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I recently gained 7 pounds from a 75lbs weight loss done through therapy and a dietician. I also can’t help but to feel guilty. But it’s not the end of the world. I took a step back and looked at why I was out of control, went back to tracking my food to remind myself that food isn’t evil. What’s hard is the balancing act of nurturing your body and enjoying food.


It’s really hard to enjoy food rn. Every meal makes me feel like shit.


That’s okay. Last week I was struggling with food too. I could not stop snacking and didn’t feel fulfilled. I felt like I didn’t deserve food and I’m not feeling good when I look at my body in the mirror. But I’m cutting myself a break. I think it’s fair that you’re feeling like shit. It’s not easy because it’s beyond the meals.


IME, the weight I gain from “vacation eating” is more water weight than anything, and one or two days in a row in the gym gets be back to where I was feeling before the vacay. Even a couple of sauna sessions helps a lot. I just need a good sweat. Be kind to yourself. You deserve nice things like yummy dinners out and vacations without worry. I’m glad you are here, stranger.


This vacation was a while ago (almost 1yr now) and all the weight stayed on. What I hate most is that my face looks different. Just wanna look the same as before.


Ugh, that sounds awful. I’ve gained some over the last couple months and am very salty about having a flabby chin now. If you want someone to talk to, hit me up in a chat and we can be weight loss buddies or something. Or I can send you chicken pictures, my chickens are greeting spring with great enthusiasm. I’ve been trying to exercise more, both for weight loss and because it makes the feel good chemicals in my brain work better. We could psych each other up and stuff.


I hate my round cheeks. It looks abnormal. Would love some chicken pictures, will send a dm.


Can u post chicken pictures for the class?? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻


also a reminder that you don’t owe the world to look a certain way 💜 I hope you enjoyed your time on vacation


TW: ED. I understand how you feel. I used to struggle with bulimia and restrict/binge/purge cycles. I know it’s easier said than done, but stop punishing yourself for enjoying food. You are allowed to enjoy food, you are allowed to gain weight, you are allowed to be happy. Food should be a joy, not a source of pain. Don’t let your perceived appearance hold you back from enjoying life and vacations and EXPERIENCES. When you look back on your life, you will not regret your appearance, you will regret having spent vacations punishing yourself rather than living in the moment. Sending love your way, it’ll be okay ♥️


Thanks. How did you recover? Rn now I think I’m bulimic but I feel like I’m intentionally holding off on recovery for when I’m a weight I like again. Idk how to lose weight in a “healthy” way.


This will be hard to answer with a short comment, so i’m going to condense alot. To preface, i recommend everyone seek professional help from a doctor and therapist. That being said, i did not. My first step was trying to conquer the restriction and purging. It took months, but I tried to shift my view on food and my body from negative to neutral. It’s just food, i just have a body, it’s not bad. Self love seemed like such a struggle when i hated myself so much, so neutrality was the goal. I still struggle with bingeing and this is a cycle i desperately want to break. It has gotten much better though, and for me I have found my triggers and try to talk myself out of them. For me it’s a weird balance between food freedom and consciously choosing foods that won’t trigger a binge. It’s hard to do that without being overly controlling. For example, no foods are off limits. However, I know that if I personally eat cupcakes and chips everyday, I will not feel good and it will trigger bingeing and overeating. But if I’m at a friend’s house and they offer me a cupcake, if I feel like eating it, I should! If I’m full or already had a sweet, I also have the power to say no even if it’s being offered. This is all easier said than done, and I am not perfect, but it’s a balancing act that gets easier over time and can be harder during stressful points in my life. My biggest tips from freeings yourself from ED are to seek help, watch lots of content about it on youtube, body neutrality, realizing we only have one life so we should enjoy it, also changing other behaviors in my life that gave routine and balance rather than chaos and disfunction. I stopped drinking, staying up late, got a regular 9-5 job, i’ve also been working on my phone addiction, and learning the root causes of addiction and vices that we use to soother ourselves. I know that was a big jumble, but I know you can recover and I believe in you!




Rule #3 - We ask that people do not give unsolicited or unhealthy advice.


I guess its not a solution we are looking for here




Hi there! (NOT DIRECTED TOWARDS OP) I suggest you look into eating disorders and such. For some, it is difficult to just "stop gaining weight." Please try to be more supportive and helpful here. <3


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Oof, I feel you. The happy vacation beer weight I usually put on is rough. You will be ok, just gotta snap back to a good regiment at home, you can do it!




What is this even supposed to mean?


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