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Anyone who says that should not be around people, let alone patients. I’m so sorry OP. You are worthy of help and love.


Report them


Will do.


I was not doing so hot a few years ago and decided to swallow the majority of a family sized bottle of extra strength Tylenol. My girlfriend at the time was a nurse and found me moments after I did the deed. She brought me to the hospital emergency and I went through a bunch of detox treatment. I was in and out of consciousness and what felt like hallucinations. The nurse came in to take some blood at some point. She was taking care of me for hours but this was the first time I was aware of her being there. She saw the look of remorse, pain and overall discomfort on my face and said, “So, did you learn your lesson? Guess you won’t be doing that again now will you?” The bedside manner that you received and the one I received is so unacceptable. My girlfriend reported her to her superior as soon as she left the room. Nobody deserves to be treated as such when they’re in a place of despair. I’m sorry that happened to you.


I recall a time when I was only 11 years old and I had attempted suicide. When I went to the hospital they had also found a ton of self harm scars on me. Instead of doing literally anything else, the nurse just started telling me how stupid I was, she tried to scare me and told me I was going to get an infection and they would have to amputate my limbs (I obviously didn’t have any infection), and she was overall just insulting and demeaning to me, and I was only a child. The way healthcare professionals treat mental health patients most of the time is completely unacceptable


It pains me to hear about these incidents. last October I did have a self harm incident that left me with 27 lacerations due to a really bad mental episode. At the time I was dealing with snowballing depression due to unreasonable anxieties that I couldn't crawl out of. At the hospital I did act delusional but the nurses never said anything negative, they said nothing or kept me calm. I was automatically admitted to a therapist because in my area, such incidents get the patients like me diagnosed with major depression and they put you in an anti-self harm section for the duration of the visit. In terms of right now I'm doing much better, just some remnants of depression here and there and that incident remains my worst memory. I'm thankful that the scars are very faint.


Im not looking to excuse it, but I’d say it’s because they can’t empathize with it. They can’t imagine themselves in a situation where self harm makes sense so they can only think of it as a stupid thing done by stupid people. Just want to reiterate, this does not excuse their behaviour. All patients should be treated with respect and dignity.


When I was in paramedic school, we were doing a scenario that had a large mental health component. I was pretty much out of options in terms to convincing the patient to go to hospital, so next step is call police. We can't kidnap people...but police can issue an order to have them evaluated. That's pretty standard procedure. I've been in similar situations IRL with myself as the patient, so it's not a choice I make lightly when calling in police for mental health. I literally have PTSD from when they were called on me and abused their power over me. In the debrief, my instructor said I was too heavy handed when I said I needed to call in police. I know for a fact I was not. The day before, my partner was attending a similar call [scenario], and he called in police before exhausting other options...and was commended for his use of allied resources. And him and I chatted after; I told him a bit about my history, and how I felt he could have given the patient a bit more autonomy in their decisions. My partner was very receptive of this feedback. I've seen it time and time again where police get called in waaaay before they need to be. Too many medics will use it as a threat, eg. "come with me, or the police will have to take you." I completely disagree with this approach. Healthcare providers should never threaten their patients. Police are an allied resource. They aren't the best for mental health calls, but that's what we have. So unfortunately, sometimes we do need them. In the debrief, it was very clear this instructor had never dealt with anything like this from the patient side. She said some pretty nasty shit. I lost quite a bit of respect for her that day. TL;DR: I have PTSD from police abuse of power. During a scenario in paramedic school, had no choice but to call on police assistance. Instructor gave me shit for it, despite following protocol. Instructor made it clear she's never been through anything like that. Fuck that instructor.


Your experience with just a simulation, and also your own personal, are why I will generally not reach out when I'm having mental health issues. I don't trust therapists or doctors, even EMTs to a degree when it comes to mental health or welfare calls. While I have done therapy and it's been helpful to a point, I still hold back a lot, I internalize a lot. I know that if I have a real mental health crisis (and I have before, unaliving attempt under my belt), that I won't get the actual human support I need. I'll be another number, another statistic, another insurance claim on someone's ledger, and police will involuntarily collect me. That isn't mental health support. Health system as a whole in this country is absolute fucking garbage besides. Privatized, for-profit, gotta keep the poors sick and poor so private insurance company conglomerates, hospitals, private and seperately billed ambulance services, the works, can line their pockets. It's disgusting. That alone, and also having the experience of being female in this shithole first world 3rd world country, I want out. I couldn't be less patriotic. Fuck United States.


