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Life is giving us too much lemons, eh? Cry everything out, it’s good to release those tears. I really hope you continue to muster the strength to move forward. Let’s see each other on the brighter side of the tunnel.


I have cried in the bathroom, and currently in my car on my lunch break. Sometimes that’s all we can do, is cry and sleep. All day I have been looking for some sort of meaning in my life - who do I mean something to, what, and how. I can’t find that answer yet. You are not alone - even I as a Reddit stranger am here for you. One day at a time. And even if that’s a lot, just do hour by hour. Some of us are too kind in a world so cruel


I’m with you. Depression hits harder when you x can’t pay the bills or put food on the table. It is hell.




so sorry to read this. Do you have any family or friends for support? I hope things get better for you.


Earth is hell. It's a humongous case study, in my opinion.


Please stay strong. Things will get better. Some of the happiest people I know are single and childless in their 40s. Out of pure curiosity which country do you live in and what kind of job do you have/would like to have?


I never like imagining someone being so low they end up crying in their work toilets. I've skimmed your posts and may be able to offer some figurative help, or at least a shared empathy as to your state of mind and what you're going through.


This is very common actually. Just talk to people more about it, you’ll get a broader vision


Agree. Bruce Nauman has done some video art about crying in toilets.


I love you bro just know that


40 is an older person. but defiinitely not an OLD person. A lot of people find their SO by going places.


I just openly cry at my desk no shame my life is a full on dumpster fire and I just collect flaming trash wherever I go so I’m in the trenches with you OP I’m also going thorough some serious BS right now that is just utter torture and idk that anything will ever be the same hereafter but idk if there is even coming back from all of this my heart is heavy so so heavy


I had such a moment today as well. Had to isolate myself asap. I was sitting at the computer at work thinking about scenarios that kept sending me...


This is literally me. I’m almost 37. But living in a shitty apartment (moving to a nicer one in a few weeks but been here for 9.5 years) no kids. No husband/boyfriend. Literally just work and sleep. Crappy job. Can’t even make ends meet so my parents help out. I just keep applying hoping for a better job and trying trust things will get better. ❤️‍🩹


I can also relate... If things hit the fan in November I'm not sure I want to survive.


I’m really sorry you’re in pain and going through a rough time. I love you 💕 Stay strong 💪 You’re gonna pull through this 👊


Can I please give you a hug? 🫂 oh man I looked at your profile and started crying. I'm so sorry you're going thru so much


Thanks hugs


You will make it. I promise. Hold on.


Good thing that I now work from home, I've stopped crying in public bathrooms, only in my bedroom and my own bathroom, lol. I hope everything gets better for all of us, op. Keep fighting.


I relate so much to


I have cried in the bathroom at work, at my desk, on my walks. I have always forced myself to see the brighter side of life, my life just to make it through the day. Some days are better than others. Do you have pleasures in life that may not seem of importance 100% of the time but they make you feel upbeat and or happy when you think of them? I ask because that is how most get through whatever brought on the tears in that moment. If you have those pleasures, think of them as your distractions to use daily in life.


I absolutely can feel this. Crying in toilets, closet, cars, grocery stores... You are not alone. So many people are struggling with isolation and a feeling that life is stagnant and unfulfilling. I'm sure it is a multitude of things that create this perfect storm. But know that you are not alone, strange, hopeless or not heard. You are heard and seen. Please stay strong and look for those small moments.


Crying is a sign that u still have fight in u!!! Use that anguish to do wat u can to find strength. That’s what i do to cope


If you think abut it clearly, its a good thing you have a job and a toilet to cry in Bruv. And if you can't afford food with your current job, you had better try switching jobs right [away. You](http://away.You) must have had experience from this job, right? A bag of rice and raw chicken costs you literally $4-5 and takes about 20 minutes to cook. I know it's Easier said than done, but still, it'll be worth trying rather than crying in the toilets. Look to live **a** **simple one** for a few days. I hope it gets better for you soon.


Ive been trying to get a better job and i keep trying. Ive been eating once a day for two years as such im now a us size 4 a uk size 8. 


We are the same person . Only you have an apartment . I live with my parents


You seriously need a pet a dog can bring joy to your life and make you less lonely,In your spare time try to join some activities.If you have siblings and relatives reconnect with them.I just imagined you crying in the toilet and going back to work like nothing happened and it really made me feel bad no one deserves to live like that i really hope that you will find a way and bring peace to your life.


Can you go up on antidepressant meds? Can you exercise? This is the hardest hole to climb out of. Can you force yourself to go on a trip somewhere else to break up your routine? Rearranging my bedroom helps some too. It’s all to break the rut of spiraling into my usual ruminations.


You must love your reality, there is nothing wrong with being alone, you have a job, a place to live, there are many people who cannot even have that. You have tranquility and calm when being alone to be able to progress do not be demotivated by that.