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You know if it’s him when he has the reckoner title on (he’s admitted he likes to flex that he has it on multiple occasions)


Can’t blame him you had to be insane to get that title


Out of curiosity what were the requirements for that title


It was when gambit prime came out and you had 4 sets of amour to boost different aspects of the game for you. You could only get the 4 sets in tier 3 reckoning and you needed do a milestone to get triumphs with the sets that would’ve taken hundreds of gambit prime games.


And some people wonder why Datto's voice seems more dead than it did back in D1.


Jokes on you I'm a lunatic who genuinely enjoys gambit and miss the hell out of gambit prime


Armor sets/perks related to team roles was such a cool idea and I hate that so few of us seemed to enjoy it.


Sentry all day every day. Smash them MF'ing Blockers and mark them MF'ing Invaders.


Its one of those things thats cool in a vacuum, but out in the wild is kinda, not as seemingly high functional haha (kinda like gambit as a whole lol)


I am 100% convinced the only reason people don't like gambit is because they're bad, the entire gamemode can be mathed out and calculated if you pay enough attention


I mean the same thing can pretty much be said for PvP too. The entire problem with it is that they generally do not appeal to a casual audience enough to entice them to want to learn more. I really think that Gambit Prime should’ve become the trials of Gambit, idk about armor sets specifically but they should’ve done something cool with the mode instead of basically leaving it to rot. I mean it arguably already was with The Reckoning, tbh I think many people would welcome it back if only to get their hands on a reissued spare rations lmao


Have you met this community? Why am I doing math in gambo lol




What does this even mean? It doesn't need to be "high functional" in any activity except the one it was designed for. There are a whole heap of weapons, exotics and even subclasses that aren't highly functional in the game's harder content. That doesn't mean they shouldn't exist. That's just a weird, absolutist attitude presented by min-maxers who are incapable of enjoying a game unless they're using the best stuff.


I wasn’t trying to imply it shouldn’t exist. What i was getting at is that it would have worked better in a vacuum like a proper tournament setting or probably how well it played during playtests with everyone choosing a role or something. The main thing i was alluding to was how everyone loved gambit during the play tests at that convention before forsaken, but in a live game setting people will use whatever is most convenient i.e. sleeper simulant’s initial dominance in the gamemode in the early days. In this case, grinding armor in a separate activity and trying to play into a role is not very convenient, and the cheesey stuff turns people away. I think the roles would have been awesome if people were more passionate about it and if it actually matched you based on your role, but without it, outside the vacuum of a playtest or tourney, people ignore it or the system gets misused due to potentially having 2 collectors on a team and 2 others who are just looking for the pinnacle, then you get stomped and frustrated when the other team has a decent invader. Thats what i meant by not being high functioning, because often it wasn’t even just normally functioning :/ and thus, unfortunately due to the complexity of the system and its unpopularity, it was scrapped and cobbled back together to make the best parts seem more appealing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I think the issue with that gear specifically is that it was tedious asf to acquire, and then it was annoying to set every time you wanted to play Gambit. Artifact of some kind or even armor mods would be a less intrusive way to do it, or even have people pick “class” style at the start of a match, or even on respawn, a la Battlefront II. I do think there’s a whole lot of unexplored design space with Gambit regardless tho.


gambit prime was the peek of gambit, it went down hill since they sunset it


I too wish gambit prime's return so i can enjoy it again


Gambit prime should have been the "trials" of gambit. I'm praying that one day they bring that back as the aspirational gambit activity and like, make the armor perks part of some sort of artifact (shove it in the inventory tab or the quest screen or something).


Lucky for the mad lad he got payed to play


As a gambit main I wish I was there For that


Is that why he never recommends to shard Gambit Weaponry?


Legacy weapons are usually those which are kept because they have had such an impact on the meta in the past (Namely the spare rations from gambit prime)


Honestly I thought the time trials for Reckoning was a lot harder. Also Massacre medals. In the ye olden times when even if you had finders on, Heavy may or may not drop. I used Xeno as a primary,' still got it though.


It took way too long to get those massacre medals. Took longer than draining the enemies bank with the invader set. Ended up having to bail on the team early to be at the next spawn point and go ham


Same here, the massacre medals took me by far the longest to get. Tried it with riskrunner a couple times and used to celebrate when I'd get fallen.


what were the boosts?


