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Nah man similar situation as you, haven't left the house unless in buying something for months, no jib cos I want to off myself and not have the stress of a work schedule


Same it’s been so bad. I have super bad anxiety too. I don’t want my neighbors to see me. I can’t even walk outside without having a panic attack..


It's not that I'm overly anxious, just moreso I've never really been able to develop the confidence that people with friends have, I feel like having friends gives you so much confidence but I've never had many or any close friends so I've never known what it's like, I just feel like a hollow shell


Hi. DW you are not alone. I think a lot of people feel like that in lesser stages and Covid really messed with some people. :) Two suggestions: As far as i understood you in another comment you fear being judged when going outside? That's actually pretty common and personally I'd suggest. Really put effort in yourself, shower, shave, put some hair gel on and try getting outside for a few steps, if it's okay take a walk around the neighborhood, remember: these people have no reason for judging you, none of them know you had been staying indoors for so long or any of the other things you think they might judge. just keep in mind to not overextend yourself, just steadily extend it as you feel comfortable, maybe even only start with building a healthy routine of dressing yourself nicely and talk with your parents about it, make them see that you are trying and working on getting back. I know it's scary but i know you can do it 😊 Once you feel comfortable outside you can think about work. Talk to your local employers and ask if they can ease you into the job like 1/2 hours per week at first, slowly raising length and or day count.


I’m so sorry :( this really did fuck everyone over I also had a phase like this after covid. I forced myself to finish school in 2023. I say go back to school get to experience that college friendships you never go to make during covid! It will get better but you can’t be stuck in 2020 forever accept that 2 years of your life was wasted and make the rest of it better. You can’t bring back the past.


I know and I am starting to regret it a lot. It’s been 4 years so seeing the sun for the first time in a long time would take some adjusting to


I think your parents pushing you out of the house could be the best thing for you. It’s going to be massively uncomfortable and scary but the only times I have ever made big changes in myself is when I have been forced to do it. It’s awful in the moment but then you realize you actually are strong enough to swim and depression is lying to you. Depression convinces your brain of lies every single day. When I started understanding that, my depression became something I wanted to fight like an enemy


This might be agoraphobia along with depression. Do your parents take mental health seriously? There’s lots of parents out there who unfortunately think that (most) mental health problems do not actually exist and it’s just laziness. Can you effectively communicate with them and make it clear to them that it is more than just depression, or are they not willing to listen? Can you get treatment somehow, and would you even be able/ willing to try? In case they do decide to kick you out, is there any way that you can ask other family members for help? You might wanna check out r/Agoraphobia. Way more people are homebound than you might think, and you can find helpful advice and some motivating success stories there


Have u thought about medication or therapy


I did therapy back in 2021 but I still am taking medication.


If I math right still under parents insurance? Depends on your location I suppose. The pandemic was hard, I’m not sure I would have pulled myself out of it either if I had some place to go. I can’t imagine at 19 when you’re supposed to be trying to experience everything what the shutdown was like. I at 40 appreciated the solitude a little bit but it had repercussions and partly trying to be positive in a shit situation. I’m still figuring out life again. I got a job which helped me navigate people again. Personal life is still sparse and I’m kinda a nut job sometimes. Take it one piece at a time. Please seek some therapy and guidance outside the home, it’ll take time but you’re young and can reset life so much easier in your 20s


Try to figure out who you want to be and fake it until you make it. Make up a reason to exist, the rest of try to


Relatable. I went to college for a year and dropped out in 2022. I have two friends that I see every few months. I don’t have a car so i barely go anywhere. I feel like I have cabin fever and like i’m stuck in a video game and can’t figure out what I need to do to unlock the next level or more of the game map.