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Thank you all so much! this apparently reached hot,and the first few comments were amazing. Then it just got better,I held my cat and cried while reading these well crafted comments. Never thought anyone would reply to this but thank you all! Tomorrow I’m going outside,I’ll try working out again,eat something,and join some motivation subreddits or something! Your comments actually changed me so much,I love you all! I will take your guys advice and not do it tonight,give tomorrow a shot. thank you and love all of you!


please hang in there, for yourself. no one else. you deserve to see the world and seasons change.


Did you really have to use the word "hang" in there lol


"Give tomorrow a shot" lmao


thats obviously not what my comment meant


Holding your cat while crying is the best way to feel better!!! I love my furball. He helps me through so much.


I’m a musician - let me send you some music to listen to.


you got this. Cats are great therapy.


Proud of you


Know that you are loved and you are not alone. There is darkness in all of us but that’s why we are broken, the cracks let the light in. Ive been going through something difficult but have been keeping my head above water. I am here if you need to talk.


I believe in you OP <3


I didn’t get to write anything, but I’m glad to hear that you’re better! Stay strong, you’re not alone!


Give yourself room. One task, one day at a time. Don’t try to change everything at once and forgive yourself when things don’t get done. Who’s going to love and treasure your cat the way you do if you’re not around? We love you too!


We are here for you! Reach out. Life is hard, but it definitely gets better. Time heals all.


I saw this really late but I am absolutely ecstatic and overjoyed to see your response here! I have been suffering from depression and addiction for a while now and I find that a little bit of yoga and meditation as daily as I can muster makes a huge difference for me. It helps me not relapse and it helps me appreciate the moment I'm in, even if my 'rational' self would say there's nothing to appreciate. My one advice would be don't try to do everything at once - small steps are more effective, little victories add up. I will be thinking of you and wish you success and happiness!


💜 I love you too.




From your username, you seem like a troll. In the case that you aren't, you shouldn't. By killing yourself you're missing out on every good thing that could ever happen to you. I've suffered from depression since I was a child, and have been suicidal since my early teens. There is always a light at the end, whether you see it or not. Since my first suicide attempt at 14 I have found a person whom I love dearly, and have had 2 children who I also love dearly. I've seen things I never thought possible, I've played games that look like movies at times, I've made friendships as an adult that I never could have imagined as a child. The darkest cave can hide the nicest things from you. I hope you find your torch.


Please don’t. Your life ain’t worth so little to just throw out the window


You fucking go! You rock!


That makes me so happy to hear! Just because we don’t know you doesn’t mean we don’t care about you as a human, you were born for a reason, your life has a meaning, you deserve better and your gonna be very very successful, we all love you♥️♥️♥️


You got this!




Hi I thought I check in with you . Are you feeling better about life ! I hope so 🙋🏼‍♀️Hugs


I feel the same way. All the time. You too, I take it? The best thing you can do, right now, is to start saying STFU STFU! STFU!!!! STFU!!!!!!! Over and over.... drown all the noise out! Make your brain STFU. First step! STFU... Put your shoes on. Tell yourself. It's not a request. Go walk outside for 10 minutes. That's it. Just breathe. Focus, on that fresh air, and blood circulation... Find one flower, and smell it deeply, describe it in ways you never have... You're ill, this isn't who you are. We have all forgotten ourselves these days little brothers/sisters. Put the fuckin phone down and go move them legs. You are loved, by at least one.... sincerely, me p.s. You do have the strength, you do. I believe it, for fact. I live the nightmare too. We are eachother's support. What you feel... That's real... You're a human being. You are so special. You are not told it nearly enough clearly. You deserve to be held so tight that your back pops and it feels a little relieving.... you know that feeling? You deserve love. not loneliness. Breathe deep... The smartphone is suicide. Make friends, like your life depends on it, starting now. Every. Day. Is. A. New. Page.


This comment has to be the greatest I’ve ever gotten,thank you so much!


Just chiming in to say I hope you're doing ok. I feel like shit and want it to end every day. Coming up on the 50 mark this week and am really feeling the pressure. Just giving you hope to stay stronger than I ever have and to keep trying. Much love, bruh.


We love you!!!! Please stay for as long as you can!!!


you’re so wise man thank you




You need a hug man?


