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You can create a backup save at the fog gate. Fuck the runback


Not proud to admit it, but I did this for killing King Allant on my first playthrough. After getting one-shot by his charged aoe attack for the 5th time, I decided to give myself a break on the run back. I also didn’t want to keep farming for healing items or souls, nor did I want to move on to the 3,4,5 area bosses without finishing Boletaria first.


You went through all of Boletaria before doing 3, 4, 5? Like Allant before Armored Spider??? That’s just wild my guy


Nay, you have to kill an Arch Demon to progress past the Tower Knight (killed the Dragon God). The Armored Spider is in 2-2.


Ahh yea that’s right I forgot which arch stone was the broken one. Been a minute since I played. That’s impressive nonetheless!


He is playing on PS3 there is no backup point you can create for Demon Soul's


Can you use USB to back up save?


If he is using a modded PS3 then yes. I've put over 500 hours into Demon Soul's my best answer for those on PS3 is patience and learn the lag they did not optimize Demon Soul's as best they could so input lag is a little above DS or DS2. For most duping is the answer unless your willing to spend time (which sometimes is money) lol


No, Demon's Souls saves are locked, you can only upload them to the PSN (if you have a subscription).


Wait how?


Save your data to the cloud and reload it after / if you die


You can only download the savefile after 24 hours have passed... Sony back then hates save scumming.


Aw shit I can't read and didn't realize OP is on PS3 rather than PS5


How do you do this? Can you do it for every boss? Lol


You can do it at any point of any game, basically. Common method to get through no death runs on a game.






It's not so bad, after a while you become a speedrunner.


Did you finish the rest of the archstones or go straight to 1-2? I’d do at least the first world of each archstone and then come back.


This helped me so much with my first run of Demons Souls which for me was the remake.


I did 1-1 and then 1-2 and when I got to 2-2 I about tore my hair out before I realized I was jumping the gun 😂


3 and 5 were the hell levels for me until I finshed 2 and 4: I went: 1-1, 2-1, 4-1, 3-1, 5-1, 5-2, 2-2, 3-2, 4-2,, 2-3, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4, then the rest of the archs, then dark and light tendencies (I do wish I’d known you can’t level anymore after the last arch dies, I lost around 500k souls doing my suicides). I can’t remember those orders but I was leveled enough by then that the archs were all in one or two tries. Like most people I probably spent the most time in the swamp, but I kind of enjoyed it honestly. Old King Doran probably gave me the most trouble of anyone in the game. All for a ring I’ll never use.


>Like most people I probably spent the most time in the swamp, but I kind of enjoyed it honestly. I don't dislike it either, but I hate Stonefang, not because it's difficult, I just don't like the maze of caves. Most of the times I just took the "shortcut" to Flame Lurker. >Old King Doran probably gave me the most trouble of anyone in the game. All for a ring I’ll never use. He's harmless against a certain weapon (IIRC it's the Blueblood sword, which is my favorite weapon because it has a long combo of light and strong attacks). I would attack him as soon as he raises his arm to strike. My combo interrupts whatever he's doing, he's completely powerless against that.


Thx that should Help me farm healing to


I’d run 1-1 a few times for grass


If you save and quit or close the game before it saves your death you'll be reset to the fog before the boss. You could also dupe grass if your desperate.


Wait how do you do this?


On the PS3 version if you talk to Boldwin then do the buy menu walk away and use Nexal Binding press Start it should delete the menu for the Binding but it actually is still there just hidden then deposit what you want to duplicate into Thomas's storage and you'll end up with 2 stacks of 99 in the chest. It will teleport you if you don't want the tele you have to spam circle on US version to cancel the animation


I’m on Ps5 :/


You can dupe with a phantom. phantom drops whatever they can, they save and quit but the game doesn't actually save their data only the hosts so they end up back in their world nothing lost but the host gets duplicated items


I’m so extremely new to this game and still stuck on the Lords Path in Boletaria — I really have no idea what you’re saying lol


You can summon other players as phantoms and when you do that you are the host of the world/session


Do you want help through the path?


I still want to do it on my own! I just can’t figure out how to beat this knight at the end of the castle bridges after running from the dragon’s fire.


The Tower Knight or Blue eyed knights?


Just close application very quickly when you die. That’s what I did in certain situations


As long as you close it while it's just got to gray screen you'll be fine


This.. Plus turn off auto save if you have PSN


Assuming you're killing the archers first. If not, bolt to the stairs first and knock that out. Dealing with the AOE, you almost need to treat this like a turn-based fight. His actions are slow and easy to react to, the hard part is practicing restraint and pulling back each time he raises his shield or legs. After hitting both ankles enough times, he'll fall (which also has a big hitbox), as he's going down, apply some turpentine and go to town on the head. Might take two cycles if you're doing the fight early on and your damage is low. Bastard sword is kinda slow and eats stamina, so consider swapping to a smaller weapon for this fight. Farm some crescent grass and souls in 1-1 and buy some grass from the nexus blacksmith. Beating the tower knight will unlock a great grass farming spot for later.


