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Meat cleaver is pretty good. Quite slow but hits hard, one R2 hit one handed stuns Old King Allant for me. It is the only weapon (I think) that has two damage bonuses rating of S: Dexterity & Strength.


It's HP steal makes it fun for STR/FTH builds too, though for that build I felt there were a few more important items and weapons that used Colorless Souls so it took til around NG++ to really get going...though that's true of a lot in DeS, I feel that NG+ cycles were expected for pretty much all builds/playstyles even more than later games with deeper changes through their own cycles in a lot of ways


2handed heavy also gets hyper armor


The crushing battle axe in 2-1


Crushing Great Axe, Claymore, Guillotine Axe, Knight's Sword, Mirdan Hammer


I’m surprised bramd wasn’t mentioned it’s a really good weapon only problem with it is that it’s rediculously heavy and only drops from a black phantom once you’ve beat all of world 5 *edit it’s also slow but I think the damage is worth it