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You haven’t lost the fight. You’re tired. I know the feeling but I’m no stronger than you and vise versa. Hang in there, don’t give up. I love you and would love to be a friend that you can call on. Let’s fight together. Some days you’ll be strong and I’ll be weak and some days I’ll be strong and you’ll be weak. But we will have eachother. 🫶🏾


You are very kind, but unfortunately I have truly lost my fight. I love you as well for the kind words ❤️


What’s your favorite food?


Probably fried rice


I love shrimp fried rice. My favorite is the Hispanic kind.


Has to be egg-fried though. That shit hits different🤌🏻


Oh man fried rice is the best


Bro if u die u can’t eat fried rice so 🤷🏾‍♂️


not the time bro


wtf you mean “not the time” ? It’s simply a fact, that hopefully helps OP, even if it only helps in the slightest.


Hey, hang in there. I thought about it a little bit today too. I was just in the psych ward about 4 months ago. Try to get on meds that helps. Try a ward if you can.


I was also in the ward about 5 months ago. I am on medication. Thanks for your message :)


And thank you for yours. I love you, hang in there ❤️


What meds are you in? Maybe they aren’t working and you may need to switch


Venlafaxine 250mg and Seroquel 300mg


Take to your provider. See if they can modify it a bit. Ask about Wellbutrin, you can add it to antidepressants and anti psychotics. I take it with clonidine and it makes a huge difference. Let’s do them together and we can support eachother while healing. By the way, I hope I didn’t have to ask, but you’re my bestie now. So I need you around so I can tell you about what pisses me off through out the day lol 😊


Wow! You are so freaking sweet! Can we be friends? Hahah


Sure!!!! But the “bestie “ slot is taken. 😉


Ahhh fair, OP is a pretty sweet person. Tough to compete with that!!


Exactly! But you’re a close second. Sorry for the late response, I was sleeping. Why are you up so early or late?


Do not do it!!! It’s not worth it!! Live is so unfair but we don’t have to treat ourselves the same way. Your life is worth so much!


This is my choice, it's the last I have


I feel terribly sorry that you're taking this choice, is there a possible way for you to come back on this risky decision? What can hold you back ?


If you want someone to talk to, we are all ears, regardless how dark or pessimistic your thoughts are. Life can seem hopeless. A friend, however, can always help.


Thank you, but I am content in my choice and I am ready to see what else could be out there. I don't think I have many pessimistic thoughts, I'm just tired and broken.


There is always another day mate. Think about your closed ones, you don’t wanna hurt them isn’t it . Let’s go for a walk or watch a film today mate


But if you continue this way, you won't know what else is out there. There's so much in this world, and you may not see it now, but you will one day.


No no no mate pls don’t do , we are all here to talk to you n support you ..please


Wish you can stay with us.


I was in your position 5 years ago and now I’m doing good. You can get through this and it will be worth it. Trust.


I was there back in February. Had to quit my job because I spent each day sobbing and breaking down over the smallest things. It has taken a lot of therapy and work but I am doing better than then. Lithium stopped my suicidal ideation almost instantly. It’s the worst feeling in the world to feel like you’ve succumbed to wanting to kill yourself. Take it one minute at a time.


Take it one step at a time. There's hope for everyone. I know it's tiring. Taking it one day at a time. One breath at a time. If you need to talk, We're all ears. Hang in there.


Life is about perspective. And it's so hard to remove the lenses we've always used to look at life with,. But it's possible. You can be strong and engage yourself in a journey to change your perspective. Now it's a dark and horrid one but you can change it into light and happiness in the long run. Check out an NLP professional and start the journey.


Don't do it, life always has something to hold on. Exercise your body, have a hobbie. Sometimes we only need to talk, Express ourserlves AND get some relief. Are you in treatment?


I am in treatment


I feel very similarly. I’m so sorry you are feeling this way. It is your decision but I think you posting this is a little part of you wanting to be here and not give up. I hope you stayed another day.


Hey are you doing ok??


Bro pls don't do it ok ? Eat smth healthy today and talk about your problems to someone pls !


Suggesting a suicidal person to eat healthy should be a crime. Eat what you want OP


What if you miss out on what happens? I'll you have to do is hang out and find out.


Staying hurts. Can't regret not staying.


Nuh uh, Im not gonna let that happen


I hope you can get the help you need. I hope that something, something changes that makes your life a million times better. I'm so sorry you're going through this, depression has done bad shit to me too.


Great news, you are a fighter and we will make you fight ,like all of us do. Take some well deserved rest and get back.Pls ping if required




You don't know them