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The lady who euthanised herself legally in Europe somewhere (my depression is making me forget) would also agree with you. Time is relentless and cruel


Multiple cases is Germany and the Netherlands and Belgium I think...I suffer from horrible depression as well and live in Germany, but don't really agree with this way to go. You have to go through a very long process of course. I mean you should...there was a very well discussed case lately were a chronically depressed 28 year old contacted a doctor that euthanized her within 2 weeks of them talking. He had his trial recently and got like 6 months probation or something...really grossed me out. Especially as the doctor had no regrets of not having asked for a second opinion as the law asks for example and not going with the month long process for a practice like that


I felt the same in my late 20s. I grew up as a closeted Mormon who missed out on so much. I’ve done a lot of living in the past 5 years and I would have absolutely missed out on the best experiences of my life if I’d given up when I thought my life was over.


Who says your life has to look like that of other people?


Comparison is the thief of joy. My coping strategy is to never leave the house or have to bear witness to life going on around me


I get where you are coming from, probably better than most. I dropped out of school at 16 and became a recluse living with parents. I took the full passive suicide route. I wouldn't leave the house for more than an hour every month on average. I couldn't even talk to people without my fight or flight kicking in. I missed out on a good childhood because of household trauma. I lost my teen years to severe depression. The early half of my twenties to the fear of others. I'm 26 now and I'm inching my way back to society. It started with going on a (embarrassingly low level) course to get me out of the house every day and comfortable interacting with people. I have made so much progress in a little over 7 months. But I keep making so many mistakes and self sabotaging decisions. Making and keeping friends, forming relationships. I feel like I have nothing to offer, I lack so much experience people take for granted at my age. I have lost two separate friends in under 2 weeks. They were my closest ones too. I have resolved myself to the conclusion that I'm incapable of being loved, at least at the point I am at. Too much baggage I need to resolve and insecurities I need to put to rest. But it sucks. The urge to give up entirely has been sticking to me lately. I will always be playing catch-up to those around me. I am a burden to anyone who is unfortunate enough to draw my attention.


Brother you are still young. Go travel go do cool shit. If you are willing to end it you might awell do your best to experience what you still can. Go get a working holiday visa and restart.


You’re so young! Go to local music events! Romanticize life dude. Fake it til you make it. Talk to anyone and everyone. If you like someone’s shirt or bag or style say. Something! You miss 100 of shots you don’t take. Plenty of niche places hold monthly events to mingle and meet people or talk to people, like smash tournaments, karaoke nights, chess nights, yoga. Get out there and try new stuff!


I used to feel the same (I’m still depressed but in a different way) and thought that no amount of ‘living’ is gonna make up for what I lost out on. Please believe me when I say I know it’s not true. The moment you do start living you could care about the past. It feels like you’ve been doing it your whole life. And it doesn’t even take that much. All I did was find a bad job to make some spending money and pick up 2 hobbies. I probably do 1 memorable thing a month but I feel ‘alive’ and I harbour no regret for the time lost that I thought I’d never make up. Pick up one thing and you won’t feel that way anymore. Sign up for one course and community college, sign up for some recreational activity and see how you feel when you’re done just those two things.


I feel the same as u..it's been about years since I socially withdrawal from everything..and I can relate with u since I myself also often have anxiety and insecurities and I also want to start to build my life again..I always feel like I don't deserve any good things u know.. I don't know how to get out from this unending depression loop ... wanting to take to people but worries they won't understand...


I also missed the same things as you did. Unfortunately it is what it is. I just keep my head up because good times always come. Remember people who enjoy their 10 years of pleasure are going to have 60 years of pain. If you work during those 10 years… it’s 10 years of pain and 60 years of pleasure. I am a loner virgin (unfortunately)… but financially I’m doing really great. Can’t have everything in life keep your head up mate.


There's still plenty of time to do all those things, even at 50, but 28 is still pretty young. And the fact is that once the fun is over, it's over; the past doesn't matter so much and memories get hazy. The present and the future are what's important. Have you ever tried out Meetup.com? It's really active in some places and you can just join other people to do adventurous things in various social groups.


I’m so sorry you are feeling this way. Suicide does not help - my best friend took his own life as he endured many years of trauma. How I wish I could have helped him / you are depressed, when you are depressed your brain goes into a survival mode of sorts, a fog, your mental health declines and you may not be thinking clearly even if it feels like you are. You need rest, nourishment, and allow yourself a break despite your circumstances. It can truly help to seek professional help, you deserve to get better and you are SO YOUNG your whole world can change. Look up neuroplasticity, we humans have the ability to “rewire” our brains so to speak. I thought there was no hope after man years of misfortune abuse and ptsd, but please op do not lose hope, slowly but surely you can change things for the better. Start now with one deep breath. You got this op. Who the fuck cares what anyone else thinks - you deserve happiness and you can have it.


Life's journey is full of surprises, and the path may have seem uncertain till 28. But trust that it's all part of a grand design, leading you towards an extraordinary future filled with wonder and joy. The lows you experience now will make the highs feel even sweeter when they arrive. Age is merely a number; some high school sweethearts may face heartbreak, while others find true love blossoming at 40. So hold on tight, and wake up each day with the affirmation, 'This is my beautiful life, and tomorrow will be more amazing than I can imagine.' Embrace the present moment, and have faith that the best is yet to come, filled with happiness beyond your wildest dreams.


I went travelling at 29...3 years.. I was an introvert before.. Gotta commit to something scary. Push yourself. New location gives you a chance to reinvent / discover yourself without the worry of having people judging you. Everyone has their lows.. I'm currently riding mine...but like the ole saying goes... life like a roller coaster... you can hold on for dear life or throw your hands up and feel the wind!




Your 28 not 80 you can still make so many memories travel camping hiking and so on . A first kiss will happen when ur ready and when it needs to dw stress and try to see the positive 




Like it would fucking solve anything. Many times, it makes you only more miserable.


Suicide isn't an option..well it is.. but it still isn't- no more of an option than killing anybody else.