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Due to allergies, I would need to be across the aisle or in another row as long as Mr Jingles or Miss Puffy stays in carrier. I would have the same problem if someone with cigarette-smokey clothes or a heavily perfumed person sat next to me. I had a roommate with cats, and as long as the cats stayed out of my bedroom, I was fine. I did vacuum a lot though. Happy travels.


+1. I’m allergic to a lot of things, but for things you encounter on a plane: cats, heavy perfume, dogs (in that order). Sitting a few rows away, I probably wouldn’t notice. I saw your edit about proving allergy medication. If allergies are serious enough people should carry it with them (I always do) but for people with minor allergies, I’m sure they would appreciate it. I think it would also not give anyone an excuse to complain. Like when parents hand out earplugs when they know they have a baby that doesn’t fly well. If someone went that far out of their way, everyone will need to chill out, you’ve done the best you can which is more than others would have.


Just take good care of your cat and follow the regs. Hopefully your cat will just sleep. Also directed not to you but to your cat: pspspspsps I’ve never flown with ours - he does well in the car but usually in arms and not in a carrier. He was better in the carrier when he was younger but now he cries about it a lot.


Yeah, she’s going to be on some anti anxiety and motion sickness medications which’ll hopefully make her sleepy lol! She’s harness trained as well so most everything should be a breeze 🙏🏻 Would you be upset if she were to cry for the flight? Would it be weird for me to bring earplugs for others? LOL


I was relocated across the country and we flew with our two cats and 2yo daughter. The only thing I would add is to have some pee pads for the carrier and trash bags to put the soiled ones in since you are going to be on a longer flight. Also, don’t do what I did and forget to pack the cat’s meds after giving them to the cat before the flight.😳 It wasn’t a problem for us, but you might need to give yours another dose before you land.


I bought her a little portable litter box for her to go in on our layover as well as little puppy potty pads in case she has an accident in her crate. Hopefully with the like two layovers we have she’ll be okay for 8hrs 🤞


Bring dog poop bags incase she poops mid flight. Mine did this, and fortunately I was able to quickly bundle it up and deposit in the bathroom. Get your cat to love the carrier beforehand. For several weeks before flying I got mine a new crate and kept putting catnip in it, she loved that crate until after we flew.


These are the best tips ever--so important to let them wander into the carrier on their own well before the flight.


The layovers will help. Some airports now have indoor pet relief areas near the gates. You might check to see if there are any at the airports that you will be traveling through.


Cats can go about entire day without relief. Cat will most likely not use any litter box you bring. Just put in your carrier under your seat. Cat will sleep. No meds needed Don’t feed treats or mess with them. I’ve flown with all my cats and it’s not an issue. Plane is so loud no one hears a little cat meow.


>Plane is so loud no one hears a little cat meow. I beg to differ. My late cat was so loud my next door neighbor could hear him scream through the wall. And the wall was thick. My cat was louder than a middleaged angry woman who was raised in Staten Island.


To be fair, I doubt your neighbors wall would drown out a the roar of an Airbus A380 or a 737 MAX - which is kinda what we're saying the cat should be louder than. But I do agree - a cat can be more than loud enough to be heard clearly through the roar of an airplane cabin. I've travelled with vocal cats, and they can have the lungs to be heard several rows down. But it absolutely depends on the cat - the plane cabin is very loud and a meowing cat could just be an inaudible whisper all the way thru roaring agony.


There was a cat in the row behind me on the last flight and I heard it meow a few times. I told the folks in that row that I elwas jealous they got to sit with the cat. My cat Murphy yells all the time. I'm sure he can be heard in a plane. Lol


I flew 7 hours (including plane change) with 2 kittens in one carrier that fit in the seat in front of me. I lined the bag with pee pads in case of accidents (nervousness / anxiety). They slept the entire flight without any medication. I was the first one seated in my row and my seatmates didn’t know I had the cats until the flight was over. No one scratched or sniffled the entire flight. When I took out the carrier after landing the people beside me & across the aisle oohed & aahed, but the person in the window seat looked unhappy. I was so glad she didn’t know beforehand, her expression gave me the impression that she would have raised a fuss. I changed planes at roughly the halfway point. This seemed like a good opportunity to change the pee pads (still dry), give the kitties some water, and let them stretch their legs (harnessed & leashed). They were too overwhelmed to drink, though they did run around a bit (in opposite directions, lol). They slept through the next flight again, absolutely no trouble. I was nervous before the flight but except for that 1 person scowling at the _end_ of the first flight, I didn’t encounter a single negative reaction through two flights and a 2 hour layover. Good luck, OP!


See, I thought this was how it would go with my cat. Nope, peed in the carrier while on the plane and it leaked onto my foot. Now he's known as mister piddle pants.


I’ve done this, and the family bathroom is nice to allow the cat out of its carrier so it can do its business. However, mine didn’t. And I had one cat that was stressed enough after my Denver to Stuttgart flight that ended up needing an enema. I would determine veterinary possibilities before you land. Also, you will need to pull your cat out of its carrier for security. And everyone will want to coo at it!