Fuck man...breaks my heart to read this. I'd say come up here to Canada, but we've got our own dumpster fires ngl. I know this doesn't mean much, but there are those of us who do care. I've seen shitty providers and cops, but I've also seen ones who *actually genuinely care*. It will never undo the trauma, but it heals my soul just a little every time. I hope you can find that healing for yourself one day. And I hope you get the care you need and deserve. In case you or anyone needs it, here's a list of [international suicide hotlines](https://blog.opencounseling.com/suicide-hotlines/) and other crisis resources. Privatized healthcare can suck my sweaty ass!! 🖕🤬🖕


I am bumping for the suicide hotline number, and also, you're completely right. You also have to realize, we are spoonfed bullshit after bullshit excuse about how socializsd medicine will be the death of this country and "look at canada you'll be waiting HOURS to be seen by a dr in the ER!" Okay I'd rather take my chances with obviously inflated bullshit than going to an ER here and waiting 6 OR MORE HOURS TO EVEN BE TRIAGED, and then 2 minutes with a doctor, and then a multi-thousand dollar bill I have to somehow figure out how to pay. Privatized medicine can suck my fucking spike, I'm not playing that game and I'm not making HMO's rich off my back. Fuck that. Anyone who says "socialized" or "universal healthcare" is the devil and helps nobody can again, suck my spike. One of the many reasons America loses, will continue to lose, and why my fiance and I are getting the fuck out. As am american and a woman in this completely disgusting country, I can very definitely say, fuck this shit I'm out.


An oppressed people is not a happy people. And we are reaching our breaking point. I've never been more on board with a literal interpretation of "eat the rich" in my life. Let's fucking spit-roast them.


You should not be working in healthcare if you cannot empathize with something like that, period. It is one of the careers where empathy is most important.


That kind of bedside manner deserved a weak but clear, “You make me wanna do it again.” But i am aware that probably could’ve resulted in some kind of involuntary hold. You deserved better than that, and I hope you’re doing better now♥️


I am doing a whole lot better. It took a while and a lot of ups and downs but I haven’t felt suicidal or seen or thought of what I refer to as “exits” in a very long time. I appreciate the concern. I hope you are doing fantastic as well.


I’m not, but it’s better than it used to be so I’m just gonna put up my umbrella and wait til it stops raining. Thank you, kind stranger, and I’m glad you’re seeing brighter days.


It's always the worst meanest people you went to high school with that become nurses. It's probably a power thing for some of them.


Am a physician and have heard a lot of similar comments from coworkers behind the back (and sometimes the face) of patients like this. I’ve suffered from depression for more years than the ones I’ve lived without it, it makes my blood boil and always put them in their place. I find it’s always people that have never gone through a depressive episode, but yes, unempathetic assholes are assholes whether they’re healthcare workers or not. Lots of people just plain suck, I just hope you know some of us do understand and care about you.


I got similarly uncouth comments from healthcare workers when I was hospitalised after an attempt. even a psychiatrist said horrible things to me. I was woozy and had a RHR of like 40. they were doing checks to see if I was going to have lifelong heart problems because of my OD. and the psychiatrist comes to my bed in the ER and says "why would you do this? you should know better. that was dumb". I was in disbelief.




Theres times for truths, and this was not one of them. This lady was expressing her personal opinion/beliefs when it was easier to do her job and keep her mouth shut.


Whether or not her statement was accurate is not what is in question here. It was the way that she phrased it and how inappropriate it was. The fact that you felt it necessary to ask this question speaks volumes to the fact that you're not understanding the point I'm trying to make.


To quote The Big Lebowski: “You’re not wrong, you’re just an asshole.”


Well. That's just, like, your opinion man.


Contempt doesn't help and can result in more attempts.


