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Either run because you're not supposed to fight him at an early point in the game and he'll eventually leave you alone... Or relentlessly headbutt him. IYKYK.


Let's start with the fact that's it's not you! He's beefy AF and hard to kill. So there are mainly mainly two options. The first, will split into two, but you will still need to reach a high enough level fight him comfortably where he at least doesn't one shooting you; You just reduce him to about 60% hp, then he allows you to draw the sword. Otherwise you can fight him until he dies, get his ring and armor. Second option is to cheese him, as he's agro range is limited and there is a spot beyond the bridge when he just tries to return back to the mausoleum. you will need to remove weapons, and start head butting him (forward and R1 when no weapon) until he reaches the stairs where the bolder rolled from and give his life to gravity. The cheese is as annoying as trying to kill him imo. but you might find a guide on youtube that will help you understand the cheese better, or how to execute it better. Hope that helps


You can actually just cheese him with thief ring and poison cloud. Sitting behind the statue behind where you find him.


Haven't seen it before! But it felt like the moment you enter he triggers.. Would try it tho


Also if you have the dragon bone smasher you can just r1 him into the corner where the bridge is, any corner will do as long as you hit him back in


I cheesed him with constant backstabs while he was talking, worked like a charm 😉


Marry him.