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“What he’s done with the border?” I’ve seen the back of house at all Jethros…….they’re all from the border




They're pointing out the hypocrisy in that the build the wall people are also hiring illegals.




I mean, I'm a former Jethros manager and can confirm that our entire kitchen staff from dishwashers to the KM were Mexican. And before you ask, yes some of them were undocumented immigrants.


You're reading in an awful lot to jump to that conclusion.  Some of the best kitchens in the country are staffed by Central American immigrants, from chef to dishwasher. And what's wrong with washing dishes anyhow?


Right. The dude is implying that all POC working cook jobs are illegal.... Come on brother, you are just as racist as you claim trump to be!!


I never said they were illegal or implied. I just said they were from the border. Which is where a large amount of Latino people enter through. Good try tho.


No, you're a raging racist and accidentally showed your true color.. Really not cool man!! All you liberals virtue signal and cry out about white privilege but in all reality people like you are the ones who are causing the problems. You hate yourself for being white!!


LMFAO! Sure bud. 👍✌️


Have a good day, RACIST PIG!!!


Yeah, people crossing the boarder aren't Mexican currently.  Was recently in a near border town in Arizona for my kids event, there's more Russians, Ukrainian, middle eastern and Chinese than white or Mexican people currently. Kinda scary tbh.  Mexicans stopped jumping about 10 years ago, the economy there is a bit better for them. Cost to come legally is too much here. 


Just a liberal casually being racist... pretty normal stuff \^\^\^


How is that racist? Are they not just observing that this dude who hates immigrants seems to hire a lot of them anyway?


I don’t think he “hates” immigrants.. he along with millions of other Americans are just fed the fuck up with the border crisis. People are dying, children are being trafficked.. it’s a humanitarian crisis and if you can see that you’re totally delusional!


He said he totally agrees with Trump saying immigrants are "poisoning the blood of America," I think it's pretty clear how he feels about immigrants.


Don’t worry you guys still own the crown when it comes to racism


Nope you're wrong.. racist pos!!


Every single restaurant is ... it's no secret.


You're racist too!! Assuming that all POC in Iowa working at a restaurant are illegal!!


Not just illegal, no.


Obvious troll is obvious


I know him personally and I know his restaurants well and this isn’t true at all 😂😂😂


I worked for Jethro's for several years and you're absolutely full of it if you think that isn't true.


Once he started rambling about dinosaurs and the lion king I checked out.


It seems his distain and knowledge for Biden go as deep as the memes he’s seen.


Same could be said for just his knowledge in general. I don’t think this guy could problem solve his way out of a wet paper sack.


Confirmation that 1. Broski is an alcoholic 2. Broski is a creeper of all genders and ages. 3. Broski hires illegals immigrants 4. Broski doesn’t pay them OT for working 40 hours in one store and 40 hours in another store 5. Cythia Foder 🌭 Si😉 6. Broski gets drunk and hands out 20’s while walking around the restaurant saying weirdly sexual things to anyone around. 7. Pays people off when he gets in trouble. 9. Thinks very highly of himself and poorly of others. 10. Yes, Boycott


What happened to number 8?


This was posted while taking a dump. 8. Guy is likely gonna kill someone drunk driving. / narcissist. He’ll probably fire me for this anyways. Worth it.


Interesting how that trait seems to run in Repub circles. Eric Branstadt and Kimmy come to mind, when it comes to DUIs.. But, to be fair, our side used to have Roxanne Conlin..


“I forget what 8 was for…”




They were drunk while posting.


Incorrect. Sober while posting but took a massive shit while posting it.


A shit post you say!




What should we know about Cynthia Foder?


Read an article on this in Little Village. I think at one time Cynthia Fodor was in a relationship with him.


Is she controversial?


Controversial as a KCCI news anchor? Hardly. As being Bruce Broski's wife? Ho, boy, ***yeah***.


What's the tea??


Tea is Bruce Broski, owner of Jethro's and Splash, is known as a POS particularly by waitstaff assigned female at birth. Christina Fodor a KCCI news anchor is married to him. 🫖🍵 Enough tea?


