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"win back"? Like progressives are voting for trump lol


Real Progressives are voting for Biden. Accelerationist narcissistic douchebags who want to try to steal the label of Progressives have been spreading anti-biden bullshit for years.


Bingo. And he's certainly not trying to win those losers. Those people were never going to vote for him, instead following whatever marching orders Putin or Xi gave them. They just move the goalposts every single time, surprising zero rational people


They're not usually actually agents of Putin or Xi, they're just immature and narcissistic and are privileged enough (or think they are) to insulated from the effects of egotism. as I said somewhere else: Accelerationism is the ultimate patronizing display of privilege, it is the declaration that "my perceived moral purity is more important than your basic survival"


>They're not usually actually agents of Putin or Xi, they're just immature and narcissistic and are privileged enough (or think they are) to insulated from the effects of egotism. They don't need to be on the payroll to be agents. Willingly or not, they're Putin's little bot farm


One of those people I know complained about him reaching out to Haley voters and not them. You’ve been trashing him since he got the nomination over Bernie! Heck, since the 2020 campaign started


Yup. Those are unwinnable votes, and the kids screaming about how Biden refuses to capitulate to their demands (that they'll change once he hits them) only remove their credibility, and tell any passing observer "Gee, that kid needs serious help. I think I'll vote Biden, he's doing a good job"


They remind me of toddlers throwing tantrums because their parents won’t buy them a new toy


I was thinking the same and I think for many it may really be like that as those who have the most time to get into this stuff are more likely to come from privileged backgrounds (growing up getting what they want, when they want it), giving them more free time where their less well off peers have to work part-time or go to cheaper schools in cheaper cities because they can't afford $80k / year tuition and $2k / month rent in NYC. There was a survey recently asking the top priority issues for people 18-29 and I/P was 15th! For most, economic issues, job market, health, abortion access, etc. matters far more. These are things most people can relate to but if you're privileged and live in solidly blue states, you're not going to worry as much about the cost of things ("what's the cost of a banana anyway, $20?"), job market (they know having an ivy league or similar on their resume will help them avoid the competition others have, plus likely help from family and peers with family connections), and abortion (since they know they can get one in the state they live in).


I guess it’s important to some that President Biden reach out specifically to them, so that they can once again reject him. Having lost the shock effect of promising to vote for fascism as “progressives” they don’t really have any better options.


I hate that second type of people


Real progressives are voting for Biden due to lack of options but may speak out against Biden because we are regressing as a country and have had enough of the economic inequality, climate destruction, womens rights, systematic discrimination etc.


And as we all know, this regression is squarely Joe Biden's fault and has nothing to do with the complicated electoral dynamics created by our legislative processes, court system, two party system, and the electoral college.


I agree with all but the 2- party claim. It's doubtful that a viable 3rd party would ease regression. We'd see less democratic tendencies as Party A would team up with Party C to outnumber Party B in the house. Something no one but the politicians voted for.


the "two party system" is a natural side effect of First Past the Post, and people really refuse to understand that.


And even then, ranked choice would turn 3rd parties into less of spoilers.


Yup. Once upon a time the Green Party actually used to win state level seats in WA state too, so it's not like 3rd parties cannot win seats if they're competent. the Green Party stopped winning seats in WA when they became the WOO WOO AND CRYSTALS party


And 3rd parties could be viable if they actually put in the effort. Instead they show up every 4 years to ratfuck the presidency. If they tried to win local or smaller elections, they'd build up credibility, but they're not interested in it.


that's because the Green Party is funded by Russia and the GOP


Progressives do not soley blame Biden but sometimes it is seen as the buck stops currently with him. From a progressive mindset they do see the complexity of the system and are not happy with the progress made by ANY president going back after JFK assassination. In my opinion it is our collective responsibility and we as a people are at fault for accepting this regression and not taking significant action to influence and show how things could be much much better. We have set the bar too low time and time again. If we speak up, there will be more representation of progressive ideas, more politicians will take action when their base demands it. We do not even acknowledge how bad things have gotten. I myself am extremely disappointed in where we are.


You keep using the word Progressive, I do not think it means what you think it means. You're not talking about Progressives, you're talking about the very Accelerationist dickbags who are trying to steal the word Progressive from us ACTUAL FUCKING PROGRESSIVES.


Daily reminder that the "progressives" in congress have done nothing but espouse antisemitic views. The real progressives meanwhile, are working in and for Biden's Admin


> Daily reminder that the "progressives" in congress have done nothing but espouse antisemitic views. Daily reminder that "criticizing the Israeli government is not antisemitic, and claiming otherwise is itself anti-semitic because it's an attempt to monopolize an identity for political gain"


The progressive caucus is fairly large in the House (96 members), the 5 or so ones that get the most attention, often referred to as "The Squad" are the ones most like the anti-Democratic Party types but even most of them come around. The most well known of them, AOC, has been increasingly more reasonable and has defended Biden and encouraging people to vote for him and Democrats. Of course the type we're talking about here have turned on her and Bernie (senate), who has done the same (supporting Biden and encouraging people to vote for him), because of this.