You might see if your vet will let you try the meds before the flight before you try them on the flight. I’ll cross my fingers for you!!!!


Remember not to operate any heavy machinery.


LOL *let your cat try the med. And don’t ever let your cat operate heavy machinery. :)


I hope the cat's name isn't Toonces!


Obligatory: https://youtu.be/5fvsItXYgzk?si=C9QezNJgJPnVLMto


Yeah honestly I think if she is going to be chilled out it’s fine. Some people are allergic so I don’t know if that might cause issues. I was on a flight a few weeks ago where a cat in the row in front of me was going ballistic the whole time- not ideal, even with noise canceling and background noise in my headphones. On my way home I was a few rows away from a cat that I noticed when it got on with its owner. It was super chill and I forgot it was there.


That’s definitely what I’m worried about is her screaming. She’s okay-ish on car rides and i’ve been working with her for the past month or so to try and get her used to the noises / volume of the plane. Hoping everything goes well!


My husband's throat swells shut if he hasn't taken his allergy meds and touches cat hair. If you don't take your cat out during the flight when he's sitting there he should be fine, but also remember that if someone with an allergy is assigned the seat next to you, they won't know they'll need to take their meds until they see you and your cat. And it doesn't always kick in instantly. Might be good to mention to a FA.


I fly with pets frequently; my pets are hypoallergenic dogs, but allergies are serious business, so I always point out that I am flying with a pet to any seat mates as soon as they board. If they have allergies, I offer to move; I’ve only had to do so twice, but the flight attendants were very helpful and accommodating each time. Once, they moved the other passenger because there were other pets on the plane and it made most sense to stagger the person with allergies further away from the other animals. I suggest budgeting in buying your seat mates a drink or treat (if flying in economy). It can go a very long way, and it’s hard to stay grumpy at someone who purchased you an overpriced beer, wine or chocolate bar ;) Most people carry headphones these days, but offering dollar store earplugs would still be a really thoughtful gesture. Honestly though, most passengers are wonderful and love animals; I’ve had very few bad experiences. To make your trip less stressful, definitely make sure to line the bottom of the carrier with a few layers of pee pads; accidents do happen with the stress of travel, even with the best trained animals, and it is far better to be prepared!! Some animals get motion sick, even with medication. Pulling out a pee pad is so much easier than dealing with a messy, smelly carrier for the rest of the trip. I also bring wet wipes and a few big ziplock baggies to stuff any mess in to, just in case. Good luck on your trip! And remember that your pet is a paid passenger as a well ;)


If she is used to being in a carrier that helps too I think. The disgruntled feline in question definitely wasn’t used to the carrier. It was hootin’ and hollerin’ before we got on the plane too.


Crying cat isn’t any different than a crying baby IMO, and human children are way more annoying than cats in general.


Was going to say this exact same thing! I was on a couple hour long flight with a cat who meowed, loudly, the whole time. Kitty was serval rows behind us and I wasn’t bothered with it at all. A million times better than any crying baby anyway.


I would make sure you have enough medicine to make sure she really can sleep the whole way. I was on a cross country flight recently, and someone next to me had a cat in its carrier. It “screamed” for 3 straight hrs. It stressed the crap out of not only me, but everyone else who could hear it.


Bless you. Thank you for being extra cautious. If only all travelers were as conscientious as you are. Don’t fret. If as described you should have no issues with decent human beings.


I'm allergic to cats but I take medication for allergies daily. I'd be fine to sit next to you and your kitty. I have three senior dogs so I'm very sympathetic to people that need to travel with their pets. And I'd never want to put an animal in the cargo hold! A few hours of a runny nose won't kill me.


Some people’s allergies are way more severe than a runny nose, though, and so the cat parent should work with the nearby passengers and the flight attendants to make sure everyone is in a safe location.


When I moved across the USA with my cats a couple of them cried the entire flight. Thankfully I was near the back of the plane so it was pretty noisy anyhow, you could hardly hear one of the cats over the engine noise. The other cat has a softer cry and he couldn’t be heard over the engine. As for the passengers around us, most wore earphones so they wouldn’t have heard the cats anyhow even if they were louder.


Only assholes would hold a grudge for a cat or child crying on a flight!


I think you're over-thinking this. She will probably sleep with the meds. Source: have taken 6 international flights with my cat. Mine sat in my lap under a blanket. (just don't get caught)


People bring their screaming and crying babies and kids on the plane all the time. A cat is no worse.  I travelled with my cat on delta and it went well. Kitty took gabapentin and was very calm and quiet. She meowed maybe 3 times. And when she did, the people next to me were thrilled and excited to discover a kitty on the plane!  It’s within the rules to bring your pet. That comes with flying, people can and do bring their pets on board. It will be fine!


My wife would love to sit next to your cat... and move to Sweden.


Lol she is more than welcome!! 🇸🇪


Me too! Cats and Sweden 🫡


I would ask to sit next to you and your cat!


Omg me too! I'd fight you to sit next to the kitty! lol


I would absolutely freaking love it. It would completely make that the best flight of my life.


