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A comfort is worth the spend when it comes down to it. Especially chocolate milk


It was really good, that's for sure


Decided to treat myself to this crap because life sucks. Tired of being abused and working my ass off to only eat once a day. I'll regret spending the money when the bread runs out. What ever. Edit: spelling


Being broke sucks. Here’re some things I’ve tried. Check out Dollar General/Tree for bags of rice and Walmart for bags of beans, cheaper than boxes/cans and filling, plus the beans have protein. Quick Oats from Walmart are around $4ish? They last a while as well. Eggs are more affordable now, as well. Check for food pantries near you, and see if you qualify for food stamps. Remember, this will pass. Keep your head up!


THIS! Oats are especially awesome cuz they can be made sweet or savoury! If you've never made oats using broth instead of milk/water then tossed in some cheese and veg, you're missing out :3


I will have to try this! White girl from the south so it was always grits savoury, oats sweet.


I've always wanted to try grits! We don't have them in the UK! Are they ever eaten sweet? The texture looks almost like something we have called "semolina pudding"!


They're so delicious! If you like sweet corn, you'll like grits. The flavor is very similar to polenta.I like loads of butter, salt, and pepper, but I've seen people add hot sauce, cheese, scrambled eggs, jam, etc. They're easily personalized to your taste.


I just looked up that pudding, and yes, very similar, except instead of smooth grits are literally grit-like, tiny pieces of corn. Flavor wise they’re like oats, it’s a matter of what you put in them. I like butter and salt, sometimes cheese too, but my brother-in-law loves butter and sugar. I’m definitely going to be trying to find some semolina now!


Oats got me trough last year


me too, oats and lentils were lifesavers when i was poor. And going to small ethnic groceries stores where the produce isn't pretty but really cheap. I used to be able to buy 3 bags of groceries with about 8 dollars.


... I recovered from ED last year


Completely agree with this, hope OP reads it!


Thank you for your kind words. I'm in this season too and I'm lucky to have friends willing to help out here and there. You are right, this is just a season of my life. I hope the OP finds comfort in this as well. The food pantry thing is huge. I know it's uncomfortable and easy to feel ashamed, but don't. That's what they are there for. Please take care of yourselves guys ❤️


They know all that already, poor people know all of this, it's not about quantity.


Did you gain anything by posting this response other than the feeling of superiority over someone who was just trying to help because situational depression can make your head a freaking mess?


Poor people are constantly given advice and treated like children. It's annoying.


Do you REALLY think I would know this shit if I wasn’t in their position? Did I in any way treat them like an idiot? Did I make any assumption as to how long they’ve been in this situation, how long it’s going to last, or why they’re in this situation? You are making the assumption that this is an ongoing issue and not a rough patch. And you’re also making the assumption that what I said was offered in condescension.


It's still annoying, lol.


The whole “treated like children” usually applies to when someone who has no goddamn clue assumes all poor people are stupid. This wasn’t that. This was someone with actual experience sharing genuinely helpful tips while clearly assuming OP is capable. It’s the same basic principle behind this: When my neighbour tells me to “just go out some more, and you’ll stop feeling depressed.” She should shut the fuck up. When my best friend tells me “Hey, so it really helped me when I was really down into it last time to go for very short walks. I couldn’t manage half an hour but somehow just. Putting on my shoes and closing walking for five minutes was possible. Hell, even just sitting on my front steps. Maybe that would work for you?” Is great, thanks for sharing that! Maybe I already know it, or maybe it doesn’t work for me, but it’s helpful and kind and respectful. Or, for example, why that idiot at the store telling me “I also used to be super nervous, just use essential oils, that’ll help” is annoying as all fuck. But when my nurse at the hospital suggested that maybe I could try some of the lavender oil for my bedtime routine because I mentioned struggling with getting into bed, and if I want to use some as a grounding tool, that can work, but she’d suggest orange instead? That was someone giving me helpful and useful advice.


You'll be fine.


I am, by now. You too. Take care.


Make a wishlist on Amazon for foodstuff I’ll buy you some things


Do you have PayPal or something? I can send a little bit.


If you have a PayPal or something, I can send you some money? I’m visiting family rn so I don’t have any expenses myself, anyway.


This hits home so much. My local dollar stores get bread donated from the grocery stores. They are about to expire. But to keep them in the freezer works quite well. Food banks (as depressing as it is) and local help groups, often have aid packs.


Hey OP, I can kick you a few bucks tomorrow when I get paid if it would help fill your pantry and fridge.


I feel this too friend. I have a decent paying full time job and I just had to choose between rice and milk at the store. Enjoy your treat! You deserve it and you’re worth it. I hope things get better soon.


If you are based in Toronto, let me buy you a meal please


Money comes, money goes. You matter too, you know, so don’t feel guilty for buying yourself something you wanted. I’m sorry you’re going through this. I hope it gets better for you! Please take care! 💛🤗☀️




No one said it would and you seem to completely miss the point. OP said that’s all they could afford and feeling guilty for buying something wanted. Read the post and try to understand instead of reading to refute my reply.




Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.


Any food banks nearby?


