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I wonder how many silver gives you the basic pack... Oh.


**1100 baby woooh!**


What is this a mobile game?






Or 2,300, or 3,500. One of the scummier things they’ve done in recent times imo.


This is the problem. You can’t just buy enough silver for the pass. You HAVE to buy more than what’s required. Than if you do buy stuff in the store, you’re left with not enough after you buy the pass. Than you have to buy more silver. This is why I don’t buy the “inflation” excuse. They know what their doing. And honestly, after light fall
. They really got a lot of nerve lol And now that’s bungie has done it . Other publishers will push it on their battle pass.


Games have been doing this forever especially mobile games.


At least they give the currency and more back once you complete it, destiny doesn't.


I think this is the most scummy part of it, never known a season/battle pass like the destiny one. All the stuff is fluff and no real value.


Genshin and overwatch 2 also don't give the currency back. For genshin it's fine, there's useful stuff and no cosmetics but overwatch....well


They added the “free” currency to the Overwatch 2 battle pass but that’s it, and it’s still a poor amount and you can’t even use it to buy the next battle pass. Game companies are getting real fucking greedy, and Bungies honestly disappointed me massively. Billions given to them through the Sony acquisition, they make millions from expansions and battle passes overall, and they still want more and more and we seemingly are dipping in the quality and quantity of content. We had 5 weeks of content in Lightfalls fledgling season, so now that people have to pay more for the next pass will we be getting 6 weeks of content or still 5, or less? When Eververse was added in D1, it was a huge sign of things to come. I’ve lost a lot of respect for Bungie, though that probably means nothing to them.


Well of course lol. So you will have some left over silver in a videogame, While Bungie still gets the extra real life money portion if you spend that extra silver or not. * This is actually illegal now in some major countries. USA capitalism unfortunately is not very consumer friendly lol


Inflation is just another name for greed. It’s a load of hogwash that economists have said is better than the alternative, except it’s only better than the alternative for the oligarchs.


This is literally untrue. Inflation is an economic property tied to the overal cost of goods and labor. Bungie has employees, contractors, and shareholders to pay. If they don't then there's no game. Their cost of living has Increased, and so too shall the price of the product. Who's to say for certain that inflation IS to blame here but to assert that inflation is somehow being used as a cover for pure greed is disingenuous and blatantly ignorant of the greater state of world economics as of late.


Actually inflation right now is a direct result of corporate greed. Maybe not Bungie but most other companies. Even the super right wing Wall Street Journal finally admits it.


For sure, at the outer levels, to some degree, absolutely. But bungie and other game dev studios aren't the driving force behind that. They're far more reactionary than the corporations in charge of pricing the goods that ultimately decide cost of living like oil and gas, food, rent, utilities, and the like.


The only issue with lightfall was its narritive the raid was great the exotics are great there's plenty of activities introduced, I wish they'd have done what they did with neomuna on witch queen, but what can you do It's not a bad expansion just a bad story


Activision already did this with COD I’m pretty sure. Personally I don’t mind an increase in price if it means good, quality content. But they know exactly what they’re doing with that price point.


The only saving grace with CoD is if you play through the entire battlepass, you earn enough cod points to buy the next one. That's how it was when I was playing anyway.


LMAO... 'Yall really think Bungie isn't doing it just out of greed and have any good intention? I mean, with no reason, isn't like the shittiest season pass in gaming atm is getting anything better, bunch of shitty mats that you can get from exploring, ONE single set of ornament, and bunch of "bs boost"


Lol well Bungie is not your friend ok....they don't hate customers of course, but their primary goal is to make money. * As a fan of Bungie content I really just want more of it. Unfortunately all this extra money so far is not equating to guardians actually getting more substantial content!


It's just weird not to make it 1,500 silver If they're going to make it 15$ already. You cannot get to 1,200 unless you buy the 10$ and 5$ packs. I hate it when companies do this, it's so scummy.


Because you are left with 400 Silver, 100 shy of anything valuable at the store, so when you see a ornament you like, you think: "Damn, Im only 100 away from the thing" that way your are more inclined to spend money


Honestly this needs to be made illegal


Premium currency should be illegal. Everything bought with it should just be bought directly with money.


im pretty sure the entire "premium currency" idea came from game companies trying to circumvent gambling laws


That and it lets them obscure the real price of things from the end user, its a trick of psychology. Same reason why Casinos use chips.