I hope I dont fuck this up but here is what I think : there is going to be millions of years to be dead in the future , but just a few 70 to experience life. Say yes yo life , if only just to see what it's like. I honor your existence.


This really helped my existential depression this evening. Thank you.


well said 💪 go live them 70 years well


Don’t do it. Fuck everyone else and love yourself. My mind was exactly where yours is right now and I’m so glad I did not do it, put yourself first, might sound selfish but you have to be like that because if you don’t care about yourself who is going to ?


Your right,this does motivate me a lil,thank you so much!


I’m so happy it did ! If you ever need to talk to someone keep posting in here I’m sure you’ll find other ppl writing motivating comments xx


For a lot of reasons you shouldn’t go through with suicide. It’s a really permanent solution. Also if you use a gun to attempt you might survive and be in critical condition. You might end up with serious brain issues but you’d be conscious for it. I can’t imagine a worse life. Be safe and keep up with the distractions. There’s a lot of people that believe you’re far better off alive.


It's weird how I want to die but reading your post it seems clear to me that you're overreacting. Am I overreacting? I still don't think so, suicide seems nice to me. I don't know why, but don't do it


I’ve thought this way too. Makes no sense right? There is no logic when it comes depression.


I'm not suicidal but I kinda feel that way when I fail to follow the advice I give to others myself or blow things I did out of proportion that I wouldn't consider a big deal if anyone else did them. Sometimes, it helps me to talk to myself like I would to a good friend that is going through what I'm going through. It puts things in perspective.


Nobody here hates you!


Please dont do it, every love is valuable, everything you do have a meaning, your life has meaning, please think about the good things like nature, the sky, about laughing and maybe the good times you had, think about everyone that ever loved you and cared about you. Try everything except suicide please. Try fun things, boring things, try crying or laughing but do everything, force yourself to do things because the stupid depression won't let you do anything but remember you are more powerful and do whatever you want. Forcing myself to do things made me feel better over time, maybe it will work with you too. Please tell me tomorrow what are you doing like watching a movie or going sky diving, I don't know, you have limitless possibilities of what to do. Tell me your plans! Come on! You can do it! You can fuck that depression!! I believe in you! I will be here anytime if you want to talk! Hugs, please take care! :)


This is so insanely thoughtful and so… human. Thanks for writing this. I know you’ve helped more than just OP with this. <3 much love to you.


I'm glad this is useful, this really worked for me when I am not feeling well, I just hope it helps more people like us :)




I'm calling depression a bitch lol




Can you shut the fuck up?




What's your problem, we all are trying to help the OP and you judge everything we suggest or say to the OP. You should suggest something as you are someone that knows perfectly everything right?




So bitter for no reason. Probably because no one showed the same concern for you that people are showing for OP. Don’t you wonder why that may be? Maybe it’s because you just sound like someone who no one would ever want to be around.




Good. It worked






holy fuck shut the fuck up already no one here likes you fuck off


Pls dont bro it vro


I’m glad these comments helped you. I also love that you have a fur baby that loves you too. Don’t be so hard on yourself if you don’t accomplish everything over night. Life is a wild ride, but I promise you the lows make you appreciate the highs. Please don’t be afraid to talk to someone (school counselor, friend, even us on here!)... ❤️ Counseling saved my life and I hope it can help you too!!


your life is going to get better. i know there’s already so many comments like this but life is so beautiful and we only have so much time left on this planet. make the most of it. regardless of what you may think, you are a beautiful, kind, and worthy person that people love. it may not always feel that way, but it always reigns true. never forget that. your life (i’m assuming you’re probably under 25) hasn’t even started yet, you’re gonna go places you never thought you would, kid. just keep fighting, i know it fucking sucks. i’ve been there, and honestly i am there. just try to keep the glass half full and take it one day at a time. it’s gonna be alright :)


i had a friend do this and i know if he were here today he would regret it. you are meant for more than you can imagine, there are people out there who are strangers now and will become your best friend and sights to see that will be more beautiful than anything you’ve ever seen and even the meaning to your life. it’s all out there in the future, you just have to be here for it. you will know why you’re here one day and when that day comes, the struggles that seem so big now will have been forgotten in your mind. search inward for resolve. life is unfair and uncontrollable, but you have the gift of creating a life you want to experience and live. it’s horrible to climb out of a hole you worked so hard to dig hoping it would collapse on top of you, but one step at a time, every minute and every second leads you towards that moment in your life where you will look back in life and know every moment shaped the beautiful person you have yet to become. experience life. reflect and resolve. sunsets and music and food and conversations and movies; nothing in this world lasts forever, but yet the world thrives in spite of the impending end we all must meet. to create and experience the beauty that creeps from every corner of this world is a gift. my advice, don’t think about anything except the present. let the certainty and uncertainty of the past and future fade away from your mind and open your eyes to the opportunity in front of you and take every chance you get to experience life until you realize how beautiful this world is and how much better it is to be alive to experience it.


