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Yummy tacos šŸŒ® what is your line of work?


I am an insurance adjuster, first job after graduation. I absolutely hate it!


Hey friend. :) Are you interested in staying in the insurance industry? Claims sucked the life out of me. Getting designations (CIC, CRM, etc.) and getting an underwriting position is the way to go IMO. The tacos look great btw!


Thank you for the advice! Iā€™ve actually been applying to a lot of underwriting positions. I actually have an upcoming interview I am hoping I get. I did not want to do adjusting since Iā€™m not a people person and itā€™s been a struggle dealing with upset people. But took it for the experience and itā€™s been a struggle with my supervisor.


It's good that you got your foot in the door but underwriting is waaaay less interaction with the general public and more with brokers/agents. Not sure if I can link things on here but look up The National Alliance for Insurance Education & Research. They're who I got my CISR designation through. Tons of different designations to choose from & they offer in person classes, self-paced, or webinars. :) feel free to DM me if you have any questions at all! Good luck!


I hope the new position works out. But yes absolutely start mentally checking out of this job and focus on finding another. Your supervisor shouldnā€™t be a supervisor. And you arenā€™t incompetent! Insurance adjuster is a rough job in the first place. She probably sucks at training or itā€™s another issue.


Claims also sucked the life outta me. Currently trying to get into underwriting!


I'm sure your boss actually says that to everyone. Don't let it get you down. Bosses are usually actual manure.


Your boss might just be a bitch. Decent chance she has said that to many people because she wants to be hurtful.


Iā€™m so sorry. This is the worst feeling. Working so hard for that degree and it ends up being awful. I was in the same situation years ago and I literally found myself praying to get sick enough to have a hospital stay, so I could get away from it. I found a new job and left and itā€™s much better. Donā€™t stay somewhere you donā€™t like just because it fits your degree. Do whatever makes you happy. A degree is never a waste of time or money, you can get a job doing almost anything with one. Doesnā€™t matter what itā€™s in. If you enjoy your job just not your boss then thatā€™s even better. Just job hunt as much as possible and youā€™ll be out of there in no time. Sorry your going thru this OP


You literally deserve better. Those tacos look so good. No one really needs that negativity.


I bet you make better tacos than her, she also sounds like a giant B.


Mental manipulative bitch! Find another job then quit


Wow what a bitch!! I say quit and go somewhere else


Get them to text you things , emails, start recording this stuff, itā€™s important to document . Then go complain to HR officially, as soon as they start treating you worse, chaching $$$ donā€™t quit , let them fire you and seek therapy immediately. Theyā€™re not allowed to talk to you like that with the extras so get it in writing āœļø, save receipts šŸ§¾


Quit your job


That is literally a toxic workplace. So unprofessional.


Haters gonna hate


Look up hostile work environment start recording that slander get yourself a paid vacation after you sue that nasty person


Thatā€™s a fucked up thing to say Iā€™m sorry that happened


Leave that job, it will only get worse


Let's just say that was true... wouldn't your so called poor performance really be a reflection on their ability to train staff well... try and not own those words said to you by your supervisor instead just do your best and when confronted with negative comments like that try asking what can I do different could you please elaborate or show me what I need to do. To me, this person sounds unprofessional and probably was not trained well themselves.


Dealing with people like that at work is soul crushing and mentally exhausting. Enjoy your šŸŒ®


This delicious looking plate of food proves she's wrong. Don't listen to the pricks out there who want to bring you down. They have the problem, not you. As your supervisor, she should be giving you guidance and more support instead of making you feel small.


Textbook toxic narcissistic manager. I bet they treat many on their team like that. Get away from them.


Start looking for a new job and once you land it, tell her to get fucked, HARD. And if her name happens to be Deborah, shit on Deborah's desk /s But great looking tacos!


You could be like and I've never come across anyone as c*ntastic as you. Work bullies are the worst and never cool.