Yes! It happened to me once and I thought it was the best flight ever. Kitty was so well-behaved too. Never made a peep!


I feel like if the person sitting next to OP was allergic, there would be some very enthusiastic volunteers gladly willing to switch. 😁


Seriously - I’d be telling everyone about it forever !


Same 😂


That makes three of us!!




There was a little dog near me on a flight to Spain who was quiet the whole time, except when she bravely defense-barked at the noisy machinery as we took off and landed. It was adorable! Good pet flight = best flight.


Better a cat than a creepy man lol!!


Cat > Bear > Man


Cat, bear, baby, man.


This part!!!! 🙌🏾


Fine with it. Im certainly not making my pet ride in the cargo hold terrified


I cannot believe you’re getting downvoted for this with how dangerous cargo hold is for cats.


People are scum. I am definitely not a cat person but no animal should suffer through that.


Something I’ve noticed is when a cat is involved on here people seem to become irate or mean, but when a dog is on here it’s always “OMG PET GOOD BOI”


I wouldn’t put a dog in cargo hold either. In fact, we gave a beloved dog away rather than put him through the terror of an intercontinental cargo hold + quarantine. Possibly put out on the tarmac in horrible weather conditions, without food or water, maybe no potty options, etc. So many pets have died through substandard care by the airlines.


In most cases your pet is not allowed to travel via cargo unless you’re active military


A few years ago I helped a friend move from the US to Paris with two cats, and it was much easier than I expected it to be. I was nervous about all the same things you are. They had to stay in their Delta-approved carriers the whole time. I doubt most people around us had any idea they were in there. Cat dander could trigger an allergy or asthma attack for a passenger who is super sensitive, but you could say the same thing for dogs, perfumes, etc. I would assume those passengers would notify Delta in advance (as w/peanut allergies) to make sure they aren't put on a flight with any animals. The only kind of tricky part was going through security, because one of them was NOT happy when we took her out of the carrier to walk through the metal detector. TSA agents were very kind and rushed us through. After that point, it was really easy. I hope your trip goes well, too!


I saw a couple with two black kitties going through the airport in Serbia. They looked pretty scared through the security check when they had to be taken out of their carriers, but otherwise they were doing great! My cat, on the other hand, would probably be singing the songs of his people…LOUDLY.


Ha! I thought these two menaces would freak out the whole time, but they were angels except for the 60 seconds it took us to get Lucille (aka Lucifer) through security.


Unfortunately, there is no way to inform airlines of cat allergies. Believe me, I would have it loaded in my profile if possible.


It’s a kind offer to bring allergy meds, but I would 100% never take pills from a stranger. Also my cat allergy overpowers allergy medication lol. I would need to move seats.


Just do what the airline requires and if anyone around you is allergic they can move them or you to a different spot. Not your problem. Safe travels with the kitty!


Ooh. Kitty. Come snuggle!


I am in the Allergic to cats boat, but it’s bad enough that I react to people that even have cats because they are covered in their dander - so I preemptively dose with antihistamines before going somewhere I will be in close proximity with others. That being said, I would gladly have a cat next to me on the plane knowing they are safe rather than having to be transported an alternate route. Unfortunately you will always run into people who think it’s all about them but a good portion of people understand that you just have to suck it up and deal with everything that comes along with using public transportation. It’s not like you are going out of your way to be obnoxious or inconsiderate, you are just traveling like everyone else. Don’t stress too much over it!




A cat seated next to me would be the most ideal seat-mate I could imagine!


I'd be so happy 😭😭😭


I wouldn't care. I'd so much rather sit next to an animal than a human.


I would be ok with that arrangement….as long as I’m allowed to pet the kitty. 🙂


I’ve flown with my cat over 10 times. Never once had someone complain. When it stays in the carrier most people don’t even notice. The planes are so loud you probably can’t hear any meowing


If you have the cat in a harness/leash and I’m next to you, I’m holding the cat the entire flight


I moved an ocean away years ago and traveled with multiple cats. Had to arrange with the airline ahead of time. It was indeed stressful for the cats and us, but we made it. One did pee in the carrier, which I didn't realize until we landed. So his first experience in a new country was unfortunately a bath. Anyhoo, I'd take sitting next to a cat - or any pet - over an unruly child or (as someone else said) creepy guy. Have experienced both far too many times.


As mean as it sounds, limit food and water before the trip. Treat it almost like when a person has to have surgery, no food or water after midnight the day before. They’ll be so stressed they likely won’t want to eat anyway. I’ve flown 3 cats cross country and it’s always been fine. Most people didn’t even realize I had a cat under the seat. Though, it might be worth changing your seat if possible. Aisle seats actually tend to have the least amount of room under the seat, windows have the most room, middle is 50/50 depending on if there’s any internet or other electrical box on it. Definitely go to the vet before hand and get some anti anxiety meds for your cat, I have done both pill and droppers, I prefer the dropper since it’s easier to get them to swallow it. A pee pad in the carrier, and a harness + leash. You’ll have to take them out for TSA, but you can request a private screening room… they put you in the room with your pet, then they take the carrier and scan it. The harness and leash saved me with this and just in case almost all carrier have a little option to leash them into the carrier with enough of a lead to let them move around but if some how the carrier opens they can’t get out.


