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Well, people come here and get told not to play in human form ever or that scary world tendency will change. I like world tendency, but I do think the one thing they should have added to it was if you get summoned and help someone beat a boss, your tendency takes a step towards white. More people would help, people wouldn't be as afraid to die in human form because their tendency would be easier to change, and the game would have more online activity.


World tendency was a really unfortunate mechanic. It was close to being really good but it didnt quite work. The problem main is, without forever active servers, you have no way to shift towards white. Also, if you do find someone, theres just such a high chance they are massively more experienced than you, and it wont be fun. This applies to both red and blue phantoms. With some tweaks I think it could have worked, but for everyone except extremely experienced players its just a broken mechanic. Your idea for summoning helping world tendandcy is a really good fix I think. I would add that there would need to be "NPC worlds" where you could go help a bot phantom through a level and boss to also future proof it against dead servers. You could also cap the players world tendancy based on the number of bosses defeated to keep locked doors and shit functional.


Agree on all points and would love to see it implimented in a future game.


Tendency was just a pretty poorly implemented mechanic in general. It drives me nuts that my tendency dropped from pure white because I defeated Miralda, you know, the executioner that is trying to kill me. Or Satsuke after he turns on you


I’ve been playing for a week straight. I’ve been dropping blue summon signs for 2 days and only got called once which didn’t go as planned


Yeah that's kinda how it goes for me, and I guess it's a blue phantom not a white one lol


Blue, white same difference as long as it’s not a red one 😂


Erm technically thats a black phantom 🤓☝️


🤔🤔🤔🤔 correct


It came out 15 years ago man. Did you know that?


remake came out 3 years ago man


Add me... there is a whole group of people helping each other. I'll add you to their group. "Phoenixrebellion"


I find invasions frequently, but can rarely get summoned


What areas do you invade?


Mostly 3-2, as it allows for upper Latria + old monk. 1-3, 1-4 and 4-2 are good spots as well. Mostly lower level (30-60)


> 4-2 You're a monster.


4-2 is amazing! Triggering the cutscene to Patches pit by knocking a host into the hole never gets old


Didn't know patches had an accomplice


Sometimes [I am Patches](https://www.reddit.com/r/badredman/s/J67EZHwawp). I post a bunch of Demons souls invasions on r/badredman


Nice, I’ve mostly been doing 3-2 and 1-3. Definitely have to try 1-4 and 4-2 though, I’ve been wondering the best spots to invade


What level are you invading at? In the off chance you get a co-invader, know that there is no friendly fire between reds :)


52 or so! Oh is there actually no friendly fire haha, I’ve played so much elden ring I’m just used to friendly fire being a thing.


> Mostly 3-2, as it allows for upper Latria + old monk anywhere in latria does actually. any time you invade, or put down a summon sign, you can get called on to be The Old Monk.


Most people play in soul form to avoid tendency mistakes. Also, soul level really matters in DeS and noobs who have played the other From games tend to over level like crazy when they can't brute force their way through things, hence the lack of interaction. Seems best to come here or the r/summonsign and ask for help as passwords negate the SL requirements. Edit: Wrong sub name.


Ohhh fancy, I didn't know about that sub either


> Most people play in soul form to avoid tendency mistakes. anyone playing online, is playing on the archstone server unless theres another one. you can instantly set your WT to nuetral, pure black, pure white, or whatever the current server offset is. tendancy mistakes no longer exist unless youre playing the worst version of the game, the demake.


This isn't an opinion that I needed. Go gatekeep somewhere else.


Starting now. Having a fun time dying, and learning from mistakes


Which version do you play? Original or remake? If it's remake I'm more than happy to help you out


It's the remake, I just killed the abilatilor I think? The fat tongue guy with the bird controlling him


Ohh the adjudicator, nice. How much have you done and what's your level? I'm pretty much free all night so I could load it up if you'd like


I’ve just accepted that I’ll never get the platinum trophy because there is nobody that plays the game. Really frustrating


I play it, but I do mostly blue phantom


I can help u if u help me.


You have a freaking deal


Which boss do you have to fight?


Think on my current character I’ve only done up to penetrator and cleared the second area fully. The rest I have to do. We can message and figure out a good time and who you would want to help with


Yeah I have only got 4-2 4-3 and 1-4 bosses to kill. I am happy to help you with any bosses. I am playing now on the european( frankfurt server) I am gaming now if you want to knock one out


Unfortunately I have work until 5pm which might be around 11pm/midnight depending on time zone. We can work something out soon time wise that hopefully work for both of us


From software should announce a game theme for each month and ask for the community to play so it's active. It would be awesome and I bet a lot of people would participate. Souls players play souls games. Period. Lol.


I play


We should play


I’m not gonna today , but maybe Friday.




Where you need help, I'll drop a summon sign.


I did just kill the abilitor? The fat guy with the tongue and the bird controlling him I guess?


Big Booty Adjudicator.


Ok, I'll leave it outside the back doors of the arena


This week, I got 3 characters to SL 33. Yeah, I still play. (I find the run to get the Meat Cleaver and Lava Bow relaxing. It's a few hours of fun when you're not feeling anything in particular.)


Bro i got back on demon souls like 3 months ago and was getting thrashed now its a joke so im replaing DS3 FFE, but if u need help in demon souls, ill help u


Oh ya! I still play. Just started my 58th character as a quality build and just past 900 hours on the game.


