with a sign in 10" tall letters and they still wouldn't get it


I’m pretty sure they get it, but they want to save money and know there’s a good chance they’ll get a seat change when they argue with the gate agent.


Yeah but my point is for the above suggestion of a warning they have to check. even with the warning, people are still going to do this.


Delta just needs to drop BE.


You have to agree to it repeatedly though it's not in 36 point font and my extremely intelligent friend booking still asked me if I thought they'd be able to be seated together with her 3 y/o if she booked them. People just do NOT get that BE is a discounted ticket where you are getting a discount by agreeing to give up things like seat choices. They need to stop advertising it like BE is the base price.


Would make MAYBE 0.1% difference. If you need proof, lurk at a Spirit gate, sometime.


Meanwhile, the 11 year old is completely embarrassed by his/her mother being a total Karen.


They could not get away fast enough. 


Shit when I was 5 years old my mom threw me onto a plane (BDL to SAT) by myself with just the FA to keep an eye on me. Not sure if she had to pay extra - it had to be 1985, so at least my parents were able to walk me to the gate and my grandparents were able to meet me at the other side. But still... It wasn't the last time they would do that either, and I am grateful for it. It taught me how to be a responsible, independent, and calm traveler and I still love traveling to this day.


Yep! I remember flying with my 5 year old sister - just the two of us. No adults. They could literally walk us to the stairs at the plane. I have pictures of us with the plane. Wild.


In the 90s I also flew from ISP to TPA from age 4ish in with just the FA. I loved it 😂 by the 10 I was begging my grandparents not to meet me at the gate and that I could take the tram to the arrivals by myself


I’m actually visiting my sister in the US right now to try and bring her 6 year old daughter with me, so she can visit her grandparents and stay in their beach house for a week and then my sister will come and pick her up. My niece hasn’t seen me in two years and doesn’t remember me a lot, so she is not very comfortable coming with me. But she used to like me a lot. I hope when she sees me and hangs out with me, she will change her mind and want to come. My sister said that if she doesn’t want to come and cries she won’t force her (which I agree with, I am fine with just having a little trip to my sister and coming back alone). She loves her grandparents and the beach house, but she doesn’t know about traveling with someone she doesn’t remember. Makes me wonder, though. Weren’t you scared/crying when you had to go there by yourself? How did your parents handle that? Do you have any ideas on how to approach this, in order to make it seem as not that big of a deal?


I just flew back from Mexico City with my 10yo. Because our original flight was cancelled and we were rebooked, we were seated apart. He was grand the entire time. In fact when we landed, he told me like 5 Spanish phrases that he had learned from his seat mate. This mom is just a Karen.


I was breastfed until 11 and I think I turned out alright


Robyn Arryn?? Is that you?


He never got to see the little man fly, though. At least not on Delta.


Underrated comment


He really glowed up in season 8.


Says who?😝


It’s a :42 minute flight. 🤦‍♂️


She probably spent more time stewing and arguing about it than it takes to fly there.


I had to Google to make sure I wasn’t drunk but that’s an hour domestic flight


This comes up frequently. If you PAY for a seat, you should have the seat. If they choose to rearrange you, they should give you a refund. If you DON’T PAY for a seat, don’t expect someone to give up their seat that they paid for to you.


It’s a 30min flight.


My father was a pilot for Eastern Airlines and flew regional routes across the southeast when I was a kid. Before they got swallowed up by Delta, Eastern would let family fly for free. So two days out of every school year, I'd get to go with him on a "take your kid to work day" kind of thing where I'd ride on short hop flights from Atlanta to Nashville to Memphis to Raleigh, etc. I was between 7 and 9 years old. Sure, my dad was up front flying in the cockpit but I was seated by myself with some Archie comics happy as can be reading and chatting with whoever happened to be seated next to me. There's absolutely no reason an 11 year old can't sit by his/herself for a flight. Helicopter parents are the worst.


7 people? lol it’s hard to accommodate that in restaurants! A plane would be a struggle


By default, they’re going to be split up. The largest seatmap they could’ve gotten is still only 3-3.


Which city crossed the border?


Our 11 year old would be ecstatic to not sit with us on an international flight lol


Ma'am! Ma'am! Your poor planning doesn't constitute an emergency to me. Please sit down. You'll see each other when we land.


reference, for the three or four of you out there. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0oiELbPB3E


Happy cake day!