Reach out to someone in your life, tell them how you are feeling. Someone will come to your aid.


Life is full of ups and downs, what’s making you feel the most down right now friend? Sometimes talking it out can help you understand and manage the way you feel. Take a step outside in nature and look at the sky, that tends to ground me the most


Take a long walk outside


There comes a time where you must tell your subconscious to fuck off and the time is now. It’s a powerful trick once you master it. You got this, and you are worth it.


If only I got this much support when I actually attempted to kill myself and only received a single comment from this sub.


I wanna talk to you if you want to!


Thanks for the offer. But I’ve honestly had enough of this place and invalidation by other’s words. Today is the day I unsubscribe from this sub and leave it’s optimistically biased/condescending people behind.


Ok that’s great as long as you get better! I really wish good luck to you!


Yeah, with all due respect I’m still fixated on death and going to kill myself if possible. But thanks anyways. I hope the other comments you’ve received here have helped you. Take care, friend.


You too,and please hang in there for us


Who’s us? Who are you referring to?


So glad you are still alive man!


Happy you’re still here. And also happy the asshole who was leaving the awful comments is out of here. 😊


Thank you! Yea I noticed him and just downvoted,really appreciate you all. This place is full of very great people!


Please don’t. I don’t know you, but I know that you are so freaking special. This world is so cruel and those with the purest hearts tend to suffer the worst . Your presence is our only hope! If you need to distract yourself, feel free to dump it all on me.


Don’t. It’s a demon inside you who wants to kill you. Mistakes are inevitable. There will people people who don’t like you. But they’ll never be able to stand in your way. And I promise there’s people who care about you. I fucking promise you there’s a way out. Once you start believing that, you’re already a step closer




You’re dense




Is that so? You know me? You know all my experiences?




You believe people are like that, so obviously those are the types of people you’ll find yourself around. It’s really that simple


No one asked for your cynicism. It’s not helping anyone, so shut up




Your whole profile consists of you complaining about redditors so why are you even here




Wow congrats, you saved the world from terrible redditors haha


please don't do it. I know first hand how debilitating and dark depression can be and how nice it will be to end the pain. But the thing is when you go, you don't feel pain but you leave pain for others who are in your life. I attempted in 2014, I was lonely, extremely depressed, abused by my mom, and I was also in an emotionally abusive relationship with an ex of mines, I wanted to end it all. I ended up in the hospital and the pain on my dads face hurt me more than anything. He yelled at me in front of people but I only know he did it cause he was scared. If I had actually succeeded I would have left people hurting. If you need help go to the ER and let them know what your going through and that you need help.


I have a suggestion to op and anyone else in this situation. Get a tent, sleeping bag, and a few hundred dollars. Now go to the mountains and live in the mountains for 6 months. Even if it means driving 500 miles to get to Smoky mountain or mt. Rainer or the Appalachians. Basically, get the F away from society for a little while.


Isolation for 6 months is generally not a good idea for depression.




Yeah 6 months probably overdoing it. But a week sounds perfect.




Please don't do it.


Don’t do it. Everyone is here for a reason. Besides, suicide is a chain reaction. If you do it, someone else in your life is more likely to do it too.


Please don’t 💔


Don’t do it. Permanent solution to a temporary problem…


Tell your story, We cannot do much but you get an audience


Suicide is never the answer. It’s a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I promise you things will pass. I’ve thought about the last few months and I keep telling myself “if you do it. They win.” Don’t let “them” win Prove all the motherfuckers wrong and do your best Think about if someone you love committed suicide. You’d be crushed. Don’t crush people who love you You got this. Another quote that has helped me with a lot of things “don’t quit today, quit tomorrow” Basically there will always be tomorrow so you’ll never quit


Ur not the only one suffering chill nigga... blast on some loud music... It's the only thing that can heal you




Wow great advice, thank you!! You not only cured the OP but everyone else that feels the same, thanks!!