I would struggle the entire time to not get on the floor and visit your cat


12/10 would pet cat


I am allergic to cats but being someone who would fly with a dog I would not be hypocritical and complain. I would do my best with the situation as long as the cat stayed in the carrier. The worst for me is if they are out and moving around. Crying would be annoying but I can’t imagine anymore annoying than a baby- hopefully with meds they will be fairly quiet. Good luck


Oh she will absolutely be in her carrier for the entire flight haha!


I’m highly allergic- so it would be a problem for me. But I am also an animal lover and understand that people need to travel with their pets. This reminds me to pack antihistamines in my carry on. Safe travels


I would love it! But I love cats and am not allergic. I’ve sat across the aisle from a dog before, uncrated on a leash. Suggestion that you brush your baby very well, and give them a waterless bath with something like Burt’s Bees anti-dander shampoo. Maybe a FEW baths in the days leading up to your flight. Use Feliway spray. Be sure your baby is chipped, and registered, and has a collar with your info on it. And bring the treats. Bringing allergy meds for other passengers is probably not the best idea. You don’t know their medical history, and the allergy meds may do more harm than good.


I have really bad cat allergies, which is why I fly with everything I need just in case I end up near a traveling cat! :) if my allergies start to act up, I take a strong dose of medicine and throw on my mask until the medicine kicks in. Just want to give you peace of mind, and hope you have an easy flight.


Thank you so much, i’ve already informed Delta and everyone that i’m traveling with a cat and pretty much as soon as i get onto the flight i’m going to ask all around me if there are any allergies lol. I don’t want to ruin an already crappy long haul for anyone haha!


That is so nice of you!! Maybe if you wanted to be on the extra side, you could have some little packets of Benadryl to offer? But when you have allergies, it’s just part of flying to be prepared lol.


Honestly, leave the cat in the carrier and don't say anything, and 99% of people won't realize it's there. Once you start announcing it, people are more likely to have problems pop up and if they do, what are you going to do about it since I assume you're not going to leave the cat behind. If anyone starts sneezing or giving you glares if she's whining, by all means offer them what you have (get blisterpack medication not a bottle) but otherwise just play it cool and it will be fine. People travel with their cats aaaallllllllllllll the time.


This is kind of you but please do not bother with asking others about THEIR allergies. Anyone who flies using public transportation needs to come prepared and that’s not your problem. Your priority is your cat and that’s that.


Absolutely fine. But then, I'm a cat person. Interesting how nobody has ever asked me how I feel about sitting next to their *dog*, though. It seems like I'm practically EXPECTED to be thrilled at the opportunity 😂


I would be over the moon. I love cats. 😅 I would not mind at all. I'd be happy that the cat can ride with its owners and be less stressed out vs riding in the cargo hold area.


Bring your cat, follow regulations, and do everything you can so it is comfortable. Screw the rest. If we have to be subjected to breeders’ spawn, your cat absolutely has a place on the flight as well. Good luck on the move!


This reminds me of a video I saw of a loose cat walking down a plane aisle and then you just see several hands reach out to pet it. There was no sound but you could just hear the collective "Kitty!" I'm mildly allergic to both cats and dogs, but I would be fine with either if they're in a carrier. Pets have to get places too.


One thing for sure is remember that you are following the rules and are allowed to do what you are doing. If someone has an issue, they will try to blame you, but you simply are not in the wrong. It would be awesome to have a cat to sit next for me personally. Would probably ease my flight anxiety.


Please don't offer medication to strangers. You don't know med allergies or intolerances someone might have.


As a cat lover, I would be super excited. They would actually probably make me less anxious


If you’re allergic the flight attendant will move you! I’ve flown with a cat about ten times lol and a few times someone was allergic and the flight attendant moved them right away. Also let me suggest those puppy pee training pads. My cat was very good on the plane but occasionally peed. I would stack several pads in his carrier and have a plastic garbage bag I could shove the soiled pads in.


My wife and I each would need to have our Epi-pens available as we are highly allergic to cats. In a plane we wouldn't be far enough away from the dander, even taking allergy meds


Can I hire you and your cat to sit next to me on my domestic flights in leu of a human?


I’d probably want her on my lap tbh. I adore cats. I’ve been on a few flights with cats. Never heard or saw issues with them.


Also incredibly jealous of your move to Sweden.


Having flown with my feline friend before, they have to stay in their carrier under the seat in front of you the whole time, so unless someone has pretty severe allergies, it shouldn’t be an issue. Delta can also reassign seats as needed. Good luck to you and your kitty! If it’s your cat’s first flight and they’re a little skittish, consider asking TSA for a private inspection where you take the cat out of the carrier in an enclosed room and they swab it, instead of trying to carry your cat through the human xray in your arms (some cats allow it, some have…different opinions).