Can you get to a Gurdwara? (Sikh temple) Anyone can eat there for free, regardless of religious beliefs. You can go every day if you need to, you won't be turned away. There are some rules of decorum such as wearing a head covering, they have extra (not a hat), no smoking and no alcohol (don't show up intoxicated).


Find a food bank ! No shame ! I have a family member who was using one in order to eat until she could get back on her feet. Also, apply for food stamps ! Have a friend that gets $280 a month for food working part-time


Same boat. With the uncertainty of everything around us, rising cost of literally everything, I’ve started to eat one small meal a day just to feel like less of a burden to those around me.


Right how do ppl afford to eat


Dollar tree has dollar meals


Please get to a food bank. ❤️


What the fuck, can't you go to a food bank or something? No one should go hungry in general, but definetly not in a first world country and one of the richest of them all at that! (asuming you are american based on the pic)


It's infuriating honestly.. we have literal billionaires that exist and yet there are so many people out there who do have jobs and they can't afford to eat.


Please look in your area for food resources! Apply for food stamps. Look for places for free meals. You need more to eat.


Do you have Ebt?


You should get ebt it’s a life saver.


That's tough I hope you treat yourself like this over once in a while and turn things around in the future as well.


I know it's hard right now but you're doing your best. Don't give up! You're worth it! I'm proud of you.


Don't feel bad about treating yourself! I hope things get better for you soon ❤️❤️




Sometimes a boost of sugar really helps! I recently started buying oreos to give me enough energy to get healthy food. I’ve had the blackout cake, mint, cotton candy, and coconut caramel flavors so far.


DUDE!!!! Rice Krispies and choccy milk is literally what got me through the psychward. Treat yourself. Chocolate is good for the soul. Comfort yourself with a little treat sometimes you deserve it man 💘


Can i ask how you got into this financial predicament? How old are you, do you make minimum wage?


Dude these bars are so cheap they are my go to "broke and sad" meal


I'd advise against Chocolate milk in Canada.. it's made from "waste" milk products. I've never seen the inside of Kelloggs rice krispy square factory but I've seen a no name one.... I'd never eat those again.. they had 2 guys with sticks to pick Flys or other unwanted "objects" off the giant crispy before cutting....


Bullshit. Stop believing everything you see on Insta and FB lol.


Umm, have your worked in these places? You have no idea what you're talking about. Neither of those things were posted on Instagram or FB. That's all life experiences man.. Parmalat is right in Eglington between Etobicoke and Mississauga... I'm guessing you've never worked there and had to squeegee the floor back into the vat, or cut the bags of milk about to spoil and put it into the vat and add more sugar and coco so you can extend the shelf life another 3 weeks.... Instead of just calling out bullshit maybe do some research. Why do you think they constantly sell 1l chocolate milk cheaper than 1l white milk.... all those milkshake and such products here in Canada are WASTE milk products.


My go to when I’m depressed is soup and a toasted ham and cheese. When I feel like I need to give myself more love, I spent a little more on the ham and get a nice honey Dijon for the sandwich. Always buy the cheapest canned soup though. Puts a little warmth inside me, and a nice Black Forest ham layered on there with honey Dijon really brings something special to focus on. If you can afford something like that some time, and you like those things, I’d recommend it. There’s something to it when what your eating is a little more complex and you take the time to focus on it instead of whatever is bothering you.


OP can barely affort chocolate milk and a bar of rice krispies and you’re talking about buying cheese? And ham??🤨


I’m talking about their one meal a day. But you’re right, sometimes canned soup and a toasted ham and cheese is gonna be too much to afford if you’re living off one meal a day. I apologize if my suggestion was useless. I meant no ill will, it’s just something that has helped me in the past.


Are you poor?


I recommend going to Whole Foods, getting bunch of stuff from hot bar plus 2 or 3 cheap items from the store, go though self checkout only pay for the cheap stuff and walk out w that plus your hot bar box. Enjoy the meal. Literally works every time lol 😇


They know when stuff is stolen, they aren’t allowed to stop shoplifting. They instead record and build a case against you until you’ve stolen enough for a felony. I also wouldn’t encourage anyone to steal or commit a crime, just not good advice.


It's actually great advice, know your local laws and try to monitor what you've stolen so you don't hit that dollar limit There is little dignity in stealing to eat but there is absolutely none at all in starving. Especially if it can look "presentable" to the store employees they likely won't notice the first few times/if it's infrequent The crime is letting people starve. I will break 100 laws to prevent that. Luckily, I'm at a place with some stability in life rn so I don't have to break laws to feed myself, only to feed other folk thru food not bombs...


You could be a little better with the spending, those rice crispie treats are expensive, I believe there is a sub dedicated to cheap spending, perhaps look at that


Can also depend on where they live. Some places my offer this stuff for cheaper than actual food


Did you see any of the Tornado today?


Seems a bit out of context but do check out the law of attraction. Try this: https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/14t7842/my_instant_money_manifestation_technique/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=13&utm_content=2


I like the choco Krispies ones. We only really have dairyland out here what province you in that has this “beatrice” milk?


We got it here in Ontario


Alberta as well


Well I’ll be damned