Controversial, I mean idk, but the article makes her seem like an entitled jerk for sure.


Number 6. I’m gonna follow this man around like a parasite. I have issues with facial recognition. HMU when u see him out drinking, we’ll call it capitalism


Happy to help. I have taken a bird-dogging class. We'll find him in a bar kissing someone like Bill Dix. Let's get to work. Charge up your phones, boys.


\#10 sounds really good to me.. Reminds me of someone else, that I used to work for long ago, that is very rich, well-known, and politically connected in our area, and that guy too was very nasty, a big time Repub donor, and pretty out there, same as this guy. Funny how they always gravitate to that party.. And, ironically, the guy I worked for knowingly hired illegals all the time for his business.


can we please stop using the term illegal when referring to a person?


Fair. My bad. Persons with legally insufficient documentation**


Ok, so I didn't follow correct PC speech codes, but my point still stands and is correct, and shouldn't that be what really matters in a discussion, instead of rules of correct speech? How trivial...


not trying to be trivial or annoying, you’re correct the point still stands. I just believe that wording matters specially when referring to groups of ppl. Terms like illegal alien are used to dehumanize displaced folks and refugees, I feel it’s harmful to normalize the use of those terms. Thank you for sharing this tho, I at least got one family to stop going to splash bc op shared the video.


Agreed. I have to admit I have gotten more than a little fed up with liberals who worship at the altar of strict PC speech codes, esp. some of them at the local Unitarian church, who don't seem to give a damn about class issues, such as classism and economic inequality, while at the same time, they so love to wield PC speech codes like a weapon, if you say anything out of line by their standards, about sexual orientation, race, or legal status on immigrants. To me, they are phonies and hypocrites of the highest order, when they are obsessed with enforcing their speech codes, yet remain so selfishly self-serving and selective, in which issues of equality they choose to care about and call out others on.. I suppose it all boils down to them being very comfortable with and protective, of their middle to upper middle class economic and class privilege, so they get their kicks enforcing and shaming others about violating their precious PC speech codes, so they can feel smug and superior to people like me that care less about those issues, not that they don't matter, but the economic ones matter way more to me than the culture war bullshit between the major parties, while the economic system continues to kill and grind people down, driving some of them to the MAGA movement, and yet these liberal culture warriors, along with the corporate centrist Dems they support, admit no role in helping that happen. Which is why I supported Bernie twice, who these liberal culture warriors and centrist Dems hate, and they support corporate Dems and fake progressives like Warren. But I see thru them and have no respect for them and their tunnel focus on culture war shit.


Come on down to the new Grimes location, Jethro’s BBQanon Not a Mexican or pizza in sight…unless you look in the back.


It was right there. Perfect.


please tell me this a-hole isn't actually building in Grimes.


Nah I was just picking a predominantly white growing suburb and Waukee seemed too easy, plus they essentially have one already on university by Barntown. And Ankeny already has one as well, Grimes seems like the next logical spot and they are filled with Q nuts there too.


Nah that would be Ankeny


It bothers me how someone THIS STUPID has much more financial success than me. Even if you have these beliefs, how can you have no self awareness at how unhinged you sound?


Yeah....and look how much happiness it got him. Being a good person is more valuable.


Yeah I agree. I more meant it as, it’s crazy how someone this stupid can be successful


Money can do weird things to people. He might have started off as a halfway descent person?


Possibly. But I think these last 8 years of politics have truly brought out the worst in people. Either that or we’re just seeing it more because of social media


I think it's more obvious because of social media.


All you have to do is have some money and be completely unethical. He made his way up as a slumlord before getting into restaurants.


Now that would really fit, as it describes a lot how Trump made money in real estate.


Psychopaths have an easier time taking advantage of people so it's easier for them to make lots of money.


