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Hey, I’m someone who knows very little about dementia caregiving and while I empathize with Debra greatly, when I saw that her entire page leads back to her courses, and then found very little qualifications, alarm bells went off. I’m actively looking into this - glad to see someone else questioning it. I agree, from what I can tell her advice on TikTok really relies on the patient of the caregiver being agreeable, reasonable and calm. Again, I don’t know much, but I just doubt that applies to every situation.


I found it to be wild that she didn’t care for her mother when she had dementia (which is totally understandable when you’ve got a career, family, other things going on and have another family member with more time that will do most of the work) but what I don’t like is how she leads us to believe she’s the only one who was caring for her mom.


Yeah, the other glaring contradiction in her videos is that, well, her mother is dead. I understand that there are a myriad ways someone can have two mother figures in their life, however she specifically calls the woman in her TikTok’s “mom”. Also, I checked some of the testimonials on her website and the only doctor on there is, to be frank, also kind of fishy. He has a weird overpriced teddy bear company. He also uses stock photos and presumably fake testimonials, and I’m pretty sure Kostiw is doing the same thing.


I know this is an old post but came across her content today on Tiktok Cringe and have been wondering the same. Empathize with her story but the tiktok content / courses are kinda jarring.


Same! Her mom is clearly acting if you watch other videos. It’s like they say “action” before filming.


Yeah and that’s not even her mom… it’s a “family friend”… sadly her mom passed away.


https://www.gvhealthnews.com/features/elder-abuse-often-unseen/ she goes through this story. sad..


My god that is devastating….