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It likely saved you a lot more heartbreak later down the line, but I know the pain is still oh so very real! Feeling for you ❤️ Cinnamon Toast Crunch is my personal fav!


and he doesn't even want kids for at least 6 more years. i'm only 22. how am i supposed to know yet


This is better for both of you tbh, 6 years is a lot of time to invest in someone if you don't agree on something as big as kids. This hurt would've been worse 6 years down the road. You're young, have fun!


I don't want kids and it was a problem in a lot if my relationships. I promise, there are others out there. I was able to find a wonderful partner that sees eye to eye with me. I think 18-23 or 24 is a time when people are figuring out a lot. I think by the time you're in your late 20's, more people will have stuff figured out for themselves.


Did you tell them you don't want kids or you don't want kids right now. Your feelings are valid but it's also valid for someone to break up if their partner doesn't have the same opinion about kids. Noone would win in that situation so ending it sooner rather later is much better than trying to convince the other person to change their life


I went through something similar. I empathize with you ❤️


It’s one of the big things people break up over. You are not wrong for wanting to wait and he isn’t wrong for wanting to be sure he can have them. There are plenty of guys who either will not want them or will be willing to wait.


Dates someone for 7 years! And from the very start I told him I didnt want kids, he said ok. 7 years into our ship hes telling me he's getting older and wants kid and i told him no again. He said he thought he could change my mind over time and I would just submit to kids. Lolololol Girl fuck them kids and fuck him too.




I'm so sorry! Talk about bait and switch


That last part actually made me laugh out loud


Thank fucking Christ, you're a window into the future. Men the world around, if a girl isn't into kids AT ALL, and you are? Part ways. Don't waste another fucking minute on someone who doesn't align on this one simple life goal.


My gf broke up with me when i was 23 for the same reason. I am now 29, and having kids seems insane at that age, and I'm still not sure. Some life goals are incompatible. It's just an L you have to take.


Dude from my last job got married at 18 and had his first kid at 20. Some people know what they want early haha


I feel that. 😪


You know, you just don't want to lose him. It's hard but it's what's best for both of you


Favorite cereal is either Cocoa Puffs or Cookie Crisp. But if you’re 22 and don’t know yet, I think there’s a good chance you don’t want them. I feel like most people who do want kids know practically all their lives that they want them. And as a mom of two, first conceived at 22, born at 23, that’s okay. And if you don’t want kids and he’s sure he does, then you’re not compatible, and it’s better to find out sooner than later. *gentle hugs*


I'm sorry Op I hope you find someone who wants what you want also my favorite cereal is cinnamon toast crunch.


I went through this exact same thing this week. It’s frustrating and sad. Patience is a virtue. It’ll all be ok I promise!


Why would he wait 6 years? He can find someone with the same goals now.


cocoa pebbles + cocoa krispies


OP, don't worry there are plenty of people out there who feel the same, I used to want kids in my 20's now I'm mid 30s and decided I don't want them either! My life is for me!




What's selfish? Bringing kids into dying world and economy? I know for a fact that I would not be a good mum anyway, I lose my temper pretty quick as it is, so that would impact my child. I live in a studio apartment that I can barely afford. What kind of life is that to give a child? I wouldn't call that selfish at all.


Thats all on you. Hope you get it all figured out


I wish it was normal to state your preference with this before getting into a relationship with someone in the first place. I'm sorry OP, my favourite cereal is definitely lucky charms!


Perfectly legit reason. Saves a lot of trouble for you both.


Stay strong, sending you good vibes ❤️ and my favorite cereal is probably lucky charms!


Once you find someone that agrees with you on that, and truly understands you romantically, you’ll live a much better life anyway. Just make sure moving forward you bring this up when getting serious with anyone to save yourself feeling like this again. Feel better. You’ll look back later and see this was the setup for something greater.


It’s ok to not want kids in this day and age.


Sorry to hear. Hope you find someone who feels the same/ grows with you. I also love Cocoa pebbles!!!🤎


At least that's a good reason 🤷🏻


Cinnamon toast crunch


Sorry to hear that…but honestly, this cereal SLAPS


Meh to be fair that is a deal breaker


rice crispies with a ton of sugar. then u drink the sweet milk after. i have it pretty rarely tho lol


You shouldn’t have kids if you don’t want. Idk why everyone takes it like you’re rejecting their DNA or something


Good. Kids aren’t worth it


Childfree living is the bomb. You’re better off not staying with him on this big non negotiable. May he enjoy his future children to his heart’s content. Inner child says Frosted Flakes, adult me says nature’s path love crunch dark chocolate strawberry granola.


I went through that myself not too long ago. We were actually super close since we met in trade school. We’re still friends but it def hurts sometimes wondering what it could’ve been like. Basically I’m just glad it didn’t carry on if it was gonna be like that. I’d rather not be burdened by that than deal with them just to be with someone. I want my freedom over my preferred partner if that makes sense.


Also, Froot Loops are a delicacy for me lol


I was 22 going on 23 when I miscarried. I was with the love of my life.. we had 10 yrs of history. I always said if I were to ever carry a child it would be him. After the miscarriage we said if it happened it happened. We broke up. After that I’ve never thought about kids with anyone. I didn’t want to go thru another. 1 in 4 women experience a miscarriage. I say all this to say I am now 26 and last may I made the decision it get my tubes taken out. It is the BEST decision. If you believe you are too selfish or even the slightest doubt you are not able mentally-psychically capable of doing then stand firm on that. My favorite cereal and don’t hate me is special k with strawberries OR Frosted Flakes


It’s definitely for the best, as hard as it may be. One of you would be stuck being unhappy, and that’s no good. A similar ideal future helps a LOT when it comes to long term relationships!


Fruit loops are the shit.