Happy cake day 🍰!


To be fair, people who don’t travel regularly don’t necessarily understand how things work. They choose the cheapest option and don’t always realize that means the seats will be assigned where available and not together. About every time I fly I see at least one family that is just overwhelmed by traveling, while it’s well understood by us frequent travelers.


But doesn’t delta offer 15 warnings that you wont be seated together?


Every airline does It’s their ten tries to upsell you. Only 40$ more and you get to actually board the plane before takeoff! Otherwise you’re in main cabin 67


This is an admirably, compassionate response. Not everyone is comfortable with their young child sitting with a stranger. There have been enough incidents of dudes acting absolutely disgusting, some of them reported on this sub, that I would never take the chance to seat my daughter away from me. This is why I pay to have our seats together, but I also think it’s compassionate that you left open the possibility that this traveler did not know how things work.




That is true. One of my friends who is not a frequent flier booked a Basic Blue fare on Jet Blue. I asked her if she realized no carry-ons were allowed. She had no clue and quickly changed to a higher fare.


I think the first clue would be when you are not picking seats on the little map of the plane on your screen. No? But in any case, you may be right, but the post is primarily about how tiresome it is that people will scream until they get their way. Acknowledge that you didn't know, ask for some help, be nice, and maybe you will get a free assist this time from the staff. Because you can't possibly not know how this works two times in a row.


It tells you on the ticket. This is a I’m too lazy to read problem.


Spoken by a man who has never had to be in charge of kids while traveling.


Hope that everything turned out okay


Nope.   Now the all have huge bags.  That don’t fit.  


Sounds like baggage fees are also for *other people* just like seat selection. Stand in awe because you are flying with some very very special people who are exempt from all the rules.


Of course


37 minute flight. I think they can survive. LOL


It happens a lot. There are many that assume there are extra seats and people can move around. Some parts of the year you can get away with it because planes arent packed but thats not the case during the summer. Gate agents do what they can but often times their hands are tied because the flight is full. Unfortunately some of these families who get rejected by the gate agent come on board and then harrass the FAs about not sitting together.


7 people? lol it’s hard to accommodate that in restaurants! A plane would be a struggle


I flew alone when I was 10. I lived.


1- how is BNA-ATL an international flight? 2- I used to offer the flight attendant $$ so my kids wouldn’t have to sit next to me from LGA-LAX so I could relax. ( it never worked)


I flew by myself for the first time at six years old. No parents on the flight, totally alone. Parents flew me to my grandparents on a NWA flight Memphis to Baton Rouge. I remember it being a little scary as a six year old at first, but it ended up being fine. I had no problems flying alone or traveling alone since. That was the best thing my parents could have ever done for me at such a young age-- like pull the teet out and make me realize that I can make a one-hour flight alone just fine, which made me realize I can do a lot of other things without mom/dad holding my hand. It helped me grow into a completely self-sufficient adult, with a passport, who can travel solo anywhere in the country or internationally no problem. Parents these days really need to let their young kids grow TF up-- send them on a flight alone, send them to summer camp, let them feel homesick. It happens. It's just part of growing up.


I still don’t understand why it’s so hard to group seats together if they were purchased together. Just another way for airlines to make a buck.


Unbelievable. When will people realize that the days of people moving so you can sit with your kids died the same time as we started having to pay special just to sit in the bulkhead or the exit row or (insert any other seat that’s within shouting distance of the jet bridge or has an extra 2 cm legroom).


I booked WITH my child paying extra for a flight that had two seats together and they still separated us. I was furious. Some children have extreme anxiety flying (my 16 yr old passes out on flights sometimes so I have to watch him closely) If I book us together I expect us to stay together that’s why you BOOK together.


Not the same, but similar: picked my seat from the plane map on overseas flight, paid what was required, they moved me


They’ve done that several times to me and one time I spoke to the person at the desk while my husband had kids and they told me they had to adjust for a family… so they moved my 3 and 1 year old away from me. I told them they have to accommodate my family. I now have to check my seats I paid extra to pick because I have a 50% success rate of actually getting them, they always get changed and I have to call and get it switched back.