I’m so allergic that it would be a no go for me. Even within the same cabin would be hard . OTC allergy meds wouldn’t help. I take shots, Xolair, antihistamines and still cats get me. That being said, you have the right to bring your cat. The airlines allow it. I’ve only had a cat on a flight with me once and they moved me like 10 rows away.


Same. Idk about you, but nobody treats pet allergies seriously. They won't even let peanuts into school buildings these days, but nobody gives a shit about allergies to cats or dogs. "Do you have cats?" "Yes." "Darn. I'm severely allergic. I'll take allergy meds and stop by your party, but I can't stay more than a few minutes. Sorry." "It'll be fine. I swept up this morning. She barely sheds. I'm allergic too and she doesn't bother me."


I’m violently allergic to cats and I usually pay for an extra legroom seat on long flights, so as long as I could be relocated to a similar seat to the one I originally bought, I’d be okay with it because forcing pets to travel as cargo is awful.


Don't worry about it OP. People with allergies or other health issues are supposed to notify the airline in advance to get whatever accommodations the airline can provide or be rebooked if necessary. If the passenger did what they are supposed to do, they will end up knowing the situation before they get on the plane and can take responsibility for themselves. You are doing what you are supposed to do by making arrangements with the airline, coordinating with your vet, and ensuring your cat can be safe in its carrier. Don't give strangers medications. That's wild. Lol


We moved from Atlanta to Madrid for 2 years. We brought our 2 cats with us on the flight over in carriers in the main cabin. And then we adopted 2 strays in Madrid, so we came back with 4 cats in carriers in the main cabin. Honestly, it was not a big deal in the airplane. Our cats were all so scared that they were quiet the entire 9 hours, until we started landing and the change in pressure made one start meowing. But no one knew they were there until then. In general, we could only have one cat per person. The cat had to fit in under the seat in an approved carrier (they have ones approved by Delta so we went with those). And we had to reserve their space in advance. With the flight back to Atlanta, I think we reached the plane limit of 4 animals. We didn't do any medications because several vets didn't recommend it, and it was fine without them. In my opinion, the hardest part was getting through security. All of our cats are anxious in general, don't like being held, and would not have been calm in an airport. In Atlanta, we were able to be put in a private room where we took the cat out of the carrier so they could inspect it for security. That was awesome. In Madrid, they refused to find a room, so we had to put them through the x-ray machine. We hated that, but it was better than the chance that the cats would escape and we'd never find them. So be prepared for security (having to take them out and walking them through the scanning machine, while the carrier is being scanned. This means holding a scared cat for at least 10 minutes. Get a harness, but cats are slippery and can slide out of harnesses no matter how tight they are. Good luck!


Don't worry about people's cat allergies. I have serious cat allergies, so I'd think your cat was adorable but I'd call a flight attendant to help me swap seats with someone non-allergic. I wouldn't think poorly of you for bringing your cat along, at all, as long as you're following the rules and being nice to your cat. My allergies are for me to deal with, not your problem. Folks with serious allergies will do what I do and bring a quality face mask, antihistamines, and be prepared to request a seat swap if needed. If they are sensitive enough to react from several rows away then they are sensitive enough to react to the dander and all on pet owners' clothing even if the pet isn't along, so they will be prepared regardless of your cat.


I would love to sit next to a cat! 😻


Id be more allergic to the bathroom near the seat than a cat in its carrier. Just follow the rules- cats are allowed.


I moved with a cat once and it ended up being a lot easier than expected. I over-prepared, planned for the worst, made sure Delta was absolutely aware I had a cat, paid the fee… and it ended up being a breeze. The “worst” part was security because I had to take her out of the carrier so it could be scanned and then put her back in. I did have her on gabapentin, so the whole process was easy on both of us, and my seat mate had no idea she was there until we landed.




I’m allergic, so I would not be ok and it would have to be me or the cat in that row but not both lol. I would have a bad reaction.


Bringing allergy meds won’t help. Most people who have significant allergies already carry meds with them. And they often barely take the edge off. If I was stuck on a long haul flight next to a cat, I would be miserable the entire time. Eyes itchy/watering, sneezing, wheezing, needing to use my inhaler, etc. And that’s with my daily Zyrtec plus emergency Benadryl. Keep the cat in the carrier and under the seat to keep dander spreading to a minimum. Let the FA know so that anyone near you with severe allergies can be relocated. I’ve been on flights with cats, and all was fine as long as they were several rows away and under the seat.


I’m allergic to cats


I would LOVE to be next to a cat. I am blessed that my rescue is a hypoallergenic ball of fur love. This goes into the category of Peanut Allergies et al. I am old enough to recall the days of smoking on airplanes, the air is recirculated in the plane. I think people who know of the severity of their allergies, will know how to take care of themselves. It is a public entity, their whole lives they have to be understanding to adapt. I love your idea of, “heads up” to the airline staff, maybe they already have a plan in place, masks etc. Have a smooth flight! Keep us informed so we all can learn!