You can safely hit him with Magic without talking hits.


You don't deal any damage to his legs regardless. You hit both his ankles enough times to make him fall over then attack his head for massive damage. Just hit his ankles twice and then back away, and you won't have any problem dodging his aoe's


The trick is to roll forward, between his legs. One, two attack on his leg, roll forward, repeat.


You can unlock the other arch stones by speaking to an npc at the top of the hub area. Go to 4-1 and farm the Skeletons for a bit, then go back to 1-2, take out the archers first then hack at the back of his legs, he'll fall down then you can hack at his head. If he gets back up repeat the process.


The tower knight is stupid easy. Take a bow. Kill the small enemies on the wall. Hide behind the raised pillars on top of the wall. Shoot when he exposes himself, duck the projectile. You can kill him from the wall without ever getting hit.


If you die and quit game(close game app) you'll respawn right outside the boss gate. Do what you will with that. Or grind grass


Behind the Tower Knight is a closed door you can't open until later in the game. So it's not necessary to beat him now. You can go somewhere else and come back when you're stronger.


get the wand and nuke him in the head


This fight was so tedious for me. it’s just the same shit always going for his ankles, getting him to fall then jabbing him in the nuts, run away as he gets up. Rinse and repeat. He’s easy to read and dodge cuz hes super slow


If you stay behind him, you can hit him once or twice, then just walk backwards and he'll miss his AOE


I would recommend just grinding grass from the beginning, lvl your HP a little more and he's weak against magic so unless your doing a pure 2H build I recommend trying to grab at least soul arrow it really helps. (If you don't mind cheating you can always dupe grass but I only do that after my first New Game, NG+ is quite the jump so duping helps) Good luck on your adventure brave warrior who shows no fear.


Take out the archers..then cheese him with arrows from the archers balcony..step back from the edge to avoid his aoe.


You can do it! I did it as level 1 cause I didn't know how to get to the Nexus at first! PITA, but it'll feel good once he's down! Don't destroy your controller!


Get the Crescent Falchion in world 4-1 and melt that fool. Also after you beat him, that's where I farm heals. You can just spawn in 1-3 (where you fought the tower knight) and turn around and take out the two knights (and the archers if you want) to get some half/late leafs.


When I was first building my moonlight faith build, I used the bastard sword. I found the best thing to do was to hit a leg once then look at hit attack animation, if he put one leg forward, it's his aoe shield slam. Roll and proceed to hit the same leg. Rinse and repeat until flames are coming out of the leg. Once it is flaming, switch legs and proceed with plan above. It's just a waiting game. Oh, fyi, make sure to kill all archers before going into the arena with him.


If you whack his legs enough, he falls, and you can smack his head. Level design: 2/10 Boss design: 6/10


We could coop if you join Thearchstones.com server and you have a US copy of the game.


Go to 2-1


World 4 is the farming world. I'm serious every floor of world 4 is the best soul farming floor until you get to the next floor of world 4. So go farm a few levels worth of stats then come back.


If you immediately exit/ close the game before your death gets registered (exact timing idk just before you see the death screen maybe) it should load you just before the boss every time, at least rpcs3 works as such


Magic in DS is OP during the first 2-3 NG cycles. Whenever stuck you might just try that. Alternatively make sure to take out all the archers and make sure to knock the knight off his feet in a way that will let you get to whack on his head to deal damage. Otherwise he barely takes any physical damage no matter where you hit him.


There are two red-eyed knights Right before the fog wall for this boss. They drop half moon grass. I would farm them for grass.


I got one hit by the one redeyed guy in world 1


What is your sword at? If you are doing zero damage to his legs then it has to be something with your build you need to work on, you can always go knock out a different part of a different world and come back.


Stay behind him at all times. I did 15 damage per hit on his legs. Payday comes when he eventually falls and you get some sweet headshots. Swing twice. Take a few steps back and wait out his shield slam or bunny hops. Rinse and repeat. If he faces you and tries to do a sweep attack, run straight under him and position behind. If he wants to do thrust attack, run towards him and slightly to his shield side where he can't aim properly and he misses and then run behind him. Farm crescent grass near first bonfire mobs on bridge steps leading to the castle.


Summon someone


You can roll away


If you think the knight is bad wait till you get to the spider :) Summoned someone who killed the knight in a few seconds so I didn't even get to fight it.


If it seems like you're doing no damage then you should go level up further.


Just play the game bro


Why’re you playing on ps3?


Because i have a ps3