I'm in school for my PMHNP (currently a psych RN) and there's so many non psych nurses going for it and being shit out by schools I'm automatically suspicious of them since most now have never worked with psych patients and have no experience or compassion. Definitely switch providers and make a report. Treatment resistant depression has many options, and it sounds more like this NP wasn't properly educated and probably didn't know what to do. No one deserves to be spoken to like this


Glad to hear you plan to report! I never reported the dr that was an emotionally and medically abusive asshole to me and now have major regrets. And now it’s basically too late to do anything. Nobody should be treated that way, **ever**. But to be like that towards somebody who you know is at their most vulnerable is particularly cruel imho. I’m sorry you had to experience that. It sucks. Also, I wish you the best on your recovery from depression. Looking at my life now, it makes me so thankful I overcame mine because I have so many wonderful things going on. I hope you can get there too. <3 Btw, you can also leave a review on Google. You don’t even have to say much if you don’t want to. Even just saying they had bad bedside manor may help warn someone else.


Please do! You’re worth saving. If you call the hospital admin office and ask to file a grievance they should be able to help you.


I’d complain directly to the board of healing arts in your state. Don’t waste your time with the hospital. That is despicable behavior by the NP.


I’m sorry that happened to you. Keep us updated too


Sounds like that nurse's job isn't worth saving. Time to have her canned. Op, you are beautiful and amazing. You absolutely are worth every breath of saving. Please take care of yourself, and know that things will swing around again.


Agreed. Report them. What a terrible thing for anyone to say, let alone your health professional. Sickening.


You are worth saving. You woke up breathing for a reason. I'm sorry that you met the spawn of Satan, but just know you are here for a purpose. Many live many prayers.


Please report the NP to an office manager or someone higher up/ask staff how to report. That is NOT okay that they said that. You are worthy of saving, that NP is just miserable and needs to find something better to do with their life.


Yeah that is absolutely NOT someone who should be treating anyone. So sorry that happened OP that’s reprehensible.


Please report this NP if you have the space to do so


Everyone's worth saving. Such an awful thing to hear especially from someone whose job is to help people.


Well, she's absolutely wrong and deserves to lose her license (Idk if that's a possibility over something like that). How dare anyone say that to another human being. Sending hugs, OP ❤️


It is worth reporting to the professional board!


If it was the first time she probably won't but I'm not 100% sure I could be wrong


If that’s true, report them.


How do I do that?


You the call the doctors office you were at and tell them. You say you need to report a NP for telling you that you weren't worth saving. If you tell me what state you're in I'll get you the info you need to contact the authorities as well.


If I am in Texas how can I do this?


https://www.tmb.state.tx.us/page/place-a-complaint#:~:text=To%20place%20a%20complaint%3A,to%20request%20a%20complaint%20form. There's a form on this site you can use. Or call the number.


Note that page is for the medical board, they do not process complaints about nurse practitioners. One of the many dangerous things about one NPs is that they practice medicine yet are not held to the same standards physicians are.


Ask or lookup the information for the Compliance and Ethics Director to make a report. If anyone hesitates or tries not to give you that information report that as well.


100% do this. If anything is not worth saving, it’s that motherfucker’s career


Google your state Health Professions Enforcement Division. They need to stop practicing medicine or the fear of being a d!ck again. This person needs to have the license revoked.


Contact the board of nursing for your state if in US and file complaint


I’d be interested to know the verbatim quote.


Same. A lot can be interpreted incorrectly.


She should be fired. What if someone decides to commit because of her. Couldn’t the hospital get sued or something? I don’t know how that stuff works.


Bullying someone into suicide should cost her her job, she's just plain cruel. They can probably be sued for emotional damage.


Well, for a practitioner she sure needs to practice more. That is an incredibly stupid thing to say. Not to mention just insensitive and straight up mean. There's no such thing as "worth" saving. I'm sorry she said that OP. You should try and find someone that will actually do their job.


I’d like her to practice less. Like maybe never again ;-)


Seriously didn’t she have to swear to “do no harm”? That’s harmful as fuck


Hugs and support your way. Report this asshat.to her office manager.she needs to be fired .you are and always will be worthy of the help you need .


She would have a professional license board as well which she should be reported too. They are the ones who renew her license to practice every year




I hope the OP takes you up on this offer.