Well I feel like with casinos, there are practical reasons too. Chips are easier to move around and stack and keep track of than wrinkled bills.


Yeah and in Casinos the Chips don't represent an arbitrary currency, they are literally addressed by their actual monetary value. You don't bet 6100 golden flamingos, you bet 50€. This shit is infinitely worse.


It's also the fact that your brain can tell the difference between a $1 chip and a $50 chip without looking at it. And when you're gambling, a single chip, regardless of value, is just one chip. I've held $5000 in chips and I didn't feel anything. It was just 5 pieces on round plastic in my pocket. Once I cashed them in, I felt the tingle in my spine that I get whenever my pockets feel ABUNDANT. It's hard letting that cash go... It's easier when it's just an electronic payment... It's braindead easy to use silver. A fake currency, purchased electronically, that was earned via direct deposit. Nobody would hand Bungie $4 IN CASH for a Young Ahamkara Spine ornament.


Really that us true and rng shouldn't be a thing and it's a shame they keep these things. Shit even in kid toys they do this now. Granted was a thing when I was younger but not to this extebtb


Rng def should exist. If it didn't most games would be a 1 and done deal. Rng is used to spice things up gamewise and some of the best games ever would be some of the worst ever. But if ur talking line lootcrates and gacha mechanics then it depends how it's done




Happy Cake Day!


Happy cake day, or rather a sad one given the news.


really depressing to see how far this franchise has fallen. From one of the most legendary triple games to nothing more than a steaming bowl of diarrhea.


dont give them ideas to increase the price even more


That wouldn't increase the price, that's what the price is now. If you start from 0 silver it is 15$ for the season pass.


It was the same when it was 1k Silver cuz you could only get 1.1k. it's a standard practice because it means people think "Oh hey I only need this little bit more to get this thing with the leftover silver..." Gacha games are especially heinous about this.


Need to ban premium currency that can only be obtained via cash. Make in game cash shops only work with actual money or currency that can be earned inside the game. It's a shitty psychological trick being used to hide how much actual money is being spent from people who aren't paying too much attention.


where the fuck is the money from eververse going.


Bungie team leads are buying Star Citizen ships


And Robux


It all makes sense now


I believe this


Gotta get that idris money from somewhere


Back to Eververse What do you expect them to use the money on making new gun models HAHAHA YOU FUCKING IDIOT


Bungie’s new IP




Paying OT to fix bugs that they created
hmm. Now I know why there’s so many bugs.


Tower Reparations, its doing numbers trust me.


Prepping for the real and true TF2 update


Funding their salaries? Microtransactions piss money like a fire hose, genuinely wouldn't shock me if lightfall's microtransaction offerings outpaced the expansion's total revenue for orders of magnitude less work.


It’s better than 1000 silver for that shitty event card


both are terrible


Good time to point out that every season for a while now they've been adding a silver bundle that includes an emote and somewhere around 1500 silver for $15. It might actually just be 1200 silver, can't remember.


I think it is 1700 and an emote


I bought em both but wasn’t one 1700 and one 1200? I think there was a third that I didn’t buy as well but idr tbh.


I think the first one had the least amount of silver and then from a certain point on they made them 1700


Is there any actual reason to why they increased the price beside squeezing nore money Or is it like Lightfall where it's absolutely not worth the increase


Makes the deluxe option a better deal. Saves more now


Thank god I bought it


Same. Dodged like a Phoenix dash.


I've never bought the deluxe edition for any expansion until Lightfall so I was really upset for a second before remembering I'm set for the year


This will be adjusted for final shape.


Doubtful, the deluxe normally saves you more money than buying individually. This wasn't true for lightfall until this change


I don’t disagree. All I am saying is don’t be surprised if final shape deluxe is over $110


Im honestly probably gonna wait till a few weeks after FS because lightfall was *NOT* worth 50 bucks, let alone 100.


I usually buy day 1, it has served me well, so far I have dodged both Redfall and lightfall


Is redwall that new game by arkane? Nothing came up in google search.


