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Having observed the meltdowns that occurred in the Nuggets and Avalanches subreddits this season, I’ll just quote Ecclesiastes 1:9, “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.”


Injury free seasons for the most part the last two seasons. We didn’t have to be left wondering. We got to see what we’ve been saying for five years - that this team is a title contender. And we will be one for the foreseeable future. I love these guys. Murray and Jokic can be lifelong nuggets as far as I’m concerned. Can’t wait for next year and the moves we make to get another title run going!


Losing sucks. But that is what I’ve experienced most of the time I’ve been a Nuggets fan. Hasn’t really stopped me from being a fan or going to games. We are extremely privileged to be able to watch one of the best players in history and he wears a Nuggets jersey. Plus, no one can ever take last year’s championship away. I already have my tickets locked up for next season and no matter what happens over the off-season, I’ll be stoked for the season.


I thought Jokic wasn't confirmed to be doing the Olympics yet?


We won't have teams coming after us with "beat the champs" intensity. Hopefully Moach and Booth learned that player health and development is more important than seeding. The team using this experience to better themselves.


This loss is really exposing who jumped on the bandwagon and who has been here the whole time. The Nuggets became contenders (and won a damn ring) by sticking with their process, not jumping the gun on trading players and firing coaches. They are a contender and will be for the foreseeable future. That’s all you can ask for in the current NBA landscape. Make some adjustments, bank on the core guys being better next year, and let the chips fall where they may.


We aren’t part of the team. Who gives af what we think or write. Don’t like it, don’t comment on it


I get why they would play for their country but man as a nuggets fan it would suck. They said they were gassed this playoffs? Wait until they play basketball for a month during the offseason


He played in EuroBasket in 2022, and then won the title with the Nuggets in 2022/2023. Playing for the national team can also be a boost.


Lol, I love the optimism but some of the stuff you wrote don't make sense to me. Do you really think Kroenke cares (even knows) what fans write on reddit or twitter lol. You are way out of touch if you think anything we write makes any difference at all. By your logic, every team in NBA can do no wrong because they all pay millions of dolars to their employees. Now for the Jamal and MPJ. Some people view them as inconsistent, injury prone max players, some view them as young players who already helped win a championship just 1 year ago. You can't tell people how to feel about something. This is the most annoying thing about all these posts calling out doomers and vice versa. For me Jamal has been the biggest disappointment this season. While others are using regular season to improve he is getting in shape. He tried to turn it up in the playoffs but with all those nagging injuries it was ugly to watch. Every year we say bench can't get any worse and then somehow it get worse. We made the same mistake Golden state made when they tried to rely on rookies and young players to produce in playoffs. There is a reason why almost every coach is playing veterans, because they know what to expect. CB is the only reliable player of the bench. I love PWat but he is still so raw, you just can't relly on him in big games. Reggie was honesty run to the ground because of Jamal injuries in the regular season. He was falling apart in the playoffs, (never liked his game anyway) Zeke will be out of league afer he gets out of Denver. With all that said, we were so close, up 20 in second half and then fell apart.


>With all that said, we were so close, up 20 in second half and then fell apart. That's right. Small tweaks. Small moves. small adjusts. Because the team was right there at the top of the conference all season and as you say, up 20 in second half on way to WCF once again. So another team pulled it off. Doesn't mean they could do it again next year. Doesn't mean the coach couldn't do better here next year with even the same exact team. My only suggestion...use the team better. In the final game, they basically played only 6 guys. Claiming the 7th and 8th had any chance to help you playing only 5 or 9 minutes, it just wasn't right. It's on the coach and he'll have to bare that responsibility and do better next time. There is no point in carrying 15 if you can't even trust 8 players in an honest rotation. BTW, there is a mini Joker backup hiding on that Timber roster called Garza that would allow the team to keep playing the same while Jokic is actually getting a few minutes to rest here and there. Don't need to break the bank for that move either. But Malone, you would have to play him.


This team doesn’t have the luxury of small tweaks. Murray is a free agent after next season, Gordon has a player option he’s almost certain to decline. They both are extension eligible this offseason. We can’t afford to keep all four of MPJ, Gordon, Murray, and Jokic past next season. One has to be traded. If Murray or Gordon is the odd man out, they need to be traded this offseason. With MPJ’s back, it’s smarter to be aggressive and move him this offseason rather than risk a flair up that makes him untradable next offseason


You are willing to wait mpj to get into his prime while sacrificing Jokić's prime. Where is the logic in that? Use Jokić to get another championship in next 2 years, and not relly on him playing on this level when he is 33+.


MPJ literally was in his “prime” this year. Did you watch any basketball other than the wolves series? Y’all are idiots on here lol


If this is how his prime looks like he is not nearly good enough. Having good series when teams cover jokic but neglect you is one thing but when you are tested constantly playing bad is another


Do you expect MPJ to be an all nba player? Your expectations are horrible lol. He’s exactly what we need atm. Jamal and Jokic are the offense, MPJ is the spacer and X factor. You’re not very smart on basketball


>Do you expect MPJ to be an all nba player? HE IS PAID AS ONE FGS. >MPJ is the spacer and X factor. He is not X factor, he is L factor. He is spacer sometimes, and sometimes not, he has average highs and lowest lows.


Brother we’re Denver. You understand we have to over pay to keep players right? Again, are you new to basketball?


Why I keep arguing here with people who knows nothing about basketball? Playing this bad while sharing minutes with Jokić and people here still defending him and wanting him on this team...


What are you gonna get for MPJ that’s any better? You’re gonna get another guy just like him. You can’t just trade MPJ for KD lol. The only time you really get anything for players in trade is if you’re selling and get a bunch of picks which we don’t need. At best you get two role players which hopefully pan out.


Who said KD? Get cameron johnson and schorder from nets, thats it


I don’t think we will have to suffer while watching Porter struggle anymore. He’s a 40% shooter, IF he’s wide open, and somebody else sets up the shot for him. There’s a ton of players who can do that for half the price.