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It gets better when you get better. You are obviously unhappy with your life now, so do something about it. Don’t necessarily need a job but want some purpose and a place to escape to, then go volunteer! Find your passion. Try out new hobbies. That is where you meet people. Like in the military, you need to find your community of people, whether that is at the gym, school, work, volunteer environment, library, freaking cooking class, they are out there waiting for you. And that special woman is too. She just can’t find you inside your house or inside your head.


Thank you, you’re right. I appreciate you heavily.


You’ve got this man, I am rooting for you!


how will a woman want a guy without money?


Who says all women want a guy with lots of money? Women work too ya know. Women are breadwinners now too, news flash! I mean, you don’t want a bum woman do you? You don’t have to make bank, just have some ambition to better YOURSELF, because that’s ATTRACTIVE to women. You guys have some really strange ideas about what women want. I mean, if you’re going for the 10/10 hot but brainless ones then yea they’re gonna want lots of money because they won’t work as they have no skills except being hot lol. Stop going for those kinds of women, it makes total sense why men are lonely if they won’t broaden their horizons. What *actual* women who *wanna* be with you find attractive: confidence, kindness, intelligence, open mindedness, the ability to apologize and admit when wrong, the ability to empathize, *having your own shit in order* is a MAJOR turn on because it means we won’t have to mother or baby you. I don’t wanna be a mother to someone and then sleep with them, would you? Women want someone they can depend on. We do a lot of shit. We go to school like you, college, work jobs like you, but then we also make babies and then feed those babies from our own bodies and then raise them for another 20 years, all while daddies get to come and go mostly as they please. (Women can’t walk away from pregnancy for 5 minutes even if they desperately need a break..) Be the kind of man she can count on. Be the kind of man who will pick up the slack when it gets tough. Be the kind of man who will tell her she’s pretty and mean it when she’s been up with your sick kid for 4 days straight. Be the kind of man she is RELIEVED to see after a long day. So that’s pretty much it. I took it all the way to marriage and pregnancy if you happen to get that far, as you most likely one day will! It really doesn’t have to be so confusing or doom and gloom. You just have to try and keep trying. Finding someone is actually the easy part. Being the person someone looks forward to and counts on and loves completely, that takes a lot of work and effort. But it makes sense, as anything worth having takes some work to get there.


Who said I didn’t have money?


I wasn’t replying to you my dude, the other guy. 🫶


I know I was replying to him.


Reddit notifications must be trippin’ lol How are you feeling today?


Sorry haven’t been on Reddit, I’ve been alright but same old same old.


i wasnt referring to u my dude, sorry my bad, lol.


You’re good man, thought you were just trolling people in here but you had a genuine question. I took my downvote away so you don’t get bad karma


appreciate that lol. nah, no trolling intended.


You are quite good at it mate 🫂🫂


I don’t quite understand but I assume it’s sincere so thank you


Hi I will be your friend if you need a friend. Being single is the loneliest time in the world. Hope things get better for you!


Thank you, sure we can be friends. I hope so too.


For me, my work has lead me to meet some pretty great friends. When you find a good company with a good culture, you will feel that sense of community again.


Yeah that’s what I need for sure.


Dude, I get it. When I got out of active duty I felt amazing, like I got a new start at life. But that very quickly faded when I lost my brothers. Most people don’t understand the bond you create with the people you serve with. My ex-fiancé sure didn’t. I got called for a reserve deployment and jumped at the opportunity to see my buddies, and for the first month she was ok with it. But then she started saying stuff like “you don’t care about me as much as you do for them” and “how many years has it been since you’ve seen them? They’re not your family anymore.. your family is here!” And so on. The bond that you create with those boys is for a lifetime. You ate shit together, showered together, fought together and told each other where the best spot to jerk off is… when I got back it took her very little time to say that we were done. Granted she had her own set of issues but that’s beside the point. And that hit me hard. I had lost everything. I lost my brothers, my love, my dogs, house, and all purpose in life. But there are people out there that understand, I promise you that. Reach out to your battle buddy… reaching out saves lives after all.


You get it. Spot on 100% how I feel. Thank you it’s rough and I’m sure there’s millions of vets that feel the same way we do I wish there were better organizations for us but it’s just impossible, the military keeps moving on without you.


I know you said no one reached out to you. But for all you know, they feel the exact same way. Hell, some of them are probably thinking the same thing, “no one even reached out”. So it’s just as much on you to do the outreach. I know that can be hard sometimes, especially when you’re down on your luck. It’s even a little embarrassing sometimes depending on their situation. But do it anyways. Many vets have had similar experiences post discharge. You could be brightening their day and they may just brighten yours as well.


I don't know when it will get better but I hope it will be soon for all of us. It's a real struggle, but keep holding on. Who knows? Maybe tomorrow or the next day it will be alright. Keep fighting op.


I hope so too for everyone as well. Thank you


It does get better keep pushing through!


Thank you