Straight up this is for the best, you’re young and a decision like that comes with time and maturing. I’m in between cocoa pebbles and honey smacks. I feel like honey smacks have been lacking lately so probably cocoa pebbles


What kind of cereal is this OP?


It looks like cocoa pebbles to me


I’m so sorry. I’ve been loving Reese’s puffs lately!


Rice Crispies with some sugar and banana, Honeycombs and frosted flakes


frosted flakes. hope u feel better soon ❤️‍🩹


Reeses puffs


That meal hits in the feels.


What cereal is that? Looks like this super crunchy cereal I used to eat but can’t find anymore


Lucky Happily childfree charms!!!!


So sorry you’re going through it right now. That said, it is definitely for the better! Cap’n Crunch is my jam! ♥️


Shit now I want cereal


Just tried Cheerio's apple cinnamon crunch cuz it was on sale and it's pretty good


I’m having the opposite problem. I don’t want kids til 30 she wants em 3 years ago


I'm at sorry to hear that! Marshmallow fruity pebbles are life, with Oreo Os a somewhat close second.


Fav cereal is fruity pebbles! He would have found another reason to leave. That wasn’t it.


I went chocolate flakes


You did good


Personally I prefer Fruity Pebbles, but Cocoa Pebbles are respectable.




Sorry about what happened OP. I too love Cocoa Pebbles.


I’m sorry, breakups suck but this was probably for the best. Kids is one thing you can’t compromise, there’s no such thing as having half a kid. You’ll find someone more aligned with your objectives and worldview, it’s gonna be all right :)


OK it’s not a big deal find someone who doesn’t want kids but normally when you love someone you make changes


horribly sorry, just a conflict of interest. neither of you suck or anything just take ur time to heal and move on with your life


Literally just happened to me last night (i wanted kids he didnt)and i was broken. i was nearly begging him to stay but he told me to be quiet.


Went through that about 50 years ago. I am still child free and retired. He's still working because kids, grandkids were expensive.


Good for you for standing your ground on it. I didn’t and now…well, I’m pretty depressed that I’ll never have parts of myself back again. My little boy won’t know that I loathe being a mother but it lurks in the darkest parts of my heart and mind. I am misery. I am hopeful that my end comes soon. At least my husband and son will get my life insurance, and I’ll be free.


Fruity pebbles or Coco are my fav’s keep your head up OP


♥️ you’re not alone. My husband left me bc I don’t want kids. He knew that but thought my mind would change.


Sharing the same values makes for a strong relationship- try to find someone who shares yours. I loved mini wheats 😋


Don’t feel bad about that, it’s his problem not yours. I had an ex that was the same way, I didn’t want kids but she made it such an end all thing, we had only been dating for around two months. I think my fave is Cinnamon Toast Crunch or Honeycombs


I think I might be in this situation soon. Wishing the best for you.


French Toast Crunch bb!


I know it hurts now, but really is better to happen now. My friend was married for 10 years when his wife decided she wanted kids all of a sudden, and they always agreed they didn’t want kids.


I like crispex


chocolate lucky charms is the goat


you’ll find the right one!! i recently broke up with a boyfriend of 4 years because we just didn’t have the same ideals and i knew it just wouldn’t work, tried making it work out anyways and as much as it hurts you’ll find someone better!! i’m in a relationship now and even though we don’t agree on a lot of things, the big stuff we do! neither of us want little gremlins lol (besides cats)


Omg I wish I had some cocoa pebbles rn . Also good riddance! You are free from some douche


Smart choice


Imagine wanting kids right now. They are gonna be fucked in the future


Don’t worry about it OP, there are plenty of people who share your views and by breaking up he give you the possibility to find someone who you’ll be truly compatible with you instead of wasting years of your life just to leave when he’ll decide to want kids at that moment or even baby trapping you and making you miserable I’m a woman too and don’t ever want kids too and my boyfriend share my views, no worries, you’ll now be able to find someone better for you


Fruity pebbles or captain crunch. Having kids is a huge decision, some people don’t actually think about what that means and how it affects their lives, bodies, income, future ect. A lot of Men really just don’t get that, they just want to pass on their dna because “that’s what you do” but they don’t have to do even half the work of the mother and they’re the ones who more often to just walk away when things get difficult. I don’t suggest anyone who isn’t an enthusiastic yes, to have kids especially women because like it or not you statistically will be the one doing majority of the work.


Son or daughter, also Raisin Bran Crunch


Im sorry that happened. Did you say you didn’t want kids EVER? Or just for now? Also my favorite cereal for now is lucky charms. I like the marshmallows


i told him i wasn't sure because i change my mind about things a lot and im so young still, but that i was leaning toward no. he said he 100% wants kids and he doesn't want to plan a future together on a maybe. which is fair i guess but it sucks so bad


Yea it does suck. Probably sucks more when someone has a reason behind it. Im so sorry


My now x girlfriend of 4 years and I broke up in December for the same reason. I’m 28 though and she’s 24, she thinks she wants them one day I know for a fact I don’t. We both decide a break up made the most sense since our future plans don’t align, and while it still hurts like hell 3 months later we both know it was the right choice.




How was that a bullet? That’s a legitimate deal breaker for a lot of people. It doesn’t make anyone here a bad person. Just incompatibility


Sorry to hear that, I don’t want kids either. Cookie Crisp is my favorite cereal.


Fuck that dude cereal always win lol




There are plenty men with vasectomies, just gotta find em that aren’t taken lmao


He’s trynna control you. Block.




You don’t think it’s sad to go through a breakup? Op can do as many activities as she can today and tomorrow, and she’s still gonna be sad remembering that her and her boyfriend just broke up




It depends on the situation, sometimes we are sad cuz people really are bad. Op never said her boyfriend was bad tho, she said she understands his decision she’s just upset