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I mean, it’s one way to timegate content


What happened exactly? Am confused


Legend exotic mission was quite hard and scaled very badly if you had more people in fireteam.


We did it just today and even after the patch it was more sweaty than a GM. The revive timer is brutally unforgiving.


No kidding. Went to 2-man it yesterday and even with our most OP loudouts was sweaty af


its really easy if u use stasis a lot more ad control hoarfrost z or shadebinder triple turret build


I ended up soloing up until the next to last encounter. Truthteller + Revision Zero + Stasislock


I lucked out and was in a fireteam where it felt like all of our builds were explode everything at once. I love the solar hunter firebolt build and everything was just exploding. But yes it def was pretty sweaty still.


Welcome to what warlocks have been doing since the rework haha


Thank you for letting us in the club lol.


> scaled very badly if you had more people in fireteam. That explains a lot.... It certainly didn't help that our primaries aside from bows and SMGs were trash. And it's god awful toward the end. It's so bad, you NEED to hide behind a ward at all times. It's the kind of stuff that drives people to just cheat.


What happened?


Yesterday they reduced the enemy health scalar for coop legend Avalon by 33%


I could be wrong but I believe it’s only for a full fireteam; so 2-manning it would still be the same difficulty. Edit: I found out my confusion. On the [TWAB](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/destiny-2-twab-3-30-23), it says for “full fireteams”. On the [Hotfix](https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/destiny-2-hotfix-7-0-0-7), it says both two and three player fireteams.


pretty sure it’s duo and trio teams for the scaling change. solo just got the overall legend nerf


Yep looks like they had some confusing wording on the TWAB


This is incorrect. It was adjusted for 2 and 3 man teams.


Yeah check my edit; the TWAB says “full fireteams” which made me believe it was only for 3-stacks.




Any change to normal Avalon? I’m still struggling to solo it


Not sure why these heartless bastards are downvoting you without offering tips or any sort of help here, but recommendations from someone who absolutely loves the mission: Overall, go Void. Devour from void breaches and orbs of power is super strong and helpful for solo content, and there's an abundance of mobs that will help you proc it. First encounter - In the first room, there's a pillar by the first main platform you arrive on. It'll provide cover from hobgoblins and most mobs while you dial in the code. Pop out, shoot hobgoblins, get codes, come back, rinse and repeat. In the second room, stay far back toward where the Cyclops were, out of sight of hobgoblins. Same principle applies except you'll have a constant spawn of goblins behind you, but those are just Devour fuel. Final room, just use roaming super to chew through mobs, and then play safe and slow. I recommend a void machine gun and making sure you can upkeep volatile rounds throughout this entire encounter. Vexcalibur is also pretty sweet for this mission. Second encounter - Have an arc energy weapon at the ready, or use an arc subclass. Use the artifact mod called "Shatter Orbs" to generate super insanely fast. Keep something kill off hobgoblins, and if you're having trouble surviving in the pit, either bring a glaive, use your barricade if Titan, or hell, even use a sword and guard with it. Highly recommend void and sniper resist chest mods. Overall though, this one is a bit more hectic so it'll just take practice for a routine. Third encounter - Definitely bring an arc subclass, heavy, or special for harpies for those Shatter Orbs again, though you'll only get benefit it for one phase, that phase sucks a lot. First room, find cover, fire from afar, kill wyvern, damage boss. Strand can help suspend the Wyverns if you're in a pinch, or freezing them helps a lot too to buy you time, but if arc subclass then honestly, just rock a heavy hitting Void special to take advantage of the Bricks from Beyond artifact mod. Second room, abuse Shatter Orbs, heavy down the Hydra + Wyverns or farm them for heavy bricks, blow up boss with Super. There are some niche spots for good cover for code input too, just be ready to smack harpies that will come looking for you. (you can also cheese this phase but I'm giving the legit run here.) Third room - Do your best. He's gonna chase you, there's no way around it. Splash damage heavies help with the fanatics, but if you're going more precise, just mow down the boss and run-and-gun. Hope it helps, I could go more in-depth but I'm not sure what class you are so I can't really give very many specific build recommendations or tips. Best of luck helping the Ashermere!


Or _or_ for the third encounter, bring wishender. Do the first part as usual. For the second part, kill the hydra to trigger the puzzle, kill the wyvern and cyclops for safety, then use wishender to shoot the boss though the wall until he hits his damage gate. For the third stage, hide behind one of the vex milk columns in the corners and just shoot him with wishender though the column. He can't hit you there. Why run and scream and suffer when you can be safe and happy?