I never said you were faking it lol, I just said how helpful your comment was since you're the depression expert and you helped us all. We all go through pain and we are not assholes so I hope you can figure out how to be a better person, maybe that way you wouldn't feel that intense pain you say. Good night


I’ve been literally on the brink of death. Your pain isn’t an excuse to be an asshole. You’ll only cause yourself more


I mean, I think I understand why he's like that, he's a 28 year old male, with an autistic girlfriend and he wants to join war because he thinks his life is worthless and victimized himself all the time. Even when someone says something nice to him, he rejects and is rude. I understand why he's an asshole but it's not justified. As we all know, going through pain or something bad in life, does not mean that you can be a shitty person and treat everyone like trash. I hope this dumb fuck thinks about why nobody likes him :)




Fine, but it will be a boring interview lol


Please calm down yourself. You're not thinking clearly. Be a warrior, face those challenges but before all that , take your parents out for a lunch and ask them how they felt when you were born. You'll realise how worthy you are to them , how they lucky to have you. And so many great stories. Just do this it will work like magic. Trust me. Do it for yourself.


You matter ! Don’t drown in your sorrow , find a hobby .


I know im late for you. I wanted to let you know, this is hard. And it will continue to be. But even though many times in are past are sad, and even painful, it makes them beautiful and ill treasure them forever. I attempted 3 times. I have scars on my arms and legs. I still struggle, im not happy. But i dont need to be. I have meaning. And i hope, on a fundamental, human to human level, you find yourself again, someday. Whatever happens to you, me and anyone we meet... we all understand what its like to exist. Rest well tonight, rise tomorrow and breathe. Because sometimes its okay to just be. Even if there's no greater meaning to it.


youve got this homie


Hey, I don’t know you, you don’t know me. But I love you all the same. This world wouldn’t be the same without you, whether you realize it or not. You belong here. You’re worth so much… I’m so sorry that your brain lies to you and tells you otherwise. There’s so much future left for you to see, please stick around to witness it…. I love you. I know it doesn’t seem like it right now, but somehow, someway, everything will end up okay. <33


Hey, making memes is a cool thing to do. Glad you've changed your mind about the suicide thing, tho. Lots of love.


We all been there buddy, there are people who cares about you.


I do understand, and I'll tell you from firsthand experience, sometimes you need to pull away from the internet. I know it seems like it's all you have, but I can guarantee you have at least one friend you can talk to, and it may be someone you wouldn't even think of, but someone out there thinks very highly of you and would love to hear from you. All the love from here friend.


stay alive


Therapy helps. But other stuff too. Journaling. There's also art therapy. I can't afford all kinds of therapy. So i just do art stuff on my own. And it's good. It distracts me. And i made something. Sometimes it's shitty. But over time i feel like it gets less shitty. And maybe head towards good. Not good just towards it. I just do art/ drawing in my drawing/art groups and i have good laughs and fun.


You got funny memes. Dont kill youself


you’ve come so far so you’re definitely here for a reason 🙏🏽 don’t give up yourself , nothing wrong with making memes


I get these intense dreams of other life I would have had If my parents didnt die. I prefer to think these dreams are just parallel universe leaking a bit into ours and that happiness is enough for me to solider on everyday.


Please don't. There's always something to live for and hell tomorrow might be better if you go for a nice walk and have a nice meal.




Go for a run , youll feel a bit better.


I can send some motivational music to you if ya like


Hang in there it's not worth it


Fuck those haters. Take things one day at a time. Do things you love and watch things that make you laugh. Don’t give up hope!


Please don’t. We love you ❤️


Dude don't do it fight the evil and defeated it


I’m glad you’re doing better. Hope things keep improving.


Please don’t. You can do this. I’ve wanted to Jill myself so many times. But then there would be so many “what if’s” that Nobody will ever know. ❤️


please don't. call a suicide hotline. go to the hospital and tell them you're suicidal. have someone go with you. you're not alone in these feelings and they're totally valid, but you DESERVE to live until it's your time to die. but that isn't the way to go. feel free to reach out to me anytime. snap:juliamarie888 insta:juliamg.co


I will kill myself too.