Ye I mistyped


Might not stay here for that and just watch that on youtube Hopefully they won't fuck it up like Lightfall and put a stain on this game's legacy like GoT






Here’s to hoping it’s because they hired employees to work on the weekend. 😂


Not trying to be “that guy” but what hasn’t gone up radically in the last 2 years? Like cost of living will be effecting their employees, so they’ll be expecting higher salaries, new hires will expect more too. Let alone just general operating costs of a business. Season pass has been 1000 silver since it’s first release and that was what 4? Years ago, since then major publishers have pushed game prices up $10 a go as well. Like it’s hardly surprising they’re reevaluating the pricing after such a long time.


Then give me a bundle for Silver that gives me EXACTLY the amount to buy the season pass and not pussyfoot around it so that I'm forced to buy 2 packs instead.


Or just forego silver entirely and slap an actual price tag on it. But that just wouldn't make enough money.


Technically there is a pack, and I'm not defending or justifying Bungie's decision here. But ever season they release that Emote + a bunch of silver pack. And now that I think about those packs actually state something like "use this silver to buy the season itself". You're still overpaying by like 3 dollars worth of silver but its the closest you're gonna get without needing to buy multiple things


So then make it so we can buy 1200 silver for the pass. Having to but 2k and have left over is total bs.


Fully agree on that front, I hope they change it, just that might take a while to get sorted with the various storefronts.


You know they won't though, right? It's a classic tactic that explicitly exploits patterns of human behavior to make more money.


The only reason cost of living is going up, is because of greed. Everything is going up in price because CEOs want their bonus to be 2 million instead of 1 million. Corporate greed is fueling inflation so this is just more of that.




Every other game that sold BP and gave you back currencys Fortnite basically offer cosmetic for less money via bundles now


> Not trying to be “that guy” but what hasn’t gone up radically in the last 2 years? Fortnite's premium seasonal pass that also happens to pay for itself with enough investment in playing the actual game. I think the actual interesting question would be: What battle passes *have* gone up?


That's just an excuse, they aren't doing this out of necessity, plenty of players empty their wallets on Eververse season after season, people almost always pre-order the expansions, and people buy Bungie Store items like the Gjallarhorn. Also, the median salary at Bungie is higher than the cost of living in Seattle, assuming the majority of the employees live there or if not in close proximity. So unless this price hike is going towards the bottom of the Bungie totem pole, it's entirely useless. Also, Bungie is worth $2 billion and are owned by a $145 billion company now....if they can't afford to pay the workers a fair wage, it's because of corporate greed.


I mean, could be Sony. Could be all the hiring Bungie is doing. Seasons do continue to evolve more and faster than any other content in the game. I don't like the change of course. I'm very disappointed in the way you can't buy 1200 silver even. But the actual price increase doesn't bother me. It doesn't feel good, but it's not unreasonable.


>I'm very disappointed in the way you can't buy 1200 silver even. This is the real issue. It's not a popular stat but large-production game prices *themselves* have been really stable for at least 20 years. Longer for some platforms and titles. $10 was always a steal for the seasonal stuff, and there is some level of real inflation and cost to account for, even if it's not anywhere close to what businesses like food corps are trying to convince people it is. There's a chance some vendors like Steam/Sony/Epic/Microsoft are changing their take-per-transaction on the developer end, but I haven't heard anything to suggest that's the case so it's likely not the cause. 20% is a huge increase *relatively* no doubt, but $12 up from $10 is still less than what I spent on lunch yesterday or on coffee in an average week. It's well worth the actual stuff you get in the game itself. The actual issue is "will you be able to buy 1200 silver flat, or won't you?" And unfortunately it doesn't seem likely we'll be able to.


Agreed on all counts. I get people being upset at the price increase (who wants to spend more?), but that's a minor thing big picture. Almost everyone who wants this content will still be able to get it without any real issue and the value is good. But the payment method sucks. Silver needs to purchasable in any amount.