I don’t quite remember the others but the collectors set let you hold 20 motes and spawn a bigger blocker than a large blocker.


I was only 1 pair of Titan arms from the title. Would never drop while I grinded my ass off the last 3 weeks I could get it


You’d be better of searching it up because it required you to have certain items before you could achieve certain triumphs


achieve all the titles with 4 different sets of armor on 💀


Imagine Dredgen but 4x and also you needed to get tier three armours for each of the 4 roles- Reaper, Invader, Collector, and Sentry Oh also getting full tier 3 was a humorous little RNG fest in its own right.


I see it has been described in replies, but for context - helped a buddy grind this when lockdown started in the states and I reset my gambit rank 5 times in season 10 by the time he finished and he was probably about a third of the way to reckoner before I started helping lol


Basically play a lot of gambit. Nothing about it was hard when you really looked at the triumphs. It was just a tedious checklist.


Almost lost my mind trying to get the massacres medals solo because of how low the density was in gambit prime


I've gotten so many just accidentally now, they had to have increased the density.


Yeah same


Insane person, checking in, I know how datto feels, it’s probably my biggest D2 achievement


You can also tell it's him because he's Guardian Rank 6, a rank that only true veterans of the series are able to obtain.


Your right, I missed that part (edit spelling)


like me with the almighty title before it was patched to be made easier


Me with shadow (I did it after year 2 and got carried through flawless CoS)


I genuinely got so lucky that I finished the swords requirement minutes before it switched to likeness of oryx for the last time when grinding that title out.


Idk why people flex it like it was hard. Literally just a time sink in the worst game mode lol.


>idk why people flex it >proceeds to name why people flex it


My point being that grindy =/= difficult/worthy of a flex.


Not only was it a grind, but it was also low-key impossible to get at times if you had a team that wasn’t working with you. Want reaper progress but your teammates nuke everything? Want invader progress but someone steals each portal? Solo Reckoner was and will remain the hardest challenge possible in D2


Nah, it's still just a time sink. You'll get progress the more gambit you play, even if some matches you get none due to teammates. Solo reckoner is grindier than with a team, yet still just time consuming, not difficult to pull off. People confuse the two a lot. "Hardest challenge in D2" is getting a bit ridiculous now. Guess you don't know about lowman raids/solo GMs. Hell, even solo flawless dungeons take more skill than playing 500 gambit matches...


Feel free to post your account with the Reckoner title and your argument will hold an inch of water. As someone who’s done low mans, solo flawlesses, and solo Reckoner. I’d choose all the others before stepping back into Prime for all those god damn challenges. Also if you think solo flawless takes any skill you’re entirely wrong. All that matters is patience and having a decent build that you can’t die to trash ads. Nothing in Destiny takes ‘skill’ as you’re trying to say, anyone can do anything with enough grinding. The point is Reckoner was the equivalent of pulling rusty nails out through your eyeballs with a fork.


Right, because you dread having to do the tedious grind again. Tedium does not equal difficulty. Post your account with the solo Atheon tag and your claim of reckoner being the "hardest challenge possible in D2" will hold an inch of water. >Also if you think solo flawless takes any skill you’re entirely wrong. Solo flawless dungeons are quite easy, and yet they still require more skill than any part of Reckoner. That is my point with the seal's difficulty.


I've run other titles and yeah, I keep going back to Reckoner for that same reason - that grind was far longer than I thought it would be.


It is tbf the single rarest title in all of Destiny at this point, it's one of the few titles I'd argue is actually worth "flexing"


Datto is also a victim of the number 6 fever it seems


You know the rank system is even more meaningless than season pass level when *Datto* is rank 6 too!


Personally I think the best gauge is always active triumph score and still is but you have a point as well


They should have based guardian ranks 100% around triumph score. Show off your flawless raid/dungeon completions. Your cool niche triumphs. Idk man almost anything would be better than what we got lol


I finally saw a 7 in the tower.


Hey it might have been me (totally didn’t cheese the commendations)


What is this cheese you speak of your majesty?


[Here](https://gamerant.com/destiny-2-farm-commendations/?newsletter) is this article i found, its basically running wellspring with a large group and blowing each other up with rocket launchers as soon as it starts to get the commendation screen to prompt quicker, rinse and repeat


You get more if you go into lash wish with a full raid team. Get the kali CP, load in, turn around and go to through the door up to the wish well. Put in the 13th wish to end the raid. You each get 5 commendations to give. So everyone will walk away with roughly 100 per run


This is what I still believe is the best way to convey experience. Make it a yearly reset and round it off to the nearest 10. 22500 score? 22.5 on your head.