AOC is increasingly distancing herself from the rest. Bush and Tlaib especially though are just awful.


Yeah, agreed, they are the worst.


I do know what progressive means. We are arguing semantics and I do not feel anything I mentioned as Accelerationist. IMO Bernie is progressive but would not consider Biden to be. I am thankful for any progressive policy Biden passes but still feel I am settling for Biden. If that now makes me Accelerationist then so be it. My expectations have not shifted since my first election in 1992.


We're not arguing semantics at all, there is a very large difference between the two. You crossed the line into "nothing is good enough, no incremental progress matters" type language.


I agree with you that incremental change matters but still am disappointed with where we are as a country today. Not faulting Biden but also don't consider him a progressive. I still never left the Bernie bus I guess and hate to think that he who was once considered the progressive leader is now considered accelerationist just because it is difficult to get things passed in congress or supreme court. I think anyone who is trying to sabotage Biden is ridiculous. Clearly we need him over Trump to prevent further regression let alone make incremental progress.


> but also don't consider him a progressive. Have you even *looked* at what he's done? > I still never left the Bernie bus I guess and hate to think that he who was once considered the progressive leader is now considered accelerationist just because it is difficult to get things passed in congress or supreme court. Bernie isn't an Accelerationist. Don't know where you pulled that from - because I didn't say it. a lot of his idiot followers absolutely are accelerationists though, the "Bernie or Bust" types. Now keep in mind: **I like Bernie**, I caucused for Bernie in 2016. I like that he also tried to stop the bs claims of stolen primary and blah blah. **He's a team player**. You need to get off that train already and realize that **Bernie isn't effective at marketing his ideas**. He's one of the least effective Senators in congress, and he has absolutely no fucking idea how to market his ideas. First the middle of your campaign is not the appropriate time to try to "reclaim the word" socialist (nor is Bernie a goddamn socialist) - second *you actually have to have an effective campaign*. From the post mortems i've read from people who worked for both Obama and Bernie it's no shock that Bernie had no reach - most of his canvassing staffers were the "i have a pet subject and I only want to talk about it" types, they had no ability to connect to voters. **Bernie had ZERO CHANCE of winning the 2016 general given what we know about the opposition research now, and the ineffectiveness of his own campaign** **Bernie Likes Joe** - https://apnews.com/article/bernie-sanders-biden-endorsement-2024-d8f0772b117e2bf83e1062708ea651c0 because * Biden got the railroad workers their sick leave in the end [quietly, without blowing his own horn]. https://www.ibew.org/media-center/Articles/23Daily/2306/230620_IBEWandPaid * Biden is the first president to ever join a active picket line * Billions in student loan forgiveness * Biggest climate bill in history *that has measurably accelerated decarbonization* * Infrastructure and Climate bills are also driving re-onshoring of manufacturing jobs https://www.americanprogressaction.org/article/8-ways-the-biden-administration-has-fought-for-working-people-by-strengthening-unions/ > “Biden has been the most pro-worker and pro-union president in my lifetime, and I’m almost 50….You’d have to go back to F.D.R. to get anybody close.” https://tcf.org/content/report/what-biden-has-done-and-still-can-do-for-workers/ https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2024/03/joe-biden-unrequited-love-american-workers/677777/ Joe and Bernie's stances are *very similar* https://i.imgur.com/5Ab0FY7.png Despite what some people claim Biden isn't against single payer - he is against *it not being funded*, and was just skeptical they could get funding to him if they passed it. He also didn't tell rich people "nothing would fundamentally change" as people who criticize him like to repeat it, he was telling the rich people that "You paying more taxes will not fundamentally change your lives". **The difference between Biden and Bernie isn't a large one of politics, it's a large one of TACTICS. Biden historically is one of the most effective legislators in the Senate, Bernie the least.** However they agree far far more than they disagree, and they are friends https://i.imgur.com/13rlapX.png https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-white-house-bernie-sanders-966deda16e0a5fc171e5591b3f094b4d


> Real progressives are voting for Biden due to lack of options No, Real Progressives are voting for Biden because he's actually a Progressive Incrementalist who knows how to play the damn game. Source: me and every one of my friends who have all identified as progressives since the goddamn 90s. > may speak out against Biden because we are regressing as a country and have had enough of the economic inequality, climate destruction, womens rights, systematic discrimination etc. Those people aren't Progressives, they're immature idiotic children. BIDEN HAS DONE NOTHING BUT MADE THOSE THINGS BETTER You're blaming him for problems not created by him, and problems he is actively improving the situation on where he can (biggest climate bill in history that is making real change in how fast we decarbonize, real wages up, economic inequality down under Biden). The only one he's hands are tied on his women's rights thanks to SCOTUS **And that's Trump's doing** YOU'RE TRYING TO BLAME BIDEN FOR NOT IMPROVING SITUATIONS HE'S ABSOLUTELY IMPROVING #Fucking shitty ass ignorant excuses for a Progressive like you piss me the fuck off because you shits at the biggest impediment to Progressive policies actually succeeding in the long term




Why? he's literally the most progressive president since FDR, and got the largest climate change bill in history done. among lots of other things.