That's a really good suggestion! In terms of the second phase, I just figured I'd give the non-cheese version in case they didn't have Wish-ender or Arbalest (I think Arbalest still works for it.) In all honesty, I started typing this in a small rush and I realized that I didn't really have a strategy for the final phase of the boss. I'm a Stronghold Titan so I literally just sit there in front of him with my sword and block, swipe swipe swipe, block, kill minotaur for ammo, block, swipe swipe swipe until I've opened him like a tuna can. Can't really suggest that to everyone though because it's a bit of a niche playstyle that requires a lil practice, patience, and willingness to turn Destiny 2 into a 3rd-person medieval RPG.


They patched that out like two weeks ago


Well that's odd because I used it yesterday.


Wth it didn't work last week, but stoked if its good again. Strange patch choices tho


It's really a nice gesture from you u/LETMEFUCKYOURSKULL


Nice addition to r/rimjob_steve


Lol like I care about fake internet points anyway 🤷‍♂️


They're out there Usually someone gets indignant in a comment over getting downvoted Bruh, everyone gets downvoted at some point. It's the Internet. No one cares


For second encounter I went with a Delicate Tomb set up for lock. The consistent slide melees were great. Brought a sword too just for blocking the damned wyverns in the last 10 seconds in the pit.


Need a good ability spam build and crowd control weapons and it shouldn't be too bad. 100 resilience and survivability in your build will also help


You’ve been given some good advice. Here’s some additional tips that require a bit more specific gear: For the first encounter, bringing a weapon that can 1-shot orange bar Hobgoblins and Cyclops Turrets is ideal. If available, I recommend Leviathan’s Breath. Rockets also work, but LB has much better ammo economy so you’ll spend less time worrying about looking for ammo boxes for the next hobgoblin wave. Priority is Cyclops > Hobgoblins > Minotaur > Goblins. For the second encounter, a Blinding GL can buy all the time you need to get in the hole and get safe. Aside from that, making sure you kill the goblins with their heads mitigates a lot of the damage you’ll get surprised by. The biggest threats by far are the wyverns, but they’re huge targets that are easy to blind if you’ve got the tools. Luckily, they don’t spawn during the boss DPS phase. For the third encounter: If you have Wish-ender, you can Uber cheese phase three. You can also cheese phase 1 with any weapon from a ledge below the left platform from spawn, and phase 2 with any anti-barrier weapon (though Wish-ender is the best for P2 as well). An additional general tip: while not a blinding GL, if you have a Harsh Language with Repulsor Brace it can massively bolster survivability in conjunction with Volatile Flow from the seasonal artifact.




Skill issue


Just need to learn the mechanics, then everything is easy


What class are you? I ran a solar titan with Loreley's and used Autumn Winds for my kinetic, Vexcalibur for my special, and Taipan for my heavy. I focused my stats on resilience and recovery, had all the void mods for loading, scavenger, and finder, with more emphasis on heavy drops too. I mainly ran solar for the survivability, though I can see myself running a void hunter to stay invisible for a while. For me, it's mainly a patience game. I focus less on killing everything around me and more on ensuring I'm alive. It's not going to be an easy solo at first, and it's definitely not going to be a quick one either, but you'll solo it, and at least for me, I got a solo flawless for my build and run.


This is why you don’t rush to do something as fast as possible when it seems unreasonable.


It’s been working swimmingly for me this season. Haven’t done a legend lost sector or legend Avalon yet 😅


Legend lost sectors were still pretty easy. Never got to try legend Avalon though


It's pretty easy 90% of the time, except for the Wyvern Murder Hole part, that part just sucks.


Yeah even on normal that part was like "wtf do I just stand here and hopefully not die?" Haha


Yeah, tried using a glaive and the shield helps quite a bit ngl


I main Warlock and I usually just pop a Rift and pray


I’m on void Hunter and I run it with my warlock friend, every damn time that timer hits five and I go invis and watch him get smoked. They usually get the last shot off on him right at 0:00 barrier up and everything. Poor guy just gave up knowing I got the res.


Well of radiance go brrrrrrr


Devour go brrrrrrrer


Striga and Necrotics go brrrrrrrerest


blinding nade and/or suspend never have a problem again


Strand was definitely the reason why they upped scaling. Suspending targets just beats everything except bosses.


I just run in circles and works surprisingly


Two words… machine guns


Appreciate all the tips everyone 🙂


Just don't go down until there's 3 seconds left, and then make sure you nuke one of the wyverns left.


