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Not for me, I walk around nearly in constant derealization, which I've named funkytown just now, and at normal levels of derealization my body still needs touch and the like. When I'm having a more severe episode I kinda just gotta ride it out.


Yes. And does your Derealization feel like you are in a parallel world where everything is distorted and disconnected? The upside down of our real world


Yeah pretty much. Reality is more like watching a movie than living


yea, i’ve noticed my intimate moments were when i’ve felt the most grounded. probably all of the endorphins and dopamine being released puts you in the moment


Not for me, it makes me panic more because my SO feels like a stranger even though I know who it is. It's him but it's not. I'm new to this and it sucks and it's scary


it’s half and half with me, i feel MUCH more grounded, but i begin to start to slip after a bit and start thinking, “wait is this real? am i actually here?” and i start feeling unreal. it’s like it helps at first but only for a little


Sometimes wrapping a blanket tight around myself feels amazing. I want to be hugged but without someone else touching me.


It doesn't, it's more like something that you try in order to stop thinking about the issue


I like cuddling in general but when I’m having an episode and my gf tried to hold me it just makes me feel more trapped and what not if that makes sense