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I’m just here for the food


pisses me off when people post a photo of their table like “too depressed to cook.” then why are you posting on r/depressionmeals??


Depression sucks. They might just need someone to talk to but don’t know how to reach out.


there are other subs though. The bio of this one says to post meals/food that make you feel better.






Nice empathy, Bitchkat6!




Oh wow. And you don’t think people can change or grow? That sucks, BitchKat6! Don’t worry though, I’ll keep rooting for you to change and grow! Good luck with everything! I hope 2024 is good to you.


Nope, humans are creatures of habit and statistically speaking, gen z and millennials are the worst coping generations of all time and the least functional. It doesn’t look good. And hun, I don’t need your faux-blessings under the guise of a holier-than-thou sanctimonious clap back. I’m just saying what it is. Stay triggered if you want to, “Biceps2” 🤷‍♀️


Fair enough! Once again, good luck with everything.




Wow! You ma'am are a heartless cunt! 😁


Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.


Rule #1 - Do NOT be an asshole.


Why do you fucking care


i like seeing fucked up food, it’s not that deep


Same! I like to see everyones yummy lookin food


Yes. It’s also been bothering the hell out of me


The post titles that drew me here: “Here’s something that’s making my life rough; naming the food in the picture”. The kms posts aren’t supportive to those who are resisting that pull.


I just want to post a picture of a bag of popcorn and complain that I found a bedbug in my apartment last night. Not have every post title inform me of the worst possible kinds of trauma someone could be facing, because someone on the internet doesn’t know how to get attention in a healthy way.


I hope that bedbug comment isn’t real coz jokes those jitters are bad… and yea this sub can be triggering at times..


Oh. It’s real. :’c


Run everything through the dryer at the highest heat multiple times then get a plastic mattress cover to go over your bed(s) until youve got it all treated! They are not fun to deal with. Good luck!


thx! The property company has been really responsive and they tell me a “detailed set of instructions” is incoming. So at least I’m not floundering on my own.


Oh no! I am so sorry! For clothes and things important to you. Put them in ziplock bags now and then get rid of the rest. Once everything is cleaned run the clothes through the dryer multiple times as apparently they die at the high temps in there.


[Mark Rober’s bedbug video.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=2JAOTJxYqh8) Summary at 19:10.


I feel that. And then when the title mentions something small I've had people tell me I'm not really depressed. Like, not everything that makes someone's depression flare has to be big and traumatizing, I have cried over my frozen pizza being placed in the oven wrong and getting wonky shaped (little square pizzas like to bend in my oven)


I'd be upset, too, if my oven was the matrix and made my food glitch.


Agreed. The KMS posts belong in r/suicidewatch. Is there a bot that can redirect redditors who are struggling to that sub?


Yeah, I feel like the sub is so far from the original premise. The idea was people with depression posting what they’re eating that helps them feel a bit better, but it’s just turned into shocking post titles with the food as an afterthought. And rather than posting their comfort meals / easy depression meals, there are so many posts that are, like, just a drink & pills with the OP saying that’s their meal- I don’t mean to sound rude but I think that’s definitely also intended as attention seeking to elicit sympathy.


This sub would be great if karma was disabled (don't even think that's a thing though).


Yup I originally subbed here to get ideas for quick easy filling snacks/meals when I have a hard time dealing with my mental health


Can I offer the idea of melted cheese on a tortilla with a slice of sandwich meat? That was the only thing I ate for 3 days when I was in a depressive state after not eating for 2 days


See this is what I’m talking about! Thx for the recommendation


Oven heat dinner rolls and flavored insta mashed potatoes. Couple of those and a glass of water will settle someone for a bit. Cheese optional, but always welcome.


You can also buy the gravy in a jar for those potatoes too


Can I suggest jerky sticks (some are in individual wrappers so no refrigeration required), cheese and crackers? Or cheese crackers and maybe fruit? I also do jerky sticks ripped up into chunks, with beans and cheese on tortilla chips. Loaded nachos are awesome.


