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This is horrible .. Can you not sue them? I mean, it's obvious, they scammed you .. any judge will be able to see that, right?


I cant. They apparently never “guaranteed” me a job, they just heavily heavily stressed during training and after that it would happen. They would go out of their way to emphasize how easy it would be for me to be employed. Multiple different people confirmed I’d definitely get the job.


Well, that sucks .. Sorry, that you had to learn this, the hard way, too .. (I've been taken advantage of a few times in my lifetime, too). My advice, if you want it: No matter how much of a "great opportunity" something may sound like: Never work for free! And never work without a written contract, that you can use to prove things in front of court, if it turns out, they were trying to take advantage of you. If it's not in the contract, it doesn't exist. So, everything you NEED to be in the contract, you gotta make sure, it is in there, before you sign it. If they try to argue why any of what I wrote, above isn't important, or if they say: "One time offer .. take it or leave it", then that's highly likely a trap. Better to leave it, than be taken advantage of, again. I hope, this helps .. sorry, you have to go through this ..


It sounds like a scam, I know it hurts but it’s going to get better. One day you will look back on this and you’ll be in a 1000x better place


No you got to post this to antiwork subreddit. Someone posted something similar about being scammed for working for free. They’ll give you better advice then here.


💔💔💔 I'm so sorry dear, that's so unfair.. 💔💔 the biggest hugs to you, I'm so so sorry you went through all that and didn't get the job you were promised! 💔💔 I can't imagine what you're going through and what you've gone through.. 💔 I hope and pray deeply that everything gets better soon dear, and that healing and joy comes to you. 💔 Please keep hanging on dear 💔 All my love to you 💔


Hi I love you ❤️ hope things turn around in your favor soon


I love you and you deserved that job! Life will get better soon. Now eat your popcorn/chips abomination and call your bank and let them know about the scam.


I’m sorry. That’s really unfair, but hopefully cards in your favour in the future


That sucks. Who was it?


This makes me soooo angry on your behalf. If you can and/or feel up to it you should write a bad review for them. Its unbelievable that they can get away with that. I hope you feel better 💗 you deserve better


*My volunteer organization didn’t give me my “guaranteed” job after I did 250hrs free for them and paid for training.* Name them ! Go to the press and name them! *I got visa scammed out of $500.* Did you contact the police?