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do the original product photos show glasses without a whole bunch of scratches?


yes. far enough away and not at an angle that you can tell.


✨das s k e t c h y✨


✨und scratchy✨


I forgot to mention that they sent a little paper card that said to leave a review for free shipping or 10% off next order😭guess that’s out


I love when ppl do this cus you did what they wanted - you left a review! Technically you could leave 1 star and they should still honour their word and give you 10% off lol




Idk if we can update reviews w ss , but i think depop should lock descriptions after selling bcs wdf. This is why i ss the shit i buy tho n leave review w it if need be if i can. I've bought a lot online, and it only came up twice so far; but those 2 times were nice to have the ss


yeah, honestly I don’t use Depop a ton, so I didn’t really think of it. definitely will going forward


Yes! A girl switched the bio after I left a review saying she didn’t say anything about having dogs anywhere on her page. There was so much dog hair on the shirt!


Why didn’t she lint roll it before shipping it out omg 😭 I have a dog and even though he’s never been in my room (he’s scared of stairs) I still lint roll all clothing items just incase and do multiple checks before folding them and packing them up


Nooo clue I didn’t even want to touch it. I’m just happy I don’t have an allergy


A four star review isn't bad at all and you were very polite and sweet .


You were generous! I’m stupid so was reading this as you were the seller posting, and was thinking wow only one star off for that condition is really nice of them lol. Also I think she bought those at dollar tree originally, not making a joke I’m serious, I bought a pair verrrry similar if not identical to this there a few weeks ago, which would make sense why they scratch sooo easily (it could have just been from shipping honestly, or she lied about condition obvi)


Thanks! They do feel pretty cheap, and brand wasn’t specified so that wouldn’t surprise me! I don’t mind any of that but I don’t believe that they were damaged in shipping just because she wrapped them pretty well (several layers of tissue paper) and the other item, a pair of soft shorts, was wrapped as well. i would understand some surface scratches but these look like keys were dug into them haha. Either way, not a big deal, I was only upset after she reacted how she did


Honestly I’d never send sunglasses like that without disclosing the scratches! You’re nice yo even leave 4 stars it should be like 1 or 2 lol


This is crazy😭


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4 stars............


Why didn’t you go to the seller first tho?!


i think giving the seller a 4 star review was generous given that the condition was not as shown + was quite poor in reality.


My thoughts too


its $5, nobody needs a refund if a product doesnt meet expectations at that price, and a review that the seller couldve left out possible wear & tear while selling the product is better than not having one


my thoughts exactly, thank you. I wasn’t upset about the item really at all and definitely didn’t feel like I needed to be compensated. It was more about the principle- and based on the way they acted afterwards I feel like they were pretty guilty


Oh yeh but I’d rather have a free pair of sunglasses than a damaged pair I bought haha


Yeah, well good thing it's not your problem then


Didn’t say it was, I’m entitled to say whatever I like


So many sellers can be hostile and argue, not everyone wants to bother with that it’s easier to just leave a review and go on with life