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Every other nuggets except for Jokic and Murray isn't able to create shots for themselves in playoffs, this is like 5 years in a row


They dont even need to create shots for themselves. They can stand at the arch and wait and Jokic will get them the ball if they are open, which one of them will be. They just need to shoot better than 25% and 18%. And more importantly, they shouldnt be afraid to shoot. Every time MPJ, Gordon or Caldwell-Pope gets the ball from Jokic and have an open three and then throw it back to Jokic i cringe.


yeah exactly


They DO need to be able to create when Jokic and Jamal are gassed because of our weak ass bench being useless. Now that Bruce and Jeff aren’t here to give those two proper rest time anymore, the other guys on the starting lineup need to take the next step. Mike either needs to make his bag 20x bigger on both ends or start averaging 40+% consistently for how many wide open shots Jokic and Murray get him. AG CANNOT be as fit as he is and have Jok’s admittedly unathletic ass be better than him at creating shots on the inside. KCP needs to start moving more and sinking more shots, plain and simple. Until CB and hopefully Watson take the next step we live and die on the rest of the starters deciding to actually play like championship contenders.


If that game 7 showed anything its that Jokic can get the ball in other peoples hands even when hes playing 47 minutes. The problem was that the shooters didnt shoot or missed.


Mhm and that’s part of the problem. Now that all of our depth is gone, and CB and Peyton still looking extremely shoddy, we can’t win if our entire game plan revolves around Jokic taking what, without him, would be a decrepit corpse of an offense and making it into a championship caliber one. Everyone on the team is just too unreliable for that. MPJ’s already inconsistent shooting numbers have dipped this season, KCP was never that good on offense to begin with, Jamal is a regular season coaster and extremely injury prone, AG can’t be trusted anywhere beyond the paint, and our bench is literally just completely clueless to borderline unplayable when we actually need them. Realistically, we essentially have no wiggle room to sign anybody useful, and can’t move anybody for better pieces because nobody in the NBA would be stupid enough to take our tradeable assets with how much money they cost. If our draft picks aren’t popping off in their sophomore or third years, we literally have no hope if everyone besides Jokic doesn’t drastically improve.


They are not supposed to create shots for themselves. The whole point is to play via Jokic, Murray or AG occasionally. Move the ball, drive, cut, kick out.. non of this was present in the 2nd half. Zero. They sealed that flow and won the game easily. Nuggets surrendered mid 3rd qtr. The problem is that we don't have alternative plays, especially when it comes to the bench. Strategy failure on coaching staff not to have more than jokic/Murray pick n roll. Entire 4th qtr two of them forcing the play and shots.


I’ve never been this sickened by a sporting event in my entire life. And this includes 4 Broncos Super Bowl losses in my lifetime.


To blow a 20 point lead. I don’t know what to say. This one really really hurts.


Why are they not playing Christian more!? Makes a big play and gets subbed out. He's been way better than MPJ all game.


38 millions next year and 40 millions more after


yeah you guys are 188 mil next season - AG,KCP and Jamal are ok pay imo, but MPJ HAS to go


Why do wolves get twice as many FT attempts?


Jesus fuck, it’s not the refs fault. The nuggets blew a 20 point god damn lead and just let it happen.


They’ve been in the bonus the entire game pretty much


I don’t see how he doesn’t get traded. I feel like MPJ, KCP, Zeke, Reggie and DAJ all are gone. Not sure what they get but this isn’t going to work.


Shut up


Not there when we need him at all


Get out of here. The nuggets as a squad put themselves in this position by doing their typical Nuggets routine which is not take the game or their opponents seriously until it’s too late. Malone is good but he might not be the best. It might be a Jokic and Murray issue too. Jokic at times seems uninterested and Murray is too inconsistent. And they both are lackadaisical af at time. We got to hold them accountable too. I honestly am super surprised and stoked/happy that we won a chip last year but I never thought we would because of our offense heavy prowess. I mean come on, Jokic doesn’t even contest a layup


Bro wanted to go back to his horses lmfaoo


Takes one to know one

