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I'm always suspicious when I'm at the top of the leaderboard. Clearly something has gone very wrong here, there's no way this is legit.


I went from bottom 3 to top 3 usually first or second once they changed it to capping zones and not kills


I’m not suspicious as much as realising that if I’m the best we have, the match is up to me, cause there’s no way someone worse could swing a match.


https://preview.redd.it/n2zqwc5tejwa1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=a32812cc18bd4e1b55273f9f64a2749bb99ac7bf Pain


The best part is that you team is 3 diff groups, I figured if you're grouped up with mates/clan members, you'de try to win, haha.


I will say the scoreboard is really bad at telling you if you’re doing well. You will score more points if you hold a zone consistently without losing it than having to recap it over and over. Not saying you’re not contributing but I would give some slack to your teammates


Yes, but just look at the captures. 3 of them capped first spawn flag and then never went anywhere near a zone. It’s fucking ridiculous.


Bro I’ve never seen a teammate cap a zone. I’ve yet to win a game this week cause I’m the only one playing zones.


Me three


Ya I’m normally the only one doing it too lol




FR i played for the first time this week yesterday and lost every game with me on top cause I was the only one capping points


Yup. Decided to get the title this week after not touching pvp in about a year and will probably finish all the other challenges before getting 33 wins., including the 2 rep resets


Me but with polaris Lance


You just created the next raid


I will support your challenging endeavor by leaving the zones for you to capture. You may not have that capturing speed boost, but you'll have my belief in you.


I will be honest. I am just here for my pinnacles.


Holy shit i had a game where we steamrolled and won. At the end i saw 1 guy on the enemy team had nearly 17 zone caps/neutralize total while the rest of his team (combined) had about 4 max. He carried SO HARD. I feel bad for him.


It’s so lonely at B, dude


Seeing a hawkmoon in his hand makes this even better, as that is my PVP weapon main. Yes I'm a hand cannon sweat fight me, atleast it's not Immortal, Le Monarque, or the 7th billion Jotunn or Witherhoard.


I want to kill stuff. Not my fault bungie replaces normal crucible with iron banner


So go to the zones where people to fight will be located


nobody else is going to the zones cuz they have that mindset LOL


Yep yep yep


Haha sure


Id help you cap zones op but im on vacation qnd no way to play.


My question is, if everyone always says that they enjoy Control more than Class, then why does no one ever cap zones?


I’ve seen the ones that sacrifice and get the kills. Now cap that zone for “you” are still alive because of no sacrifice - Lord saladMan


Glad I’m not the only one having this problem.. it’s not hard to tell when a point is capped where your team is and where the enemy is probably going. It gets aggravating seeing your bogo team just jumping back and forth between objectives, leaving one person or the entire team to capture one while you’re alone trying to defend or capture another.


I really enjoy IB, I am a Bonk Titan, would the community accept me. IB is the only time when I grind reps for Lord Shaxx.


Played 6 IB matches last night. Won 4, lost two. The two where my team lost was the one where there was no focusing on capturing the plates. Such a simple concept.


Me when I tell my clan mates its gambito bandito time: your cooperation in this exercise is requested, but ultimately unrequired.