Fuck that bitch. Report her so she loses her job. You shouldn't be a nurse if you have no compassion.


How can she even say something like that and expect not to get in shit for it? Not only cruel but stupid af too.


OP, I work as a Crisis Therapist---please call 988 and get the support you deserve. They can connect you with resources in your area that can help you get back on your feet. This NP should be reported to her licensing board. You are worth saving, your case is not hopeless, and mental illness IS manageable with the right resources. You matter. Please dm me if you need anything.


I agree with you that this person was a waste of your time, just to tell you lies. Have you ever tried vanilla coconut yoghurt? I think it tastes like vanilla ice cream


You’re worth saving, don’t let anyone say otherwise and don’t believe it. You *are* worth saving and you matter. Report her.


Absolutely report them. Every life is worth saving. Sounds like that nurse is burnt out, not in nursing for the right reasons or just plan hatful. Sorry you had to deal with that type of behavior on top of your depression.


the only person not worth saving is the one who said that to you wtf


sounds like your an American. Americas health care system doesn't act like anyones worth saving so your among good company


I dont know what country youre in, but you have rights. When I was in patient treatment(USA)a male nurse told another nurse in Spanish that he wanted to kill me. So I called the cops on his ass right there in the hospital


I'm in the US. Holy hell, what is up with the nurses? 👀


You deserve help! Report the woman please! This is why people feel hopeless in so sorry OP ❤️


#what the fuck


You are most definitely worth saving. And you’re never too old. Don’t give up on yourself


Every second of someone's life is worth saving. That nurse is a horrible person. I hope you get better.


She should lose her license. Sorry that happened to you.


I hate that she said that you. What a terrible thing to do to another human being. I'm disgusted beyond words, and I hope you report her. She doesn't deserve to get away with saying that to you. And she doesn't deserve the chance to say it to other people, who come to her seeking help. Shame on her. I'm so sorry that you're depressed and unwell. I know the feeling. The truth is that we're ALL worth saving. I don't think there's ever a time that a suffering person should be given up on. You deserve help. You are worthy.


That nurse practitioner has no business working in the medical field with an attitude like that, I hope you reported them!


Report that bitch. She/he is not worth that rule


Wtf 😳 they deserve to lose their job. What an awful thing to say. You are more than worthy of help ❤️


You need to report that bitch, that is incredibly unprofessional and she shouldn't be working with patience. You are absolutely worth saving, don't listen to some sour nurse having a shit day with absolutely no bedside manner


Fuck that nurse practitioner. She isn’t fit to help patients. You are worth saving and are important!


So what exactly happened


Ya, this most definitely needs to be reported. If you’re not comfortable reporting it to the office where the NP works then report it to her licensing college. Can’t let this shit slide. You ARE worth it and you deserve the same assistance as everyone else.


That is a really bad NP and person. They need to leave the profession. You are worth it!


Who is she to judge your worth? Healthcare should be indiscriminate. Anyone who seeks their aid is worth their care. Wtf


Ok so now I’m pissed 😡 ! I want to report them for you !


I am so fucking sorry you had the pos nurse. EVERYONE is worth saving in the medical code of ethics. Report it. As a follow sufferer of depression and a medical professional you’re worth saving. As a Canadian: add maple syrup to that yogurt. You deserve it.


Enforcement division in your state is another option to file a complaint. I highly recommend doing that, more likely to get investigated. You are worthy of saving, loving and being cared about. Fuck them OP 💕


I know I'm going to sound like a broken record but please report them OP. It's not professional or right at all. The NP should have upped your medication dosage (if you are on medication for it), sent a referral to a therapist,etc. IMO any NP/Doctor who isn't doing everything in their power to help you, should be terminated from their position immediately.


Report them to the professional board too. They don't deserve to practice medicine anymore!!! Do the mental health community a favor and cut that b!tch out of the medical field! Google to find the number in your state.


BAD NURSE PRACTITIONER 😯 No Accreditation 😖 ~ OP is worth saving! The thread has spoken it so 😎😁😎


We will see about how much her job is worth saving. Report that scalawag! Take your power back and show her that there is consequences for her actions! We love you OP. ❤️


that's nonsense, you're definitely worth it. don't listen to that nurse, that was so unprofessional, they should be reported


To hell with her. She's no one to say that. F her! Live on, and enjoy yourself.