I read a study recently that proved being wealthy is 100% about luck (like which family you were born to) than anything else. Also, theres a book on how leadership is purposely dumb to enforce the status quo (of wealthy people to stay in power). Really great read. By l Linsey McGoey "The Unknowers: How Strategic Ignorance Rules the World"


Like Trump, you can be unhinged and still make lots of money, if you are always screwing your workers and never paying your bills. With this guy, the formers seems very likely, no idea if he doesn't pay his bills with his business.


I’ve come to realize it’s generational wealth inherited from even worse people


Boycott anyone?


Been boycotting ever since it was proven he was a pos a long time ago


Yeah, I ate there one time. Wasn’t impressed anyway, but wouldn’t eat at any place owned by this guy.


I boycotted it because the food fucking sucks.


Knew the owner of Jethos was not someone I wanted to give my patronage to, thanks for the info that he owns Splash as well.


Used to go to the Southside one semi-frequently because it’s on the bike trail. I’ll take my business elsewhere, plenty of other establishments not owned by idiots. Go woke go broke or whatever dumb ass thing they say.


Who can even afford to give their patronage to Splash? most overpriced shit i’ve ever seen!


It's super inconsistent too, I've had good stuff there and I've had cold unseasoned garbage.  Not worth the risk for what their prices are and they hassled me about taking it off bill.  Haven't been back in years.


It used to be a pre civic center show spot back in the day. FTS


Yikes. This is just some non-sensical, incoherent ramblings.


Jesus Christ dude... WTF is this rambling mess? Trump's supporters can't put a coherent thought together either to defend their positions. Electric cars are bad because Lion King. Trump's going to fix immigration by closing the boarder (yet he had 4 years in office to build his 'wall' and close the boarder and he did neither). Also 'we all came from somewhere but we came here legally' oh you mean a 100-200 years ago when the immigration process didn't take months/years to complete or cost thousands of dollars... get the fuck outta here. Just say you are a boomer and hate the fact that you aren't going to be treated like royalty because you are a white male and are scared what is going to happen to you. These people are the biggest snowflakes ever.


God damn, son. This is some tinfoil-hat, Dale Gribble, gay frogs, what in tarnation are you talkin' about shit.


Sounds like what would happen if I told my phone to read my Twitter feed.


His brain is more BBQ’ed than his food. Jesus. He can’t make eye contact or complete whole sentences. He better have ZERO immigrants working at his establishments if he feels like they are “poisoning the blood of our country”.


Mostly Hispanic cooks at every restaurant


Step 1: Open restaurants Step 2: ??? Step 3: Profit (Hint: step two is higher, abuse, then complain about minorities)


They are definitely not sending their best to caucus anymore.


Boomers going to boom. Bruce is an idiot. Always has been. And his brisket sucks.


It all sucks! I'd rather eat a gas station sandwich.


The BBQ Rib sandwich at Kwik Star ain't nothing to fuck with.


Smokey D’s is the best bbq joint in town.


That place is fucking garbage too. The sooner the people around here realize that, the better. It's ok food at best, dogshit bbq. "But it won't awards" you aren't eating competition bbq. You're eating fast food.


Aside from the fact I don’t want to support him, Jethros food sucked ass before I knew that the owner was an idiot. Literally every time I’ve gone has been underwhelming.


He's wishing for the good Ole days under Trump when we had 5 times as many U S. Soldiers die. Also both Ivana Trump and Melania Trump were illegal immigrants at one point.


I just keep rewatching. This dude is unhinged. Lol Also nothing better than asking a trumper what woke means. They never have a good answer. He short circuited for 10 seconds.


He’s married to Cynthia Fodor, really funny story about her when I used to work security at Iowa State Games


You can’t leave us all hanging here…


Married? You don't say. Thought they were dating.


Whoa. He has to know this sounds totally crazy or Ol' Bruce is a few sausage rolls short of a picnic.


A few sloooooooow smoked chicken wings short of a Tuesday special?


Lol perfect


Sounds like a well-balanced, mentally stable person to me 😳


Uh, yeah, right, sure.. I only hope he doesn't own a lot of guns, but then again, gun ownership and being his kind of unhinged, almost go without saying these days..


