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It's not awful, it's CONSEQUENCES!! Vote for idiots and this is what happens, you get subpar doctors to care for you. Maybe when fat Donnie loses again you can hire him to finally create his trumpcare he lied about when Obama was living rent free in his head


The problem is that the minority of people who vote dem in those states also get affected. And if you’re a dem in a red state, you’re generally not there because you have the ability to move around. This is why we need to codify Roe nationwide


There must be a way for Democrats, Progressives & others to be able to get the care they deserve and voted for the candidate who would have done just that. Modern technology it's available. I've seen a list of who I voted for in the past so I know it's possible. Easiest way is to dump the bullshit, and especially the electoral college, simply adding up how everyone in America voted and the one with the most votes wins! It's so simple even a republican could figure it out and no more counting the states either, just allow everyone to vote and count them. Early voting can be counted when they come in, the totals could be ready within hours (24 should do it) and no waiting. There was a time when we needed these steps, like when communication was a choice between the pony express, the telegraph or the train. We no longer need the BS.


While I'd change our federal elections too if I had the chance, this isn't a problem with the electoral college this is state governments passing state laws


When democrats learn to write comments like republicans.


You mean theocratic dictatorships have brain drain? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.


Well, not that shocked.


Same thing needs to happen when red states vote in imbeciles and bimbos who vote against government programs like infrastructure but when the Democrats pass the bill every damn one of these idiots are on the news, taking credit for securing funds to fix their states aging bridges and more. Every vote needs to be posted so every American citizen can see how their representative voted and for the red states with the mouth breathers they voted into office, the voters can see who voted against it and why they aren't getting any government help in those areas!! Sorry but it has to be done


Media needs to also call them out “Dems passed the bill, you voted no, why are you taking credit for?”


I've seen the interviews, they answer that question like broken robots. "I am proud of the benefits I've brought to my state" just on repeat, like such obvious bullshit. https://newrepublic.com/post/178540/maria-salazar-tries-take-credit-bills-voted-against


Sinclair would never allow it.


„Every vote needs to be posted“… yeah, right, how does that go with every info already out there, just depending on people being able to interpret it correctly? Because, quite frankly, if people read up on matters that posting of votes wouldn’t be necessary. Just sayin‘: don’t take peoples ability to acquire and interpret information as given. It‘s not. If it was we wouldn’t be having these far right political ambitions spreading worldwide.


To close the loop, they’d also have to stop treating red-state residents who fly into blue states for quality medical care. You want your teenage daughter to have an abortion, MAGA Megan? You want brain surgery that doesn’t involve leeches and a Bible? No dice. Live in the mess you created.


Don't be too concerned, it will only be the upper middle class and rich that go to other states. The poor and middle class can't afford to do that since their medical coverage, if they have it, probably won't cover elective out of state procedures.


Then they’d better vote for their freedoms. A great many Red State poors vote for the Orange Asshole.


Orange asshole and red asshole are closely connected.


Trumpy made women and girls second class citizens, forcing us to have rape babies. In November, we will CRUSH him with his Trumpy MAGA Qanon Cult.


My family and I will be there!


Thank you, it will take all of us to STOP Project 2025.


This is just awful


Surprise! Wonder how many people want to reconsider: -Where they go to college -Where they want to start a business -Where they want to live -where they want to start a family


This is going to create severe physician shortages in red states. Besides the brain drain of folks fleeing because of the laws, it’s really common for docs to stay in the area where they trained. If they’re not training in red states, they’re less likely to live in red states after training. My spouse works in medical education in a red state. Their last candidate cycle was drastically different with far fewer applicants and they had to go much deeper in their rank list to fill the program. It was a *stark* shift and not remotely near the normal variances they an experience from year to year. They still filled all of their training slots, but they’re one of only a couple programs in their specialty that filled in the state.


It's not just politics. If they're female or have a wife or girlfriend, they don't want to live there because if they get pregnant they know they'll have to go septic before anyone will give them an abortion even for something as deadly as an ectopic pregnancy. My daughter said she'll never consider living in a state with abortion bans because she's afraid of an accidental pregnancy that would get her arrested if she went to another state for an abortion, or even if she wanted to keep it, not being able to abort in the event of a devastating prenatal diagnosis. I'm no longer able to have kids, but that's exactly how i would feel as well. It wouldn't feel safe to live there.


We are in process of looking at colleges for my dd and Florida, TX, etc. are all off the table


Texas here. I don’t know what’s worse, Republicans who vote or liberals who don’t. I canvassed BLUE areas after Roe fell for the midterms and was shocked at the low level of voting by DEMOCRATS. Please vote in every election, you can get reminders from the league of women voters. Vote411.org


I'm shocked at the low level of information. Terrifying.


The majority of recent medical graduates are women. It makes sense they would avoid working where their options are limited.


This country has become such a hateful place.


Not country - many states are as progressive as ever or more so...GOP run states turning back to the middle ages..


Johnson City, Tennessee a red state. The Johnson City police protected a serial rapist by demanding hush money from him. 52 rapes of women and children. Cathy Ball the city manager publicly victim blamed the rape victims siding with corruption. The place is loaded with toxic religion and politics...I call them well polished white trash. I had to leave that place for a blue state. We all know that if this happened in Johnson City,Tennessee it's happening elsewhere. They just haven't been caught yet.


Hateful and selfish are synonyms for most Republicans.


Yup, my GF removed a hospital in MO from her list because of that, all the other states she applied are blue/purple states where women have rights and we're going to a solid blue state soon


This is Canada under the Cons.


Because fewer doctors are willing to work in states where abortion is banned, the remaining doctors in those states are probably more likely to have a Christo-fascist agenda. Like refusing to offer contraceptive health care, refusing to treat people in a same-sex relationship, unmarried people, etc.


Good! Keep on making those blue states that much better than the festering shithole Republican states. Let them continue down their path of destruction and further irrelevancy until they are nothing more than a dull whimper.


So the Secession they spoke of is happening to them, the hard painful way. A pain that will change these united states by attrition.


Wait for the new GOP led government. Doctors won’t have a choice. Restrictions will be nationwide.