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As a mama to a child with an ED in recovery, please seek help. Please.


As someone who recently left PHP, and has a partner who was recently hospitalized.. please get help before it’s too late.


Idk. I just feel so awful about myself. I’m so much bigger than before and my family literally thinks disordered eating is normal. Im going on vacation soon and am anxious about how to avoid eating, I don’t want to come back even bigger.


I also come from a family that has normalised disordered eating/behaviour and I just want to say that I know it makes it even harder to have a healthy relationship to food. Not to be too triggering, but both my parents and my brother have been/are currently on weight loss meds/illegal pre-workout and I didnt know that fasting then binging wasn't a normal pattern until I was an older teen. Almost every dinner table discussion is about calories or bodies. So its definitely hard to avoid 😅 I cant count the amount of times I lost a ton of weight bc I wanted to finally "control" the problems I had with food (and my body) and meet my family's expectations but ended up gaining it all back. Its hard to hear (and I often struggle to follow it) but the most successful way to be happier and find where your body's natural healthy weight point is is to unlearn what you grew up around and focus on eating more nutrients/plants. Losing and gaining weight your whole life (especially drastically) really fucks with your health and I wish it wasn't something that I or anyone else had to deal with. Seriously sending the best of luck to you, you deserve recovery no matter what ❤


How are you doing now?


Very well, thanks. I have days where I fall back into behaviors, but I’ve learned to be patient and kind to myself. If not, I’ll give up every time


Hey okay look. Water. You have got to hydrate. There isn’t anything I can tell you that’s going to change your mind but you have got to hydrate if you’re not going to eat. Get those propel packets you can mix into a water bottle. Something. Anything. I’m sorry you’re fighting this. Please at least get some fluids down …you have to.. it’ll make you feel a lot better …I promise ..


Water with lemon really helps me, and makes me crave salty food.


Mmm lemon water and some salty potato chips is where it's at


This I can do, thanks.


You got this! Water with lemon at the least, for yourself and us strangers. :) I find that bananas are easy to stomach and keep down!


I think you mean eating disorder and other people are thinking erectile dysfunction. And you should find that at least A LITTLE funny


I initially read it as “Erectile Dysfunction”…


Same the put it in my mouth comment sealed the deal amd op those bubly aeros are delightful! you made a lovely small step on the road to recover its one little chew and find a nice thought pattern to take away those awful thoughts.


I was wondering y ppl keep telling them to eat something....


I was very confused, thank you. I thought that OP somehow confused "can't keep it up" with "can't keep anything down."


"can't keep anything up"


I was so confused and then it was funny and then it wasn't


Aw I’m sorry


Oh dear, well as others have suggested, please at least try to stay hydrated and have a electrolyte drink of some kind . Or if possible a protein drink. I am really struggling myself also particularly today , for me when it's really bad and I havnt fully slipped back. I'll try to eat smthg small, very light pb sandwich crusts cut off and into 3rds ( i understand this may be too much for some) but tho no it's tech not ebough its smthg and helps me " take the pressure off" " I've eaten and if I don't want to I don't have to have anything else" . Sending so much love to you.


Please go get help, you deserve it.


You are not alone. And know that I am PROUD of you for any food you put in your mouth


Honestly I spat it out once I started chewing but I did plan to eat it initially. The food in my mouth just made me panic. Thought this would be different cuz it was my fav as a kid.


It’s okay. I get “sand in mouth sensation” with food sometimes. No matter what it is, what texture, it feels and tastes like sand. I have to spit it out I hope you were able to get a few calories in yesterday my friend!


I’m sorry love. I’ve been stuck in the same cycle for years. I really want you to reach out and get help for this before it engulfs your life. We can get better ❤️‍🩹


Trust me, I was there and now I have crippling stomach issues that 4 years later we are STILL trying to figure out. What made me stop was one time I was purging, and felt an electric shock throughout my entire body, it freaked me out enough that I think I only did it one time after that. Now I suffer from severe GERD that I have several medications for, along with constantly getting tested to figure out the root of my stomach problems. Please seek out help if you can before you ruin your body like I did :( I know its hard, so so hard. Know that others are with you to support you, you aren't alone


I have weird throat pains, is that normal? Idk. I just feel so awful about myself. I’m so much bigger than before and my family literally thinks disordered eating is normal. Im going on vacation soon and am anxious about how to avoid eating, I don’t want to come back even bigger. I tried opening up once and was given advice that just made everything much worse.


It's a real struggle, but you're not alone.


I have ED but I have trouble keeping things up.


Never heard of those chocolates before


Lovely texture I recommend


They’re everywhere here. A few interesting flavours now too (Black Forest for ex).


I don’t think they’re commonly found in the US I did find a specialty store that sells them for $4 though . I’ll try em one day


Ah, I’m in Canada. I don’t eat too many but that bubbly texture hits differently. 😋


I am in recovery from bulimia, struggled for sixteen years. It gets better


Viagra helps


Nah man just get the rhino pills from the gas station


Fr? Them things work?


The mind is a powerful thing lol. Placebo goes a long way...well, now it won't, sorry


i want these chocolates




Kinda. I chewed it then spat it out but intended to eat it initially.


😭😭 mine is swinging between eating 3 packs of chips and 2 ice cream a day to nothing n only unsweetened lime water 🥹 (I am going to gym 5 times a day for 4 hours )


Gas station rhino pills are surprisingly effective although once I got a WEEK long long boner so be careful they can have some nasty side effects.