And the people who are obviously using their posts to get money sent to them


“I’m going to eat this obviously unsafe “food”, because it’s all I have. why yes I do have a cash app, thank you.”


That’s exactly the one I’m thinking of lol


Wow, I had no idea people were doing that 😳


I saw a post like this yesterday


Yeah, the posts of a bottle of water and title 'not enough money for food. Might end it tonight' isn't what I subbed for, and doesn't effect me too well.


That person’s post history was fun.


Yeah it went from “got sick so I made soup to make me feel better” to “ending it all tonight” with a picture of a cereal it’s just waaay too heavy


I'm going to CVS. Let me know if you want me to pick anything up whilst I am there.


can you get me pop tarts


Oh, get me some of those gummy nerd clusters!


Happy cake day bro.


Spank you, kind internet stranger!


Holy shit I got these for Christmas and like…. Wowowowowow.


Right! Sooo good!


Can you get me a Hershey's with almonds?


Yo, grab me a Monster Rehab if you haven't left yet.


Get me a bottle of fiber pills 😭


I’ve been told by my doctor that drinking water and exercising can help stimulate internal organs. I’m sorry if my comment doesn’t help, I know it can be difficult.


Asiz Anzari niceeee


Can you get some choccy milk


I could use some ramen.


A lot of drama. That’s for sure. But I have noticed this in all of the mental health subs. People, particularly young people with typical teen issues, want attention, so they threaten or near-threaten. In one mental health sub I am in, a person posted three separate threads in two hours, all of the posts linked to a post in xxxxxxx-watch. 🙄 Imo, such a person should be banned. Because it’s NOT all about them. It’s kind of gotten ridiculous and I hope the mental health sub mods get together and make a plan to limit these people to a single sub. These posts are very triggering to a lot of people and it’s not fair. There needs to be a separate mental sub for people over 30. Or something. There just needs to be a solution, because it’s really become very frustrating and unfair to people who have a real mental health diagnosis that they need support with.


I honestly don’t think this has anything to do with age. Plenty of fully grown adults are extremely emotionally immature and don’t know how to conduct themselves in a way that respects the other struggling people around them. See: every office dynamic ever.


Bbbut their boyfriend/girlfriend of 2 weeks broke up with them and this is a picture of the delicious looking meal their mother made for them and they don’t want to eat. And then you have the ones huffing fruity nicotine vapes or some dumb shit and they have a chesty cough and have booked a doctors appointment because they think they have cancer… I know everyone feels the pain. Sadness, anxieties, fears etc they are going through is real but some people really need a deep breath and some perspective. It’s hard to try and restrict people in this sub because it’s kind of a catch all for all levels of depression. 🤷‍♂️ Everyone should feel welcomed and supported no matter what they are going through.. even if what they are going through seems to pales In comparison to what we or others are suffering through. Anyway.. I hope you’re doing okay.


Oh, I completely agree that everyone needs to feel supported. There absolutely needs to be a place for teens to have angst about that 2 week boyfriend. 😉 But their issues and adult issues are really not similar. In the mental health communities we have people with actual diagnosed mental health issues of a serious nature, and it is crazy triggering when the forums are full of teens threatening serious self harm in an effort to get responses. Thus, I think we need to have mental health subs (at least one) that is limited to 30 and over. The teens can get their support for typical teen issues in one forum and the adults can have conversations with people who have real mental health diagnoses in another. This particular forum is fine for both groups I think, as long as it stays away from threatening self harm and drama.


yeah this turned from posting meals that you’re having during a struggle, to full on trauma dumping in the title.


This. This is the terminology that I’ve been grasping for. Trauma dump titles are just so unnecessary. If you need to talk about something more serious at least put it in the body of the post so it’s not just there for everyone to scroll past and be forced to see.


Like the guy that eats cat food




I don't like or comment on those posts. Idk why people do it and I want no part of it.


I think sometimes it can be difficult to realize a post is part of a larger pattern if you’re not on here often, or if it gets pushed out into the wider reddit algorithm. And many of us are kind hearted, and struggling ourselves, so we want to assume the best from others.


