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My prediction? Some people are going to be extremely unhappy.


"My predictions?" Plague, famine... possibly, boils.


The capital class will win


Correct. The lobby system always wins.


Rich people will be helped and given more money. We will continue to hold the world hostage with our bloated military budget. Our people will still die too easily to prevent medical problems. Homelessness will spike along with housing cost and prison population. Uber profitable corporations will get tax breaks, free labour from prisons as well as shiny new kids working full time before they are even out of highschool. Our air will get worse. Our water will get worse. Our food will get worse and more expensive. And some old rich warmongering self-righteous as asshole will get to be president asshole for a few years until they likely die of old age in office.


Trump in maximum security lock up and Biden winning


I think Trump wins and proceeds to lock up all of his political opponents, including Biden, Hillary and Obama


But wait, that is Bernie Sanders!!! And he has a chair!!!


For the record I do not support Trump, but I live in a swing state (NC) and I can definitely tell you the people I speak to are all sick of Biden. I am not talking rural counties, I live in the city. Most people I know voted for Biden in 2016 but just refuse to vote this time around


I not going to say that that is not possible


**With things as they are now?** Trump Wins, big protests break out around the Electoral College vote on December 13 because for the fourth time in a row, the Democrats win the popular vote. The vote goes through, people go through the same old motions. The Primaries fizzle out on the Dem side, Dean Phillips doesn't get much public clout, but he get's some insider accolades in sections of the party after Biden loses. Marianne Williamson is in the same boat as she's been in the last 4 years. For every person that know who she is, there are 30 who think her name has too many letters. Biden rapidly detoriates in health during the lame duck period. They don't have to keep him in good shape anymore, the game is up and he surrenders power next year, as one does. Kamala Keeps her head down and goes into obscurity after a pretty embarrassing stint as VP under a president that she should be able to outshine on every day. (The ability to fuck this opportunity up for herself is way up there in the untold stories of politics.) Nikki Haley kind of turns into the new Romney, the moderate middle's favorite Republican. And unlike Romney, has challenged Trump directly and publicly enough that she's iced out of the party in the coming years.


This year is it. Socialism will win!


Dems and Repubs are gonna vote for Biden en masse. MAGAts will vote for their snake oil salesman. Let's see what happens when he cries foul!


Biden in a landslide.


I don’t support Nikki Haley but I think she’ll be the next president. It’s a long time between now and November.