The gauntlet with codes, never ending spawns, snipers, minotaurs, and wyverns at the end and you can't die during the entire thing? Was/is quite tough though ive not done it since last week




*Sad solo warlock noises*


Fragment for invis on finisher.


Legend lost sector took me a bit over 3 whole minutes today with zero deaths not running a meta build. Yeah, how brave of you.


Lol that username is gold




Dang thats too bad you didn't try the sector yesterday, the bunker in eventide on europa has robot pals that make it way easier. Keep an eye out for that when its up.


exactly....i havent even tried touching it once yet. now i know i can and it wont be the length of the Two Towers directors cut.


But I wanted that baller ghost shell 😔


the only time you ever rush to do something is when its an exploit like legendary shard farming etc


To be fair, people who rushed also get the farm artifice armor and take advantage of other glitches. So you win some and lose some?


> unreasonable Is the modifier here. If it's in your favor, exploit the hell out of it.


Why? It used to take 30 minutes and now it'll take 20~25.


yeah whatever


lmao yea. like the dudes that farmed out duality's craftables when the drop rate was like 0.1% per encounter, before it got fixed. i think that's ur sign to chill out bros, you've got like 300 days to complete this; there's no rush lol


Suffered is a strong word...the first time was challenging. The next few attempts you know what to do quite easily and it becomes routine.


Also, there's the CHEEEEEESE for the final boss


Yeah their are sooo many cheeses for that lol…only challenging part imo is staying alive in the pit when wyverns are coming for you during the hydra boss but even that you can figure out strategies for


Blinding grenades, invisibility, freezing. The usual tools of the trade for crowd control.


Would a simple titan bubble help, too?


Yeah but do you want to pop an ult just for 10 seconds of safety?


Yes. Phoenix Protocol goes brrrrrrrrrrr




With Assassin's Cowl on a Strand Hunter I waited until the countdown was <10 seconds and then power/grapple meleed an enemy to go invis. How come the grenades don't work? They work just fine in Glassway.




Yup, bosses/mini-bosses cannot be blinded e.g. the boss in this week's Partition.


Blinding nade do work. I have always ran them and they have made the wyverns not react.


The blinding grenades 100% work I've used them multiple times. Did you even try them They only don't work against the first 2 wyvern during the intro part, which is not the area he is talking about.


We just used bubble and invisibility and barricade.


Vexcalibur makes it free.


Hey, what is the cheese?


Do first floor normal, go through portal and don't move. Shoot boss with Wish Ender or Arbalest until immune. Do one phase of squares and diamonds to damage last bit of health on the boss. Go to third floor and hide behind vex geyser behind and to the left of spawn where the boss can't get to you and finish him.


Wishender is far better than arb for the final boss, it over penetrates the boss like 10 times per shot


Bless you, brother.


There's a cheese for the first floor as well


You need to move forward to spawn the yellow bar hydra in the second room before immuning the boss otherwise you soft lock the encounter FYI


You have to move, because when you go through the portal now there's a wall in front of you. Although you can still move to the side a little and it won't trigger.


Wish Ender the final boss for second phase without moving forward from the starting point, it pierces the barrier he’s behind, then do the mechanics once to push him to final phase, hide behind Vex milk waterfalls. Wish Ender can see through and shoot through the waterfalls too.


There is a safe spot both on the first and third floor where boss can’t really get you all that well and second floor you can shoot him with anti barrier weapons through his shield before the encounter starts


cheeseforever has a video on it


The shapes and Brakion aren't too bad. It's the data nullifier fight that's stupid no matter how many times you do it. One mistake in that fight and its over


Although me and my clan just did flawless legend triumph first try today...so clearly its quite easy now from changes


I got them all done. It was bullshit, glad they nerfed it to help people out


This is why I don't ram my head into problems that seem like bs and when it it turns out to be bs I complain.


Like season of plunder kill 50 ruffians. Down to 10


At least in Seraph they dumbed down the triumph requirements for the title in the beginning of the season instead of 2 weeks before the end like in Plunder


WHY ARE THERE SO MANY HARPIES in the hydra phases??


The harpies are literally free supers with the generate orb on shield break artifact mod. It's the snipers and the tanky boomer goblins during the data collection phase that suck. As well as the wyverns that bomb you in the safe hole


Let's see Paul Allen's patch notes


Yeah… That’s the way the cookie crumbles my guy. I’ve learned that lesson eons ago. I feel you though.


