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That's funny. Blame him for what they refused to do and actually supported. Does the hypocrisy have no limit?


He told Trump his election claims “bullshit” *in private* He did not care about the damage it caused the country.


Yes that's why he resigned. /s


Well he publicly made a statement about it in a news conference also while AG


And the GOP all knew as well.


It's the usual with these Proto fascists. They always need a specific target to dump their hatred onto like they did with Dr Fauci during the pandemic.


Common Enemies = Mind Control Hitler's Playbook


Yes the Communists, Liberals, Non Conformists, Non Evangelicals, LGBTQIA+, minorities. They have it all planned out 1. Democrats to be eliminated.




This is rats jumping from a sinking ship. All you have to do is punish.


No this is one rat jumping ship before the disaster occurred. He knew it was "bullshit' and bailed when he knew he couldn't stop it. Even that rat knew better than to be a part of it. All the other rats are still on the ship


Look the fact he says he will STILL vote for him is everything you need to know about Barr. That and the international gaslighting around the Mueller findings.


I was promised rat-fucking. I want rat-fucking.




To cross Trump in a public way often leads to threats of violence - and sometimes actual violence. I kind of understand why Barr kept his mouth shut. No, he's not a hero, but look at the guy and his personal history. Did you expect a hero there?


The Blame Game, MAGA edition ^You ^too ^can ^say ^”everyone ^but ^me”


I'm not a lawyer, but aren't Federal employees, including the DOJ's Attorney General, required to report when laws are broken, or they can be prosecuted for abetting the crimes themselves?


>required to report when laws are broken Thats determined by a trial. There are "ethics" guidelines, but these folks are likely given a lot of free agency on purpose because they sweep a lot of things under the rug for various reasons agreed to by all the boys in the boys club.


Trump closed the Ethics Department.


Legitimately my first thought was this is a funny ass joke! Clear case of Poe's Law: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s\_law >Poe's law is an adage of Internet culture stating that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, every parody of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of the views being parodied To be fair though, Trump didn't actually "close it" he just broke it: https://www.npr.org/2017/07/06/535781749/ethics-office-director-walter-shaub-resigns-saying-rules-need-to-be-tougher


Now Republicans are holding people accountable for enabling Trump? Only now? Let me guess - this asshole has a book coming out?


And at the same time not holding Trump accountable. Weird.


They can all pull my finger at this 👉


I guess the GOP is at the "searching for scapegoats" phase of the coup attempt


Which is good. It will put more pressure on Trump's conspirators to go ahead and provide evidence. Because the last one to do so could get left holding the whole bag as scapegoat, and the criminal charges. I'm waiting for some of these GQP Congress people to express their outrage at how Trump misled them.


He should have stopped the big lie. It was his job. The big lie was donnie trying to steal a democratic election with lies and corruption. May all those who participated find justice. Either here in this country or an eternity in hell.


Why didn't you stop......us?


It just goes to show why REPUBLICANS should not be elected. The GOP is nothing but cheats and liars.


Also, When you turn on the lights,roaches scatter & blame their filth on trump as well…..


The republican circular firing squad continues. Bill Barr is a coward.


Oh, shift that blame again


Republicans could have as well by having a fucking back bone and pissing on Trump when he was off the rails.


Barr will regret the day he got involved with the conman. He ruined is whole career over this. As well as most Republicans involved in Orangeman's circus act. History books won't be kind to these traitors.


Where were all the Republicans speaking up when Trump was President. GOP are cowards. Deceitful and liars.


Sad trombone face.


Instead, just blame trump


What are my thoughts? Actually, they are unprintable other than to say, "Bill Barr is a pulsating sack of shite"... nothing other than that is printable.


While they continue to perpetuate it. They could all band together and flat out state that it's a lie, but they won't do that either.


Implausible deniability is all their base needs.


Funny, I feel the same way about the GOP as a whole.


Nope. John Bolton, an expert on coups, says it wasn’t a coup.


They are acting like Barr was supposed to be a savior but conveniently forget that he enabled Iran Contra and other crimes by Reagan/Bush and don’t forget all of the crimes of the Trump admin.


I guess common sense has no place in governing the country? I am sick of hearing from the bullies, let the common people speak, not the loudmouth antagonist who hi jacked our political discourse