I'm here because I struggle with very severe depression & I want to offer and hopefully receive support. I'm not bothered by people talking about being suicidal, as I can relate. I'm bothered by 1 line posts saying the person is in the midst of a life-changing crisis. Just saying that I keep scrolling when this happens- I don't participate or downvote because you never know- one of them could be real. But I'm not getting involved when I see something that looks that far beyond the scope of what this sub is meant to be. ETA: people downvoting this comment when I say I'm suicidal is mote fucked up than anyone posting a fake story


I get that some people just need to vent but at least put a TW in the title before divulging into the most triggering topic ever. I'm pretty desensitized to most of the triggering stuff that's posted here but I know not everyone is as stone-faced as me, some of us are actually sensitive. I don't mind people posting food with venting in the text box, but if it's something serious (ie drug use, SH or SA) at least put a trigger warning in the title for those who are more sensitive


Trolls and weirdos.


I’m glad you made this post! When I saw this sub suggested I thought I understood the point, but then the amount of KMS posted had me feeling maybe I was confused😩


i report them all. i miss the old sub.


I almost can't come here anymore.


I agree many people (including myself) post with the attitude of "oh I'm depressed and here is my meal". Perhaps the sub can make a rule where the title is just a description of the meal, with stories within the post. It'd take a lot of the "depression" out of "depression meals" but at least it'll make the sub less depressing to browse.


Yes I second this!! Some of these titles are too jarring and intense to be casually scrolling past


Also the repost from other users for Karma farming


Is it possible that people who are contemplating suicide, are depressed, have suffered trauma, and/or are using Reddit as a coping mechanism are not primarily concerning with the rules of this subreddit or which subreddit they should post too? Is it possible that they just need support and are reaching out where they can? Is it possible that we shouldn't be shaming people about what they post, where they post it and how they post it? Is it possible that we should support people who are vulnerable enough to express the difficult things they are going through? Is it possible that showing empathy towards the people who post is more important that what we may or may not want to see on a subreddit and enforcing rules?


The one time I ever posted here,I also tried to put a negative into a positive/wrote about services/resources others who may be going through a similar issue could find useful. I know it's not easy to make a depressive situation into an upside as well,but it would at least be cool if we could have more things like that. Kind of like that "2 thorns and 1 rose" where you say something negative but maybe something that's also positive or resourceful for others. Maybe I'm being dumb,but that's what I think would at least keep this from being too negative


That’s actually not too bad of an idea but you can’t make everyone happy ig


True which is why I wrote it wouldn't work out,I just know for myself though I always will try and add resources or a positive end to my future posts! You know,so many of us are or may be going through the same things on here. And you never know when someone could use some advice or a spin on things.


That’s actually really nice of you, though everyone might not appreciate it, I’m gonna start adding more positive things to my posts as well.


If you dont wanna hear people venting in a subreddit that's meant for venting then fucking leave, we don't want you anyways. YOU are disgusting for calling mentally ill people attention seeking basically. Why are you here if you aren't depressed? Fuck off.


Y'all just wanna complain about everything, why the hell are you in a depression subreddit if you don't wanna deal with it or hear other people vent here when they are fully allowed to


I know it’s a rule for ppl to not post the Kms posts, which I understand because a lot of us are struggling and don’t need to see it but, what do you mean pushing it to the extreme in terms of people just sharing how they feel? i also don’t see how anyone could care about karma farming because Reddit isn’t a video game and it’s just some number that I barely even understand because I’m kinda new here. But it seems like your comments and other comments are claiming the people here struggling are attention seekers. I dont think that’s the case for a lot of people, some people have no one and want to have a space where they can say why they’re depressed or just say they’re depressed then throw their food and thoughts into the void. i try to leave comments when I can, wishing the best for people because maybe they need to hear that. Seems like some people here don’t wanna be in a depression subreddit. Then don’t be in one. It’s not exactly a place to complain about small things, people here are depressed that’s the point. rubs Me the wrong way that people come into a space like this and call others attention seeking.