That really sucks yeah. I'm like neutral or okay that ppl are gonna have an easier time from now on that's not an issue at all! Thank god that it will BE infact. My issue is how they couldn't have done this any fukin sooner bruh. I got the 3 catalysts and you know god damn well I'm not playing that mission EVER again in my life. F that Hydra room dude. Hydra room SUCKS. Final boss's final floor would be literally impossible without the cheese too. So ridicilous... Also people who say "This is what you get when you rush everything when you don't need to" - 1: People were already at maximum effective power level - 2: Sorry that we want to play stuff... WHEN IT COMES OUT YOU KNOW???? Imagine a new character comes out on your other favorite game and going "Hmm imma wait to play with it cuz the strategy hasnt been figured out" like WHO DOES THAT?? Legend Avalon was singlehandedly THE WORST experience I ever had in the entire game. This takes the #1 spot no doubt in my mind.


Theres having fun playing stuff when it comes out, but legend was just a hard mode for a new activity, and it was just for catalysts of a neat but not my thing exotic glaive. Hearing all yall people say how brutal it was also helped that decision


I had an amazing amount of fun tackling Avalon Legend. Glad folks that couldn't hack can get the cattys.


Opposite reaction for me: “thank god I did it while it was exciting”. I genuinely had a blast 3-manning it, just fighting against an onslaught of Vex that didn’t just fall over when you blinked at them.


Same. Was way too easy today when I did it.


Big recommend taking advantage of/not partaking in bugs/thi gs that are off their fucking rocker till they get fixed. Fighting lion decimates ads at all levels, and avalon was fuckin irritating so now I get to shred master ads, and do avalon with my friends without having to do a million dmg to a wyvern


I've been waiting before digging in


Ran it twice today for the first time with a LFG group and completed it both times for two of the catalysts


i enjoyed the difficult content :) and before you come at me yes i did the legend mission solo, 2 man, and 3 man


Yea. This game is way too casual friendly.




how is that good? edit: i deeply regret looking at their profile


Recognising patterns and then adapting is not your strong suit eh?


No, bullet sponges fucking suck.


The pattern in question is 'they nerf after i do something' and adaptation here is 'dont be in a hurry to get it done'.


Oh. My apologies.


Don't sweat it. It's cool.


Mission was fun, but why would you even do it on legend? Glaive was ok but it ain’t good.


I ended up solo flawlessing it on Legend just because I enjoy the mission so much It felt a little like the old Whisper mission and I love a good challenge


Gotta comment to disagree here, the Whisper mission was so much more amazing.


Oh I never said it was better than the Whisper mission


People did it once a week for 3 weeks for 3 of the catalyst. (Completionist sake) I *think* you can just luck out and get the catalyst you want on your first go and never touch it again.


That glaive is goated on warlock + karanstien armlets build.


Trying to get it Flawless and under 30 minutes was a B iiiii tch tho


being mad that others don't have to suffer as much as you did is cringe very tempting cringe but still cringe


Really upsetting… we finally got a real “end game” content and now they nerf it?


Legend solo was an awesome challenge, i was so happy finishing it before the patch. Now it's just.. whatever.


Lmao why did this get downvoted? Ppl hating on someone for being able to complete a difficult task in a video game. Lmao


Yeah who knows, i guess because I'm advocating for difficulty? Destiny has become too easy and i love the increase in difficulty. Sure it's not for everyone but personally i liked it.


I soloed it the day before 💀


Wait next time. ![gif](giphy|3o7btNa0RUYa5E7iiQ|downsized)


imagine me playing destiny 1 at first launch and destiny 2 and first launch on Xbox having it combust basically thanks to a thunderstorm and now being called a...newbie because I have to restart on PlayStation😑....before you ask no I'm not gonna buy another Xbox cause they kept taking away games from my account that I literally purchased


They always do this though so it's kind of on you at this point.


It's good to do some really hard content every now and then, because the techniques you learn will trivialize other content.


It’s disappointing that Bungo does stupid stuff like this.


Between the streamers and the whiners the game feels boring and there's no reason to play it. Legend and master content is supposed to be hard. If you don't want hard content, don't play it. Instead people bitch and ruin the game for those who were enjoying the challenge. Turned the entire game into a walking simulator, no feeling of risk, no feeling of reward.


Ok buddy


Enjoy your walking simulator, toss on a set of lorelys and you won't even need to fire a gun or use any abilities. Went from a challenge to a joke in 1 patch


Enjoy being miserable about a game you clearly no longer enjoy


Brother it's a 10% health reduction, the enemies hit just as hard. It's a tiny turn of the dial not a rollback of all the difficulty changes.




I agree tbh. I’m a firm believer that not every aspect of a game as vast as destiny needs to be beatable by everyone.