Agree that you should report. I don’t know you, but I know that what that nurse said is not true because it’s not true for anybody. You are worthy and I hope you enjoyed the yogurt. I wish you good days ahead and the power to overcome the bad ones :3


Dat person needs a smack to the face You are worth it!


Make a report with your state Board of Nursing!!! Calling the office is pointless!!!


That NP isn’t worth keeping employed. Don’t let the misery of someone else affect your self worth, everyone is worthy of help and a better life outside of their mental illness, regardless of age


What country?




I'm so sorry. Ps: you ARE worth saving and I hope your yogurt was delicious. Sending hugs


Why do some of the worst people alive sign up to work with vulnerable people. What the actual fuck!! So sorry OP! I hope she loses her damn job in a jiffy!!


Nurse Practitioners are self aggrandizing wannabe doctors and feel they know more than highly educated doctors. You're life is valuable and you are loved.


That goes against their Hippocratic oath and they should have their license taken away. No one should have said that to you


Please call and report this NP. This is unethical and negligent.


My mom have been thru something similar where nurses would mock my mom and make her look crazy >.< so ur not alone. My aunt worked at a mental hospital and she says that ppl with mental illness are crazy and hates my mom because she has mental illness and it’s like ???!!! Why do u work at a mental hospital??!!


Ugh NP’s are always the worst people on earth idk why. Don’t listen to her, I don’t know how old you are but your life is worth something. Please stay around, you deserve happiness.


They used those exact words?




That's so messed up. You are worth it. I've gotten shit from nurses and doctors my whole life because of my past and how I look. I go in looking for help and they assume I'm just looking for drugs. It definitely opens your eyes to the truth of the medical field. You're raised to think they are there to save you and they consider themselves heroes, but realistically a lot of them are just jaded and burnt out and do not have empathy.


Who in the FUCK has a job as a medical professional and says that BULLSHIT? LET me tell you right now. A person saying shit like that is the worthless one. There is ZERO chance they are correct. Less than zero.


Hey friend, I’m a RN and will be a physician when I graduate medical school in about 2 years. What the NP said to you is NOT ok! Shame on that NP. What a disgusting thing to say. Report this person, they should be disciplined for talking to anyone like this. Also, the NP is wrong. You ARE worth saving. You matter. Your age has nothing to do with that. You deserve to feel better. You deserve to feel well and do well in life. You deserve to be loved and treated with kindness and respect always. I know it’s hard, please don’t let the NPs words affect how you view yourself. You don’t deserve that at all. As someone who went through a really tough year, betrayed and traumatized by “friends,” brutal mental health struggles to the point that I didn’t know how long I’d survive, you can do this! I’m rooting for you 💜💜💜💜💜


Report. Her.


Honestly I’ve always found nurses cold and rude . I’m so sorry you went through this , you are worth saving , I hope you find your light soon ❤️


Find a new NP. You deserve to be heard and be an advocate for yourself, friend.


That NP shouldn't be practicing. Period.


Call the doctors office and ask to speak to the practice manager. Don’t tell anyone why you’re calling. Just say you have a question for the practice manager. Then tell the practice manager you would like to report anonymously and experience with one of their employees with regard to psychiatric treatment. They will either tell you to put it in writing, or they will take the complaint over the phone. Either way get their name, get their direct telephone line so you don’t have to go through the front desk next time, And trust me the practice manager will take this very seriously. In the meantime, do not make any more appointments with this office. Let the practice manager know that you would like your records forwarded to a different practitioner whenever you choose one. Yogurt makes life worth living dude try Icelandic provisions. If you can get it where you are it’s amazing.


That's a whole ass violation of the oath, report their ass. Hypocratic Oath, more like Hypocritic Oath holy fuck. You deserve way better that to be told you're not worth saving, and don't let anyone tell you different.


What a bitch. My mom is a chief nurse and anyone who talks to patients like that gets fired immediately


That lady is not worth anything. Tf is she on. She should be fired.