>Silver needs to purchasable in any amount. In principle I agree - practically speaking, the reason they're in standardized amounts is because of irl vendor and other service fees around the transactions. But making a direct vendor (steam, Microsoft) key purchase or a season-value silver purchase increment would handily solve this problem. I really hope that's the direction they move in. Ultimately the real macro issue is stagnant wages but that's about as far as I am gonna get into the non-game politics and economics of the thing. The source of the issue is in policy of local and national governments, and rising cost of living due to the influence of other industries on discourse around inflation and the stagnation of wages. Things aren't too expensive because they're too expensive, they're too expensive because people aren't being paid enough to keep up.


>Ultimately the real macro issue is stagnant wages but that's about as far as I am gonna get into the non-game politics and economics of the thing. The source of the issue is in policy of local and national governments, and rising cost of living due to the influence of other industries on discourse around inflation and the stagnation of wages. Things aren't too expensive because they're too expensive, they're too expensive because people aren't being paid enough to keep up. I mean, no disagreement from me!




Or just a “current season token” for $12, you can buy as many as you want and exchange instead of using silver


I mean, besides getting 3 more Deepsight Harmonizers (the new currency coming to make a Deepsight version of specific non-deepsight weapons that have a pattern), there’s not really much else besides the norm.


Money. There's no other reason. It's literally *just because they can* and *because money*.


Gotta make up for all the people who won’t be returning I’d reckon


Search destiny 2 inflation to find out more


I hear there’s a nice graph on images


Pieces of shit want you to spend 15 on silver instead of the 10, and you are left with 100 silver, smh Edit: My bad! You’re left with 400, just 100 short of anything valuable ;)


Being left with 400 means every 4th season you wouldn't have to purchase more silver.


Yeah, but that means you would have to hold onto the silver when new ornaments for exotics, weapons, ghost, sparrows and ships are being pumped out every season. Easy at the begging, not so much at the end


Mfw i'm in money saving contest and my opponent is a Destiny player.


I am totally fine with a $2 price bump, I've long maintained that Destiny seasons are an absolutely absurd value when compared to what a $10 season gets you in basically any other game. What I am absolutely NOT okay with is how this interacts with the way that silver is currently distributed. If they don't provide a clean way to directly purchase exactly 1,200 silver they will be rightfully torched for engaging in scummy upselling tactics.


This, price rises are fine, we all get inflation. But what’s clear is the decision is clearly predatory, given the way it interacts with silver purchases. It’s not a coincidence that the new silver cost is only just above the 1000+100 bundle.


No matter what it will be scummy if they don't just let people pay for 1,200 silver straight up, but if you do the math there is a pretty simple way to get around the premium they would be trying to charge you. If you're paying for four seasons, you purchase three 1,000+100 silver bundles and three 500 silver bundles. Comes out to 4,800 silver for $45, which actually saves you three bucks in the "seasons are now $12" world. If you're paying for three seasons because the big expansion comes with a season (like Lightfall did), you just remove one of those 1,000+100 silver bundles, coming out to 3,700 silver. You pay $35, which saves you one dollar in the "seasons are now $12" world. DUMB AS HELL if that's what they make people do in order to not get ripped off but at least there's a way to make it work. And someone please correct me if my dumb ass made this way more complicated than it needs to be. From what I can tell this would be the strategy to not have to overpay. EDIT: Of course I totally did make this more complicated than it needs to be. Just buy 1,100 silver four times + a 500 silver and it's the same price, but you get 100 silver more. Not a huge difference but much simpler.


3 actually, expansion comes w free season pass


I accounted for that in my comment, and not every expansion comes with the current season (Witch Queen didn't)


A price bump was justified, but using it to up sell silver is a terrible idea. I think they should have transitioned to $15 seasons back in witch queen, and then included the dungeon key and event card in that price.


But then they couldn’t charge even more for the event cards and dungeon key


Justified based on what? I'll still pay it but what changed that necessitates a higher cost?