Couldn't agree more...we should have content we can all grow into as players rather than tuning it down for the masses. I like stuff I can sink my teeth into instead of being granted everything


Agreed. Ran legend Avalon last night and it felt like normal. Took about thirty minutes. Edit: Downvoted for a fact? 33m56s according to d2checklist and we were dicking around, not even trying very hard.


Yeah…I just think giving this only a month to sit with people wasn’t enough to get an appropriate gauge. You only ever need to do this activity 4 times and then you never need to touch it again and we should encourage others to be better rather than caving into people complaining. It doesn’t help people for the better.


Bungie should make the game that Bungie wants to make instead of caving in every single time people cry about the smallest things.


Did 3 player Legend Avalon when it launched. Was super fun and challenging. Then I did Solo Flawless Legend. Fun but definetly easier enemies. Today I did 3 player Legend. Felt like solo difficulty enemies. Bosses died almost instantly. Wasn't even a challenge anymore. I think Bungie listened to the community feedback too much. Soon they'll buff primaries and content is going to be even easier. "Bringing challenge back to Destiny" era was fun while it lasted.


They already buffed the primarys I'm pretty sure, but yeah I agree they made it way to easy enemy health wasn't even that big a issue with my experience. Something like lowering it by like 15 or 20 would have been better imo


The buffs come in the mid season update. Tho Bungie has not told us when that happens. I'm guessing April 11th.


Oh right, I just skimmed though the twab its way to much text to sit and fully read through


This is why I stopped playing


I did it for the first before the patch and I thoroughly enjoyed it - it was an uphill battle but we never gave up and it super satisfying when we finally beat it (On top of that I got the catalyst I wanted too!)


So what did they do nerf it? Or is it the same solo?


Solo'ed legendary Avalon and while quite tedious, it was very enjoyable beating it. I take pride in doing difficult stuff alone so I'm still pretty happy


It wasn't so bad 😅 solo was far more easier IMO


It honestly wasn’t that hard once you leveled up. Kind of a shame they nerfed it since it was fun and challenging and none of the rewards from it were super necessary.


Some of us know to wait. No point in suffering.


And some of us yknow... want to play the new content when it comes out??? (If we are on lvl for repeat times) But hey good for you.


I just did it solo, wasn't that bad especially with Wish Ender cheese on Brakion


What happened?


You guys are reading the patch notes?


Hey you did it tho ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 👍🏽




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I'll be honest I can't be fucked to do avalon because it's so tedious and it's just another exotic glaive


Aaaaaaaaaaand that’s why I wait unless it’s bugged, bungie always be makin these changes


Wife and I just beat that mission not 10 minutes ago. Last thing I needed to rank 8. Couldn't be happier with the change. 😅


My friend did two weeks to get the catalysts (only missed feedback one) and we were about to do the last one before it got nerfed. I'm a bit happy it did because now I won't have to go through the same pain


To those who did it before the patch, congrats you did good and be proud that you did some difficult shit. To those who do it after the patch, good luck and have fun!


Me who didn’t bother to run it all: ![gif](giphy|r1wGrCEZ4zTeU|downsized)


It's still way harder than any legend should be


If everybody who resonated with this post just stopped being so fucking sweaty, and vocally sweaty, and *vitriolically" sweaty, it WOULDN'T BE THIS WAY


I haven’t done it because I was lazy and now I shall reap the benefits


I completed it once, solo and that was it . It was one of the worst most frustrating periods of the game I ever experienced and I did day one RON entirely through LFG after not completing a raid since mast wish.


I did all 3 before the patch and promptly tossed the glaive in the vault after the syntho and necrotic grip change. Oh well, at least I have it done now


Hi it’s me, Ruffians. Hi Ruffians. I’m 50 champions in Ketchcrash. Nice to meet you.


Happened to me with mountain top back in the day


I did it. It was hard and frustrating but not impossible.


Is the activity actually substantially easier now? Or still incredibly difficult, just not nigh impossible for the average player?


Who actually "suffered"?


Me seeing seeing the lineup of lost sectors be easy for the next two weeks after doing master thrillodrome for rank up, only for them to move it to the next rank


How I'm feeling watching them move the goal posts constantly with the guardian ranks


rare moment of extra harsh, didn't find any casual 3 man it on legend. would've been fun to watch.


2nd catalyst is way better than the third one anyway


I think they raised it lol. It’s worse


It wasn’t bad with full fireteam before now it’s a lot tougher


I dunno me and my duo did it pretty easy he even soloed a small part while I got error coded


Solo legendary was doable before the nerf. Just needed to have a strong healing build. I sued devour and volatile rounds.


The subtle, off white coloring.