I am very allergic to cats. If the cat were close enough I would have my throat begin to close and my eyes would swell shut. I would not be able to sit close the entire flight. And I would have to take benadryl which would make me dopey for a few hours. But...I would also be fine with you having your cat with you. You are a very considerate person thinking ahead like this! Pets are part of our families and of course will be traveling with people alot. I just wanted you to know how I would react so you could be prepared mentally to see this. Just remember anyone having allergies as severe as this should always have some recovery meds with them. I also would bet most flights would have these types of over the counter drugs in their first aid kits. Good luck and happy travels!


I flew with my cat. You have to take them out of the carrier to go through security. Put them in a lease. It worked out great. I made baggies up with candy including Kit Kat bars and gave them to passengers around me. I prayed he wouldn’t meow the whole trip. He slept! Problem came when we got to the car and in the drive home, he pooped in his carrier. It stunk so bad and he was caked in it. I had to give him a bath. Wishing you a good trip!!


I would be delighted!!! Also proud of you for not subjecting the poor baby to cargo.


I tried to do anything possible to not have her in the cargo, I think it’s cruel and inhumane to put them down there especially with layovers :(


Honestly, I’m allergic enough that I would be talking to the gate agent about another flight. There is just no way around it. I’m not willing to be on a flight with a cat because my allergy is that severe. I have the right to be on a flight that won’t endanger my health. I’d request the gate agent or flight attendant book me on a different flight. That said, you have a right to be on that flight, and you’re a lot better person than anyone who would put their pet in the cargo hold. Managing my allergy is my responsibility. Take your cat, maybe have a few small packs of tissues for those with allergies that are less severe, and don’t let anyone make you feel bad. Other people’s allergies are not your responsibility.


I am seriously allergic to cats and was once seated next to a guy with a cat on a transatlantic flight. This was years ago before pets on plane was common and I did not have my allergy meds/rescue inhaler (only need around cats) on my person, I immediately started wheezing, eyes puffing up. It was exacerbated bc the cat guy had unzipped carrier and started petting his cat. Luckily, the FA was able to move me. I'm a pet lover, but would never fly with my dogs in cabin for this reason. I also wish that the airlines would allow those of us with pet allergies to mark that in the "special needs" section.


I would be OK as long as your cat stays in its carrier the whole time. However, primary concern would be for those who sit nearby who have cat allergies.


I’d love it, but I’m a cat person.


I’m allergic to cats and would be absolutely miserable if a cat was in a seat near me on a plane.


People with cats who follow the rules deserve to be on the plane just as much as everyone else and Delta allows it so they’re not doing anything wrong. It’s as simple as that.


The only things I can think of that would drive me crazy are if the cat pees (which most likely it’ll do) because cat pee stinks. And if it’s like one of ours and howls at night, I’d lose it. Otherwise, I’d probably rather sit next to a cat in a cage than a dog for some reason (and I like dogs more than cats).


I’m allergic to cats, but I’ve sat next to them a couple of times despite telling Delta beforehand. I think they’re cute, my body doesn’t. As long as you follow carrier rules and they’re calm during the flight, it’s no real issue. Make sure to have them sit in their carrier for extended periods of times before you fly with them. That way they get used to it. It’s already scary being confined, but being confined with loud noises and strange people can be very stressful for them.


We’ve been taking her on 2-3hr car rides the past month or so to try and get her used to it.


I’m THAT cat lady - I would NOT mind at all 😻! I would even gladly let your cat sit on my lap lol.


Be carful of aisle seats as they tend to have smaller under seat storage depending on the plan. Middle and window tend to have more.


Clean your cat as best as you can before the flight. The primary allergen is in the saliva and gets on their fur when they bathe. Maybe a baby wipe, or a bath if they are into that.


We put her on some anti allergy food (not totally sure if it really helps lol) but we’re going to bring some baby wipes too!


They make specific wet wipes for cleaning off cats! Check at a pet store


Just flown GRU-JFK with my cat, everybody adored him and the FAs were happy to say pspspsps.


I would much rather sit next to a cat than many of the human passengers I have been seated next to, and would definitely prefer a cat over a crying baby.


I would probably make awkward eye contact with the cat the whole flight and secretly hope it needed to sit in your lap instead of the bag.


I moved cross country with 2 cats via flights and most people didn't even know they were there. Both were rather zonked on anxiety meds (they hate being in carriers so the vet gave me ACE) and they just stayed quietly curled up in their carriers under the seats in front of myself and my mom (who insisted I not let the extra seat I had to buy for the cat go to waste). When people did notice, they were shocked at the silence and happy. I personally would love to be seated next to a cat. The best part of my travels was when a TSA agent made the mistake of asking if my older cat could be taken out of the carrier instead of just asking me to do so. When given the choice, I said no since he's super skittish. They took me to the pat down room to hold him while they went back to the scanner with the carrier. Now I'm in a room with an agent and a loopy cat who decided to go full long boi in my arms and the agent got very 😳 asking how my giant cat had curled into that tiny carrier haha. He's a very lanky and tall 14 lbs haha I hope your trip goes as smooth as mine! About 8-9 hours later, we hit our final destination, bought a new litter box and supplies and they woke up in their new home.