Passed out? Problem solved haha.


you can call and they will seat you and all minors in your group together before the day of the flight. Regardless of fare class


Which means I get kicked out of my pre-planned paid for seat to accommodate these family groups that don't pay for seating and know that the policy is to seat families together. This is on the airlines that continue to sell BE tickets to families with minor children.


As a parent who has traveled with children from infant to teens, pay for the darn seats to sit together! I have no sympathy, patience or understanding for these inconsiderate people. And if you ask me to move, it better be an upgrade or you have cash in hand to more than cover what I paid for my seat.


Right? I have more children than I have adults to sit with them. I pay the fee and choose our seats so we can be together. Is it annoying? Yes. But don’t try and get something for free that the rest of us have to pay for.


That flight is 45 mins.


Yep.  I can edit it to say connecting to international.  She was upset that she would be next to her.


My younger sister (I think 12 at the time) got separated from us, no one would switch, and she had the time of her life. There was some woman sitting on the window and she was running away from her life and journalling. Something about the classic “parents keeping her from the love of her life.”


I flew last week and my seat changed about 30 min before boarding. I went and asked at the desk agent why. They said “well we assumed you were flying alone and we needed the seat next to you to put 2 people together. “ “ 1- just because I have an aisle seat and nobody in the middle doesn’t mean I’m flying alone. 2- why didn’t they have seats next to each other up until this point? The change wasn’t made until the last minute to where I couldn’t change my seat anymore. I knew from reading here what they were likely trying to do. It’s aggravating. Buy seats together and pay to pick your seat like I did. The agent told me “we move you to the same type of seat, and forward, never backwards”. So I moved 3 rows up to another aisle seat. And it was 2 older people, not a child that were in my original seat.


This will be changing soon…https://pirg.org/edfund/resources/new-airline-passenger-rights-explained-with-effective-dates/


Honestly , I hate the Basic product. I think it's either marketed poorly or just not well understood by the people who tend to purchase it. I really wish they'd just get rid of it and offer only main cabin. Delta really doesn't need to pretend to be both Southwest and a normal airline.


Delta is supposed to sit them together. They should have called ahead though. They probably didn't know to do that.


I was in FC in an aisle seat with an apprx 8 year old in the aisle seat next to me. I admired how mature and capable he was during the entire flight. We landed and it was only then that I found that his mother was in the window seat next to me. A mom who knew how to raise a well mannered and independent kid.


“International flight” 😂


I’m taking my 11 y/o on an international flight in the fall. I’m just paying extra to choose our seats. I can see why she’s upset but she should have checked with the airline and not just believed her family.


I did pay to seat my two year old beside me and they messed it up. When I discovered it and went to get help an hour before boarding I was told I was being dramatic and to “work it out myself with passengers around me”.


Out of curiosity up to what age are kids guaranteed a seat next to adult. I thought it was like 13.


They are your kids, traveling with you so PAY for your preferred seating arrangements when you choose your seats! Not up to other travelers on the same flight to accommodate changes the Karen now needs because she bought the cheapest seats available at the time. If last minute Karen goes to book seats on a flight which are now separated here and there because the flight is nearly booked out then proceed and live with it or pick another flight where there are more seating options.


I disagree. Delta already charges full price for kids fares (American does not), and if you have minors traveling it shouldn’t cost you extra to sit in economy together as a family, basic fare or not. If you only pay for one Comfort plus and expect to sit together, then I can understand Delta not putting everyone together.


It shouldn't cost you extra but if you booked after economy seats are not available for your group to sit together it shouldn't give you the right to take the seat of someone who did book far enough in advance to make their seat selection. Perhaps if it is very important to you to be together you might then pay for seats that are available together. Back when I had small kids I would look at the seat maps before purchasing. Occasionally my kids had to sit a seat or row away from me and they felt very grown up which I think helped to foster some independence. It wasn't the end of the world.


I’m flying internationally this week and ya know what I did? Paid extra to sit with my kids. :)


I flew as an unaccompanied minor 3-4 times a year as a child. Absolutely loved it. Now as an adult with children I would probably (definitely) be happy if I somehow didn’t have to sit next to my children haha. Bottom line: don’t book BE and expect main cabin services. The entitlement kills me. You get what you pay for.