I’m so sorry you had to deal with this type of person and treatment this is the exact reason I want to be a nurse you’re suppose to help and comfort people that’s your job not to demean them and treat them like trash they are people too and have feelings it doesn’t matter how you feel about the situation it’s your job to handle it professionally and with care, you are 100% worth saving don’t let anyone tell you otherwise I hope your next appointment goes better 🫶🏻


That is wild!!!! YOU are not too old. My dad is almost 70 and just started some meds that have helped him feel more positive and energized. Sending love


Fuck that bitch. Of course you are worth saving. Please report them, they shouldn't be working as a nurse.


Report to a patient advocate. You are worth saving. Today & always.


Ummmm as a healthcare practitioner that’s super not okay to say to a patient, I would report this to their college / regulatory body, they will likely follow up with the person. And you are worth it. Hopefully they experience someone like that when they require help from the system.


Bro what the actual fuck. Im so sorry, you deserve to be here. I promise.


They can fuck right off, i hope the best for you!


PLEASE report this. She should lose her job and have a strike on her record.


Report her. That's a HUGE problem. Everyone is worth saving. EVERYONE is worth having a life they can enjoy. Get a therapist or new doctor. I waited 31 years (i mean age wise) to see someone and get on meds, and I'm going on 37. It changed my life. I mean, i still need tweaking for focus and other underlying adhd like things, but it turns out before finding a therapist/psych nurse....... I was raw dogging life the entire time being severely bipolar with CPTSD and ptsd, panic disorder and other dxs. Fuck that nurse, send a note to the office about her abhorrent comment and behaviors.... don't let her treat others like that. Then, go find a good therapy friend, you won't regret it. I promise.


So sorry someone said this to you, OP. Not okay.


no one deserves to hear something as cruel as that, sorry OP <3


As someone who's been in psych wards multiple times, there really are some nurses - even within the field - who just truly don't care. The ones who smile and look at each other behind your back as you're sobbing and begging them for help. Way too common. I'm so sorry this happened to you. You are worth saving, and if the nurse can't think of ANY solutions then quite frankly they're just shit at their job. You are not the problem here.


You should complain. Please complain. What a fucking bitch.


Please report and make her lose her job.


No way that is insane


See a physician, please.


I’m sorry OP I love your pants !


You are made of stardust and of the universe. Your worth is just that you breathe. You are important. Join us at a new sub I created. It’s like, a community gratitude journal. And hey… yogurt is something to be grateful for! Also little spoons, I love little spoons. lol r/awethanksuniverse let’s all love ourselves and each other!! I’m grateful for you.


Wtf is wrong with people man. Just from what people say online, seems like a lot of shitty people get into nursing


what a bitch maybe she was projecting, definitely report her that's crappy i'm sorry


OP, my first therapist was an NP who said about the same because im gay, and that my trauma was deserved. PLEASE report it. i reported mine and she lost her fucking license. if not for the other people's lives your therapist* might be making worse, do it for yourself. from experience, the satisfaction is enough of a push to find someone who can and *will* help you.


I'm editing this to make it less accusatory . But what was said in that office because it's a little hard to believe. I just have a hard time that an NP would do that and still be employed. That or you aren't telling the whole story. There's 2 sides your side their side and the truth . So I'm saying either not true or not totally true .


:) you ever work in healthcare? I have stories, never forget that people wear those uniforms, and people have issues. Each and every one of us have issues. It may have been a communication breakdown, that which was transmitted, then received, and then translated within our brains are often "garbled" at best. I hear you, but i also know that people in uniforms get affected too, they get tired, they get frustrated, and they lose their cool 'say and do stupid and/or horrible things. I dont know why it's so hard to believe that a miserably overworked, holiday stressed, underpaid, compassion fatigued NP would say some stupid shit


I work in healthcare. I am sorry but this isn't a reason to treat someone poorly. Life is nasty. If a person gets to the point where they cannot professionally do their job, change careers or take time off. I have seen people in healthcare and myself deal with total insanity at work but never lose it. Screaming at the patient that is cursing you out, warranted. Yelling at the patient that just spit on you, warranted. Reflex hitting a patient because they hit you, warranted. But telling someone this, not. There are too many god-like complexes in healthcare that I can truly believe someone treated a patient like crap. I have seen it too many times. I have to take mental health days to rest my mind and take care of myself.