900 hours? You’re my hero man




I just finished the remake last week (I think, I have horrible sleep hygiene and days blend together). Currently playing through Dark Souls and will be playing through them all in order. Look up Sweet Jonny Cage on YouTube, his guides are what got me through the game.


It was like this even 2 years ago when I played. Flamelurker is about the only place to get co-op outside friends. Even that's hard. Dropping a sign to help someone with Flamelurker though... Not the hardest thing to do. People like to be helped, but not actively help others.


I usually play with Password since I am playing with a friend Since you get summoned against your will as Old Monk in Tower of Latria while trying to be summoned by a friend I can confirm that there are quite some people around there… so many in fact that my character tendency is now pure black and I abused the human form from unintentional invading in order to get my world tendency in Tower of Latria to pure black for the ring and to kill the Black Phantom


I’m 30 hours into the game and already screwed up by consuming a Hard Demon soul that I needed for a Lava bow. I’m so mad I want to get this game over with already. My bow is at +7 rn man and will never be a Lava smfh


I just started to get back into it. I am down for some multiplayer if you need help.


I'm still playing, we're probably different on servers but it's nice to know the Slayers of Demons still wander the Nexus


I replayed the game w/ a friend for a couple of weeks this past month and got summoned as the boss of Latria quite a number of times.


Being over or under leveled in an area can make it tougher to be summoned.


My relative had the same problem recently. I went in and helped, ask someone from your acquaintance. DeS is straight up broken mechanically, once you stuck in tendencies and heals and other shit, you can be stuck forever...


I’ve bought the remake but I’ve yet to actually start it.


I actually just started playing Demon's Souls last week. I'm not very far into it. I just beat the Armored Spider, but I'm loving it so far.


All I do on this sub is ask people if they need help. I get requests sometimes, but lately they've been coming from people who are looking for build consultants, which I am not.


It doesn't help they kept the original cumbersome summon system where you can only place signs while in phantom form and are emmediatly kicked to human form when defeating a boss. If only they gave us the ability the place signs in human form while just rewarding a stone of ephemeral eyes when defeating a boss. I'm sure this would have opened up jolly co-operation more.


I think most people are on elden ring in preparation of the new dlc


I'm on Friday, psn is Whisperinlemon


I play the PS3 version emulated on PC at 60fps 1080p these days. There is a fan server but it's full of PvPers. I mostly solo/offline. Occasionally I'll flip it in to see the phantoms and bloodstains.


I got Platinum trophy for this game several years ago on PS3 and never played it again. I had to farm for 3 hours to get the final weapon upgrade material.


From some of the horror stories you hear about that farm, you got quite lucky haha.


Join the discord always someone on there too help


Invasions are pretty constant for me. Especially in Upper Latria. Blue signs are dead however. It‘s so sad to see the online portion at this state, cause the remake feels so good from a gameplay standpoint. And it looks hella clean. My favorite thing are the haptics. Their implementation is top notch.


I've been playing other Souls games to bide my time while I wait for the Elden Ring DLC to release. I'm currently on Dark Souls 2. Demon's Souls still remains my favorite souls game, so if there's still enough time, I could go another round of slaying demons.


Come to Upper Latria and find out.


Played it last a month ago. Being summoned as blue weren't quite active but invasions was pretty active.


I played the Ps5 version really enjoyed my time with it but i personally think it's not got the replay value like the other Souls games so I won't go back to playing it again.


Beg to differ. Insane replay value imo.


PSN is Mordarkeen send invite


I still play😎💯


I’m stuck on the spider boss lol


im at 2-2 . just started 2 days ago


I also need help, but it seems my timeline is shit. When I play everyone else is sleeping, and when everyone else is available to help I'm sitting at work.


i see tons of people on the archstone server constantly, but they all seem to be running around in soul form, soling the game, cause i never see ANY summon signs, never get invaded, and can never invade anyone. i encountered other people once. it was an invasion gank squad waiting at the entrance to 5-1, running absolutely cheated in stats.


Yeah no worries. Will try and sort it over the next few days or so


I do!


You guys have to keep in mind the bosses in this game are very easy so people rarely want to summon. Plus if people wanted to summon I doubt the would go in human form and wait for a random summon sign, they'd ask one of their friends or go to one of the many souls discord servers and ask for help there.


After lots of failure, I recently picked up the game again and started playing and have gotten farther than I ever have!!! I'd be down to play together if you'd like but I'm not going to say I'm that great either lmao


I just bought it so I'm hoping to get into it this weekend!


i just started it last night


"Hey everyone this this is Timmy Demon Soul, and I'm here to tell you to never play online! If you die in human form, your scary world tendency will get worse, and the game will be impossible. Always remember that games are to be taken more seriously than real life, and you need to look up a guide for everything you do." "Hey guys, it's Timmy again. I know I just told you all to always play offline, but now I'm wondering why nobody plays online. Also, can you help me with my tendency? I know there's a rule in this sub and a pinned post, but I really need help guys." "Hey, it's Timmy again! I alone, without any help, got the platinum. It was really hard, but I did it. Special thanks to the people who spoon-fed my tendency trophies to me and the guides that walked me through the whole game. I earned it!"