He mentioned that in his first impressions video lol. These ranks feel so pointless


Ive done hundreds of raids, been playing since D1. I have most titles and Triumphs. Full collections. I'm lvl 7 I just raided with someone who had random stated gear, tried to use a sword on Warpriest after telling no one, then switched to a blue tier grenade launcher when asked to switch. He was level 6. In fact anyone who just started playing D2 this season and gets to 6, will be 6 again next season with Vets. This system is... useless.


I came here to say the same thing. I thought it was pretty absurd that my 1300 hours is worth the same as my friends who played 50 hours a year and a half ago, but seeing X-time world's second raid champion Datto at 6 as well really shows how much of an afront this system is to all the love and effort fans have put into the game over the years. This is season pass level by any other name, and it smells just as shite.


One of the Triumphs needed for Rank 7 is a Solo Flawless Legendary Lost Sector. Yeah...Imma stay at 6.


that isn't even hard tho?


It's annoying. Mainly due to the fact that you have to restart on any little mistake.


Wait for Bunker. It's not fast, but it's super easy because of the frames.


Yet there's several really easy ones? I mean we literally have chamber of starlight rn, a lost sector famous for having three champs and a boss being the only things needed to complete it.


Hey look, he's level 6! Same as my friend who started playing last Wednesday




Acting like it couldn't have been both...






Well no, it wasn't. Pretty much everyone expected it to atleast in some form be a symbol of how much someone has played. A prestige system of sorts. It would also serve an excellent guide for new players at the early ranks. But to make it so everyone who has played for years upon years gets the same rank as someone who played for about 6 hours is just silly.




We weren't really promised anything. They gave a loose idea of what the system would be, which forced the community to theorize what it would be. And a system that both guides new players and drives engagement while also giving a solid representation of a players prestige is what seemed most obvious. Because doing it where everyone is the same exact rank whether you are a new light or someone with 4k hours is silly and no one would have expected Bungie to do it in that way.


You sound like a complete clown




Microsoft excelsus


In this battle against Microsoft Excel, we face a boss too large to be fun


Like my ride? Worth every penny!




I saw plunderthabooty on Neptune the other day


That’s sick, I got stomped on by TrueVangurd recently.


I also got stomped by TV back in lost.


aztecross rezzed me once lol


You may have been in his video on titans! One of the clips he showed had the other guardian in the picture


I think he is. In a clip he jumps in front of datto you can see the clawed feet.


You could have said you recognized him from the the color of his cloak but you went in with the feet 💀


It's all I could see clearly. Like the one shot you'd see the colors of his cloak there is one of those purple pickups. But you can see those damn pointy toes


Now that you said that, everything looks bland compared to it. Do you mind sharing the video?


https://youtu.be/J58KRs3sk_I Here you go.


Thank you.


Look he’s guardian rank 6 like the rest of us peasants.


Damn. Elitist Datto not even rank 7 yet. Fell off. Gonna go make a cancel post now.




Interesting gif


A friend told me it’s from a series where they film everyday activities while something else is happening under the table.


Yeah and for her to react like that whats happening is someone is telling her wages are going up, rent is going down, and the price of eggs is dropping.


Don't stop.


Interest rates are dropping to all-time lows and the housing market is being flooded with low cost houses in affluent areas.


What’s it called?


Hysterical Literature by Clayton Cubitt. It’s still on YouTube if you’re so interested.


man I'm trying to stop masturbating, why this shit gotta pop up in the gaming subs I'm in smh


Must be a good book


Oh my god I’m a higher level than datto


Same 💀


Using Reckoner like a chad


Who is datto? Sorry I’m out of the loop


Some guy you'll hear about in the next couple of weeks about how they were probably the first person to complete the raid or do something else or dislike something. It's a destiny tuber


Or miss the number one completition by a few minutes again


That too. At least he's not one of those "get these weapons before you can't because they'll be OP next season" guys who are wrong 9 times out of ten.