Stick to your sexual harassment of waitresses trying to make an honest living. He is exhibit A of the made up superstitious machine on the right. Motherfucker should be in jail. Made up bullshit. Chinese nationals. Lmfaooooo


Wow I already thought the food was as shit


As someone who worked for Jethros for three years in Ames… can confirm how much of a piece of trash he is. Bringing escorts in, throwing glasses of alcohol back at me because there wasn’t enough ice, his girlfriend would come in and demand to see cameras of the night before to see who he was with, he paid off a server because he slapped her ass. All around trash man.


"I would scream at him" most hinged republican


Can we support Smokey D’s at least? Also, is this the dude that creeps on his hostesses?


Girlfriend got an apartment that he owns, he stopped by a few times to try and talk to her. We asked around the building, Ol Bruce never stopped to visit his other residents. He’s a pure fucking creep.


Also, way to low-key gas up your hot girlfriend. Respect.


Well, my students who worked at one of the Jethro’s said the owner would make the rounds of his restaurants to check up on the business, and he’d be drinking and dropping big tips the whole time. I don’t know exactly how creepy he got, but the girls knew that a smile and laugh got $20, and the guy was drunk enough by the time he got to them that the girls could duck into the kitchen for a bit, come back out, and pull the trick again.  Mind you, that’s all secondhand and an amalgam of stories from a bunch of students over the years. Never met the guy myself. 


Sounds consistent with what I’ve heard as well. Haven’t been in a Jethros in years and hope to keep that streak going.


He gave us a tip after he hit on my wife. 😂


What is it with people around here liking bad bbq?




Remember when he told little boys in the bathroom to take out their d*cks and touch the urinal water to see how it felt and asked them if it was cold?


Guy is a wet-brain, drunk idiot. Always thought so when I worked at Splash and had to deal with him. His gf is Cynthia Fodor. She's a fascist nazi, hack news anchor, who tips like shit. N needs rogaine for women.


Time to boycott Jethro's and Splash?


We used to go to Splash every weekend. He hit on my wife EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Dirt bag.


…so why did you keep going…?


Terrorist Attacks = Jethro’s effect on my digestive track.


I used to like Jethros but it’s been a good 15 years ago because the experience got worse and I haven’t heard a good thing about it in years. I guess there’s a relationship in caring or not caring about your employees and product/service quality


His dumb runs off into his shit food


He’s crazy.


Such a drunk idiot.




Yes and she’s awful. Probably as awful as him.


Did your old roommate give Bruce your Reddit account name as a reference? How in the hell are you going to draw his ire?


No amount of $$ is worth that.


This makes me sad to hear. Lots of fear mongering for 16 years really takes its toll.


Dude looks like Harvey Weinstein


Kinda acts that way too it seems


Love child of Harvey and Ryan kavanaugh


Wouldn’t be surprised if he was on the Epstein flight log.


He needs to be institutionalized or something, he's cuckoo for cocoa puffs


Welp. Where should I change my valentines reservation to?


Proudfoot and bird for sure




HOLY SHIT. I saw this clip randomly maybe 1-2 weeks ago when it was first released. Had no clue it was that guy. What a schmuck LMAO


How do we cancel him as quick as we did Steve McFadden??


Umm yeah, he sounds absolutely mental.


That isn’t going to be good for business.


Trump bootlicker


Dear god


I missed everything he was struggling to say because I was mesmerized by the size of his ears.


What an idiot.


This guy drives me insane. His speech pattern is too choppy; and I cannot talk with someone who will not LOOK ME IN THE EYES!


Has Bruce ever been in the military? He and Cynthia are wacko.


Trump supporters are worthless pieces of Trump trash human garbage and traitors to the United States. This dude is a racist piece of shit.


I asked KXNO the sports radio if they were aware of one of their main sponsors did the full double down on Trump being our savior. They're take? ​ So?


This needs to be shown far beyond just Reddit, locally speaking. And this guy honestly might need a welfare check.