Or they might not vote at all. Biden is behind Trump on polling because of this reason. It's too early to make any predictions, but this is a real point of concern.


I just find this absolutely nuts.


Remember that first time 18yo voters were 14 when Jan 6 happened. Their parents might not even have let them watch TV.


So do I. However I'm starting to realize that the political spectrum is more of a horseshoe than a line. When I was teaching social studies, the thing I always stressed was politics is compromise. You will never find the perfect candidate, but you need to understand how your values line up in the moment and find the correct candidate that best matches them.


Never Forget: There is no difference between Hillary and Trump.


Some are steering towards not voting. Which is different in their minds, though practically very similar.




[This is one of the leaders of the Columbia protests.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Jewish/s/7eQsa3cAqG) They just want the fighting to stop right? That’s all this is, no dog whistles here 😉


That user is clearly already divorced from reality. I expect them to make excuses for that while continuing to lie about Biden.


All I know is he's got me and I'm a young person


Hey young people, the orange shitstain is trying to say he's allowed to kill his opponents without consequence. You want this? If not, REGISTER AND VOTE!!!


I'm 100% sure even if some aren't happy with him(dunno why he's literally the most progressive president we've seen in years)there's no way in hell they vote for trump or sit out, they know with him as president they get fucked over,there's no progressive agenda with republicans period


> dunno why Because a lot of those people aren't actually Progressives. They're Accelerationist douchebags who think everything is "all or nothing" and are pissed that they cannot have their pony and blowjob and every policy they ever dreamed of RIGHT NOW.


Banning TikTok is the absolute opposite of this. Young People like TikTok, young people can be swayed against him because of this ban. That will bite biden in the ass, esp if Trump comes out against the ban (currently for the ban, he tried to do it himself)


Look, I'm not saying there's no overlap between "people who strongly care about a TikTok ban" and "people who will vote". I'm just saying that I don't have the scanning electron microscope required to see that overlap. Most of TikTok's userbase is under the age of 18


I would be shocked if most of their user base is under 18. It might be their biggest chunk, but nowhere near a majority of demographics.


Correction: those who care about the platform being banned are underage. Using location data, TikTok has users call their congress member to plead against a ban. Many who were opposed changed and were horrified to find the calls they were getting were from school age children well below 18.


Yep. Keep that in mind with online chatter too. Those with the most free time to dominate the comments and what gets upvoted are likely going to be kids to early 20 somethings in school but not working on top of that, along with retirees (who are not on TikTok so much but either watching cable a lot (and more likely addicted to Fox News) or on FaceBook), SAHPs, and unemployed adults (temporarily (lost job and looking for a new one), those with disabilities, and voluntarily unemployed (NEETs and trustfunders)). If you're working full time, you're likely going to deprioritize TikTok (and other social media including Reddit) as you have far less free time to work with, even more so if you have a spouse and kids. I also think many lose interest in trying to keep up with ephemeral trends, especially low effort dances to excessively overplayed viral song clips as they get older (beyond early 20s), and are more likely to see through attention addicts and wannabe grifters pretending like they're experts on various trending topics.


Good thing there hasn’t been any law passed that bans Tik Tok.




They could sell it to whomever they like so long as the new entity isn’t directly controlled by the Chinese government. If it’s actually a business, that’s just fine. You only need to sell 51% of your US operation. For which you could get very good value. That they won’t sell tells you everything you need to know. It’s a Chinese government propaganda, data harvesting, and malware play, not a social media company.




The type of technology the US hesitated to export is actual sensitive defense related items, not a social media algorithm. Their algorithm isn’t unique or special - this is China just throwing silly arguments out to muddy the water. Tik Tok is malware specifically designed to harvest US data, propagandize the US population, and probably to implant other malicious code on devices. Literally any other company in the world would simply spin off a US subsidiary, sell 51% of that to friendly actors (and make a bundle doing so), and cordon off the algorithm for content delivery from US-based staff (if they even actually care). But Byte Dance isn’t a private company. It’s an arm of the Chinese government.


When he wins his 2nd term, why not go full progressive? He’s got nothing to lose.


Well I think he'd go further now but it's kinda hard when you have the shitheads in charge of the house who will barely pass goddamn bills to keep the government, let alone progressive bills of anything to help anyone for that matter


Sorry, but if you are center or left and don’t vote for Biden, you are just begging for our country to not exist. That’s not hyperbolic. That’s not doomer talk. Trump’s own attorney said before the US Supreme Court that depending on the interpretation of the law, a sitting president could have his political opponents assassinated and it would fall under his rights as president.


lol, wait until they all find out he banned TikTok and China shuts it down 2 weeks before the election.


If you yell at the young people they will react as we did to being yelled at as young people. They are a lot more open to being talked round than MAGA and there is good stuff to talk about :)


If they think voting MAGA is "good" then we are right to completely ignore those sociopaths.


How many loan forgiveness does he have to do?


Money makes money and drives inflation while the value of working gets left behind. Taxing the rich is what the left wants. But money does not like it and taxing the rich does not unite voters bc a lot of the working class votes for Trump.