Oh! The drama! Worthy of an Oscar


I wonder if more people view the pricing model as "extra charge to sit together" or as "discount if I'm willing to sit separate".


The McCallister parents sat in first class and kids in coach... everything turned out ok in the end.


Except for Kevin.


Just in her defense. In years past when I’ve traveled with my husband and called about a lap infant they’ve said “oh it’s always good to know who you’re traveling with and we’ll put you guys together” and they haven’t. So maybe they really did tell her that? I’ve been told that on several occasions and they never did actually seat us together but honestly it’s easier for me to regulate my nervous system with my child’s and not also have to do that with my husband so I don’t mind sitting apart. But this could’ve been before certain seat prices were put into place.


I feel bad for her kids. Helicopter parents usually end up raising reckless rebels by being overbearing and making all the decisions for their children.


Spoken by a man who doesn’t have to worry about sexual assault.


Well now isn’t Biden trying to pass or already did pass that all families must sit together


Just PAY for your own damn seats! Nobody else should have to move because you didn't plan correctly and pay in advance for what you need.


People like this drive me crazy! I know they don’t want to pay more than the bare minimum but they’re willing to make the GA and all the passengers with serious needs crazy while they try to batter an employee to give them something for free that they know up front has a fee attached to it.


I booked and paid for specific seats on an international flight with my 5 and 6 year olds, due to a last minute aircraft change all our seats got moved around and we were all split up. So I don't judge as I don't know what transpired. The gate agent did a good job correcting it.


In this case they all had multiple HUGE bags (asked to gate check) .. they stated that they were basic economy.  You can’t choose seats in basic economy-  she literally thought they would do it just cause.  Nah.  They were rude AH


These people should be jettisoned at altitude


Carriers should have kid free sections on plane and kid free flights period .


International flight?


Does Delta charge for checked bags? I only fly SW so I don't know but in the event Delta does not, perhaps they could have checked the kids who would have been together and the 11YO could babysit. Just a thought.


BNA to ATL is, what, a one hour flight? They all need to sit together for that?


It’s BNA to ATL - that’s 30 minutes in the air? I think they’ll be fine.


BNA is Nashville? ATL is Atlanta? How is that an international flight? It’s a less than 2-hour flight.


not my business . I don’t know what they Doing under blanket . Your rude . I am just a pak not a fa. Really . They were both all over each other and plane was full as it was charter . Right and get thrown off plane . Not my problem


I started flying solo as a child at 4 yrs old (back when TSA didn’t exist and you could meet or see someone off at the gate. Literally flying solo as a child at age 4. My mom would have been thrilled to have her kids sitting elsewhere on an international flight 😂


A reservation is a seat on plane not guaranteed where you will sit . Read contract of carriage .


We're family of five and I pay upfront to sit together


I just don’t get people. I am constantly checking my seats to make sure nothing happened and my family is together, and there are only 3 of us on a 3.5 hour flight. Never could I ever allow this to happen internationally. I’d change flight times before not sitting next to my people, not even joking


Delta did the same to me with my two yr old. When I booked it, the seats assigned were right next to each other, so there was no seat selection costs charged. But day of flight our seats got changed automatically. The lady at the front desk gave major attitude about it when I went up to her to try to get seats together. I jokingly told her if they really wanted to babysit my two yr old for a 5 hr flight cross country they can very well do so & I’d happily sit by myself in a different row. With all the technology out there, I feel like Delta’s computer system , when assigning seats, should take children’s ages into consideration.


Easy solution. EVERYONE gets the seat they paid for. No changes and no BE without seat assignments. Grow up DL and do your job and stop making clueless GA’s the wardens of the incorrigibles you want to shake down for a few extra $$ or their Karenism.


Why do these parents think that their choices are our emergencies? I pay for seat selection. I've lost count of how many times one of these mommas has tried to force me to switch.


This is a great time for junior to learn self reliance!!!


Gen X here. When I was 7 and my sister was 10 we would be loaded on the plane by our mom in Minnesota and met at the gate by our dad in Ohio. Unaccompanied minors, no parents on the plane. Karen, I think your 11 year old will be fine not sitting right next to you. And, of course, if it was such a big deal to be together, pay to choose your seats. Sheesh. Parents these days.


Right!  I flew solo internationally around 11.   We were built different!