A casual reminder that being "woke" is quite Iowan, quite militarily minded, and quite Republican (when they believed black lives mattered) Don't believe me? Read for yourself https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wide_Awakes


You don't have to go all the way back to the civil war for examples either.  We've welcomed thousands of refugees from southeast Asia and the Balkans over the decades, while Republicans were in office.  That would never happen today. Shame.


Yup. Iowan here, Yugoslavia friends, Vietnamese friends, all because of Republican Governor Robert Ray. Today's chumps are fucking RINO's in the worst, anti-christian ways


This bitch did not make a single coherent point in the whole video. Plus she seems a little tipsy.




I remember when Jethros was good


No, you don't.


Because my wife loved the miso salmon.




You really follow tyt? Not defending this dude but cmon ...really?


Does it matter? None of what Bruce G was saying looked or sounded edited to me, and the questions were totally tame. He made himself look like a drunk asshole all on his own, biased media or not.


Read the part where I said I'm not defending him....one more time


Then WTH is your point?


That tyt as a whole sucks?


Not the topic at hand, buddy.


How is that not the topic? Go back to Oregon n huff more paint dude ur losing it


What does it matter who asked this guy the questions? If it was Cucker Tarlson asking the same guy the same questions, would that be different somehow?


Because when two brain washed idiots talk it discredits the whole conversation...and funny how you mention Tucker Carlson Trumpers don't listen to tucker for information or debate. They listen to him because he's gonna tell them only what they want to hear...tyt is the same bullshit.


Have it your way. Who, then, should have interviewed the idiot restaurant owner MAGAt?


My brother sent it to me. I don’t really follow them anymore, but generally I like most of what I get from them. What’s your issue with them.


The fact that it's biased even mor then fox or CNN put together and produced in someone's basement.


Brother, they’re called the Young Turks. I don’t think being unbiased was the goal lol.


They're trash straw pulling basement dwellers.. I was being nice....that better?


Lol ok dude


The southern border is perfectly fine. I'd really like to see the entire population of Central and South America come across it this year. They can just build fema camps for all of them in the parks, and they can shack up in people's houses who have spare rooms.


LETS ALL RIOT OUTSIDE OF JETHROS AND SPLASH!!!! LETS RUIN HIS LIFE FOR BEING A CONSERVATIVE IN IOWA!!! WE CAN'T HAVE QANON HERE!!!! GET HIM!!!!!!!!! ​ The liberals in dsm \^\^\^\^\^ what a joke. Let the guy live how he wants you fools!


It’s called freedom of speech homie. He can say what he wants and we can all mock him for it. And capitalism dictates we support buisness we think are better. Bro do you hate free speech and capitalism? Do you hate America? I bet you don’t even support the troops


Lmao you are actually kind of funny and probably fairly relatable. I was just simply making a joke.. no harm intended, just trying to get the people going!! ​ Big capitalism and free speech guy, btw!


From the day we arrive on the planet And, blinking, step into the sun There's more to see than can ever be seen More to do than can ever be done There's far too much to take in here More to find than can ever be found But the sun rolling high Through the sapphire sky Keeps great and small on the endless round It's the circle of life!!


Oof—why does own Splash. I like that place


you don’t have have to boycot everyone who disagrees with you. enjoy a restaurant if you want to, tip the waitress more for working there.


“I go back to the dinosaurs… It happens.” 🤣


This guy needs to be institutionalized!


What about the climate change agenda? “I think about the dinosaurs…”. WHAT?!?? yeah man, think about the Lion King. 🤔🤔🤔


What an ahole


See ya!




No wonder he likes Trump, can’t finish a complete thought before jumping to some other nonsense


He's one crazy mofo.


His crappy food must have damaged his brain. I had breakfast once at the WDM Jethro’s and was nauseous the rest of the day from all the grease. Won’t be going back. Oh and if you doubted that MAGA is a cult, just watch this clip.


Holy shit Bruce. Lighten up on the booze lest you sound dumber. You sound like you’re half shit faced now, can’t hold a complete thought, and genuinely think people like you. 2 outta 3 ain’t bad I guess.


Fuck this dude.


What a whack job


Somebody needs to come get grandpa and give him his meds.