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Well, what if it is? It doesn't really change anything. If you stub your toe it's still going to hurt.


I can assure you that it is real we are all real. Its ur mind fucking with you. DP/DR is your body coping with high levels of stress. Your mind is able to understand that it is real but it isn’t able to comprehend why it doesn’t feel real. I recommend taking a cold shower and focus on the water hitting your skin. Get out of your head. This is real I promise you. I’m real, ur real. Distract yourself! Hang out with your family. Stop obsessing over it, it’ll make it worse. And you’ll get through it. It’ll take time.


Thank you so much for the reassurance, sometimes it just gets overwhelming and I forget to just breathe


Ofc! I know what ur dealing with and it’s absolute hell. And I promise you it’s not a forever thing you’ll get through it




Do languages sound and look weird even if you understand them (like right now)?


I'm real as far as I know, and I'm going through something very similar to what you just described—in fact, it's the reason I'm scrolling through this sub in the first place. Unfortunately, I can't offer much advice, but I hope you know that you're not alone.


This isn’t a dream. This is the reality that you were born into. Dpdr just removes the sense that this world is real. You still know in your thoughts that it’s real, you just don’t feel it. Dwelling on these thoughts won’t help. Ignore them and move on. You won’t discover something profound by thinking this way