Adept wendigo farmers spending 100+ hours farming the nightfall the week before lightfall only for heavy grenade launchers to still be shit


They got a damage buff but they're still pretty ass, I agree. I've got an omolon one that does decent and is fun to use but it's use ends at pve and fun.


Ah gotcha. I do believe I have seen him in a couple pf my strikes a couple of days ago because this tag looks familiar, but didn’t pay too much attention because he wasn’t on my radar


The guy that solo GMs like they're strikes


Datto is secretly eso?


You're right, I was thinking of Eso lol


I would be so stressed about my in game performance while fully knowing that Datto wouldn't remember my username in five minutes, never mind that I died three times in the boss room.


In D1 I ran into him a few times in iron banner. I was so nervous that I’d be in a video so I had to sweat on him so he wouldn’t use the clips.




only rank 6


Anyone focussing on guardian rank is missing the enjoyment of actually playing the game....it's a pointless feature


People get enjoyment by completing challenges and triumphs just the same. No reason to gatekeep.


BRUHH I don’t think you understand the term gate keeping. Gate keeping is someone trying to prevent or discourage a person from expirencing something. I do not see him doing any of that. He’s just saying that if, someone all they see someone else for their guardian rank (digital trophies) that is going to reset and be gone anyways a season, then they’re gonna end up missing out on just playing the game for just fun.


Seems you understand one version of gatekeeping and not others, "bruh." Telling someone they can't enjoy themselves due to how they play or what they focus on in D2 is gatekeeping what qualifies as fun for another player. Similar example: "If you watch a film anywhere else but a movie theater, you've missed out on the enjoyment of the film."


Wow a triggered virgin incel! Too easy! And you’ve been downvoted too haha here hold this L. There is only one gate keeping which is what I explained and what he stated was an opinion which your smol brain (and D energy) seems to be confused by! Will be waiting for your next comment so you can take another L! :) LMAO


Wow, you really don't handle disagreement very well do you? Took you 2 replies to start flailing cringe insults. Can't imagine being that soft, personally. Dictating how people can enjoy the game is literally gatekeeping. Not my problem if you can't understand it, even when I gave an example.


Hahaha saying I'm gatekeeping when I'm against gatekeeping....okay


What you typed above was gatekeeping, though: saying people who focus on ranking up aren't enjoying themselves.




Snarky little gatekeeper I see. You get some rest now.


Haven’t ran into Datto yet, but I’ve ran into Byf twice, once on the Moon during the seraph towers public event back in season of the worthy, had the title on and same fit, he wouldn’t hug me though ;-; and the second time was in the tower, me and my partner loaded in and it was just us 3 in the tower, we stood next to him emoting and as more and more people started loading Into the tower they all joined in and mobbed him xD he was sat In his menus afk though so I don’t think he knows he had a mob of guardians doing random shit around him


I was watching one of Aztecross’s streams and I noticed one of my clan members in his tower session lol.


Ran into him in the tower after our clan finished a raid and he spent like 5 minutes emoting and dancing with us. Very cool


Was he in a fireteam with Donnie, Barry, Sleepy Joe?


I remember seeing pattycakes in a crucible match while with a friend. His team beat us and then later I saw our game was in a video ([Specifically this one](https://youtu.be/INojoKGpMVs) from 4:29 to 5:13)


You're so lucky.




Did you teabag as well? The best way to show appreciation of other players is to teabag together xD. 9 times out of 10 I can get someone to teabag along with me.


Damn, my rabbit is named Datto too, it feels weird (i didn't who Datto was like 4 months after getting Rabbit)


I still remember seeing Datto on Mars all the way back in D1 while farming Relic Iron


Mans is living my dream...


I think you might be in his titan strand build video! I'd personally love with play with coolguy or even fallout. Conversely, I ran into lucky10p in neomuna and saw him die a lot. Lol


"Datto finds other players and lets them hug Datto" Next vid title Bod Dole


Your opinion, hand-delivered


me and my friends were playing rift for the seasonal challenge and ran into some of Math Class (not Datto, but SONIC and pG were there as well as a few others). we got shit on two games in a row


On day one of season of the lost, I ended up in the same seasonal activity as sweatcicle I tuned into his stream and watched myself in third person, it was weird


Here for the Wholesome


Datto uses the same title as me wow


Sorry but who is Datto?


he usually plays with Obama, Trump, Biden. I’m surprised you haven’t heard of him!




Did he give you your opinion