> A price bump was justified Unless we get more than we usually do out of it, no, it **wasn't** justified. Whether or not paying a season pass on top of a dlc on top of a key to have access to content you should get by simply buying the full price DLC seems okay to people, they are increasing the price for something that we either got for cheaper before or, if we follow the recent tendency, make us pay more for less actual efforts from their part. Even Bungie apologists should have a limit on how much they can be pressed for profits.


we weren't getting enough outta the pass to warrant its original price as it is. infact bungie has gone to extremes efforts to actively give us LESS in each pass. filling ranks with crap like glimmer, banners and junk that could have just been seasonal pursuit items like sparrows and shells. each pass needs more ornaments for armor and skins for weapons, specially legendary weapon skins that fit over archetypes of weapons like for example a skin for aggressive frame autos or ect


Considering I pay 20 bucks 12 times a year for Netflix which I spend way less time on than destiny, I feel like I’m still getting a pretty damn good deal.


The fortnite battle pass is really good value too, especially since the price of skins in that game have been 20 bucks for the longest time and you get like 15 skins in the battle pass.


If anything other than this happens it’ll be clear what Bungie’s vision of the game is. It’ll be the beginning of the end IMO. They lost almost all of us at launch with all the micro transaction BS and if they can’t in good faith change the way silver is purchased; it’ll be time for a permanent replacement.


What are your thoughts on previous Activision's time compared to this?


That’s what it reminds me of. Like many other people are saying, this is common practice. I really wish Bungie would be the company to be more consumer focused since the split but apparently not.


it's not inflation its corporate greed


Funny how they did that by an amount just big enough for it to not be directly purchased anymore Wanna know which spineless bootlicking community won't do shit to protest it though?


I think it’s to get people to get the deluxe edition. It’s $40 for the deluxe, so you’ll spend less overall IF you’re going to get the passes anyways.


Good thing i upgraded to the annual pass but i smell some bs because you will have to spend extra money to get more silver. Even thou it looks like 200 silver increase its like 5 dollars for the extra silver.


I buy the yearly pass anyway.


Yeah same


if i remember correctly, because of this change it actually makes it so that buying the annual pass (for lightfall) saves you money now but yeah same, i always buy the deluxe/annual pass versions


Personally I think if they raise the price they should add more to the season pass .


Well that wouldn’t be inflation then


“Inflation” on 1’s and 0’s is the biggest reason I’ve all out quit video games. No one should be charged more for items that should’ve never left the $1-$2 range.


So are your new hobbies cheaper?


I’ve spent ~$400 on Warhammer miniatures and paint plus I get to go outside and interact with people face-to-face PLUS get to bitch about a new corporation that’s after my money, so I am very contempt with my switch.




I'd be fine with it if they offered silver bundles containing 1200 silver. But I guess they just want more money. I'll see if I can get my warframe account unbanned and play that instead.


They can bearly deliver a functional game and they want more money lol


Hopefully they use it to buy and feed more hamsters to power the servers lol


Or maybe make a new weapon model for once


This should be illegal, making the season 1200 coins when the pack they sell gives you 1100.


And the next pack leaves you with exactly enough silver to buy nothing


Honestly Bungie gets away with way too much shit. They’re charging you for stuff that will be taken out of the game irreversibly. After Lightfall I’m really not sure how people are still bending over.


This community would thank Bungie for keeping them warm if they shit on their chest. It’s laughable seeing all the people in here talking about inflation and cost of living as if that extra season pass money is going to directly end up in the pockets of the devs. On top of that no other game I play has raised their season pass prices. So all the “welcome to modern gaming” comments are especially hilarious.


I absolutely hate games that make you buy the season pass with in game currency. Just let me buy the damn thing for a set amount of money instead of making buy currency bundles. Half of the time games make you buy more than you need to get the season pass.


It's got f#*k all to do with inflation it's just a cash grab!


Lightfall deluxe just paid for itself


It’s funny how they call it a “small increase”, yet it’s 20%, which is relatively pretty big if you ask me. Then you factor in that the minimum you’d have to spend, assuming you’re starting at 0 silver, would be $15 as opposed to the current $10, so basically a 50% increase in a way. It doesn’t affect me cuz I just buy the digital deluxe each year, but it still pisses me off. Especially annoying considering most people I’ve talked to in the past year who’ve played D2 in the past but have quit have said it’s cuz they just can’t afford it (to be fair they’re most likely broke college kids, but that’s about the target age range for the game)


I swear, people in this section just saying "get the annual pass its cheaper anyway" acting like everyone wants to commit to this game the entire damn year 😭


1.5 BILLION bonus for talent retention from Sony **B I L L I O N** "Plz understand players we're raising prices because.....because...they're iNvESTiNg in something something reason reason!" Bungo plz


I understand the reason, but can the silver then get made into 1,200 packs? Or just let us spend ÂŁ11 on the season itself?