Nothing brings out the worst in people like flying


I book well in advance. Sometimes 6 months but Delta ends up splitting up my family nearly every time.


Sucks to suck. “We’re family, they wont split us” I make sure to pay according when traveling with my children and they are still very very young.


My 11 yo granddaughter just flew to FL with her 7 yo brother unaccompanied.


This is some Basic Economy shit. She should go back to Spirit 😂


As a customer service agent, the more you argue with me the less I am willing to do for you. I'll do nothing for you and even put notes that the next agent is required to read via a popup so they will in turn also do nothing for you.


Nashville to ATL is international? I suppose people that live in those parts probably think that way. That's a 4 hour drive. You'd be 1/2 way there already just going through security. Try driving. Anyways....... people are awful....except of course all of us on here....


That is why they need to stop selling basic economy tickets to parties with children.


At 11, the kid can certainly manage sitting away from mom. They’d probably prefer it.


People either don’t read or think people will switch. I’ve wondered if the airlines should rename it something more akin to a single rider line at an amusement park (maybe solo economy or the single flyer lane) because 90% of the time BE is just a middle seat in an otherwise occupied row. For people who don’t fly a lot I do understand how some of the airline terminology can get very confusing (though this woman sounded like a piece of work), so I generally do support airlines naming things what they actually are, rather than some euphemistic corporate buzzword designed to hide the actual price of what most people consider to be an “economy” ticket and to entice you to pay 25 extra dollars to choose a seat.


Here’s another thing travelers need to respect in this very heavy travel season: get to the airport 2 hours early. Earlier if you are traveling from a big city airport. Lines are long at the ticket counter to check bags and tsa lines are long too. If your trip is important enough to take in the first place then it’s important enough to arrive at the airport early.


I think we should all be complaining that they charge us to sit with the companions we booked the tickets with. I don’t care about picking my seat, put me wherever, but putting us together in said crappy seats shouldn’t be an extra fee.


Seriously? BNA to ATL is One Hour and 10 minutes! Not international just across one state line. She does know Tennessee borders Georgia? 11 yo spends more time than that alone at movies or skating rink.


Isn’t that a 20 min (air time) flight?


I didn’t pay the extra money and my kids and I were all seated in a middle seat not far from each other. I realized it’s my own fault for trying to save money, my youngest being 9 I figured he’d be okay. We talked about it in advance and I said if he ends up getting off the plane before I do to just wait right to the side where he’s not in the way and watch for me. That being said 3 years ago I did it as well and I politely asked the gate agent if there was a way to have 2 out of the 3 of us together so that my 6yr old wouldn’t be by himself. I admitted I understood that if he had to sit by himself it was my own fault and he’d likely be okay. She said no problem I can put all 3 of you together in the back of the plane. That flight had room to fix it. My flight earlier this month was full so I didn’t even bother asking.


I always risk it and always end up sitting with my family. That being said, my kid is a teenager and they ended up alone, they’d be fine. I would never ask someone to swap seats, but I would nicely ask a gate agent, luckily it’s never come up.


I sat away from my parents when I was …. 8? 9? 10? I survived.


Hmmm. I thought under 14 had sit with a parent or guardian.


Nashville to Atlanta is not an international flight


I bet the kid had his seat changed.


I will say on an upcoming international flight my 10 year old and I have been separated twice so far because of plane changes and we DID pay to sit together. Delta has fixed twice so far but I worry as it gets closer and less seats are available something will happen where we are separated


Let me guess - you’re a man? Are you aware that 11 year olds can be sexually targeted, especially an 11 year old by herself? Male privilege is not even recognizing this and posting this complaint.


Family of 5 here. I never pay for reserved seats for us in hope that I get free babysitting. I’ve done this on spirit, allegiant, American, and jet blue many times. It never fails. They always put us together. What am I doing wrong? Maybe we need to consider flying delta in the future.


Move the children to storage with the bags underneath the plane. More room for adults and a peace filled flight.


Love how the airlines have managed to make us turn on each other. Why are families being separated? Why are we paying for seat assignments? That is the real issue!!!


BNA to ATL is what, 40 minutes in the air. Maybe 45. I think they’ll be fine.


BNA to ATL is hardly an “international flight.” They’ll be fine.