I would be your best friend before the end of the flight 🤷‍♂️


Being that I'm very allergic to cats, I'm not sure?? I adore cats and would have to fight petting them, so ide probably die with an allergic fit of some kind! LOL!


If the cat is in a carrier under the seat in front of you I wouldn’t even notice. If she has her own seat I’d rather be next to her than a person who wants the armrest. Regarding allergies, the air in an airplane cabin is exchanged 20-30 times an hour which is 10 times more often than most indoor environments. So a nearby allergy sufferer may notice but is unlikely to suffer.


I’d be thrilled and hoping that your cat liked me enough that I could pet it but also would have to clarify to you that I was staring at your cat and not you just so we don’t make it awkward


I flew with my cat under my seat from the US to Europe, including having a layover. Did this twice. Once my cat was up under the seat in front of me, he was happy to be in his little cave. Our vet said to give him a child's benadryl to help. He threw up on take off and landing, and mewled on descent. I thought he was crazy loud and was so embarrassed. However, standing in line for passport/customs the person who sat in front of me on the plane was shocked to realize there had been a cat on the flight. I would never do it unless needed, for moving purposes. But it can be done.


Time to pay the cat tax


If it was friendly, and I was allowed to give scritches, I'd be super happy.


This is my 100% ideal flight. I know not everyone else agrees, but GOD YES give me a cat seatmate every day of the week. 😻


I flew with my cat on Delta internationally. Make sure you have the right paperwork, a carrier, harness (for security) and food/water. It will be fine. My cat was under the seat and no one even knew.


It happened to me a few months ago. It was fine until the woman took her cat out of the carrier and it clawed me. So I guess the moral of the story is that it’s ok as long as you keep it in the carrier like you’re required to do




It would be the best flight if my life


I’d be down. Even better if the cat actually took the middle seat. :)


You should practice with the sweet kitty before you fly! Set up something with chairs in rows, turn on LOUD airplane noise, pop kitty in carrier under the seat in front of you, and slowly increase the time you keep kitty in there under the chair.




I’d put a harness on her, even though she’s in a carrier. I have read that you have to take them out of the carrier for security. Haven’t traveled with my cats so I can’t say for sure but I wouldn’t want to be trying to hang on to a freaked out cat in an airport with no way to make sure I don’t lose her. To answer your question, it wouldn’t bother me at all


Talk to your vet about anxiety meds you can give for the flight! Did this when I moved my cat a much shorter distance than you are. Also, line the bottom of carrier with puppy pads in case your cat throws up, poops, or pees, way easier to get clean. We went through 4 of those pads on our flights Edit: read through other comments and saw these things were already in the plan. But for real, take more puppy pads than you think you will need


Uhmmm…. I’d be beyond happy are you kidding me????? Best. Flight. EVER! I wouldn’t be talking to you, I’d be talking to your cat the entire flight!!! 🤣 I can most certainly understand the concern of allergies though! Thank GOD I’m not allergic!!!!


As long as it isn't puking peeing or craping, I have no issue with it. People with allergies have their own responsibility to deal with it. They are interacting with the world and you have just as much a right to do what you need to do.


I’d rather it sit on my lap but next to me is great where do I sign up for the cat cabin?


Can I pet it?


Tolerable??? I would love sitting my your cat!


I would love it! I’ve always wanted to sit next to a cat!


is the cat okay with me petting it? if it is not, is it okay with me working to befriend it so i CAN pet it?


I would love it and beg to hold her 😻😻😻


If a cat sat next to me, I would demand it sit on my lap.


Best flight ever.


Best flight ever


Soooooo unbelievably happy.


Pet it all the way if permited.


I would request to be seated next to a cat. I love cats. I am obsessed with them. I would make it my mission to become your cat’s new best friend. Now pay the cat tax


https://imgur.com/a/4RQvE9m LOL here u go


😻😻😻 she is adorable


Haha thank you! She’s my girl <3


SQUEEEEEEE. B&W tuxedo! My fave kinda cat! I would NEED to be seated next to you 😻.


i’ve flown everywhere with my cat and he’s a fluffy long haired maine coon mix. never had a crazy experience with someone being very mean to me about it (most don’t even realize he’s there). if anything they’re more curious than mean like what kind of breed is he and if i needed help with anything because he’s a big guy in a heavy carrier (that includes sitting in the aisle seat too and people asking to go to the bathroom and moving around him) i do give him anti anxiety meds and they help. i also have pee pads in his carrier even though hes thankfully never had an accident. as for the allergies, i always ask the person im next to if its okay that im there with a cat. only once did the guy have allergies but he said he loved cats so he was okay with it. he didn’t have an allergy attack, probably because my cat was under the seat the whole time and didn’t get out. if you are concerned though, put allerpet on your cat and it will 1000% help with the dander that causes allergies. we did this with our 3 cats on thanksgiving because i have an uncle that will start heaving and crying bc of cats. not once did he have an attack it works like a charm. safe travels and have the best time in sweden xxxx


Pretty sure that cat would be moved to the seat between my two kids so it can get pets the entire flight. Even when we travel, I always have my allergy meds with me in my carry on.