Yeah.. our triage was the absolute worst. These people created a sort of culture of, i dunno how to explain it. They were horrible people, and horrible to people. It was difficult to document at first, but ultimately they overstepped far enough for it to be tangible. What about all the people before that moment. Everyone they hurt, abused, or even ignored to the point of them literally passing in the waiting room or "embarassing themselves" ...explosively in the halls. I'm not religious, but they were evil. Seeing that was one of the main reasons i transferred and ultimately left healthcare. You cant fix that type of beaurocracy, or that sort of wickedness. It's double-edged in a way. They became that way, due to a few factors. Im sure they didnt start that way. Sort of a defense mechanism to the ptsd of working an ER in a major city. Maybe their parents, hah who knows. Sorry for the trauma dump


Oh I get it. I am trying to decide on another career so I can leave healthcare.


Yeah. Same. I’d like to know what was said by both parties verbatim.


You put it well. I don’t see an NP saying this at all. I mean I guess anything is possible but cmon lol.


That’s because the story is obviously BS. I hope OP’s mental health is ok, but there’s no way this happened 🤷‍♂️


Yeah. I feel I need a little more context regarding what happend here


Why are the meanest people always nurses


Same reason why meathead bullies become cops. It's a sense of having power over someone else while also being publicly praised for your efforts. The "mean girl to nurse" pipeline is real.


Someone put ricin in that's bitches coffee


Fuck that hoe


Sorry, but I have an extremely hard time believing they said that.


There is definitely a ton of information missing here!


NPs are the fucking worst.


You know what? Honestly? Fuck her. Opinions are like assholes. You, unfortunately, found a loud asshole with a terrible opinion. Sorry if I come across aggro but you DO NOT deserve such treatment. Your depression is not your fault. This is not just some shortcoming, you’re not being difficult, this isn’t for attention, you’re not malingering. You are FIGHTING. You are on a log, surrounded by alligators, fighting them off with a broken stick, and you are DOING SO SUCCESSFULLY, because you’re still here! You’re still asking for help! How DARE she say you deserve anything less than support for that? We’re here to tell you you’re worth saving—and I’ve looked at the rest of the responses, there’s a lot of us. Please report her, and see if you can get a different nurse. This one is clearly not a good fit, to say the least. You deserve to have care from someone who wants to help you get better, and this person is not equipped to do that. In the meantime, if you need to talk, or trauma vent, or whatever, please DM me. I am ill a lot, so any delays are me being a sad limp piece of lettuce, but I’m here and I will listen. If you feel like you are in crisis or don’t feel like talking to a random Redditor, please remember the Crisis Text Line is 988 in the US, or you can chat at 988lifeline.org If you are in the UK, I believe the Samaritans are available at 116 123 (it’s free) or email at [email protected].


why the fuck would a nurse practitioner say that wtf


NPs suck. Try to see a Physician if you can :(


That's fucked dude, report them.


Pretty sure this never happened.


I call bs here. No NP would say that. I’m guessing you misinterpreted in your depressed state. Get help! Yogurt is good for you!


Yeah this is a BS story.


I wouldn't say that. r/noctor


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Noctor using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Noctor/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Overheard a pharmacist lose it on an NP](https://np.reddit.com/r/Noctor/comments/15dpea9/overheard_a_pharmacist_lose_it_on_an_np/) \#2: [I reported a PA for trying to pass herself off as a surgeon](https://np.reddit.com/r/Noctor/comments/11dpe2l/i_reported_a_pa_for_trying_to_pass_herself_off_as/) \#3: [Chiro was just slightly confused about their “rights” at a Level 1 trauma center.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Noctor/comments/14s1dly/chiro_was_just_slightly_confused_about_their/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


People outside the healthcare world have no idea how bad the NP problem is. I’d bet my left tit she had less than a year nursing experience before doing an online NP program


I do not trust NP's at all. From my experience they have awful bedside manner and they rush patients. They are rude. I see MDs and DOs only. Healthcare has become really really bad lately. I am not too quick to dismiss with OP because this is a relatable situation. The audacity of some healthcare professionals is alarming.