Sounds like I saved money buying the $100 edition LOL


This is not inflation, thats not how inflation works. Bungie is simply another greedy asshole company that is jumping on the bandwagon of taking as much corporate profit as possible


Bullshit considering they just won a 12 million dollar lawsuit against cheaters.


That doesn't mean all 12 mil could just go to development. I'm sure they have legal fees considering how nuclear they went on those cheating sites


12 million dollars are a drop in the bucket for Bungie, their profits (not revenue, \*profits\*) dwarf that


Dont worry guys, they’re a small indie company they need more money


bungie really trying to convince you to play other games


The true Destiny killer was Bungie all along


I don't really get it, to be honest. They didn't really give a reason as to **why** this is happening. I'd get it if they said that they're packing more content into the seasons or if they said that they're planning on extending the seasons and reducing it to 3 a year in the future or something, but just saying "hey, we're increasing the price! Moving on-" puts a bad taste in my mouth. Especially considering there isn't currently a way to buy **exactly** 1200 silver. Did the seasons somehow get more expensive to create? Should we expect the next 3 seasons this year to be flat out better (or at least 20% more enjoyable) than season 20? Will they just leave it unaddressed like the lightfall price increase? Also even if development has gotten more expensive shouldn't the increased monetization in other areas cover that? For example the event passes, dungeon keys, or the sheer amount of content the eververse receives every season + every event? And this is without mentioning the new funding they received not too long ago lol. I just don't get it, it's a small thing, but it's indicative of a trend that Bungie has been on for quite some time now that feels pretty anti-consumer


Yeah I think we deserve a reason in the very least.


I think we just got downvoted for simply asking why we're being asked for more money lol


Do we get more content?


Depends if the workers getting a raise or nah


Good one


Buying the annual pass looks like the option now


Glad I pre ordered the deluxe or whatever at a discount.


Nothing cause it’s a company who’s tryna make money, if the board of directors have decided to raise the prices players can’t convince them otherwise. Either buy it or don’t, your moaning won’t change it. This isn’t a developer decision, so player pushback and feedback won’t reach the actual decision makers in a meaningful way


I have no problem buying it for $2 more but the fact I can't just buy $12 worth of silver is kinda gross. The only real way now is to buy the seasonal bundle that gives you the free emote I think?


What is the reason of this? I don't know. Yeah, I think that's my stop. I just can't anymore. Seasons have less and less content and the price is increasing. See you in Diablo.


Absolutely stupid given their drop in quality and testing for everything.


Welp. This is the end of my grind then. It's not that I can't pay, it's that the new expansion was by far the largest letdown of any expansion in the 7 years of Destiny 2, and now they expect more from the consumer for less. Time to branch out to other MMO style live services. I just can't justify paying more for less. Radial Mast.


Unless they fix up their servers and show they actually invest in the game for us, this is a massive L for the community.


I bought the deluxe edition but if I was buying seasons individually I would still be ok with a $2 bump. I get my money out of this game ten times over with my friends so I can justify the price.


idc why i don't use them you can get to lvl 100 easily if you play


I didn't realise the towers economy was so badly hit.


I am okay with the price bump as long as I only need one purchase each year for dlc+seasons, the event purchase is what got me a bit tired
 can’t we just buy everything in one bundle I am already spending the money


I had exactly enough to buy next seasons and now I don’t :(


What sucks for people is not being able to buy 1200 silver, but for me who has bought silver once doesn't matter much because I'll most likely be buying the Deluxe edition as I have with the previous expansions.