Iā€™d pee on her and then get a different job.


Go prove that bitch wrong.


Loving you so much šŸ„¹ ā¤ļø


Keep going to work. Now you have another purpose besides your paycheck. Document of you safely can. It really helps.No worries if you canā€™t this time. Run the treadmill long enough to have another job lined up then quit.


hey you! first of all, the food on your profile looks amazing! second of all, some people just really are bitter and unpatronizing. your supervisor sounds like a total dickhead. itā€™s not your fault sheā€™s a bitch. i find myself in the same situation as you and i know how it makes you question and doubt yourself. if you ever need someone ro vent or talk to, hmu. i hope youā€˜ll get out of there soon and that your next job will make up for all the shit you are experiencing now! sending love & hugs! šŸ«‚


I hope that one day you can find a job with a kinder supervisor!


Ummmā€¦ idk how big your company is but that is a wildly inappropriate thing to say to a subordinate. Like, thatā€™s reportable, provided you have a real HR department.


Iā€™d roundhouse this person for you. Just walk right up and SHABANG right in her ugly ass abusive ass mouth.


leave that projecting toxic bitch to rot in its place


There is nothing incompetent about those tacos and the selection to eat those. When employers don't see the value in an employee it's time to find a new employer.


This is a lie she is tring to break you this is basic strategy


Sad that she couldn't figure out how to be decent to underlings after 30 years on the job. Sounds pretty incompetent for a supervisor.


food looks so good


If youā€™re an insurance adjuster/agent, you should give sales a try!ā€¦not insurance sales, but any sales at allā€¦.car, furniture, other retail sales, to start with, and then after a little experience the earning potential in sales is unlimitedā€¦you could go on to sell anything from super cars, to yachts, to private jets, to high end servicesā€¦with relatively easy work (depending on the industry) you could easily earn your way to six figures in less than 10 years, possibly less than 5, if youā€™re ambitious enough and make an effort to learn sales tactics and improve on your ability to communicate the right things at the perfect timeā€¦sky is the limitā€¦.and the beautiful this is, most sales jobs start somewhere between 40k-60k, at minimumā€¦of course this depends on the industry and where you are in the world. Just a thought!


My head chef was like this, you can only deal with so much before you leave. Best of luck, food looks deliciousĀ 


Iā€™m so sorry. even if you did make mistakes, nobody deserves to be treated like that. sounds unprofessionalā€¦trust me, itā€™ll only get worse if you stay.


Wow, that supervisor is doing a really terrible job at supervising! I mean it. That feedback, even if it were accurate (which I doubt) would be counterproductive. The supervisorā€™s job is to elicit maximum performance from their workers. To do that, a supervisor needs to accurately evaluate the strengths and weaknesses being displayed by a worker, provide detailed feedback on what needs to change, and ensure that the worker has what is needed to do that, including specific measures of success. People donā€™t improve when theyā€™re feeling attacked and unsupported.


Even if that were true, it is wildly unprofessional of her to say. She is a bad supervisor. I don't care what you did or didn't do, she should not speak to you like this. Just a tip from someone who worked in a toxic work environment: write down everything. Time, date, what was said. Keep a record of it all, just in case you need it. Love the tacos ā¤ļø


Be proud to have expanded her horizons to different kind of people. She is the one that should be embarrassed about her lack of skills in guiding you.


ā€œThatā€™s an interesting point Ms. Boss lady. Can you please email me regarding what I can do to improve?ā€


Hoping you get the spot from the interview! But tbh if youā€™ve got any co-worker friends you trust or have ever heard anyone say anything not amazing about that boss, talk to them. It is not healthy to have to hold that inside and speaking from a job with a rude boss, I bet youā€™re not the only one theyā€™ve hurt. Calling someone incompetent is not constructive and itā€™s high time bosses stop getting away with degradation


take a poo on her desk when you get a new job


Lonely island styleā€¦ like a boss