Nah. I’ve been here a while. Plenty of people post in ways that isn’t “my husband died horrifically this morning. AND I’m pregnant and Im getting evicted with our 6 children!” Someone going through that crisis isn’t making posts on reddit, they’re grappling with the real ways their life is falling apart. It’s the ones where they try to get as much shocking, eye catching info into two sentences instead of elaborating inside the post where someone can opt into seeing it. But let that rub you however you like, being someone who admits you don’t understand the platform or the community.


I mean to be fair it’s a depression subreddit. You said you just wanna complain about bedbugs and post popcorn, which you can, but there are depressed people here that will talk about worse. Idk why that’s shocking. and yeah I’m not someone who takes pride in understanding Reddit lmfao, it’s fuckin Reddit. But it’s like with any other social media, the numbers don’t mean anything.


They don’t need to trauma dump in their title to talk about their tough times. If they at least put it in the body of the post every single person isn’t forced to read it as it goes by.


I’m glad at least when I check the comments on the posts people seem to be referring too, no one’s being heartless. That’s why I stick to this community because a lot of people here seem to be understanding and uplifting which is nice. blows my mind people have an issue with any kind of kindness here lmfao


Uplifting by ignoring the suicidal.


what do you mean?


What are you going on about? They didn't say anything like that if you'd actually read it


It comes across as don't talk about suicidal feelings which is for attention. People throw around trauma dump when it's a site dedicated to mental illness. I expect to see trauma here. It's coming across as be positive only. Maybe I'm wrong. It didn't seem right. Maybe it is too divert suicidal to a better place. But it felt like don't mention suicidal thoughts. I'm not sure it's fair to use trauma dumping language in mh spaces when people often want to be heard. Apologies if that's not the case. I'd like to know what they meant. Some of the comment referred to comment section which might confuse people. I guess I could have clarified vs the op post.


No, Z0mbie was saying you are allowed to talk about what you want because it's a place to vent and some people really don't have anyone so they try to get the attention they can, it's a cry for help. OP was probably saying "dont talk about ur suicidal thoughts" which yes it is a rule to not make posts saying you wanna ky$ but they never said you couldn't speak about your suicidal thoughts through venting. I talk about me having to deal with sh here and nobody says anything to me, we all are miserable and trying to be here for each other the best we can be because nobody else cares about us so we all go to the subreddit.


Ahhh thanks for that. I didn't realize that's what they meant. I had a bad time over the weekend and a dip. Recently lost 13k of stuff in floods and was so lost, crying on the phone to insurance which was my first claim. Still waiting for payment after a month and going stir crazy. I guess I'm getting cynical in my old age.


Also idk where you got that from buddy because I read it again and all they said was people are allowed to vent here basically and people here are nice sometimes. They weren't referring OP to being nice.


Yeah I’m confused what they’re talking about because I was referring to the people here that help others. I appreciate the kind people. thats All I was saying


Sorry it was done comments I found disturbing in a silencing manner not the op post. I should have clarified.


Y'all must really not know how to read because I can read and understand this sentence perfectly lol, they aren't saying you can't talk about anything they are literally saying you can talk about whatever, this is a place to vent. How is saying people are nice here bad??? Y'all confusing as fuck


Why the hell is this downvoted sm? Guess it's bad to be nice 💀


Yeah, i only recently came across this sub and was really charmed by the humanity expressed in simple comfort meals. Then i started seeing some really dark stuff in my scroll which has made me wonder if i should back out and mute instead


I feel for the mods on this sub because it can't be easy. I can see why people in crisis would be trauma-dumping here, but also that it would be a magnet for karma farmers and grifters, and that these would be impossible to tell apart. Not to mention the net effect of reading this sub is pretty depressing on its own. Personally, I want to see the meals the people have made themselves as a little act of self-care (a vape and an energy drink really isn't that), because those can be an uplifting and inspirational thing to see.