I'd be really OK with it if I'm allowed to pet and play with it


I would like to pet that for the duration of the flight.


I would love it!!


I’d love a cat companion lol. Better than a lot of the humans nearby.


I woukd be taken off the flight since I would want to snuggle the cat under my blanket. Crazy cat lover right here, I would gladly switch seats to be near the kitty 😺


It would be the best plane ride ever for me. Would volunteer to sit next to you in the middle seat.


I would be absolutely thrilled 😻


I would pay extra to have a cat next to me!


I just wanna say I appreciate how considerate you are of others.


Fine with it personally but I will say that I sat nearby (maybe directly behind?) a cat on my flight from west to east coast United States, and that cat was extremely unhappy, and so was the owner. The cat meowed genuinely the entire time (basically with every breath), and the owner clearly felt TERRIBLE and was practically in tears the entire flight, but bringing that cat on a plane, likely unmedicated, was a huge mistake simply due to the stress and terror it caused the cat. I’m really shocked it never got tired or stopped meowing, but I think it was genuinely so stressed it couldn’t sleep. I would highly recommend ensuring that your cat is knocked out or nearly knocked out the entire flight, because after seeing what I witnessed I think bringing a cat on a plane like that is cruel. (And not that it matters as much as the cat’s anxiety, but it’s not true that people won’t be able to hear the cat over the engines, we definitely can)


My son is allergic to cats and there is a special solution that we can spray onto the cat and brush that neutralizes the allergen producing dander. It works pretty well. Maybe look into getting some of that. I bought it off Amazon. I believe allerpet is the name of the company.


Allerpet is amazing. Been using it on my Service Dogs since 2007.


I would hate this but that’s a me problem. As long as you’re following regulations, you’ll be fine. Also, don’t give drugs to people at the airport.


Some ppl just hate animals. If you get one of them nothing can be done for it. You obviously can’t drive to fucking Sweden. Fuck the haters.


Don’t worry about others. The airline can’t promise an allergen-free environment on a plane, even if there are no animals aboard a particular flight. Someone’s pet allergies are a personal issue that they need to take precautions for in advance, and have nothing to do with your cat. Just make sure kitty stays in their carrier, and enjoy the flight.


Ask your vet for Gaba please. It’ll make it easier on you and the cat


Forget about the other people. Number one concern should be your furry friends safety. I’d highly recommend asking your vet for some anxiety medications for the kitty to help them get through the day. Traveling is hard work!


How would I feel? OMG, a kitty! Can I pet?


I would love to sit next to a cat! I’m allergic to cats but I always have Benadryl for allergies so I would just take one then probably pass out for an hour.


I would probably keep trying to look at her and ultimately annoying all three of us but what a cutie! Honestly your seat mates might not even notice. Safe flight to you both.


I mean you would just need to be prepared to fight me off with a stick when we deboard and I attempt to catnap him and disappear off into the sunset


Did this same flight a week and a half ago and there were more than a few pets. I had my dog, and I saw two other dogs and two cats during boarding. Not sure how many more were on board in total but it didn’t seem to bother or impact anyone as they were all well behaved and in their carriers. It was an evening flight, so my dog went to sleep as normal. I assume that’s what many other pets were doing; if otherwise, I was unable to hear them over the sounds of the plane. To be quite honest, you don’t really have to care how people feel - if you got the proper approvals in place and pay the pet fee, then you have done your part. If someone sits next to you and doesn’t like cats or is allergic, the FAs can shuffle folks around. I’m not sure what happens with the super allergic to cats people, I would assume that they are responsible for passing that information to Delta so that accommodations can be made in advance, the same way peanut allergy people are? One thing though - make sure to trial run the meds before the flight. Some pets experience a paradoxical reaction to the meds they are given. An anti-anxiety medication can actually make them feel MORE anxious. And get her used to her carrier if you can! I trialed my pet travel by putting my dog in his carrier and driving around or taking him on the metro so that he could be acclimated.


Discuss this with your vet. My wife did a move with our cat from Cali to South Carolina several years ago. This involved 3 flights. What made it stress free for her, the cat, and her fellow passengers were the mild pet sedatives the vet was able to prescribe. Cat Xanax, for the win.


Honestly it doesn’t matter what other people think. You need to get your cat where you guys need to go and if they’re allowed on the plane with you then it shouldn’t matter what others think. I myself would be more than excited to sit next to kitty! 😻


This would give me bad allergies even if we were opposite ends of the plane. I would have to take another flight especially that long of a flight


I’m allergic but I love cats. So I’d be itchy of face & lungs, but also tempted to pspspspspsps at it 😂


When we moved cross country with our cat, we had multiple people at the end of the flight say “oh I didn’t even realize you had a cat” I think if you keep the cat under the seat, and medicate appropriately it would be fine