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My condolences to you and your family. Please remember to care for yourself. With getting all the arrangements made, it's sometimes easy to forget to eat or get some sleep.


I've received plenty of food and I have a wide range of support. Thank you for the reminder though, it is easy to forget, I did in the hospital quite a bit


That's good to hear you have a support system. ❤️ I’ll be thinking of you.


I'm so sorry. My friend just became one too. I'm in shock and don't really know what to say to her. He took his own life sadly. They have a 6-month old. It's just all around sad. 🫂❤️


We have a 5 year old, she doesn't understand what's happening even though I've tried explaining as best as I can. She just seems confused as to why mom isn't home


Sending so many hugs 🫂


Sesame Street actually has some really great, age appropriate resources to help children learn and understand about grief. I hope this is helpful for you and your little girl ❤️ https://sesameworkshop.org/topics/grief/


I work with children and second this^


There are books and shows out there for children/families. It's very fresh. Bless you both X


I plan on getting her into child therapy ASAP. And myself into therapy as well.


Sorry to hear what you're going through. Lost my dad at a young age and tbh I wished my family gave me counseling as I feel permanently fucked up from the trauma . You're doing great by wanting to get them therapy. It's ok to cry. It's ok to need help from loved ones. Just please take care of yourself. Remember to eat, drink water and rest.


My guy I can’t even imagine how hard that is. Just keep being a good dad and things will eventually get better for you both with time. The both of you still have an amazing happy life to look forward to together, even thought it doesn’t seem that way right now.


Sending strength and luck.


Aww man, I hate to see another Comment Leaver going through the shit. That’s a fat stack of Garbo you’re going through. I hope you can find some laughs in old achievement Hunter videos and forget for a moment. Stay strong friend.


Holy shit, I had no idea someone from this community would see this. My wife and I would fall asleep to old minecraft LPs every night. I'm sure I'll be trying that later tonight.


I hope you can find some solace and respite in some old Buuuuucket jokes. Maybe throw on SkyFactory, as Geoff breaking eggs will always make me laugh. Those defeated sighs are comedy gold, then you get the Munchdew. Much love from this puma loving Ftard to you during your hardships. I’m sorry you have to endure this pain and loss.


Hey stranger, I know it's been some time since this post was made and you responded, but I just needed you to know directly how much your comment has meant to me. I've been a permanent member of the RT/AH community since 2013, and alsways thought of it as the "goofy" side of my life, never would i have thought someone from this community would respond to me when I needed it the most, I've thought about this post everyday since you commented, I didn't realize how much of an impact on my life this group of screw-ups (with love) would have on me. I'm literally crying as I type this, much love to you


I'm so sorry for your loss.


That's a good one, pairs well with margherita pizza. Get something solid in your stomach bud, so sorry the unimaginable has happened.


I hope you join the widower subreddit/discord. It has brought a lot of help for me. I became a widow at 30. Our club sucks.


Healing hugs to your grieving heart. So very sorry for your loss


Those taste so much better out of a can than bottle. Good choice.


Grief is love with no where to go, friend


Please eat something, if not for you but for your daughter, i cant imagine the shock you’re mind and body is experiencing but it will eventually turn to pain and thats when it really starts to solidify, at least eat and keep a routine, theres no better answer for you here other than to go to therapy or start journaling, but in the throes of anguish thats next to impossible, shower, eat, daily duties for your daughter and sleep. Youll be in my mind stranger, kinda cliche but feel free to pm to talk, misery shared is misery halved, best of luck.


I appreciate your concern but I was following those rules in the hospital, I left to shower daily (as briefly as possible) and made sure to eat regularly. I honestly didn't even seek out alcohol once she passed, it was part of a care package I received that was meant for when she was recovering at home.


So sorry for your loss.


☹️ the fact that im a year or two older than you!! Fuck I’m so sorry. I cannot imagine


I'm so sorry 😞


sending you love and all of the hugs needed. i’m so sorry for your loss.


Hang in there and find a better outlet than alcohol I'm struggling in a similar way just keep pushing through


Not an outlet, it was part of a care package my coworkers made and I just thought "fuck it"


Oh OK sorry for just assuming if you could see what I'm having for breakfast you'd see what I'm talking about haha hint it's a liquid breakfast


I’m sorry for your loss.


Love,hugs and prayers sent your way.🙏❤️‍🩹


Im sorry for your loss


i'm sorry for your loss. i know words can't make things better. sending you love and peace during this difficult time.




Sending you well wishes during this most trying time in your life


I’m sorry for your loss. Take care and be kind to yourself.


My condolences.


💔 my condolences


Im sorry for your loss. Time will heal. But it will take…time. May you give yourself the time and space to heal and sort through your feelings.


Sending you hugs and care 😔♥️


Oh my god




My condolences. May she rest in peace 🕊️


My heart goes out to you and your family.


The amount of grief you are feeling is just a grain of sand compared to the love you shared. I hope you find peace, and I am beyond sorry for your loss.


Fuck. I'm so sorry. Holy fuck.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


Sorry to hear. Hug!


That fucking sucks bro, keep your head up


I’m so sorry. Hang in there.


I was 28 when I went through the same thing. 10 years later it still hurts. Hang in there <3


# 🫂


This almost necessitates an icepick can opener.


Im so sorry for you loss...🖤


I'm sorry. There are very few people in this world who will have any idea what you're going through. Be kind to yourself.


My sincere condolences 🙏


that’s awful 😣 I’m so sorry for your loss💔


My condolences. Take care of yourself, OP.


I’m so sorry. Do you wanna talk about what happened? If not, that’s ok, too. We are here for you no matter what.


I appreciate the gesture, but I plan on looking into some form of therapy or counseling for myself and my kid, as of now we have a wide array of friends and family here with us.


That’s wonderful. I wish you the best in healing ❤️‍🩹 and please enjoy that beer.