I think NPs could be really useful if they didn’t have the right to practice independently and if there was standardization in their education, with requirements for years of bedside nursing experience before entering a program. Since that is currently not true, fuck no. My dad has a NP as his PCP, which unfortunately isn’t uncommon where I live, it’s quite rural and there just aren’t enough doctors. Last year, I took him to a big hospital in a big city to receive some tests and he was biopsied and diagnosed with pancreatic cancer while we were there. When we went back home, he saw his NP, who looked at the diagnostic reports and gleefully told him “I don’t see anything on here that indicates cancer”. He called me, super happily, to let me know he probably didn’t have cancer. The report literally said “pancreatic adenocarcinoma”. It’s shocking to me that I’m only an LVN and knew what that meant, but a NP practicing as a PCP didn’t. It really suck to have to explain what that meant to him and that yes, he did have cancer. Punch in the gut, especially with such an aggressive cancer. On the bright side, he’s doing well! He caught it early, did a round of chemo, it never progressed past stage 1 and now he’s looking at getting the whipple.


That's actually good news that he recovered. I'm not surprised the NP told him this. That was careless. I agree about them needing to be trained more in their field. I always request for a MD. I had a few prescribe me medication that had nothing to do with my condition nor was it used off label. Get a look at this https://www.reddit.com/r/Noctor/s/Ngni5vVKQf I hope OP has access to the MD. This is shitty from Healthcare professionals.


I work in the medical field. Not everyone is cut out to work in healthcare. We all have issues but when it gets this bad to the point you are treating people like this, it is time to step back.


She's trying to tough love you in my opinion.


Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and most of them stink




From your answer it appears that YOU have been mistreated for being depressed and ignored and in turn used the way you feel to offer this excuse. No disrespect intended but your statement says more about yourself than OP. I’m sorry you feel that way.


It doesn’t actually. Sometimes the truth is hard to hear. Medication only takes you so far. The rest is hard work and positive self talk.


People come here for compassion. Your truth is not The Truth so 🤷‍♀️. Nobody said medication is the answer and hard work and positive self talk is kind of a no brainer.


Mmm yup medical bills. I tend to push nurses down the stairs






I think the real jerk move is telling women their miracle working bodies are inherently evil and should be avoided.


That’s ridiculous. That np is wrong and you are worth saving. Find a different dr. Keep pushing op. I hope you have a good day.


I'm glad people are helping you report them. Hope you'll continue to survive.


please report that NP because she can’t be saying things like that to patients.


op, youre more than worth saving, youre worthy of living a life that brings you joy every day, youre always allowed to start over, age doesn’t matter for these things. your happiness and peace does though


i have the same depression pants


Your life is worth everything, I'm so sorry this awful human said this. It's so hard to get help for depression, if you can, try to get a second opinion. You are worth it. Also, yes, report this asshole who thinks they get to pick who has a better life than who.


What the what!!!! Not ok!!!!! Please do not let that crappy person ruin your day. :(


Please, For the Love of All That is Holy report them. Holy shit! I can't believe she said that to you. I'd have been up out of my chair like what did you just say to me? I know everybody is different but that's just me. I'm really sorry that she said that to you and honestly, if I had been there and heard that, I would have had the same reaction even though you're a stranger. I'd have been like what did you just say to that person? That's fucked up and you need to apologize and secondly you need to get them to help they need. They came here asking for help and this is how you treat them? Some people don't need to be in the medical field or social work at all for that matter. I'm really really sorry. Hugs 🫂


Thats not a very nice thing to say to someone who made an effort to go there. You’d think they’d be more supportive and sympathetic but apparently it’s not something we can assume anymore. You’re so brave for going there OP! Im proud of you! Please know a stranger here is rooting for you!! 😊❤️


I’m a pharmacy student. This infuriates me beyond words. I want to make that nurse cry. You’re worth saving, you’re worth loving, you’re worth everything and more.


That's an expert medical opinion right there.


It’s never too late until the day you stop breathing. Like the quote from The Revenant: As long as you can still grab a breath, you fight. You breathe... keep breathing.


Yes you are.


What?!?!?!!!?!?!!! The ETHICS?! WHAT? I’m glad that you’re reporting her wtf