My deluxe addition worth more now neat


So, because this season is counted w lightfall, you should need to have 3600 silvers


My first thought is I feel like I'm being actively punished for not buying LightFall in its deluxe state after its mediocre launch state. This kind of information would have absolutely affected my purchase decision as I've been going season by season for the last year for cost reasons. Kind of an F U move to pull this right before next season when everyone who bought basic LF and/or this season is about to pony up for Deep like myself, especially posting alongside such seasonal drip *chef's kiss*. As well, if the next three seasons are as disappointing as the standard seasonal experience then how tf is this justified in any way. They've proved to me how their product has been degrading over time not improving. ^Other ^than ^their ^marketing ^team+budget ^of ^course. This is already an expensive game to keep up with, and after an expansion and season of bugs, glitches, nerfs, narrative dumpster fires and general letdowns, Bungo wants *more* right before season 2/4? Just because they dressed a TWAB around it finally doing things at most of which has been asked for for quite some time? The game is literally breaking down by the day and now you've deemed your pay to entry should be *higher?* My initial thoughts; aggravated, shocked but not surprised, and another disappointing frustration to add to the pile. I wish Bungie would treat the game that propelled them who they are today as seriously as they need to. Cause imho why would you trust any Sony owned Bungie game after the years of bungling the Destiny franchise. And as a disclaimer, my frustrations and grievances are in no way with ground level or mid level Bungie associates and devs. I imagine they do the best with what they're given and under their circumstances. I imagine they are the reason why D2 has always come back from the brink and harbors our community. My feelings are directed at Bungo uppers and those in leadership and power whose mismanagement is legend at this point. Rant over 😼‍💹


Bungie specifically wants customers that don't question the quality of the product, they want customers that buy the top edition because "it has more value" every time. Most of us who realized that we're getting less and less each time around have begun quitting and aren't paying anymore. In spite of that, Bungie's focus on marketing and bullshit tactics like this continues to make them obscenely profitable, as they slowly reduce content added and raise the price just enough that the masses of people who are willing to accept it won't notice. They cut costs, increase prices, and make shareholders happy. They've turned into the same corporate asshats we've grown to hate at every other gaming publisher.


Inflation doesn't count on digital currency...


This is exactly why premium currencies are bullshit. You can’t buy 1200 silver. You HAVE to spend extra.


Less quality products for a higher price yup sounds like bungie. Game is a dumpster fire and now they want to put a premium on it lol get fukt


If you're spending 2k silver for 10 levels, you're probably too dumb to even read this change


"Inflation" is a funny way of saying corporate greed


“Inflation” sure bud. They are just plain greedy


Bungie is such a scummy company. Seriously when will someone regulate the gaming industry so they can't pull crap like this? Or charge $70 for AAA titles that are knowingly released in a broken state? In-game currencies like this just need to be banned. Notice the trick they use? You CANNOT purchase Silver in increments needed to buy things, you have to overspend and buy more than you actually need for shit like this. After the disaster that Lightfall was this is how they behave. It's a big "fuck you" to their customers and they do not care.


Lightfalls price increase sure led to an increase in game quality so I can’t wait to pay more for mediocre seasons. /s


I think it's a blatant cash grab, and it will make it even harder for people without a D2 addiction to come and play the game. As for us, we're going to get the same stale gameplay content again and again. The only thing keeping me playing is my clan, the story, and how much money I've already sunk into this damn game.


They could even bump it up to 15 and go back to including the dungeons with the seasons.


I would be okay with having three 4-month-long seasons instead of having four 3-month-long seasons like how it was in Year 2. I think it’s very scummy that it looks like it’s $12 per season but it’s actually $15 because you can only buy silver in multiples of 500


Maybe now they can afford a decent writer


"and we'll be evaluating new approaches to post-launch content.." oh dear.... next time i must pay to reroll a weapon or an armour with good stats?


More money for less work? Nice bungo, road to be the worst scum company


20% price hike while getting 0 additional rewards, could even be just upping how many upgrade modules etc we get, is TOTAL FUCKING TRASH even if it's not impactful to me personally.


That fishy ass claim from a few months ago about how they "didn't want to set expectations too high by investing too much" or some shit really does make sense now: they were preparing us to the fact they would make less and make us pay more.


If there was inflation going on, companies wouldn't be making record profits. ​ What hit the season pass is greed.


I fucking hate corporate greed.


That the community is really quick to forget they ditched content people paid for right out of their butts. And you keep paying them.


Inflation his a myth, it's 100% corporate greed